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Look at her without suspecting that she had a high blood pressure.

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  1. Be bold, be bold, but not too bold (будь смелой, но не слишком смелой), Lest that your heart’s blood should run cold (чтобы твоего сердца кровь не бежала холодной).
  2. Be bold, be bold, but not too bold, Lest that your heart’s blood should run cold.
  3. Had in point of fact never been able to think of it since without a chuckle.
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  5. The outrageous truth slips out: Labour cynically plotted to transform the entire make-up of Britain without telling us
  6. Will the CAN 27 fertilizers available at my supplier detonate without purification?


Meanwhile (в тоже время) it was convenient (было очень удобно) to have the

house near Guildford (иметь дом рядом с Гилфордом) to go to whenever they

wished (/куда они могли/ поехать, когда они желали). It saved the expense (это

позволяло сэкономить на расходах) of having a country house of their own (по

содержанию их собственного загородного дома; country — деревенский,

сельский). The third play was a winner (третья постановка была ошеломляюще

успешной: «победителем»), and Michael did not hesitate (и Майкл не замедлил:

«не колеблясь») to point out how right he had been (указать на то, как прав он

был). He spoke as though (он говорил так, как будто) he was directly responsible

for its success (он был непосредственным источником ее /пьесы/ успеха: «был

непосредственно ответственным за ее успех»). Julia could almost have wished






(Джулия почти что желала) that it had failed like the others (что бы и эта /пьеса/

провалилась как и предыдущие: «другие») in order to take him down a peg or

two (только чтобы сбить с него спесь; to take smb. down a peg or two —

осадить кого-либо, сбить спесь, peg — колышек, деревянный гвоздь). For his

conceit was outrageous (так как его самомнение было просто

возмутительным). Of course you had to admit (конечно приходилось признать)

that he had a sort of cleverness, shrewdness rather (что он обладал неким умом, а

скорее прозорливостью), but he was not nearly so clever as he thought himself

(но он никогда не был настолько умен, как ему самому кажется). There was

nothing (не было ничего) in which he did not think (о чем он не думал бы) that

he knew better than anybody else (что он знает лучше, чем кто бы то ни было).

As time went on (время шло; to go on — идти дальше, проходить /о времени/)

he began to act less frequently (и он начал играть реже: «менее часто»). He

found himself much more interested in management (он обнаружил, что ему

гораздо интереснее управление театром; to be interested in smth. —

интересоваться чем-либо, быть заинтересованным).

"I want to run my theatre (я хочу управлять своим театром) in as business-like

way as a city office (по-деловому, практично, как офисом, /расположенным/ в

Сити)," he said.


hesitate ['hezIteIt] conceit [kqn'si:t] cleverness ['klevqnIs]


Meanwhile it was convenient to have the house near Guildford to go to

Whenever they wished. It saved the expense of having a country house of their

Own. The third play was a winner, and Michael did not hesitate to point out

How right he had been. He spoke as though he was directly responsible for its

Success. Julia could almost have wished that it had failed like the others in

Дата добавления: 2015-07-17; просмотров: 129 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: It were rather a joke, or a declaration as though he were laughing at himself, | Inherited nearly four thousand pounds, and this with his own savings and | Opportunity that the week-end presented. | Julia did. | Kneeling by her side put his arms round her. | When she looked at him now she wondered what there was in him that had | Was happier than he had ever been before. It was a damned satisfactory | To her praise of his exquisite nose and beautiful eyes. She got a little private | Unkind things she had for so long been thinking of him. | The expense of hiring. |
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Actress in England. There are only three people who bring money into the| Order to take him down a peg or two. For his conceit was outrageous. Of

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