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Words to be remembered

Читайте также:
  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  2. A phrase or sentence built by (tiresome) repetition of the same words or sounds.
  3. A) Consider the synonyms; match words with their definitions.
  4. A) Order the words to make sentences.
  5. A) scan the texts and find the words concerning oil and gas sphere
  6. A- Correct the underlined words
  7. A. Rewrite the sentences without using the underlined words. Keep the meaning the same.

fit - придатний

survey - іспектування

illegal - незаконний

prosecute - переслідувати судовим порядком

farmyard - двір ферми

drains - водостік, водовідвід, каналізація

2. Put the list of four descriptions of water quality into order. Class 1 is the best quality, class 4 the poorest:

· Good general quality and supporting good fishing

· Poor quality but not causing an objection to the environment

· Fit for public water supply and high-quality fish

· Polluted and may cause an objection to the environment

3. What are the two most serious causes of pollution?

Using the information provided, write a paragraph describing the dangers of pesticides and how these dangers are often created.


5. How do you think such problems might be solved?


6. Are there rivers or lakes nearby? What do you think of the water quality in your area?



Об’єктний інфінітивний комплекс (The Objective Infinitive Complex)

В англійській мові широко вживається конструкція, яка складається з іменника в загальному відмінку або займенника в об'єктному відмінку та інфінітива і за своїм значенням відповідає підрядному додатковому реченню:

І saw him run to the river. – Я бачив, як він побіг до річки.

Конструкцію him run називають Objective Infinitive Construction. Українською мовою вона здебільшого перекладається підрядним додатковим реченням або складним додатком (Complex Object): Я бачив, як він біг до річки.

Об’єктний інфінітивний комплекс вживається не після будь-якого дієслова, а лише після певних груп дієслів.

1) Complex Object вживається після дієслів, що виражають сприймання за допомогою органів чуттів: to see бачити; to hear чути; to feel почувати; to watch, to observe спостерігати; to notice помічати. Після цих дієслів інфінітив у об’єктному інфінітивному комплексі вживається без частки to:

He saw Helen cry. – Він побачив, що Хелен плаче.

2) Complex Object вживається після дієслів, які виражають бажання, намір почуття: to want хотіти; to wish, to desire бажати; to like любити подобатися; to dislike не любити; to hate ненавидіти; to intend мати намір; should (would) like, хотів би та ін.:

Не wanted me to come today. - Він хотів, щоб я прийшов сьогодні.

3) Complex Object вживається після дієслів, що виражають думку (погляд), припущення, сподівання: to consider, to believe вважати; to think думати; to find знаходити; to know знати; to expect сподіватися; to suppose припускати та ін. Після дієслів цієї групи (крім to expect) найчастіше вживається інфінітив дієслова to be:

We consider him to be the best pupil of our school. – Ми вважаємо його найкращим учнем нашої школи.

He expected her to return. – Він сподівався, що вона повернеться.

4) Complex Object вживається після дієслів, що виражають наказ, прохання, дозвіл, пораду, примус: to order наказувати; to ask, to request просити; to allow, to permit дозволяти; toadvise,to recommend радити, рекомендувати; to cause, to force, to make примушувати; to let веліти, дозволяти. Після дієслів to make і to let інфінітив вживається без частки to:

The teacher allowed us to use dictionaries. – Учитель дозволив нам користуватися словниками.


1. Find the Objective Infinitive Complex in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. I consider them to be good specialists. 2. His mother wants him to become an ecologist. 3. He heard them discuss their plan. 4. We expect writers to deal with the issues of the modern world. 5. They saw the plane take off. 6. I heard him mention my name. 7. We assume these facts to be self-evident. 8. They find the experience of this conference to have been a remarkable one. 9. We suppose him to have worked in the library. 10. They want the above properties to be discussed in detail. 11. I have never heard her sing. 12. He made me carry out this experiment again.


2. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the Objective Infinitive Complex according to the model:

Model: She watched how he went away. - She watched him to go away.

1. He saw that the secretary came in. 2. We expect that a scientist or a scholar will keep an open mind. 3. I don’t think that these people were very intelligent. 4.The two sides expect that negotiations will be long and difficult. 5. The peoples of the world consider that their leaders are able to stop the spreading of nuclea weapons. 6. I’ve heard how he spoke about his life in India. 7. One can hardly expect that a true scientist will keep within the limits of one’s narrow field. 8. Scientists assume that the results are satisfactory. 9. Our scientists expect that their assistants will obtain some new data.

3. Transform the following sentences with the Objective Infinitive Complex into complex sentences according to the model:

Model: I knew the message to be urgent. – I knew that the message was urgent.

1. We suppose his discovery to be accidental. 2. They thought him to be eminent scholar. 3. We expected the partners to agree on a number of issues. 4. He knew the work to be under way. 5. We assume these errors to be of no importance. 6. We consider him to be a real genius. 7. He wishes the work to be done at once. 8. We’d like everybody to take part in this research. 9. Experiments proved carbon to occur in many compounds. 10. We expect this substance to catch fire if slightly heated. 11. We know this young scientist to study the activity of volcanoes. 12. Geologists believe those hot springs to be very rich in mineral salts. 14. They expect him to become a real scientist.

4. Translate into Ukrainian the following sentences with the Objective Infinitive Complex:

1. We know this substance to contain traces of sulphur. 2. We believe an atom to contain three kinds of particles. 3. We know the discovery of radium to have been made by M. Curie in 1910. 4. M. Curie found natural pitchblend to be several times more active than purified uranium oxide. 5. In the course of the experiment they saw bubbles begin to form in the vessel. 6. We know this scientist to have made an important discovery in chemistry. 7. They discovered ground water to contain a great deal of impurities. 8. We’d like them to know the results. 9. We know red phosphorus to be a more stable form than white phosphorus. 10. The engineer made his assistant check the results many times. 11. The results of this experiment have shown the above compound to contain some unknown element. 12. We saw the temperature of the solution fall rapidly. 13. The experiments proved free chlorine to be present in the vapour of chromic chloride at 355 degrees.

14. The experiments proved the speed of a chemical action to be altered by a catalytic agent. 15. The experiments proved the speed of a chemical action to be altered by a catalytic agent, the condition of equilibrium being unchanged. 16. We assume the reaction to be due to the formation of a colourless oxidation product. 17. The investigation of the properties of silicon proved it to play an important part in the inorganic world. 18. One finds the melting point of sulphur to be raised by pressure.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 179 | Нарушение авторских прав

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