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Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Читайте также:
  1. A10. Укажите правильную морфологическую характеристику слова ГОТОВЫ из четвертого (4) предложения текста.
  2. A9. Укажите верную характеристику второго (2) предложения текста.
  4. Ex. 5 Переведите на английский язык, употребляя «wish».
  5. I. Переведите предложение на русский язык
  6. I. Переведите предложение на русский язык
  7. II. Переведите предложение на английский язык

1. С твоей стороны было невежливо говорить такие вещи. It was unpolite of you to say such things.

2. Я сыт по горло вашими упреками. I am fed up with your reproaches.

3. Почему людоед был так добр к принцессе? Why was the ogre so kind to the princess?

4. Я восхищен вашими стихами. I am delighted with your poems.

5. Отец бросил мне ключи от машины и попросил завести ее. Father threw the car keys to me and asked me to put in into gear/ start it.

6. Я был поражен красотой пейзажа. I was astonished by/at the beauty of the scenery.

7. Я уверен в ее честности. I am sure of her honesty.

8. Кто отвечает за составление каталогов? Who is responsible for making catalogues?

9. Вы интересуетесь современным искусством? Are you interested in modern art?

10. Она не способна на предательство. She is not capable of betrayal/ treachery.

11. Буратино принес Папе Карло извинения, и Папа Карло простил его за шалости (prank). Buratino apologized to Father Carlo, and he forgave him for his pranks.

12. Профессор Потапов уехал в Москву. Там проходит международная конференция. Professor Potapoff has left for Moscow. There is an international conference there now.

13. Этот клиент часто жалуется администратору гостиницы на плохое обслуживание. This customer often complaints to the manager of the hotel about bad service.

14. Нужно предупредить Буратино о том, что кот Базилио и лиса Алиса ведут себя нечестно по отношению к нему. It is necessary to warn Buratino (that) Basilio the cat and Alice the fox are dishonest to him.

15. Он часто жалуется на головные боли. He often complains of headaches.

16. Ты слишком много смотришь телевизор. Я уже подумываю о его продаже. You watch too much TV. I’m already thinking of selling it.

17. Мы редко получаем известия от Джейн. We seldom hear from Jane.

18. Мелодия напомнила мне песенку из моего детства. The tune reminded me of a song from my childhood.

19. На главаря пиратов можно положиться? – Да, ему можно доверять в таких вопросах. Can we rely on the pirates’ chieftain? – Yes, you can trust him in such questions.

20. Я не одобряю вашего поведения. I don’t approve of your behaviour.


A. Change the following words into other parts of speech using the same suffixes in each group.

a) verb ® noun ® adjective: decorate-decor a tion – dec o rative, demonstrate, penetrate (проникать), deteriorate (ухудшать), generate (порождать), federate (объединяться), investigate

b) adjective ® noun ® verb: bright –brightness -brighten, flat (плоский), thick, damp (сырой), sharp, red

c) noun ® adjective: day - daily, friend, week, year, love

d) adjective ® noun: el e ctric - electr i city, authentic (подлинный), prosperous (процветающий), generous, calm, dense, able, mobile, visible

e) adjective ® noun: intelligent - intelligence, dependent, vigilant (бдительный), dissonant (неблагозвучный), radiant (лучистый), defiant (дерзкий)


B. Translate into English paying attention to comparative constructions.

1. Я не так глуп, как вы думаете. I am not so stupid as you think. 2. Мое сочинение в два раза короче твоего, но в нем гораздо меньше ошибок. My essay is half as long as yours but there are much less mistakes in it. 3. Чем старше становишься, тем труднее учить иностранные языки. The older you get the harder it is to study foreign languages. 4. Из двух сестер Моника более чувствительна. Of the two sisters Monica is the more sensitive. 5. Это самый крутой вестерн из всех, что я видел. This is the coolest western I have ever seen. 6. Муж получает зарплату в три раза больше моей. My husband earns three times as much as me. 7. Чем скорее вы вернетесь, тем лучше. The sooner you come back, the better. 8. Эта задача немного сложнее, чем предыдущая. This task is a little more difficult than the previous one. 9. Я думаю, женщины водят машину намного аккуратнее, чем мужчины. I think, women drive much more carefully than men.10. Нет ничего более неприятного, чем потеря ключа. There is nothing more unpleasant than losing a key.


C. Translate into English paying attention to quantifiers.

1. Вы тратите слишком много времени на пустые (idle) разговоры. You waste too much time on idle talks. 2. По дороге домой мы купили несколько бутылок пепси и немного сыра. On the way home we bought a few bottles of Pepsi and a little cheese. 3. Ни один из нас не задал этот волнующий всех вопрос. None of us asked this exciting question. 4. Все одноклассники получили приглашение на обед. All the classmates got an invitation to the dinner. 5. Большинство наших преподавателей – прекрасные специалисты. Most of our teachers are excellent specialists. 6. Мало что известно о его дальнейшей жизни. Little is known about his further life. 7. Некоторые люди очень много работают. Some people work very hard. 8. Все знают, что работать полезно. Everybody knows that to work/working is useful. 9. Я видел этот фильм много раз. I’ve seen this film many times. Я его очень люблю. I like it very much. 10. Он выглядел немного смущенным. He looked a little odd/strange.


D. Insert the necessary prepositions.

1. She blushed …with embarrassment. 2. We meet …on Tuesdays. 3. That’s all I have to say …at present. 4. Forester was sent …to Edinburgh. 5. …In the beginning God made …of nought heaven and earth. 6. Nothing could save the old priest. He died …in three months. 7. He was knocked down …by a bus. 8. She was standing …on one foot. 9. They got the land …at $2 an acre. 10. Arlene said that she had not played tennis …for three years. 11. He pointed …at a clump of trees. 12. The preceding specimens have not been taken …at random. 13. Why, don’t you know? It was …in newspapers. 14. It is eleven miles …from Oxford …to Witney. 15. …On arriving home I discovered they had gone. 16. Her husband has been …in love …with her ever since he knew her. 17. Cut it …with a knife. 18. Switch the computer on …by pressing this button. 19. The car ran …at full speed. 20. It was exactly a quarter …to/past four. 21. You are absolutely forbidden speaking …to him in private. 22. Are you pleased …with the result? 23. There was a letter waiting …for him …on his return. 24. …By the time this letter reaches you will have left the country. 25. Those were half-length portraits, …in pencil. 26. The story may be true …in itself. 27. She is …on extension 2401. 28. The booklet was issued …by the government. 29. What a pleasant picture - a brontosaurus …at rest. 30. But now, …to his despair, he felt that his patient herself was fighting against his skill. 31. The doctor put me …on a diet. 32. Don’t be angry …with her. She’s just a little girl, a child. 33. Come and see me some day. I live …at 20, Willow Street. 34. I’m old enough to take care …of myself. 35. It was …on the way …to the station that I met John.


§3. Глагол + предлог = фразовый глагол. Verb plus preposition equals phrasal verb.


* R. Murphy unit 136

* A.J. Thompson, A.V. Martinet exercises 171-190

Упражнение 1. В этом задании даны определения фразовых глаголов, которые описаны в теории. Вот только самих глаголов вместе с предлогами в них нет. Ваша задача – расставить их по местам. Количество пропусков совпадает с количеством пропущенных слов.

1. To …tell something …from something means to distinguish one thing from another.

2. To …put something …out means to stop it from burning or shining.

3. To … catch up with… … someone means to reach the one who is ahead by going faster.

4. To …put somebody …through means to connect them by telephone.

5. …Watch out … is used when one wants to warn you about something dangerous.

6. To … run out of… … something means that the supply of it is finished.

7. To …take someone …in means to make them believe something that is not true.

8. To …make at … somebody means to attack them.

9. To …take someone …on means to employ them.

10. To …run into … somebody means to meet them by chance.

11. To … make off … means to hurry away in order to escape.

12. To …look forward to … … something means to be thinking with pleasure about what is going to happen.

13. To … go out with… … somebody means to spend time and have romantic relations with him or her.

14. To … give in… means that you have been defeated by someone or something.

15. To … take after… means to look or behave like an older member of your family, especially your mother or father.

16. To … fall out… with somebody means to have an argument with them so that you are no longer friendly with them.

17. To … put up with… … somebody or something means to accept somebody or something that is unpleasant without complaining.

18. To …run somebody …down means to hit and knock them to the ground.

19. To … come across… something means to find it by chance.

20. To …make something …out means to manage to see, read or hear it.

21. To … look through… something means to examine or read it quickly.

22. To …let somebody …down means to fail to help or support them as they had hoped or expected.

23. To … give up… means to stop trying to do something.

24. To … break out… means to start suddenly (of war, fighting or other unpleasant events).

25. To …tell someone …off means to speak angrily to them for doing something wrong.

26. To …take someone …off means to copy his or her voice, actions or manner in an amusing way.

27. To …make for … means to move towards something, or move in particular direction.

28. To …look after … somebody means to be responsible for or take care of them.

29. To … break down… means to stop working because of a fault (of a machine or vehicle).

30. To …bring somebody …up means to care for a child, teaching him or her how to behave.

31. To … take up… something means to start a new activity.

32. To … get over… something means to return to your usual state of health, happiness etc. after an illness, a shock, the end of a relationship etc.

33. To … fall behind… somebody means to fail to keep level with them.

34. To … put off… something means to change it to a later time or date.

35. To …make something …up means to invent a story or an explanation in order to deceive somebody.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 176 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Упражнение 3. Как вы уже знаете, неопределенный артикль не употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными. Вычеркните артикль там, где ему не место. | Упражнение12. Теперь подумайте, какой артикль понадобится выделенным словам при переводе на английский язык. | ГЛАВА 2. ОДА ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫМ И НАРЕЧИЯМ. AN ODE TO ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS. | Упражнение 4. Переведите словосочетания на английский язык. | Упражнение11. Прочитайте и переведите пословицы. Найдите их русские эквиваленты. Выучите пословицы наизусть. | B. Give the opposite of the following adjectives. | Упражнение 5. Прочитайте пословицы, найдите их русские эквиваленты и выучите их. | Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму. Для этого переведите предложения дословно и к каждому глаголу задайте вопрос. | Царствующая чета. The royal couple. | Упражнение10. Задание прежнее. |
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