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Presently he blew his nose.

"I'm beginning to feel better now. But, my God, you shattered me."

"It's not a bad scene, is it?"

"The scene be damned, it was you. You just wrung my heart. The critics are

right, damn it, you're an actress and no mistake."

"Have you only just discovered it?"

"I knew you were pretty good, but I never knew you were as good as all that.

You make the rest of us look like a piece of cheese. You're going to be a star.

Nothing can stop you."

"Well then, you shall be my leading man."


"Fat chance I'd have of that with a London manager (куда уж мне надеяться на

это: «иметь это» с лондонским импресарио; fat — толстый, жирный)." Julia

had an inspiration (/но/ на Джулию нашло вдохновение).

"Then you must go into management yourself (но тогда ты сам должен стать

импресарио: «пойти в управление») and make me your leading lady (и сделать

меня своей партнершей на главные роли)."

He paused (он замер; to pause — делать паузу, находиться в

нерешительности, углубиться в мысли). He was not a quick thinker (он не






слишком быстро соображал: «он не был быстро думающим») and needed a

little time (и ему потребовалось время) to let a notion sink into his mind (чтобы

/ее/ идея: «точка зрения» дошла до него; to sink into the mind —

запечатлеться, врезаться, западать в память, в разум; to sink —

опускаться, тонуть). He smiled (он улыбнулся).

"You know (а знаешь) that's not half a bad idea (это отличная идея: «не такая

уж плохая идея»; not half /so, too/ bad — отлично, здорово, недурно)."

They talked it over at luncheon (они обговорили ее за ланчем; to talk over —

подробно обсуждать, дискутировать). Julia did most of the talking (больше

говорила Джулия: «делала большую часть говорения») while he listened to her

(в то время как он слушал ее) with absorbed interest (затаив дыхание: «с

поглощенным = всепоглощающим интересом»; to absorb — впитывать,

поглощать, захватывать внимание).

"Of course the only way (конечно, единственный способ) to get decent parts

consistently (постоянно получать достойные роли; consistently —

последовательно, постоянно) is to run one's own theatre (так это иметь свой

собственный театр; to run — бежать, убегать; руководить, вести дело)," he

said. "I know that (это я знаю)."


inspiration ["InspI'reIS(q)n] notion ['nqVS(q)n] absorbed [qb'zO:bd, qb'sO:bd]


"Fat chance I'd have of that with a London manager." Julia had an


"Then you must go into management yourself and make me your leading


He paused. He was not a quick thinker and needed a little time to let a notion

Дата добавления: 2015-07-17; просмотров: 94 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Was an asset and his lack of warmth no disadvantage. | Nothing to do but act eight times a week attended the rehearsals. | Outrageously. He was not vain of his good looks, he knew he was handsome | Langton and then go to London. | Insisted on this. | She told him fondly. | To him than a comrade. | Julia told a thumping lie. | Thought never entered his lovely head. | Dreamt what ecstatic pleasure it gave her to spend her money on him. |
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For change.| Sink into his mind. He smiled.

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