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The cardiovascular system

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Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

The Cardiovascular System(1) Blood circulates throughout the body in the cardiovascular system, or circulatory system, which consists of the heart and the blood vessels. This system forms a continuous circuit (2) that delivers oxygen and nutrients to all cells and carries away waste products. In addition, when foreign substances (3) or organisms (4) invade the body, the circulatory system swiftly conveys disease-fighting elements(5) of the immune system, such as white blood cells and antibodies, to regions under attack. Also, in the case of injury or bleeding, the circulatory system sends clotting cells(6) and proteins to the affected site, which quickly stop bleeding and promote healing. The Heart The heart is located between the lungs, with its point or apex(7) directed toward the left. The thick muscle layer of the heart wall (8) is the myocardium(9). This is lined on the inside with a thin endocardium (10) and is covered on the outside with a thin epicardium(11). The heart is contained within a fibrous sac(12), the pericardium(13). Each of the upper receiving chambers (14) of the heart is an atrium(15). Each of the lower pumping chambers (16) is a ventricle(17). The chambers of the heart are divided by walls, each of which is called a septum(18). The interventricular septum (19) separates the two ventricles; the interatrial septum (20) divides the two atria. There is also a septum between the atrium and ventricle on each side. The heart pumps blood through two circuits. The right side pumps blood to the lungs to be oxygenated (21) through the pulmonary circuit(22). The left side pumps to the remainder of the body through the systemic circuit(23). Blood Flow Through the Heart The right atrium receives blood low in oxygen from all body tissues through the superior vena cava (24) and the inferior vena cava(25). The blood then enters the right ventricle and is pumped to the lungs through the pulmonary artery(26). Blood returns from the lungs high in oxygen and enters the left atrium through the pulmonary veins(27). From here it enters the left ventricle and is forcefully pumped into the aorta (28) to be distributed to all tissues. Blood is kept moving in a forward direction by 4 one-way valves(29): the tricuspid(30),mitral(31),aortic(32)andpulmonary.(33). 1.серцево-судинна система 2. коло (кровообігу) 3.чужорідні речовини 4.чужорідні організми 5.елементи, що допомагають організму здолати захворювання 6.тромбоцит 7.верхівка серця 8. серцева стінка 9.міокард 10.ендокард 11.епікард 12.серцева сумка 13.перикард 14.приймаючі камери 15.передсердя 16.виштовхуючі камери 17.шлуночок 18.перегородка 19. міжшлуночкова перегородка 20. міжпередсердна перегородка 21. насичувати киснем 22.мале (легеневе) коло кровообігу 23.велике коло кровообігу 24.верхня порожниста вена 25.нижняя порожниста вена 26.легенева артерія 27. легеневі вени 28.аорта 29.клапани 30.трикуспідальний 31.мітральний 32.аортальний 33.легеневий

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

Видаляти; вистиляти зсередини; вкривати ззовні; замкнута система; збагачена киснемкров; збіднена киснем кров; кровотеча; м’язовий шар; перекачувати кров; проникати в організм; сприяти одуженню; тік крові в одному напрямку; уражена ділянка.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 129 | Нарушение авторских прав

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