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Artificial Respiration

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Artificial respiration, forcing of air into and out of the lungs of one person by another person or by mechanical means. It is usually employed during suspension of natural respiration caused by disease, such as poliomyelitis or cardiac failure; by electric shock; by an overdose of depressive drugs such as morphine, barbiturates, or alcohol; or by suffocation resulting from drowning, breathing noxious gases, or blockage of the respiratory tract. If the brain is deprived of oxygen for five minutes, it may be permanently damaged; slightly longer periods without oxygen usually result in death.

Because of the danger to the brain of even short periods without oxygen, artificial respiration should always be started immediately. The mouth-to-mouth method, shown to be superior to the back-pressure and arm-lift procedure, is now recommended by the American Red Cross.

A type of respiratory first aid that requires special training is called cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). In this procedure, which is used for a person who has had a heart attack, the reviver alternately breathes for the victim and performs external massage on the person’s chest to keep blood moving through the body.

Mechanical devices for the administration of artificial respiration include a portable resuscitator used by police and fire departments and the heart-lung machine used to maintain oxygen saturation in the blood during open-heart surgery. Severe breathing difficulties may require help from a mechanical ventilator, which forces air into the lungs by way of a tube inserted into the upper airway through the nose, mouth, or a slit in the trachea. Comatose patients dependent on such a ventilator for a prolonged period may not resume spontaneous breathing.


Exercise 7. Translate into English.

Активний (глибокий) вдих; альвеоли; барбітурати; бронхіальне дерево; вдихати повітря в легені постраждалого; вентиляція легень; верхній відділ трахеї; виводити назовні; війки; газообмін; головний бронх; голосові зв’язки; грудна клітина; депресант; дихання; діафрагмальний нерв; експірація; закупорка дихальних шляхів; кислотність; легеневі пухирці; метод штучного дихання «рот у рот»; міжреберні м’язи; нагнітання повітря у легені; насичення крові киснем; нижні дихальні шляхи; носоглотка; операція на відкритому серці; осідати; період спокою; повітроносні трубочки; повітря спрямовується з легень; подібний формою до листка дерева; носова порожнина; проводити повітря; реаніматор; самостійне дихання; скорочення легеневої тканини; стравохід; стовбурова частина мозку; тимчасове припинення природного дихання; ураження електричним струмом; черевна порожнина.


Exercise 8. Translate into Ukrainian.

Air is pulled into the lungs; alkalinity; alveolar walls; bronchioles; byproduct of metabolism; cardiopulmonary resuscitation; chest cavity; comatose patients; composition of the blood; contractions of the diaphragm; diaphragm; diaphragm surface rises superiorly; energy metabolism; epiglottis; expansion of the lungs; expectoration; external massage on the person’s chest; filter and moisten the air; forceful exhalation; foreign material; glottis; gross capacity of the chest; hairlike projections; heart-lung machine; inhaled air; inspiration; larynx; lower end of the trachea; mechanical ventilator; medulla oblongata; opening; pharynx; poliomyelitis; portable resuscitator; rate and rhythm of breathing; respiratory center; respiratory first aid; sputum; steady cycle; top of the trachea; upper respiratory passageways; work closely with.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 129 | Нарушение авторских прав

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