Читайте также:
а) млечный путь The Milky Way, каменный век Stone Age, серебряная ложка a silver spoon, каменистая почва stony soil, бронзовый загар brazen tan, восковая бледность waxen pallor, дождливый день a rainy day, тропический лес a rain forest, серебристое платье a silvery dress, каменное молчание stony silence, шелковое платье a silk dress, солнечный день a sunny day, солнечный загар sun tan, стальной нож a steel knife, шелковистые ресницы silky/silken eyelashes, стальные глаза steely eyes, масляный фильтр an oil filter, маслянистый взгляд an oily look, деревянная кровать a wood/wooden bed, шерстяное одеяло a wool/woolen blanket, золотистые волосы golden hair, позолоченная сережка a golden earring
б) исторический фильм a historical film, историческое решение a historic decision, историческая важность historic importance, историческое здание a historic building, историческая победа a historic victory, экономная хозяйка an economical mistress, электрическое освещение electric light, неразборчивый почерк illegible handwriting, впечатлительная девушка a sensitive girl, несъедобный гриб an inedible mushroom, экономический курс an economic course, историческое прошлое historic past, несъедобное блюдо an uneatable dish, здравомыслящий человек a sensible man, электротехника electrical engineering, скучная книга an unreadable book, комический фильм a comic film, идентичные отпечатки пальцев identical fingerprints, исторический день a historic day, энергичная женщина an energetic woman, демократическая система a democratic system, политическое преимущество a political advantage.
Упражнение 5. Употребите прилагательное на –ing или –ed
1. I think our professor is the most interesting man I ever met.
2. I can’t agree with you, I got bored to death at his last lecture.
3. I’m disgusted by the young man’s manners.
4. His recent behaviour was shocking.
5. Mother got worried about his progress at school, he looks very depressed.
6. It’s not surprising, he misses a lot of classes saying he is tired.
7. Our teacher finds it annoying.
8. It is amazing that they didn’t expel him.
Упражнение 6. Переведите на русский язык и исправьте ошибки в предложениях (подсказка: есть лишние суффиксы –ly, а кое-где их не хватает)
1. The express train due at 11 o’clock sharp arrived late.
2. Our cat likes to walk freely, I doubt if he’d enjoy sitting somewhere near waiting to be petted like your dog.
3. Mother just studied the letter closely and looked at me sharply.
4. You know pretty well that his discovery is not so widely accepted as he pretends.
5. Look, the swallows flow high over the lake, it is not likely to rain soon.
6. You can get free to this performance but mostly in the morning.
7. He was cut short in the middle of a phrase: a lady prettily dressed in black came close going to say something.
8. I haven’t seen his sister lately – after she was nearly bitten by a stray dog.
9. He didn’t work very hard and missed so many classes that by the end of the term teachers could hardly remember his name.
10. Reviewers justly agree that she performed fine for a beginner, they think high of her talents.
Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 205 | Нарушение авторских прав
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