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I. The Present Perfect Tense

Читайте также:
  1. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) makes computers easier to use. A GUI uses icons. Icons are pictures which represent programs, folders, and files.
  2. A Present continuous
  3. A) Category of tense
  4. A) Present Passive quiz
  5. A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
  6. A. Write sentence or questions with the present perfect.
  7. Advertising: Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

Exercise 1

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Present Perfect Tense.

1. I haven't seen him for several days.

2. Have you bought anything interesting lately?

3. I've never seen her in my life.

4. Who hasn't eaten his/her breakfast yet?

5. He has come here this morning, I think... But he has already gone.

6. I haven't seen him since the evening at Mr. Brown's.

7. She hasn't visited me since she was nine. But she hasn't forgotten me, no.

8. I've just mentioned it. Please be more attentive.

9. 'Sorry, I've left my book at home.'

’OК. Who else has left his or her books?'

10. They've just finished whitewashing the attic, haven't they?

11. She hasn't written to her mother for two months.

12. She hasn't been the same since he walked out on her.

Exercise 2

Make the following sentences: — negative;

— interrogative.

1. I've already posted the letter.

2. She has already started her new job.

3. He's gone to America.

4. They have visited India twice.

5. He has smoked five cigarettes today.

6. My mother has always worked hard.

7. I've seen a lot of my former classmates recently.

8. Tom has lost all his money.

9. Oh, I have forgotten about my Dad's birthday!

10. Mr. Jenkins has just retired from his job.

11. They've always been too strict with their children.

12.I have written ten postcards (and he has never answered).

Exercise 3

Imagine you are writing a letter to a friend giving news about people you both know. Make up sentences using the words given below.

> Pattern: Mark/go to Canada

Mark has gone to Canada.

1. Ann/pass her exams

2. Mary/take up jogging

3. Larry and Monica/decide/to get divorced

4. Barry/go to England

5. Dinny/lose her job/find a new one

6. Margie/buy a new car

7. Antony/break his arm

8. Milly/fall in love

9. Tony/give up smoking

10. Lucy and Cavin/decide to get married.

Exercise 4

Imagine that you are writing a letter to a friend. What news would you tell him/her about?

Exercise 5

Study the lists of things Jack and Jill have(*)/havent done. Complete their conversation.


Jack Jill
1. repair the TV set 2. wash the car* 3. watch football on TV 4. paint the cellar* 5. phone the electrician* 6. fix the washing machine 1. empty the bin* 2. start reading a new book* 3. wash hair 4. post the letters* 5. visit the beauty parlour 6. watch video*

> Pattern: a) — Jack, have you washed the car?

Yes, I have.

b)Jill, have you washed your hair?

No, I haven't.

Exercise 6

Study the table of things Mary and her brother Antony have, or have not done, then make up questions and answer them according to the pattern.

  ride a horse ride a motorbike want to live in England visit Paris like the same music
Mary once never always twice never
Tony a few times often never once never


  forget each other's birthday meet celebrities be to England fight withclassmates
Mary never several times once never
Tony once or twice never once many times


Pattern: a)Mary, have you ever been to Paris?

Yes, I've been there twice.

b)Tony, have you ever wanted to live in England?

Oh, never!

Exercise 7

Make up 15 questions from the following table. Then answer them using the words given in Exercise 6 (always, sometimes, never etc.)

      have to London
      win a flat
      fly a cat
      compose a carpet
      eat caviar
Has you   buy money
  your friend ever wash a cake
Have your parents   sell a toothache
      break a car
      see Gone with the Wind
      repair a prize
      vacuum-clean pictures
      lose a TV set
      make poetry
      write Music

Exercise 8

Paraphrase the following sentences using the Present Perfect with FOR or SINCE.

> Pattern: a) I saw Tom last on his wedding day.

I haven't seen Tom since his wedding day.

c) It's three years since I wrote her a letter.

I haven ft written her a letter for three years.

1. It's ten years since I last was in Paris.

2. I last smoked three years ago.

3. It's years since I wrote any poetry.

4. He last drank wine at his wife's birthday.

5. He last ate caviar when he was in Russia.

6. It's years since Tony last spoke Chinese.

7. It's ages since I last had a good night's sleep.

8. They last paid me six month ago.

9. I was last abroad in winter 1983.

10. My father last took photographs in summer.

11. It's a year since I had my last holiday.

12.We had a family reunion five years ago.

Exercise 9

Ask questions to the underlined parts of the following Sentences.

1. I have read that book twice.

2. I have known him for three years.

3. I have only received two letters from him since September.

4. He has finished his breakfast already.

5. She's typed two letters since morning.

6. I haven't heard from him since 1992.

7. He has gone to the USA.

8. He has been in the USA since spring.

9. She hasn't written to him for years.

10.I've been late several times this month, I think.

Exercise 10

Use the Present Perfect Simple instead of the infinitives in brackets.


1. 'Where's your father?'

'I don't know. He just (to go out).'

2. 'Do you want to watch this film?'

'Oh, no. I already (to see) it.'

3. 'What are you looking for? You (to lose) your glasses?

Let me help you.'

'Oh, thanks. I (to find) them already.'

4. She (to be) here several times, but she never (to buy) anything.

5. I (to know) you for many years, but I never (to hear) you speak like that before. What (to happen)?

6. He (to come back)? How long he (to be) away?

7. 'Do you remember this story well?'

8. 'Yes, I just (to read) it.'

9. She ever (conceal) anything from you?

10. She never (to lose) her temper.

11. The news (to spread) like fire.

12. 'Jack (to move) into his new house yet?'

'I don't know. I (not to see) him lately.'

13. I (to send) him three letters, but he (to answer) me yet.

14. 'You (to finish) those letters yet?'

'I (to do) the first letter already, and now I'm doing the second, but 1 (not to start) the one to Mr. Brown yet.'

15.'Where you (to be)?'

'I (to be) shopping.'


1. Don't spoil one good thing I (to do) in my life. (O. Wilde)

2. There are lots of people who say I never really (to do) anything wrong in the whole course of my life. Of course they only say it behind my back. (O. Wilde)

3. He (to have) a very interesting and brilliant career. And he (to many) a most admirable wife. (O. Wilde)

4. I (to enjoy) my talk with him immensely. (O. Wilde)

5. Jack: I (not to hear) anyone call me.

Algernon: Your duty as a gentleman calls you back.

Jack: My duty as a gentleman never (to interfere) with my pleasures in the smallest degree. (O. Wilde)

Exercise 11

Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.


1. 'Where you (to be) since you (to come) to Britain?'

'I (to be) to London, Oxford and Brighton.'

'When you (to go) to Brighton?'


2. 'How long you (to know) Jack?'

'I (to know) him for two years.'

'Where you (to see) him first?'

'At his sister's wedding.'

3. '1 just (to have) my first French lesson.'

'How it (to go)? You (to enjoy) it?'

'Yes, I...'

4. 'Father (to come) back yet?

'Yes. He (to go) straight to his room.'

'Oh, I (not to hear) him.'

5. I (to buy) a new car last summer, but I (not to sell) my old car yet, so now I've got two cars.

6. 'I (not to see) your brother for some time.'

'He (to be) ill. He (to collapse) a week ago. He (not to come) back to work yet, but he (to recover) already.'

7. 'I just (to buy) a copy of The Dangerous Corner You (to read) it?'

'Oh no, I even (not to see) the film.'

8. 'I can't find my pen. You (to see) it?'

'Yes, you (to leave) it in the study. I (to put) it back on your table.'


1. ‘It’s just phase… He’ll grow out of it by the time he’s fourteen’.

‘He (to be) in this phase from the age of two’.

(G. Durrell)

2. 'Culture and corruption', echoed Dorian.

4 (to know) something of both... I am going to alter. I think I (to alter).'

'You (not to tell) me yet what your good action (to be).'

(O. Wilde)

3. ‘I (to ask) a few people out for a week or so', Larry (to say) casually to Mother one morning...

... 'Let the Pension Suisse know...', Mother (to remark).

'But I (to invite) them to stay here', Larry (to point out).

... 'Why on earth you (not t£ tell) me before?... There's no room in the villa... How many you (to invite)?' (to ask) Mother.

'Oh, just a few... two or three... Let's move to a larger villa...'

'But it's absurd, Larry...'

'I (to offer) you a perfectly sensible solution.'

'We are not moving to another villa', (to say) Mother firmly; 'I (to make up) my mind about that.'

(G. Durrell)

Exercise 12

Translate into English using the Present Perfect or the Past Simple Tense.


1. Мы познакомились месяц назад, но с тех пор я ничего о нём не слышал.

2. Я не смотрела этот фильм, как окончила школу.

3. Я ещё не говорил с ним об этом. Я не видел его с утра.

4. Мы только что познакомились.

5. — Вы когда-нибудь были в Австралии?

— Heт, но я всегда мечтала там побывать.

6. Вы опаздываете уже третий раз за эту неделю.

7. Том ещё никогда не бывал в Нью-Йорке.

8. — Кто разбил эту чашку?

— Не знаю, я с утра не был на кухне.

9. Вы уже попробовали этот пирог?

10. Она уже сообщила родителям о своем отъезде?

11. — Сколько Ваш племянник пробыл в Англии?

—Он пробыл там два года.

12. — Сколько лет они женаты?

— Десять или одиннадцать, не помню точно.

13. — Концерт уже начался?

— Да, десять минут назад.

14. — Ты уже дал им наш новый номер телефона?

— Да, неделю назад.

— Почему же они нам ещё не позвонили?

15. —' Статья уже готова?

— Да. Она была готова ещё вчера, но я забыл отдать её Вам.

16. — Ты уже пропылесосил ковер в гостиной?

— Да, почти.

17. — Где твой велосипед?

— Я его продал.

— Кому?

— Фреду. Он купил его ещё в пятницу.

18. — Ты уже купил все новогодние подарки?

— Да, почти все.

— А на Рождество?

— Ещё нет. Я ходил покупать подарки вчера и позавчера.

— А кому ты ещё не купил подарки?

— Родителям и двоюродной сестре.

19. Почему вы все собрались здесь? Что-нибудь случилось?

20. Спасибо Вам за всё, что Вы для меня сделали.

21. — Почему ты ещё не ушел?

— Я ещё не допил чай.


1. Всегда тяжело расставаться с людьми, с которыми только что познакомился. (О. Уайльд)

2. Алан, наверху, в запертой комнате, куда, кроме меня, никто не может войти, сидит у стола мертвец. Он мертв уже десять часов. (О. Уайльд)

3. Правду Вы сказали или нет — мне это безразлично. (О. Уайльд)

Я знаю его почти восемнадцать лет. Он почти не изменился. А я — изменилась. (О. Уайлд)

II. The Past Perfect Tense

Exercise 1

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Past Perfect Tense.

1. The typist had typed the article by five o'clock.

2. He told me that he had almost finished translating the text.

3. By the end of the year he had learnt to speak French.

4. More than a year had passed since I first met him.

5. When he had written and sent the letter he felt better.

6. I was at the party but I didn't talk to Tom. When I came he had just left.

7. As I hadn't got an answer, I sent him another letter.

8. The whole family had gone to bed when Tony returned.

9. After the guests had gone, Liz sank into an arm-chair and drew a long breath.

10. They hadn't completed the test when the teacher came.

11. We reached the village before it had grown dark.

12. They had agreed upon the plan before I arrived, so I couldn't interfere.

13. It was not until they both had signed the papers that he managed a smile.

14. This man had been ill for weeks when the doctor came; nothing could be done for him.

15. We had hardly left home when it began to rain heavily.

16. Hardly had he answered the phone when his brother came.

17. By the end of that year he had almost recovered.

18. The clock had no sooner struck five than the first guests appeared.

19. No sooner had I come than the lecture began.

20. He waited until the rider had disappeared and started on his way home.

Exercise 2

Look at the list of things Jane and Pete had(*)/hadn't done before they went to the airport. They phoned their neighbours asking them to help them out. Make up their requests.

> Pattern: Jane: Before I left the house, I hadn't turned off the cooker,...

Pete: Before I went to the airport, Ihadn 7 cancelled the newspapers,...

Jane Pete
1. turn off the cooker 2. take the passports* 3. close the kitchen window 4. shut the fridge door* 5. take the plants to the neighbours 6. turn off the radio* 7. cancel the milk* 8. phone parents 1. take the camera* 2. cancel the newspapers 3. turn off the TV 4. pack the umbrella* 5. take the tickets 6. take the cat to Nick* 7. turn on the security system

What had they done?

Exercise 3

Read the following letter. The author went back to his home town after many years and wrote this letter to his friend. Supply the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.

Dear Chris,

Many things had happened since I last was in New Baytown. My best friend, Tony, was no longer there when I came. He (to go) away. By the way, the neighbours told me on the first day I came here that Mr. Jackson didn't live in Oak Street any longer. He (to leave). You wouldn't recognize the Grand Street. They (to change) everything there. But on the whole I found the town much as it (to be), green and quiet. On the second day I went to see our school and it was still there, but they (to add) a new wing. The bookstore where we used to buy textbooks and pens was no longer there. It (to close) down. But they (to build) a new bookstore not far from it and (to open) a verynice cafe in the old building where the bookstore (to be).

On the whole, I was very pleased to see the place again. I (not to see) it for ten years, you know.



Exercise 4

Complete the following sentences using the Past Perfect Tense of the verbs suggested in brackets.

> Pattern: When she left, she remembered that she (not to lock the kitchen window).

When she left, she remembered that she hadn't locked the kitchen window.

1. I was very sorry to hear that he (to leave).

2. When we got to the University, the lecture (to start already).

3. When he came home after work, the family (to start watching TV).

4. He didn't return to his work until he (to spend all his money).

5. When I met her I understood why David (to refuse to marry her).

6. I didn't know what to do when I understood that I (to leave my purse at home).

7. He didn't start watching TV until he (to walk his dog).

8. She managed to grasp the main idea of the article only after she (to read it twice).

9. She was tired because she (to walk too much).

10. They never started eating until they (to wash their hands).

11. We didn't meet Lucy because she (to go away the day before).

12. By the end of that year we (to forget our quarrels).

13. Betty didn't speak until everyone (to stop chattering).

14. They suddenly remembered that they (not to send the parcel to its owner).

15. She returned to the hotel after she (to visit her old friend).

16. He didn't get anything until he (to pay for it).

Exercise 5

Join the following pairs of sentences by making one of them a clause with the verb in the Past Perfect Tense. Use the conjunctions given in brackets.

> Pattern: They went for a walk. They did their homework. (after) They went for a walk after they had done their homework.

1. He left the room. I turned on the TV. (after)

2. She didn't talk to him. He finished revising for his exams (until)

3.She worked as a flower-girl. She owned a flower-shop. (before)

4. She looked at the sky. The sun set. (until)

5. She cooked dinner. She called her family to the dining-room. (after, as soon as)

6. Alan read the article in the newspaper. He went downstairs to tell the news to his wife. (after)

7. Alice didn't think about time. She understood she was late. (until)

8. They reached the mountain top. The sun set. (when, as soon as)

9. She tore up the note. He read it carefully. (as soon as)

10. I didn't understand him. He repeated his words twice. (until)

11. She looked at him. He disappeared in the darkness. (until)

12. The Browns left their house. They sold it. (when)

13. John opened the parcel and looked up. The messenger disappeared. (before)

14.Larry got that job. He managed to buy a new car. (after)

15. Margaret read the contract. She signed it. (after)

Exercise 6

Supply the beginnings for the following sentences. Use the Past Perfect Tense and the conjunctions HARDLY... WHEN, and SCARCELY... WHEN and NO SOONER... THAN.

> Pattern:... when the guests came.

a) Hardly had she finished cooking when the guests came.

b) She had hardly finished cooking when the guests came.

1.... the doorbell rang.

2.... the light went off.

3. … the batteries ran out.

4.... the washing machine broke down.

5.... the pipe started leaking.

6.... she spilt some coffee on the carpet.

7.... the door-handle came off.

8.... some strange noise began.

9.... it started to rain.

10.... he felt tired.

11.... burglars broke into the house.

Exercise 7

Use the Past Simple or the Past Perfect Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.


1. He (to sit) in the park until the light (to fade).

2. He (to remember) so well that house, where he (to spend) his youth and first (to meet) Mabel!

3. When he (to rush) into the room he (to see) at once that she (to burn) the letter which he (to hope) so much to read.

4. As soon as he (to understand) it he (to quiet) down.

5. David (to look up) at his friend and (to see) that he just (to get) a bad news.

6. 'Why you (to go) there before I (to come)?' he asked. 'You (to promise) to wait for me.'

7. After the sun (to rise), they (to start) walking slowly towards the lake.

8. 'What (to happen) here before I (to come)?' she asked. Nick (to explain) that he (to want) to play with the dog and they (to break) the vase. After he (to try) to clean the carpet he (to decide) to tell the truth.

9. She (not to remember) the place. But suddenly it all (to come back) to hen how they (to be afraid of) their teacher, how they (to quarrel), how they (to share) their secrets...

10. There (to be) a rule in their house. They never (to start) eating and even (not to sit down) at the table until everyone who (to be able) to do so (to gather) in the dining-room.

11. As soon as everyone (to come) and (to sit down) Mr. Hull (to open) the will. Everyone (to expect) something different from what he (to read out), so they (to return) home really disappointed.

12.When the tourists (to come back) to the hotel, they (to discover) that a new guest (to arrive). Some of them (to know) him before, and they (not to like) it. But of course they (not to show) their disappointment, while the newcomer (to prefer) not to notice those he (to meet) before.

13.He (to be) happy. He (to be over) with the article at last! It (to be) good. After he (to read) it through again, he (to see) it even more clearly. The editor, who (not to praise) him for his last article, was going to be pleased this time. He (to

dial) the number and the secretary (to tell) him that the editor (to go out).

14. He (to be) so angry that he (not to be able) to speak until he (to count) to fifteen... Then he (to start) to explain that he even (not to be present) at the Board meeting and (to have) nothing to do with that decision.

15. After the plane (to land) and he (to pass) the customs and the luggage control, Mr. Jenkins (to take) a taxi and (to go) to the hotel.

16. When he (to come) he was surprised by the unusual silence hi the typing pool. The one remaining typist (to explain) that everyone (to go out).

17. Hardly he (to open) the door when he (to notice) some changes in the house.

18. No sooner Dave (to start) to read than the phone (to ring). He (to get up) and (to take) the receiver. It (to be) his friend Pete. He (to tell) Dave that his favourite team (to win). After Dave (to hear) the news he (to go) to tell it to his father. He (to be sorry) he (to miss) the match but glad that the Rovers (to lose). He (not to return) to the book until he (to tell) about it to the family.


1. Somebody... (to come) to me last year to have his portrait done. I never (to see) him before, and never (to hear) anything about him at the time. He (to offer) an extravagant price. I (refuse) him. There (to be) something in the shape of his fingers that I (to hate).

(O. Wilde)

2. It (to be) Spiro who, on discovering that our money yet (not to arrive) from England, (to subside) us, and (to take) it upon himself to go and speak... to the bank manager about his lack of organisation.

(G. Durrell)

3. The official (to hand) our passports back to Mother, (to bow) and (to leave) us to our gloom. Some moments later Mother (to glance) at the form the official (to fill in) and (to stiffen).

(G. Durrell)

Exercise 8

Translate into English.


1. После того, как вечер закончился и гости разошлись, усталые хозяева приступили к уборке.

2. Не успел я начать подготовку к экзамену, как выяснилось, что формулировки вопросов изменились.

3. Мы не приступали к работе, пока не выяснили все подробности.

4. К началу июня всё было готово к переезду. Новый дом был гораздо просторнее и удобнее того, в котором мы жили раньше. Мы закончили переезд к десятому июня и позвали гостей на новоселье.

5. Когда я приехал вгород, Дэвид уже уехал в Лондон. Я столь многого ожидал от разговора с ним!

6. Джейн была не голодна, так как она только что позавтракала.

7. Этот режиссер получил приз после того, как снял свой лучший фильм.

8. Не успела эта семья снять дом, как начала искать новый из-за причуд старшего брата.

9. До того как поселиться в нашем городе, он много путешествовал. Он побывал во многих городах и странах.

10. Наш город был маленьким. После того как к нам приехала новая семья, все захотели познакомиться с ними.


1. К Рождеству мы устроились на новом месте и познакомились почти со всеми соседями. Только моя сестра еще не приехала, но её комната уже была готова.

2. Она старалась не напоминать ему о том, что он рассказал ей.

3. Когда Энтони и Кейт вошли в зал, там собралось уже человек двадцать.

4. Он едва успел начать свой рассказ, когда его прервал телефонный звонок.

5. Они вернулись в родной город, где жили с родителями в детстве.

6. Прошло только полчаса с тех пор, как ушёл последний гость.

7. Мэри не прошла и двух кварталов, когда он догнал ее.

8. Когда Марджи вошла в комнату, она увидела, что все вещи стояли там, где она их оставила.

9. Я не знала, когда она ушла. Я не знала, почему она ушла.

10. Я не помнил этого человека и не думал, что встречал его раньше.

11. Едва передача закончилась, как телевизор вышел из строя.

12. Он думал... нет, он был уверен, что уже бывал здесь раньше.

13. Не успел он пройти и десяти шагов, как вернулся, потому что забыл портфель.

14. Как только мы упаковали все вещи, приехало такси и мы отправились на вокзал.

15. Он почти не изменился с тех пор, как Джеральд видел его в последний раз. Но сейчас на его лице было какое-то новое, жестокое выражение, которого не было раньше.


1. Крик ужаса вырвался у художника, когда он в полумраке увидел жуткое лицо, ухмылявшееся ему с полотна... Боже, да ведь это Дориан. Перемена... ещё не совсем уничтожила его дивную красоту... Да, это Дориан. Но кто же сделал это?... Этот портрет — мерзкая карикатура (parody)... Никогда он, Холлуорд, этого не писал. И всё же, это была его картина... Что же это значит? Почему она изменилась?

(О. Уайльд)

2. Больше четырех лет он не заходил сюда — с тех пор, как он ребенком играл здесь, а затем учился. Эту большую, хорошо спланированную комнату покойный лорд Келсо специально пристроил для маленького внука, которого он... терпеть не мог и хотел держать подальше от себя. Дориан подумал, что с тех пор в

комнате ничего не переменилось... Он припомнил каждую минуту своего одинокого детства. В те безвозвратные дни он не думал о таком будущем!

(О. Уайльд)

III. The Future Perfect Tense

Exercise 1

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Future Perfect Tense.

1. By ten they will have gone; come earlier, if you can.

2. The plane will have taken off when we get to the airport.

3. If you come at five I’ll have translated the article.

4. Will you have finished the washing-up by the time the film begins?

5. By that time he will have got your letter, don't phone him.

6. She's leaving on Saturday, but I think she will have made all her purchases by then.

7. He must give the book back next Tuesday, but he will have read it long before that day.

8. We won't have written the test by the time the teacher comes.

Exercise 2

Make the following sentences: — negative;

— interrogative.

> Pattern: He will have forgotten about it by the end of the day.

a)He won't have forgotten about it by the end of the day.

b)Will he have forgotten about it by the end of the day?

1. By the time he comes we'll have completed the task ourselves.

2. He'll have guessed the crossword puzzle by the time the boss comes back.

3. She'll have taken up something else by the summer.

4. Somebody will have shown up by six.

5. They will have done everything by Sunday.

6. Ann will have bought the tickets by the time you arrive at the station.

7. Tom witt have ordered everything when we come to the restaurant.

8. By 2020, people will have learnt to grow food on the seabed.

9. By the end of the autumn, they will have built a new skating-rink in this district.

10. Antony will have opened a new cafe not far from here by the end of the year.

Exercise 3

Complete the following sentences using the words given in brackets.

> Pattern: Francis came to the US from Britain almost five years ago. Next Monday it will be exactly five years since he arrived. Next Monday (he/be/here/exactly five years). Next Monday he will have been here for exactly five years.

1. Pete and Jane are going to the concert. It is 18.30. The concert starts at 19.00. It will take them 45 minutes to get to the hall. By the time they gel there, (the concert/already/to start).

2. The population of this town is about 50,000. Every year it increases; more than 1,000 a year. By the end of the third year (it/become/more than 53,000).

3. Next year is their 10th wedding anniversary. They (to be married/10 years).

4. We are late. It's 11.35 already. The lecture begins at 11.40. By the time we get to the University (the lecture/to start/already).

5. I'm almost through with this book. There are only ten pages left. When you come back, (I/to read/it).

6. He is very good at cooking. It usually takes him half an hour to make a very good meal for the whole family. It's 17.30 now. We'll come home in twenty minutes. When we come, (he/to cook/the meal).

7. Jake usually gets up late. His favourite film is on TV today, but by the time he gets up, (the film/to start already).

8. Ann started working here almost three years ago on Sep-

tember 1. This Monday is September 1. So this Monday (she/to work here/three years).

Exercise 4

What do you think will have happened on Earth by 2000? 2010? 2050? Make up sentences according to the pattern.

> Pattern: By 2050 people won't have found cure against AIDS.

Use some of the ideas from the list given below, but think of your own ideas, too.

— find a cure against cancer;

— learn to grow food on the sea-bed;

— learn to live on the sea-bed;

— construct colonies on the Moon/Mars/Venus;

— design a common language;

— solve hunger problem;

— improve medical care system;

— improve education system;

— solve the Loch-Ness mystery;

— find extra-terrestrial intelligence;

— stop global heating;

— learn to predict earthquakes;

— invent time-travel.

Exercise 5

Complete the following sentences.

1. By the time he comes,...

2. When this term is over,...

3. By the end of the week,...

4. By the end of the academic year,...

5. When they are through with this task, …

6. When my parents come home,...

7. By the end of this month,...

8. Before the end of his/her holiday,...

9. Before the end of this week,...

10. When they get to the station,...

When he leaves his house,...

Exercise 6

Study the following table. Tom, a student at the Linguistics Department, has made a time-table for the next week.

  Su. Md. Tu. We. Tr. Fri. Sa.
8.00–8.30   get up, shower get up, shower get up, shower get up, shower get up, shower  
8.30–9.00   jogging jogging   jogging jogging get up, shower
9.00–9.15   breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast jogging
10.00–11.00 get up, shower, jogging lecture, linguistics reading-hall, revise for seminar French class lecture, linguistics German class breakfast
11.05—12.05   French class   American literature English literature seminar, linguistics read up for exam
12.05–13.00 football on TV lunch lunch lunch, meet Paul lunch lunch meet Jane
13.00—14.00     German class   read up for exam French literature  
14.00–17.00 meet Jane in the park tennis read up for exam tennis club meeting   tennis
18.00–19.30   change, dinner with Jane   cinema with friends   light supper, change change, pub with friends
20.00 call aunt Mary go to bed go to bed go to bed go to bed theatre, meet Jane at 20:00 film on TV
23.00 go to bed         go to bed go to bed


Complete the sentences according to the pattern (use the Future Perfect or the Future Progressive Tense).

> Pattern: At 12.00 on Sunday Tom will be watching football. By 13.30 he will have finished watching football.

1. At 9.30 on Monday...

2. By 13.30 on Monday...

3. At 8.15 on Friday...

4. By 18.00 on Thursday...

5. At 10.30 on Thursday...

6. At 11.30 on Saturday...

7. By 18.30 on Tuesday...

8. By 23.30 on Saturday...

9. By 8.15 on Friday...

10. At 14.30 on Thursday...

11. By 20.30 on Monday...

12. At 10.30 on Friday...

13. At 11.30 on Monday...

14. By 18.30 on Wednesday...

15. By 11.30 on Tuesday...

16. By 20.30 on Wednesday...

17. At 20.00 on Sunday...

18. By 15.00 on Friday...

19. At 16.00 on Wednesday...

20. At 18.30 on Wednesday...

21. By 12.30 on Thursday...

22. At 18.30 on Saturday...


Ask one of your groupmates to answer the questions according to the pattern.

1. What will Tom have done by 11.30 on Saturday?

2. Will he have read up for his exam by 13.30 on Thursday?

3. What will he be doing at 11.30 on Wednesday?


Think of your own plans for the following week. What will you have done by the middle of the week? by the end of the week?

Exercise 7

Use the Future Perfect Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. I hope they (to build) this bridge by the end of the year.

2. What you (to do) by the time I come back?

3. By the end of this year Mr. Faith (to work) for this company for fifty years.

4. They (to pick) all the apples by the end of October.

5. Your guests (to go) by five?

6. By the end of the month 2,000 people (to fall ill). Are you going to send help?

7. 'Will you take me to see the castle when I come?'

'Oh, by all means. I think I (to pass) my driving test by then. Then we'll go by car.'

8. He used to have black hair, but now... I think he (to go) completely grey by the time he's 40.

9. We're trying to raise money for our fund. By the end of the year we (to raise) $2,000.

10. By the end of the week she (to drive) 50 miles.

11. They (to be married) for five years tomorrow.

Exercise 8

Use the Future Perfect, the Future Simple and the Present Simple Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. I (to hope) when I (to come) back you (to finish) your homework.

2. You (to be) late. By the time you (to get) there they (to eat) everything up.

3. Too many people (to fall ill) every day. I'm afraid by the end of the month epidemic (to spread) here.

4. These batteries (to run out) in two days. Don't forget to get some more!

5. Your watch (to be) slow. We (to be) late! The party (to begin) by the time we (to come)!

6. The house is very old. They (to demolish) it by the time you (to come) to our city again, I think.

7. Tornadoes (to speed) through the island every year. By the end of the season they (to damage) many buildings and (to injure) or (to kill) many people.

8. By that time you (to go) crazy or (forget) it all.

Exercise 9

Translate into English.

1. Мы сделаем это упражнение к двум часам, а потом вместе пойдём в парк.

2. Они построят эту школу к 1 сентября.

3. Завтра исполняется 10 лет с тех пор, как она начала работать в этой фирме.

4. Надеюсь, к концу недели они починят нашу стираль­ную машину.

5. Рабочие закончат ремонт дома к началу осени.

6. Что ты успеешь сделать к тому времени, как я приду?

7. Они закончат строительство к зиме, не правда ли?

8. Уверен, что он не прочтёт эту книгу к назначенному сроку.

9. Они не напишут тест к приходу учителя.


I. The Ptesent Perfect Progressive Tense

Exercise 1

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.

1. My brother has been staying with us for three weeks.

2. It has been raining since morning.

3. He's been working here since 1990.

4. She has been telling me how good you are since you left the room.

5. Since when have you been sitting here? Have you been waiting here long?

6. 'How long have you been looking for her?' For three hours.'

7. The sun is shining, but the ground is wet because it has been raining.

8. Who has been playing with the remote control? It doesn't work!

9. 'Why are you so tired? What have you been doing?'

'I've been working in the garden since morning.'

10. She has been playing chess since she was nine.

11. He hasn't been feeling very well recently.

12. She looks fit and tanned. She has been working outdoors a lot recently.

Exercise 2

Make the following sentences: — negative;

— interrogative.

Pattern: The children have been fighting.

a) The children haven't been fighting.

b) Have the children been fighting?

1. He has been painting this fence for a long time.

2. My secretary has been typing the report for five hours.

3. The boys have been trying to fix that bike since morning.

4. The tourists have been waiting for the guide since four o'clock.

5. You have been talking for almost an hour without stopping.

6. It has been snowing heavily «fairing the whole night.

7. We have been looking for that cafe for half an hour.

8. He has been writing this letter since the lecture began.

9. He has been living in this city since 1970.

10. They have been repairing the road fox the last five years.

11. The students have been translating the text since the lesson began.

12. I have been buying food here since I came to this town.

Exercise 3

Complete the following sentences using the Present Perfect Progressive

> Pattern: His clothes are dirty. (He/to work/in the garden) He has been working in the garden.

1. He is very tired. (He/to play/football)

2. The boy's eyes are red and watery. (He/to dry)

3. He is looking at his watch. (He/to wait/for a long time)

4. She doesn't remember the teacher's words. (She/to daydream)

5. They know this place very well. {They/to travel around/a lot)

6. Their eyes ache. (They/to watch TV/since morning)

7. Ann speaks French very well. (She/to learn French/since she was six)

8. He's got a cough. (He/to smoke/since he was a teenager)

9. His fingers are stained with ink. (He/to write/a lot)

10. The boy has to go to the dentist. (He/to eat/too many sweets lately)

11. They look exhausted. (They/to work overtime/lately)

Exercise 4

Paraphrase the following sentences using the words in brackets and conjunctions FOR and SINCE.

> Pattern: a) They are working here. (Monday)

They have been working here since Monday.

b) He is waiting for us. (half an hour) He has been waiting for us for half an hour.

1. She is writing a test. (twelve o'clock)

2. Tom is watching TV. (two hours)

3. They are sitting on the bench and reading, (morning)

4. He is travelling a lot. (winter)

5. He is working hard. (he entered the University)

6. Tony is walking his dog. (fifteen minutes)

7. They are looking for a new house. (the last few months)

8. They are fixing their car. (yesterday)

9. Gerald is checking his notes. (eleven o'clock)

10. The students are writing. (the lecture began)

11. Betty is writing a letter to her friend. (she came home)

12. My friend is learning Spanish. (two years)

13. Linda is travelling around Europe. (May)

14. Bill is making films. (he left college)

Exercise 5

Complete thesentences using the pattern in Exercise 3. Use the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.

1. He looks really tired.

2. Their hands are stained with oil.

3. The boys are nervous.

4. The child's eyes are red.

5. She is washing her hands nervously.

6. The tourists are angry.

7. The children are laughing heartily.

8. The audience is excited.

9. He's got a toothache.

10. The batteries have run out too quickly.

Exercise 6

Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in brackets.

Pattern: He has been smoking a lot recently. (Why?) Why has he been smoking a lot recently?

1. They've been looking for a restaurant since they came to the town. (Who? Where? What...for?)

2. She has been packing her suitcase since morning. (What? Why?)

3. Arthur has been driving for six hours without any rest. (Who? How?)

4. They've been answering their child's questions the whole day. (Whose? What?)

5. Ed has been playing with his dog in the park since morning. (Who... with? Where? Who?)

6. He has been answering the director's questions since morning. (Who? Whose? What?)

7. She has been washing up since breakfast. (Who? What?)

8. Her husband has been watching football on TV since breakfast. (Who? What?)

9. Their son has been fighting with his sister since breakfast. (Who? What? Who... with?)

10. Their cat has been trying to catch a mouse since breakfast. (What?)

11. Someone has been looking through my things. (Why?)

Exercise 7

Make up dialogues according to the following pattern.

> Pattern: a)— It has been raining.

Since when has it been raining?

It has been raining since morning.

b)The baby is crying.

How long has it been crying?

It has been crying for half an hour.

1. It is snowing.

2. He is waiting for the train.

3. Her son is watching TV.

4. His daughter is drawing a picture.

5. She is practising the piano.

6. They are discussing the same problem.

7. I'm trying to find that book.

8. He is solving a math problem.

9. Her mother is cooking dinner.

10. The boys are fighting.

11. The girls are playing with their dolls.

12. The painter is drawing a portrait.

13. The journalist is writing an article.

14. He is composing some music.

Exercise 8

Make up sentences from the words given below. Then look at the short an­swers and write the questions.

Pattern: a) He/to wait/two hours/already.

He has been waiting for two hours already.

b) For two hours.

How long has he been waiting?

1. a) I/to ring them up/all morning.

b) My parents.

2. a) He/to smoke/thirty years.

b) Thirty years.

3. a) He/to walk his dog/half an hour/in the park.

b) In the park.

4. a) Her dog/to baric/all day.

b) My neighbour's.

5. a) It/to rain/we arrived.

b) Since we arrived.

6. a) He/to talk on the phone with Chicago/all day.

b) With Chicago.

7. a) They/to try/to fix a car/for days.

b) Their car.

8. a) Tony/to look for his glasses/morning.

b) Tony.

9. a) Brian/to read up for his exam/May.

b) For his exam.

10. a) Carol/to look for a job/she came to this city.

b) Carol.

11. a) They/to repair the road/last Wednesday.

b) The road.

Exercise 9

Use the Present Perfect Progressive instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. I (not to sleep) for twenty three hours.

2. She (to work) in the library for the last five hours.

3. We just (to speak) about you.

4. What you (to do) in my absence?

5. Who (to watch) us?

6. He (to stay) here for three months; and I think my father (to entertain) him too long.

7. She (to have) a toothache since morning.

8. They (to play) football for two hours.

9. She (to dance) since yesterday evening.

10. Where you (to sit) all this time?

11. She (to tell) a lot of lies about me, I'm sure.

12. What you (to talk) about since I left?

Exercise 10

It the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Progressive instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. She (to walk) in the park since morning. It's time to have dinner, but she (not to come) yet.

2. She (to read) this book for three days and (to read) 300 pages already.

3. He (to drive) to London for six hours. How many miles he (to cover) by now?

4. 'I am not through with this test yet.’

'Not through! How long you (to write) it?'

'For an hour.'

5. They (to pull down) the old houses in this street for the last few months, but they (not to touch) the one with the coffee-shop yet.

6. Mike (to collect) stamps since he was nine. He (to collect) so much he doesn't know what to do.

7. He (to solve) this puzzle at last! He (to solve) it since breakfast!

8. 'How long you (to learn) French? I (to learn) since I was ten, but can't avoid mistakes...'

'My parents knew French. They (to talk) French to me since I don't remember what time.'

9. 'Don't tell me any more lies. I (to listen to) you too long!'

'You (to listen), but you (to understand)?'

10. I hear Gerry's footsteps. He (to come) back. I'm going away. I don't want him to see I (to cry).

11. You (to drink) too much since the party began!

12. 'Since when you (to sit) here? How long you (to wait)?'

'I don't know how long I (to wait). I (to sit) and (to look) at the people passing by since I came here... or I guess I (to dream)...'

13. 'Jack and Tony (to play) chess since they are here. Tony (to win) six times already, but Jack (to win) only twice yet.'

'They (not to quarrel)?'

'Oh, no. They (not to quarrel).'

14. 'Barry (to do) this room since morning and he (not to finish) yet.'

'You (to help) him?'

'No, I (to cook) since he started to do his room. But I (to finish) already.’

15. 'The customers (to complain) about mixed-up bills all morning.'

'Something is wrong with the computer. We (to have) trouble with it for some time... I hope Tim (to fix) it already.'


Translate into English.


1. Она учит японский уже пять лет.

2. Надеюсь, Ваши друзья хорошо за Вами ухаживали.

3. Она сидит здесь уже несколько часов. С самого утра сидит на скамейке и ждёт кого-то.

4. Они спорят с тех пор, как учитель вышел из класса.

5. Гарри пытается починить изгородь уже несколько часов, но ещё не смог этого сделать.

6. Он пишет статью уже три часа. Он выпил три чашки кофе. Он уже давно не работал так усердно.

7. Эта семья живёт здесь с весны. Они уже перессорились со всеми соседями.

8. — С какого времени ты пытаешься до него дозвониться?

— С десяти часов.

9. Наконец-то Вы пришли! Мы только что говорили о Вас.

10. Кто переставлял мои книги?

11. Чем ты занимался, пока меня не было?

12. Я пытаюсь найти тебя целое утро. Где ты был? Чем ты занимался?

13. Она ждёт этого письма целый месяц.

14. Джон навещал Вас с тех пор, как Ваша сестра уехала?


1. «Сколько времени ты уже подслушиваешь? И что тыуспел услышать?»

(Дж. Р. Р. Толкин)

2. — Чем ты занимался, милый? — спросила мама.

— Занимался? Как ты думаешь, чем я занимался?

Я охотился (to shoot).

(Дж. Даррелл)

3. «Я только что говорила д-ру Хэлидею и его племяннице, какая ты умница.»

(Дж. Б. Пристли)

4. «Я новичок в городе. Живу здесь только около трёх месяцев... И я не пробыл тут ещё и недели, как обра-

тил на Вас внимание, мисс Конвей... И с тех пор я наблюдал за Вами.»

(Дж. Б. Пристли)

5. «По правде сказать, Вы единственный человек, о котором мы ещё не говорили.»

(Дж. Б. Пристли)

6. — Ты слишком много пил, Роберт?

— Да, я слишком много пил.

(Дж. Б. Пристли)

7. «Дориан! Какая удача! Я ждал тебя в твоей библиотеке с девяти часов... Сегодня в полночь я уезжаю в Париж.»

(О. Уайльд)

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Читайте в этой же книге: THE ADJECTIVE AND THE ADVERB | Degrees of Comparison | The Indicative Mood | III The Future Simple Tense | II. The Past Progressive Tense | II Present Simple Passive | V. The Past Progressive Passive | VII. The Past Perfect Passive | SHOULD, OUGHT TO | RECAPITULATION OF THE MODAL VERBS |
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