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Conference on pollution problems

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- What does the word “pollution” imply, please?

- It implies deterioration of the environment – the air we breathe, the water we drink or bathe in: the soil contamination that befouls the country; the aggressive noise that imposes an important stress on the nervous system; the odour nuisance (injurious or obnoxious to the community or members of it) which has a strong bearing on the comfort of life. All that may be the cause of health hazards.

- What is suggested by the words continental pollution?

- Well, when we speak of continental pollution we mean that pollution knows no boundaries, whether it is airborne, waterborne, noise or smell.

- Could you give an example to support this statement?

- Sulphur dioxide, for instance, has been reduced nearly to the ground level in Britain but it is airborne from high chimneys smoke to damage the forests of Norway. Rivers common to several nations carry all sorts of garbage downstream.

- They say that pollution is an indispensable “partner” of economic progress. Is that so?

- Well, it is true in a way, if it is not attacked properly. Today, the most widely discussed aspects of the pollution problems are those caused by industrialization, urbanization and motorization. At present, most highly developed countries are taking steps to fight pollution. Many countries cope with pollution in any form, and the problem is being successfully solved.

- What is the role of WHO in the matter?

- With the creation of WHO the efforts to prevent deterioration of the environment have acquired a global dimension.

- What aspects of the pollution problem have received priority of attention at WHO?

- The problem of air and water pollution.

Words and expressions for the text comprehension:

deterioration of the environment – забруднення навколишнього середовища, contamination – забруднення,befoul – забруднювати, imposes an important stress – викликає велику напругу, nuisance – неприємність, injurious –шкідливий, obnoxious – неприємний, нестерпний, огидний, bearing відношення, airborne – який переноситься повітрям, indispensable –обов'язковий, WHO – World Health Organization – Світова організація здоров’я



2. Find the pairs of synonyms and remember them:

Harmful, to get, to prevent, to contaminate, obnoxious, dimension, extremely unpleasant, size, injurious, to befoul, to acquire, to keep from happening.


3. Choose the proper ending of the sentences:

1. The word “pollution” implies deterioration of …

2. When we speak of continental pollution we mean that …

3. Pollution is an indispensable “partner” of …

4. Today, the most widely discussed aspects of the pollution problems are those caused by …

5. At present, most highly developed countries are taking steps to …

6. The problem of air and water pollution have received …

Work in pairs. Read the dialogue several times until you are quite fluent. Learn the dialogue in parts, practice it.

5. Make up your own dialogue. Speak on the topic:

A harmful effect of man’s life activity on the biosphere of the planet.


Translate the following text in writing.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 152 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: ENVIRONMENTAL LESSONS | GRAMMAR STUDY | Get familiarized with some clever phrases on the environmental issues. | Ex. 4. Find the Absolute Participle Complex in the following sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian. | B) People use great amounts of water for their needs. | THE WATER CYCLE | Retell the text as if you were a representative of the secretariat of the United Nations. | Translate the sentences with Infinitives used as | Words to be remembered | Restore the dialogue. |
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