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The Indicative Mood

Читайте также:
  1. REVISION OF Tense Forms in the Indicative Mood
  2. Tense-Forms in the Indicative Mood
  3. The Indicative Mood


I. The Present Simple Tense

Exercise 1

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Present Simple Tense.

1. The earth goes round the sun.

2. In Britain most of the shops close at 5.30 p m.

3. In summer Tom usually plays tennis twice a week.

4. In the morning Mr. Smith wakes up, washes, dresses, has his breakfast, takes his children to school and goes to work.

5. Carpenters make things from wood.

6. Maize doesn't grow in Britain.

7. Renaissance means "revival".

8. The train to London leaves at eight, doesn't it?

9. Good morning. It's a nice day, isn't it?

10. ‘What do you usually do in the summer? Do you go anywhere?’

‘Oh yes. We don’t go to the same place twice. Though. We like to see different countries.

11. Why does Mark never come and see us these days? Is he too busy?



Present Simple

Exercise 1

Make the following sentences: — negative;

— interrogative.

1. Children usually sleep very soundly.

2. We often drink coffee together.

3. Englishmen seldom speak at breakfast.

4. I read books and listen to music every day.

5. Tony never praises me for anything.

6. He leaves home at 9 a.m. every day.

7. The teacher comes in and shuts the door.

8. He arrives home early.

9.It is rarely cold in Great Britain even in winter.

10.Our security types a great number of letters every day.


Exercise 2

Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the word (s) in


> Pattern: Tom plays tennis. (How often?)

How often does Tom play tennis?

I have breakfast in the morning. (What time/usually?)

What time do you usually have breakfast?

1. Ann watches TV. (How often?)

2. Fred manages to cope with any problem. (How?)

3. It is his problem, not mine. (Whose?)

4. Steve's friends come to our place regularly. (How often?)

5. I write to my parents. (How often? Whom?)

6. He has dinner in the evening. (What time/usually?)

7. Tom works. (Where?)

8. We come to the University at the same time. (Why?)

9. People often do stupid things. (Why?)

10. It is often cold in my flat. (Why?)

11. The car breaks down. (How often?)

12. They catch mice. (Who?)

Exercise 4

Read the following sentences and correct them. Make up two correct sentences each time.

> Pattern: The sun goes round the earth.

a)The sun doesn't go round the earth.

b) The earth goes round the sun.

1. The sun rises in the west.

2. Carpenters make things from metal.

3. Mice catch cats.

4. Ice melts at 100°.

5. Water boils at 0° C.

6. Sheep eat meat.

7. Birds fly away to the North in winter.

8. Exercise is bad for your health.

9. Journalists never ask questions.

10.Edinburgh is the capital of the UK.

11.Everyone likes to visit the dentist.

Exercise 7

Ask all types of questions to the following sentences.

1. Carol lives in a very nice cottage with her family.

2. I usually get up early because I hate being late to my office.

3. No one lives in that house now. They believe it's haunted.

4. Pete always reads some pages from one book or another before going to bed.

5. We seldom see each other these days... I don't know why.

6. Gerry goes to the video arcade every day.

7. It takes him hours to get here.

Exercise 8

Use the Present Simple Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.


1. The swimming bath (to open) at 9.00 and (to close) at 18.30 every day.

2. What time the banks (to close) in Britain?

3. I have a car but I (not to use) it very often.

4. 'Where your father (to come from)?'

'He (to come from) Ireland.'

5. I (not to understand) the word "deceive". What "deceive" (to mean)?

6. 'What you (to do)?'

'I (to be) an electrical engineer.'

7. Faith (not to go) to the library very often. She (to have) a great number of books at home.

8. ‘They often (to interfere with) your work. Why-you (to allow) them to make such a noise? Why you (not to tell) them to be quiet?’

‘Oh, but they can't. Children always (to be) noisy.’

9. Who (to come) here most often?

10. He (not to approve of) your behaviour.

11. Ted never (to feel) at ease here. He (to be) too shy, be (not)?

12. 'I never (to complain) of anything. Rita (not to complain) either.'

'Oh, but she (to do)!'

Exercise 9

Translate into English.


1. Его родители живут в Москве, и он навещает их каждый месяц.

2. Почему вы не хотите воспользоваться такой прекрасной возможностью?

3. В это время он всегда занимается, и родственники стараются не мешать ему.

4. Вам нравятся книги этого писателя?

— Не очень, а Вам?

— Мне тоже.

5. Я не знаю, почему он всегда опаздывает. Наверное, он живёт далеко от университета.

6. — Где Вы покупаете такие интересные кассеты?

— В магазине напротив моего дома.

7. Почему ты так редко к нам заходишь?

– Я сейчас очень занят. Мы репетируем каждый день.

8. Кто помогает тебе готовиться к занятиям?

– Моя сестра. Она помогает мне очень часто.

9. Ларри редко гуляет с собакой (to walk smb's dog).

У него очень мало свободного времени.

10. –Почему Марджи так редко бывает на занятиях?

– Она часто болеет.

11.Разве вы не хотите пойти с нами на дискотеку?

12.– Где Лесли?

—Не знаю. В это время он обычно сидит дома...

— Его там нет.

13. Мой брат ходит в школу каждый день, а мы учимся пять дней в неделю.

14. Почему Вы никогда не приходите на занятия вовремя?

15. Тед покупает очень много книг и словарей.

16. Кто знает перевод этого слова?

17. Наш поезд отправляется в 18.00; у нас еще есть время.

18. Что означает это выражение?

19. – Когда вы приходите домой?

– Обычно в семь часов, иногда — позже.

– Вы очень устаете?

– Иногда я чувствую себя очень усталой, но это быстро проходит.

20. Мне никогда ничего не рассказывают.


1. –Как Вы обычно добираетесь до университета?

– Я еду на троллейбусе, а затем в метро.

– А Ваша сестра?

– Она не пользуется метро. Она ездит на работу на автобусе.

2. – Как часто Вы смотрите фильмы на английском языке?

— Примерно два раза в неделю. Мой брат предпочитает смотреть фильмы на русском, он еще не настолько хорошо знает английский. А я понимаю практически все, что говорят в фильмах.

— А в каком классе учится Ваш брат?

– В одиннадцатом.

—Он ходит в Вашу школу?


—А кто преподает английский в его классе?

—К сожалению, наша учительница сейчас на пенсии. Но я знаю учителя, который учит брата английскому. Это очень хороший учитель.

—Ваш брат любит английский?

—Да. Иногда я помогаю ему, но обычно он занимается сам.

II. The Past Simple Tense

Exercise 1

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Past Simple Tense.

1. Yesterday I went to London to see a friend of mine.

2. Last winter he often worked in the library.

3. The manager entered the office, sat down at his desk and began to look through the morning mail.

4. When I arrived at the station, I went to the booking-office and bought a ticket.

5. He called when I was at the University.

6. Yesterday it was very cold, but today it is much warmer.

7. When did he come here first?

8. You were surprised, weren't you? It gave you a start, didn't it?

9. Did you go there or not?

10. Brian came home, switched on the lights and sank into an armchair.

11. 'Did you see Betty yesterday?'

'Oh yes, but she refused to talk.'

Exercise 2

Read the sentences about the present and make up sentences about the past.

Ø Pattern: Tom usually gets up at 7.30. Yesterday morning he got up at 6.30, because he wanted to start jogging.


1. Tom usually wakes up early. Yesterday...

2. Tom usually walks to work. Yesterday...

3. Tom is usually late for work. Yesterday...

4. Tom usually has a sandwich and a cup of tea for lunch. Yesterday …

5. Tom usually goes out in the evening. Yesterday evening...


1. Larry usually drives to work. Yesterday...

2. Larry usually works in his office. Yesterday...

3. Larry usually doesn't argue with his boss. Yesterday...

4. Larry usually watches video in the evening. Yesterday evening...

5. Larry usually goes to bed late. Yesterday...


1. Freda usually sleeps till 10.00. Yesterday morning...

2. Freda usually eats nothing for breakfast. Yesterday morning...

3. Freda usually runs 10 miles before dinner. Yesterday...

4. Freda usually walks her dog after dinner. Yesterday...

5. Freda usually has guests in the evening. Yesterday evening...

Exercise 3

Make the following sentences: — negative;

— interrogative.

1. I arrived home late last night.

2. They translated this text at the previous lesson.

3. She enjoyed the party a lot.

4. Yesterday we tried to fix our car.

5. He ate his lunch at one o'clock.

6. I met my former classmate last Friday.

7 She left for London two weeks ago.

8. He got an excellent mark for his last test.

9. They were at the seaside last summer.

10.The breakfast was ready at 8 a. m.

11. She was hungry and tired after that long walk.

12. He was disappointed and wanted to stay alone for some time.

13. No one knew that woman. She was a complete stranger.

14. Christine wrote excellent compositions last year.

Exercise 4

Imagine that your friend has just come back from holiday. Make up questions, using the words given below.

> Pattern: Where/go? Where did you go?

1. How long/stay there?

2. How/go there?

3. Stay in a hotel?

4. Hotel/good?

5. The weather/fine?

6. What/do in the evenings? (at daytime? at weekends?)

7. Meet any interesting people? (new friends?)

8. Who/go there with you?

9. What/do in bad weather?

10. Food/good?

11. Excursions/interesting?

12. Be satisfied?

Exercise 5

Ask questions to the underlined parts of the sentences.

1. Last year he didn't go to the South because of the exams.

2. They came to visit his friend yesterday.

3. He went to the concert two days ago.

4. He had breakfast at 8.30.

5. His mother came to his school and had a long conversation with his teacher.

6. These students were usually late for their lectures last year because they had transport problems.

7. She didn't tell him the truth.

8. He wanted to learn the whole story.

9. Robert took his driving test last week.

10.No one wanted to learn the truth: everyone was afraid.

11.Janeasked her mother to buy her a pullover.

12. Tom bought a lot of Christmas presents for his friends.

13. Last year Marie worked as an аи pair in Newlingham.

14. Yesterday we went to the concert together. It was great!

Exercise 6

Ask all types of questions to the following sentences.

1. She left her book at home because she was in a hurry.

2. He obtained divorce last year.

3. The police asked him a lot of questions and let him go only

in the morning.

4. There was nobody in the house when we came back.

5. Erik came home very early yesterday.

6. She bought a new car two weeks ago, though her husband


7. They booked two seats at the Opera.

8. It was so hot last summer that people who have heart trou­ble suffered a lot.

Exercise 7

The Long Sentence Game.

Begin the game by saying "I went to town and saw a film". The next playerrepeatthis sentence and to add something new, e. g. "I went to towna film and bought a newspaper", and so on. Players get minus points for:

— memory mistakes;

— grammar mistakes.

When story becomes too long (e. g., 10 verbs), begin a new round. The player with the least number of minus points at the end of the game is the winner.

Exercise 8

The Twenty Questions Game.

One player chooses a famous person in history. The others try to guess who he/she was by asking the first player questions. If they fail to guess correctly, the first player gives them hints.

Play this game asking: — only general questions;

—all sorts of questions.

Exercise 9

Work in pairs.

> Pattern: – I went to London last year.

And what did you see when you were there?

I saw the Tower when I was there.

And what did you buy when you were there?

I bought....

And whom did you meet when you were there?

I met....

Exercise 10

The Detective "Alibi" Game.

The police believe that a certain man took part in a robbery in Londonlast weekend. He tells them that he was not in London at the weekend. His alibi is that he was in Scotland. Fill in the missing words.

Use the following verbs: travel, see,hire, return, cost, buy, fly, stay, have, catch, arrive, pay, drive, go.

On Friday I... by tube to Heathrow Airport. I... some magazines at the airport. I then... to Edinburgh on a British Airways flight. I... dinner at the Taj Mahal restaurant in Edinburgh. After dinner I... a film at the Odeon Cinema. My ticket... £5.00.

Then I... at the Cumberland Hotel in Room 546. On Sunday morning I... a car and... to St. Andrews. I... a deposit of £20.00. In the afternoon I... fishing. In the evening I... to Edinburgh. On Sunday morning I... the 11.40 train to London. I... back in London at 17.50.

Exercise 11

Use the Past Simple Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.


1. I (not to go) to work yesterday because I (not to be) very well.

2. Tom (not to shave) this morning because he (not to have) time.

3. We (not to eat) anything because we (not to be) hungry.

4. She (not to be) interested in the book because she (not to

understand) it.

5. Fred (to be) very upset yesterday. His parents (not to allow)

him to go out.

6. ‘I (not to understand) anything.’

‘Why? The lecture (to be) so complicated?'

7. Where you (to go) last Christmas?

8. We (to look) at her for a moment with surprise.

9. Eric (to switch on) the wireless and (to sit down) beside it.

10. She (not to smile) when she (to see) him.

11. Three o'clock (to strike), and four, and the half-hour (to

ring),but Dorian Gray (not to stir).

12. WhenEddy (to leave) in the morning he (to take) her photograph with him.

13. The stranger (to climb) into his car and (to drive away), and when he (to notice) later that his speedometer (to indicate) seventy-five, he (to laugh) at himself but (not to slow down).

14. Bart’s train (to get) into Central about half past five, and he (to go) to the servicemen's hostel and (to have) a bath and a sleep.

15. ‘Why you (not to take) her with you?’

‘She (to have) a headache.’

16. ‘You (to go) anywhere yesterday?’

‘We (to go) to a party. Sheila (to have) birthday yesterday.

‘We (to have) a wonderful time.’

‘Really? It (to be) so good? Who (to show up)?’

‘Oh, all sorts of people. It's a pity you (not to be) there.’


1. ‘Mr. Dorian Gray!'... (to echo) the old gentleman — 'Of course... I (to know) his mother.... I believe I (to be) at her christening. She (to be) an extraordinarily beautiful girl, Margaret Devereux, and (to make) all the men frantic by running away with a penniless young fellow, a mere nobody.... I remember the whole thing as if it (to happen) yesterday.... He was killed in a duel. There (to be) an ugly story about it.... She never (to speak) to her father again. Oh, yes, h (to be) a bad business» The girl (to die) too, within a year. So she (to leave) a son?'

(O. Wilde)

2. ‘She (to be) the loveliest creature I ever (to see). What on earth (to induce) her to behave as she (to do), I never could understand.... Carlington (to be) mad after her. She (to be) romantic, though. All the women of that family (to be).... Carlington (to go) on his knees to her. (To tell) me so himself. She (to laugh) at him, and there (not to be) a girl at the time who (not to be) after him.’

(O. Wilde)

3. Dorian... (to speak) rapidly, and in authoritative manner. Campbell (to feel) dominated by him. They (to leave) the room together. When they (to reach) the top landing, Dorian (to take out) the key and (to turn) it if the lock. Then he (to stop) and a troubled look (to come) into his eyes. He (to shudder).

...'Leave me now,' (to say) a stern voice behind him. He (to turn) and (to hurry out).

(O. Wilde)

Exercise 12

Translate into English.


1. Она подняла трубку и набрала номер телефона Алисы.

2. — Когда они уехали?

— Не знаю. Меня не было дома.

3. Он вернулся позавчера, верно?

4. В дверь снова постучали. Они не ответили, и вскоре стук прекратился.

5. Это был незабываемый вечер.

6. Он положил книги на стол, выключил свет и вышел из комнаты.

7. Её семья в прошлом году переехала в Лондон.

8. Он хорошо написал контрольную работу, и учитель похвалил его.

9. — Почему ты не подходил вчера к телефону, звонил тебе? Тебя не было дома?

— Я был дома. Видимо, что-то было не в телефоном.

10. — Когда Дэнни уехал в Лондон?

— Позавчера. Я проводил его. Он не хотел уезжать и выглядел очень расстроенным.

11. Кейт вздохнула с облегчением. Этот ужасный день наконец-то закончился (to be over)! Она выключила компьютер, еще раз оглядела комнату, щелкнула выключателем и заперла дверь.

12. Письмо пришло вчера, верно? Кто принес его? Почему Вы не отдали мне его сразу?

13. — Как ты провел вчерашний вечер?

— Как обычно.

14. Кто вчера уходил из кабинета последним и не закрыл дверь?

15. — Почему Вы вчера так с ним разговаривали?

— Простите, я плохо себя чувствовал. Я не помню, что говорил.

16. Вчера я пошел в библиотеку. Я хотел взять словарь, но библиотека была, к сожалению, закрыта. Я пришел поздно.


И вот мы продали дом и, как стая перелетных ласточек, унеслись на юг от хмурого английского лета.

Мы путешествовали налегке, взяв с собой только то, что мы считали жизненно необходимым. Когда на таможне мы открыли для досмотра свой багаж, содержимое чемоданов... продемонстрировало характер и интересы каждого из нас. Багаж Марго, например, состоял из вороха... одежды и трех книг с советами, как сохранить стройную фигуру.... В. чемодане Лесли оказалось два свитера,... два револьвера и бутыль смазочного масла (oil), которая подтекала (to leak)... Ларри вез с собой два сундука книг и чемоданчик с одеждой. Я взял с собой в путешествие (to travel with)... четыре книги по зоологии, сачок для бабочек и собаку. (Дж. Даррелл)

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 265 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: THE ADJECTIVE AND THE ADVERB | II. The Past Progressive Tense | III. The Future Progressive Tense | I. The Present Perfect Tense | II. The Past Perfect Progressive Tense | II Present Simple Passive | V. The Past Progressive Passive | VII. The Past Perfect Passive | SHOULD, OUGHT TO | RECAPITULATION OF THE MODAL VERBS |
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Degrees of Comparison| III The Future Simple Tense

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