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Читайте также:
  1. A. Vocabulary
  2. Active vocabulary
  4. Active vocabulary
  5. Active vocabulary
  6. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active Vocabulary

Study Vocabulary – 4 and then do exercise 5.

blood incompatibility несумісність крові low-albumin disorder гіпоальбумінемія
blood typing проба на сумісність methods of fractionating методи фракціювання крові
exchange transfusion замінне переливання крові packed red blood cells еритроцитарна маса
fibrinogen фібриноген platelet deficiency дефіцит тромбоцитів
fresh-frozen plasma свіжозаморожена плпзма serum albumin серумальбумін
gastrointestinal bleeding внутрішня кровотеча trauma травма
hemorrhage кровотеча washed red cells відмиті еритроцити
hereditary bleeding disorders спадкові порушення згортання крові white-cell count лейкоцитарна формула
immune globulin імуноглобулін


Exercise 5. Translate the following text.

Blood Transfusion

Blood transfusion, in medicine, is the procedure of introducing the blood of a donor or blood predonated by the recipient into the bloodstream. It is a highly effective form of therapy and has saved the lives of incalculable numbers of people suffering from shock, hemorrhage, or blood diseases. Blood transfusion is employed routinely in cases of surgery, trauma, gastrointestinal bleeding, and in childbirths that involve great loss of blood.

In the 17th century, the French physician Jean Baptiste Denis performed the first recorded transfusion by infusing sheep’s blood into a human. Most later attempts were unsuccessful. Even when human blood was used, the majority of recipients died because of blood incompatibility. With the discovery of the major blood groups and the introduction of blood typing in the 20th century, transfusion became routinely successful.

For most of the 20th century, transfusion was accomplished with whole blood. Methods of fractionating the blood devised during the 1960s have allowed its use in specialized forms:

1. Whole blood, which is used to treat acute blood loss.

2. Packed red blood cells, which are used for chronic anemia.

3. Washed red cells, to combat allergies that have been induced in frequently transfused patients by other elements in the blood.

4. Platelets, for bleeding caused by platelet deficiency and to treat patients undergoing chemotherapy.

5. White blood cells for low white-cell count in patients with infections.

6. Plasma, for shock without blood loss.

7. Fresh-frozen plasma, for some hereditary bleeding disorders such as hemophilia.

8. Serum albumin, a plasma derivative, is used management of shock or chronic low-albumin disorders.

9. Immune globulin, the antibody component of the plasma, for prevention of viral hepatitis and protection against measles after exposure.

10. Fibrinogen, an important clotting factor in the blood, for bleeding conditions caused by deficiency or absence of fibrinogen.

Exchange transfusion, in which all or most of the patient’s blood is removed while new blood is simultaneously transfused, is of use in treating leukemia and in removing certain poisons from the body.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 113 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: How companies advertise | BODY STRUCTURE | English-Ukrainian | VOCABULARY – 2 | Ukrainian-English | VOCABULARY – 3 | VOCABULARY – 5 | English-Ukrainian | Ukrainian-English | Ukrainian-English |
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