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The Adjective and the adverb

Читайте также:
  1. A Where do adverbs go?
  2. A) Study this list of proper adjectives.
  3. Adjective or Adverb after special verbs
  4. Adjectives and adverbs
  6. Adjectives made from nouns
  7. Adjectives made from verbs

Olga A. Berezina, Yelena M. Shpilyuk





Допущено учебно-методическим объединением вузов России

по педагогическому образованию

Министерства общего и профессионального образования

Российской Федерации в качестве учебника

для студентов факультетов иностранных языков

вузов и учащихся институтов иностранных языков.

«Издательство Союз»



Foreword …………………………………………………………………………6

The Article

Usage of Articles............................................ …………………………………….10

The Noun

Plural and Singular Usage of Nouns.............. …………………………………….14

Countable and Uncountable Nouns................ …………………………………….15

The Adjective and the Pronoun

Some, Any, No............................................... ……………………………………18

Not Versus No............................................... …………………………………….18

Much, Many, Few, Little................................ ……………………………………20

Other, the Other, Another.............................. ……………………………………22

Different Meanings and Usage of: All, Each, Either, Neither, Every,

Both............................................................... ……………………………………25

The Adjective and the Adverbs

Degrees of Comparison.................................. ……………………………………35

The Verb

The Indicative Mood....................................... ……………………………………40

The Simple Tenses.......................................... ……………………………………40

/. The Present Simple Tense............................. …………………………………...40

//. The Past Simple Tense................................ ……………………………………46

///. The Future Simple Tense........................... …………………………………….53

The Progressive Tenses.................................. ……………………………………58

/. The Present Progressive Tense..................... …………………………………….58

The "Going to" Form...................................... ……………………………………68

//. The Past Progressive Tense......................... …………………………………….71

///. The Future Progressive Tense.................... ……………………………………83

The Perfect Tenses......................................... …………………………………….88

/. The Present Perfect Tense............................ ……………………………………88

//. The Past Perfect Tense................................ ……………………………………96

///. The Future Perfect Tense.......................... ……………………………………104

The Perfect Progressive Tenses..................... ……………………………………110

/. The Present Perfect Progressive Tense....... ……………………………………110

//. The Past Perfect Progressive Tense........... ……………………………………118

///. The Future Perfect Progressive Tense...... …………………………………...125

The Passive Voice......................................... ……………………………………126

/. The Past Simple Passive............................. ……………………………………126

//. The Present Simple Passive........................ ……………………………………129

///. The Future Simple Passive........................ ……………………………………130

IV. The Present Progressive Passive.............. …………………………………...132

V. The Past Progressive Passive.................... …………………………………... 133

VI. The Present Perfect Passive.................... …………………………………... 134

VII.The Past Perfect Passive.......................... …………………………………...136

VIII.The Future Perfect Passive.................... …………………………………... 138

The Imperative Mood................................... ……………………………………139

Modal Verbs.................................................. …………………………………...140

Can, Could..................................................... …………………………………...140

May, Might.................................................... …………………………………...143

Must, to Be to, to Have to.............................. …………………………………...149

Should, Ought to............................................ …………………………………...159

Recapitulation of Modal Verbs..................... …………………………………...167

Conditional Sentences................................... ……………………………………170

I Type........................................................ ……………………………………170

II Type...................................................... ……………………………………175

III Type..................................................... ……………………………………181

If It Were Not For..., If It Hadn't Been For..., But For ………………………...186

The Modal Verbs "Could" and "Might" in Conditional

Sentences....................................................... ……………………………………189

Recapitulation of Conditional Sentences....... ……………………………………191

The Complex Object..................................... ……………………………………195

Indirect Speech............................................. ……………………………………203

Modal Verbs in Indirect Speech.................... ……………………………………217

The Passive Voice in Indirect Speech............ ……………………………………227

Conditional Sentences in Indirect Speech...... ……………………………………229

Recapitulation of Indirect Speech................. ……………………………………231

Troublesome Verbs....................................... ……………………………………239

The Participle................................................ …………………………………...244

Appendix 1

Tense Forms (The Active Voice)................... …………………………………...247

Appendix 2

Tense Forms (The Passive Voice)................. …………………………………...249

Appendix 3

Conditional Sentences................................... …………………………………...251



Учебный комплекс “English for University Students” рассчитан на студентов первого курса факультетов иностранных языков и изучающих английский язык на продвинутом этапе и отвечает требованиям программы Министерства Высшего Образования Российской Федерации.

Комплекс включает четыре составных элемента — три учебника: «Введение в курс фонетики», «Чтение, письменная и устная практика», «Упражнения по грамматике» и аудиокурс.

Комплекс создан на кафедре фонетики английского языка факультета иностранных языков РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена и апробирован на I курсе английского отделения в 1995-1998 годах.

Учебный комплекс характеризуется достаточно высоким уровнем сложности, соответствующим требованиям, предъявляемым к студентам языковых факультетов вузов. Авторский коллектив попытался оказать максимальную помощь студенту при работе с пособием, включив в материал учебника необходимые комментарии.

Учебник "Grammar Exercises" представляет собой сборник упражнений по темам, изучаемым в курсе грамматики на первом году обучения. В каждом разделе имеются как традиционные упражнения, так и коммуникативные, нацеленные на ситуативное употребление грамматических структур.

Расположение глав учебника не предполагает жесткой последовательности при применении его на практике, что дает преподавателю возможность самому определять порядок изучения материала и время, необходимое для освоения того или иного раздела. Учебник может быть использован как для работы в аудитории, так и для самостоятельной работы. Он содержит упражнения по основным разделам грамматики: артикль, имя существительное, имя прилагательное, наречие, местоимение, глагол (видо-временные формы, страдательный залог, косвенная речь и согласование времен, модальные глаголы, глагол в условных предложениях) и некоторые другие. В задачу авторов входило создать учебник, направленный на практическое освоение английской грамматики, однако, в некоторые разделы вошли и упражнения аналитического характера, необходимые для лучшего осмысления студентами грамматических явлений. Во многих случаях основой для подобных упражнений служили отрывки из произведений современной англоязычной литературы.

Работа над пособием распределялась следующим образом:

Березина О.А. — составление упражнений по темам «Артикль», «Имя существительное», «Модальные глаголы», «Косвенная речь», «Повелительное наклонение», «Местоимение, имя прилагательное и наречие», «Сложные случаи употребления глагола», «Причастие».

Шпилюк Е.М. — «Времена глагола», «Страдательный залог», «Условные предложения», «Сложное дополнение», «Страдательный залог в косвенной речи», «Условные предложения в косвенной речи» и подтема «Повторение косвенной речи».

Авторы выражает искреннюю благодарность всем коллегам, оказавшим неоценимую помощь в процессе работы.


декана факультета иностранных языков РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена В.Н. Бычкова за поддержку проекта;

сотрудников кафедры фонетики английского языка, работавших с пособиями в 1995-1998 годах, за ценные замечания и идеи;

профессора Н. Лонгана и М. Коллинз за помощь при подготовке учебника;

заведующего лабораторией инженерной лингвистики Ю.В. Романова и Л.В. Власову за содействие в подготовке материалов учебника к апробированию;

студентов, обучавшихся на первом курсе в 1995-1998 годах и участвовавших в апробировании комплекса;

и всех сотрудников факультета, в той или иной мере способствовавших созданию учебного комплекса.



Usage of Articles

Exercise 1

Insert suitable articles where necessary.

1. I know... place where we can go for lunch.

2. This is... place which I told you about.

3.... pet, which can be quite a nuisance at times, can also be a joy to elderly people.

4. Most people don't like... steak which has been overcooked.

5. I gave... steak which I overcooked to the dog.

6. I know... bookstore where you can find the sequel to Gone with the Wind.

7. This is... bookstore I highly recommend you.

8. I want to buy... matryoshka in Russia.

9. Is this... matryoshka that you bought when you were in Russia?

10.... flowers you gave me were gorgeous.

11.... thing which annoys me most about a foreign language is... grammar rules.

12. I really need... bicycle. Do you know where I could find one?

13. I have never seen... place more cosy in my life.

Exercise 2

Insert suitable articles where necessary.


What should you do when you meet... American for... first time? Some people suggest that you smile and say "Hi!" in... informal situation or "How do you do?" in... formal situation.... others recommend... firm handshake. Everyone agrees that... kiss is not appropriate, even on... cheek. It is common to make... small talk when you first meet... person. You can talk about... weather,... recent sporting event, or better yet, ask... other person... question about his or her life. In any case, don't remain silent when you meet... people for... first time because if you do,... American might think you are... snob.


If there has ever been... book written about... small talk, and how to conduct it, I've never seen it. During... holiday season is when we need... book like that most.... cocktail party or... dinner party can be... bore if people don't know how to small talk.

"How have you been?" isn't good enough. It leads inevitably to "Fine. And yourself?"

... person standing in front of you with... glass in his hand has hit... ball back in your court and you are right where you started: in... conversational abyss. You have to begin again.

... worst thing that can happen at... stand-up or... sit-down party is to get stuck with someone who does not want to talk to you and to whom you have no interest in talking. Until someone comes and interrupts your tortured conversation, you have nothing to do but continue with... idiotic pleasantries.

One of... few ways to escape, when you are trapped one-on-one with someone at... party, is to say either, "Can I get you... drink?" or "I think I'll freshen this... little." You then disappear and hope that, before you return,... person finds someone else to bore. This works only from... man's point of view.... woman can hardly break away by asking... man, "Can I get you another drink?" It is one of... unfair things... women have to bear in... life.

One of... reasons... food is important at... party is not for its nutritional value, but because it's... source of... small talk. If... food is dull,... talk is often dull too.

Exercise 3

Insert suitable articles where necessary.

1. He studies... Chinese history at... college.

2. Before... people invented... wheel, they could not transport heavy loads easily.

3. 1 won't let you leave in such... stormy weather.

4. What... wonderful journey, I'm happy I've joined you.

5. Not... word was said at... dinner about... accident that had happened in... morning.

6. Last year when I was at... school I never took... interest in... ancient art. Now any kind of... information in this field is very interesting to me.

7. Yesterday I came from... work nearly exhausted and went to... bed immediately.

8.... nature is usually wrong. (James McNeill Whistler)

9. Without... music,... life would be... mistake. (Nietzsche)

10.... diplomat is... person who can tell you to go to hell in such... way that you actually look forward to... trip. (Caskie Stinnett)

11.... dog is... only thing on... earth that loves you more than you love yourself. (Josh Billings)

12.... Americans like... fat books but... thin women. (Russel Baker)

13.... optimist is... person who thinks... future is uncertain.

14.... diplomacy is... art of saying "nice doggie!" until you can find... stone. (Wynn Cattin)

15. California is... great place if you happen to be... orange. (F. Allen)

Exercise 4

Say what article is used with the following proper names if any.

United States



North Pole

Hawaiian Islands

Nevsky Prospect

Niagara Falls


Sahara Desert



Rhine river


Jazz Age

North America


South of Russia

southern Russia

Bay of Bengal

Harvard law library

Oxford University

Victoria Lake



High Street

Great Lakes

Erie Canal

University of Texas




Straits of Gibraltar


Gulf of Mexico

Ivory Coast


Lake Ladoga


North Sea



Plural and singular Usage of Nouns

Exercise 1

Give the plural of the following nouns.

leaf mouse country piano
child sheep goose lady
man woman gooseberry crisis
tooth medium deer deary
knowledge fish dish news

Exercise 2

Read the following nouns first in the singular and then in the plural:

1. bag, dog, bird, verb), pan, hen, spoon, noun, room, ring, thing, evening, song, girl, apple, table, article.

2. tree, pie, cow, fly, lady, baby, teacher, letter, mirror, berry, play, toy, city.

3. cake, snake, fork, map, lamp, hat, clock, rat, coat, goat, skirt, shirt, plant, sonant, jacket, object, attribute.

4. shelf, leaf, knife, wife, roof, chief, handkerchief.

5. bus, class, glass, dress, piece, slice, horse, house, rose, nose, blouse, box, fox, match, bench, bridge, cage, cottage, bush, radish.

6. man, woman, child, foot, tooth, goose, mouse, ox, fish, trout, fruit, swine, mouse, louse, deer, sheep.

7. phenomenon, crisis, stimulus, formula, axis, thesis, criterion.

Exercise 3

Give the plural form of the words underlined.

Pattern: I met a man at the meeting last night.

I met some men at the meeting last night.

1. I saw a mouse running across the floor.

2. The baby got a new tooth.

3. I need a match.

4. He cooked a potato for dinner.

5. The professor is reading a thesis.

6. I visited a city in the Ukraine.

7. She photographed a leaf.

8. I caught a fish.

9. I saw a sheep in the farmyard.

10. She talked to a child.

11. The children hid behind the bush.

12. In science class we studied about a species of fish.

13. When I was in the park yesterday, I saw a goose.

14. When we spoke in the cave, we heard an echo.

15. He packed a box.

16. Every day I read in the newspaper about a new crisis in the world.

17. The wagon is being pulled by an ox.

18. I told the children a fable about a wolf and a fox.

19. We read a story about an Indian chief.

20.At the meeting last night, we were listening to a speech.

21.In science class, we studied a phenomenon of nature.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Exercise 4

A LOT OF is used with both countable and uncountable nouns. Complete the sentences using A LOT OF with the correct form of the noun in brackets.

  (money) He has...
  (sandwich) They ate...
  (good idea) That book has...
  (bad weather) We've been having...
  (homework) We have... to do tonight.
  (good advice) She gave me...
  (information) An encyclopedia contains...
  (photograph) She took...
  (new vocabulary) We have learnt...
  (luck) A gambler needs...
  (traffic) We were late because there (was/were)...
  (courage) She has...
  (product) The company makes...
  (beautiful scenery) We saw... on our cross-country trip.


Some, Any, No

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner.

1. You never ask me... questions. Is everything clear?

2. Have... of the cakes.

3. There's hardly... bread left. Could you go and buy...?

4. If you have... news, call me back.

5. My mother hoped that perhaps the school had... funds to give me a grant.

6. You have... fine flowers in your garden.

7. Go and ask him for... more paper.

8. Come... time you like.

9. We did it without... difficulty.

10. There are... matches left. We must buy....

11. I don't think there is... milk left in the jug.

12.... student can answer the question.

13. Is your arm... better?

14. If you want... money, feel free to ask.

15. He does not want... more pudding. You can take it away.

16. They have... time — they must go.

17. There must be... solution to the problem, isn't there?

18. She lives in... little village near London.

19. Take... doll you like, Sue.

20. Would you have... cheese with your tea?

Not versus No

Exercise 2

Make the following sentences negative in two ways.

> Pattern: I have some problems.

a)I have no problems.

b) I don't have any problems.

1. There was some food left.

2. The children made some noise.

3. I need some help.

4. We have some time to spare.

5. There is a way to do it.

6. I received some letters.

7. I trust someone.

8. I saw someone in the hall.

9. She can find somebody who can do it.

10. Someone phoned you in the morning

11. I will give you some money.

12. Some guests have already arrived.

Exercise 3

Correct the following sentences, all of which contain double negation.

1. I don't need no help.

2. I didn't see nobody.

3. I can't never understand him.

4. I didn't do nothing.

5. I can't hardly hear the radio. Would you please turn it up?

Exercise 4

Supply one of the compounds of SOME, ANY or NO to complete the following sentences.

1. At the party you'll see... you haven't met yet.

2. I'm not going to see him because I have... important to tell him.

3.... has been here before us.

4. This is my business and... else's.

5. …is better than... in a situation like this.

6. … has any right to interfere in this matter.

7. It was clear that... had happened.

8. It's a cave. I'd like to find out if there's... left inside.

9. But in any case, what can... do?

10.... at the airport could tell me about the hotel.

11. Can't you do... by yourself, no?

12. Sometimes he would sit silent and abstracted, taking no notice of....

13.... can become a member of the club.

14. There was hardly... to occupy hint.

15. I think there's... wrong with my watch.

16. I am expecting … at the twelve o’clock.

17.... can take part in the programme.

18. She had... to talk to, she was very lonely.

19. If you can find... to do it, let me know.

20. We need... like you to do this job.... very honest.

Much, Many, Few, Little

Exercise 5

Choose between MUCH, MANY, (A) FEW, (A) LITTLE to complete the following sentences.

1. Nowadays we are very busy and we see... of our old friends.

2. We are looking forward to our vacation. We are planning to spend... days with my folks.

3. Into each life,... rain must fall. (a saying)

4. I drove along the edge of the sea. There were not... people about.

5. I have so... things to do that I don't know which to do first.

6. My sister spends so... money on her clothes that she has none left for holidays.

7. She was glad to see me because I was Russian and she knew... Russian people.

8. He was so happily absorbed in the building of his house that events outside it affected him....

9. He knew he was not a good teacher, and he intended to do...of that.

10. I didn't get... to eat when we had dinner with the Greens.

11. Driving to the stadium was easy. We got there quickly because there was... traffic.

12.... days ago I met a very interesting person.

13. Since the family is very poor, the children have... clothes.

Exercise 6

Make the following sentences affirmative and replace MANY and MUCH by suitable expressions.

1. Ann did not have many books on economics.

2. He hasn't much work to do, so he decided to visit his friends first.

3. On Saturday afternoon there were not many people in the supermarket.

4. He did not need much time to work out the plan of his future work.

5. John hadn't slept much the previous night, because he had a headache.

6. I am afraid I have not many new facts about that accident.

7. Not many days passed since he started a new life.

8. Not much was said about it.

9. It was a new part of the city and there were not many green spots about.

10. She was worrying about the course of events because not many letters had come from her brother.

Exercise 7

Translate into English.

1. Как можно так много курить! Вы совсем не беспокоитесь о своём здоровье.

2. Чудесный праздник! Как много гостей! А ведь должно прийти еще больше к восьми часам!

3. Он больше молчал, не вступал в общий разговор. Но то, что он говорил, было всеми услышано, потому что он не говорил много.

4. Этим летом мало дождливых дней, всё больше солнечных.

5. У меня совсем не было сегодня свободного времени, поэтому я мало ел. Сейчас я очень голоден.

6. Моросил мелкий дождь, поэтому на улицах было мало прохожих.

7. Я могу поделиться этим рецептом с Вами. Его секрет в том, что нужно класть много масла и сахара на дно сковороды.

8. Летом мальчику было очень скучно, потому что очень мало его друзей осталось в городе.

9. Туристам музей очень понравился, потому что там было много известных полотен и мало людей.

10. Там были Грины, Смиты, Гордоны и еще много людей, которых я не знаю.

11. Ты мало читаешь. Это может повредить тебе на вступительных экзаменах.

12. В библиотеке осталось очень мало книг, которые Алиса не прочитала.

13. Много уже сказали, но мало сделали.

14. В ноябре в саду было уже мало цветов. Все понимали, что скоро наступит зима.

15. Через минуту я спущусь вниз к гостям.

Other, The Other, Another

Exercise 1

Supply a form of OTHER to complete the following sentences.

1. Look at your hand. There is a total of five fingers. One is your thumb,... is your index finger,... is your middle finger. One finger is your ring finger. And... finger is your little finger.

2. Look at your hands. One is your right hand.... is your left hand.

3. I talked to a lot of people. Some said that in some circumstances they would do as they had done before,... told me that if they had known what it would come to they wouldn't have ever done it.

4. Then I read the novels of George Meredith one after....

5. I made few friends in those days, for I was occupied with... things.

6. I got three letters. One was from my father,... one was from my sister.... letter was from my girlfriend.

7. I would like to read more about this subject. Do you have any... books that you could lend me?

8. Some people prefer classical music, but... prefer rock music.

9. There are many means of transportation. The airplane is one.... are the horse, the train, the automobile.

10. There are many means of transportation. The airplane is one. The train is....

11. There are two women standing on the corner. One is Helen Yanse and... is Pat Hendericks.

12. Thank you for inviting me to the picnic. I'd like to go with you but I've already made... plans.

13. One of the countries I would like to visit is Sweden.... is Mexico. Of course, besides these two countries, there are many... places I would like to see.

14. They were going to get what they wanted, one way or....

15. The bar was kept by two very nice girls, one was American and... English.

16.... people have told me the same things.

17. Most of the guests have already arrived, and I'm sure that all of... will be here soon.

18. I have been in only three cities since I arrived in Britain. One is London, and... are Oxford and York.

19. They have three children. One already has a job,... is at the University of Ohio.

20. He was always somewhat indifferent to the feelings of....

21. Why are you alone? Where are...?

22. The houses on... side of the river were built out of gray stone.

23. The servant opened the door and ushered in... visitor.

24. Would you like... cup of tea?

25. In just... three weeks he will be a married man.

26. When his alarm went off this morning, he shut it off, rolled over, and slept for... twenty minutes.

27. He will graduate in... two years.

28. I am almost finished, I just need... five minutes.


Exercise 2

Translate into Russian paying special attention to the pronouns.

1. They looked at one another in bewilderment.

2. We couldn't hear each other's words for the wind.

3. He smoked one cigarette after another.

4. Although they lived in the same street they rarely saw each other.

5. The newcomer shook hands with the host and nodded to every other person in the room.

6. These books complement one another.

7. Soames and June were seen just touch each other's left hands and look each at the other's left eye only.

Exercise 3

1. Я бы хотел почитать что-нибудь ещё на эту тему. Есть ли у вас что-либо ещё, что вы могли бы одолжить мне?

2. Некоторые люди — высокие, другие — маленькие. Некоторые люди — полные, а некоторые — стройные.

3. Мы с Пегги старые друзья. Мы знаем друг друга с детства.

4. Соединенные Штаты Америки граничат с двумя странами. Одна из них — Канада, а другая — Мексика.

5. Эта страна имеет две основные проблемы: одна из них - инфляция, другая — нестабильность правительства.

6. Ещё две недели, и я буду отдыхать на пляже в Италии.

7. Не хотите ли ещё чашечку кофе?

8. Он пробежал газету глазами от одной новости к другой, пытаясь найти нужные ему сведения.

9. Я приеду на днях и узнаю, как вы устроились в гостинице.

10. Он вошел в комнату. Отец и Майкл сидели там. Он посмотрел сначала на одного, затем на другого.

11. Джим провел выходные, посещая один театр за другим.

12. Натали вошла, неся в каждой руке по чашке. Одну она дала Джеку, другую — Николь.

13. Алек шептал что-то с другого конца стола, стараясь, чтобы его не слышали на кухне.

14. Оба сына Анны играли в саду. Она переводила взгляд с одного на другого.

15. Дай мне ещё полчаса, и ты Получишь самый вкусный торт на свете.

16. Студенты группы приехали из разных стран: некоторые — из Великобритании, некоторые — из Италии, дведевочки — из Швеции, остальные были американцы.

17. Даймне другую ручку, эта совсем не пишет.

18. Дома на другой стороне улицы были построены в середине XIX века.

19. Мистер и миссис Хэммер — счастливая пара. Они любят и поддерживают друг друга.

20. Они не могли слышать слов друг друга; так как ветер был необычайно сильным.

Different Meanings and Usage of: All, Each, Either, Neither, Every, Both

Exercise 1

Make up dialogues using the paired conjunctions: BOTH... AND, NOT ONLY... BUT ALSO, EITHER... OR, NEITHER … NOR.


Use: BOTH … AND in the response.

Pattern: John is going to the cinema.

Is Mary going too?

Yes, both John and Mary are going to the cinema.

1. You have met his father. Have you met his mother too?

2. She can sing. Can she dance?

3. He buys antique things. Does he sell antique things?

4. You had lunch with уют friends. Did you have dinner with them?

5. The city suffers from air pollution. Does it suffer from water pollution?

6. Your son is in elementary school. Is your daughter in elementary school too?


Use: EITHER... OR in the response.

Pattern: You will ask John, or you will ask Mary.

I will ask either John or Mary.

1. Bob has your book, or Jane has it.

2. We shall go to the sea for the vacation, or we shall go to the mountains.

3. We can go swimming, or we can play tennis.

4. You will rent an apartment, or you will live in the dorm.

5. According to the weather forecast, it will rain tonight or it.

6. She is going to vote for Mr. Smith, or Mr. Trude.


Use: NEITHER... NOR in the response.

Pattern: John won't be hen. Will Mary be here?

No, neither John nor Mary will come here.

1. He doesn't like coffee. Does he like tea?

2. Chapter one isn't difficult. Is chapter two difficult?

3. He doesn't enjoy hunting. Does he enjoy fishing?

4. The result wasn't good. Was the result bad?

5. Her sister doesn't know English. Does her brother know English?

6. I don't know where Ann is. Does Paul know where Ann is?

Exercise 2

Repeating the same idea. Complete the following using SO/TOO or NEITHER/EITHER. Give both possible forms.

Pattern: a) I know this person well. So do I.

I know him, too.

b) I haven't read this book in the original. Neither hovel I haven't either.

1. Martha isn't in her room, and (her roommate).

2. Henry didn't go to class, and (I).

3. I'd like to go to the art museum, and (Sid).

4. I won't be there, and (my brother).

5. Jackie wants to go to New York, and (Sally).

6. I have a test today, and (Marcia).

7. Ann used to live there, and (Sue).

8. I couldn't understand the lectures and (Judy).

9. I had to study last night, and (Jack).

10. Mary has seen that film, and (I).

11. I didn't have time to eat breakfast, and (Mum).

12. Fred doesn't know Pat, and (Rachel).

13. Barb wants to accept your invitation, and (Steve).

14. Nicole can't pronounce this sound properly, and (Val).

15. Michael has never spoken to me in this tone, and (his sister).

Exercise 3

Insert BOTH and ALLin their proper places.


Use: BOTH.

1. They want you to come here and stay.

2. We were determined to play tennis.

3. They are old.

4. They are in their last year at Cambridge.

5. We are tired a bit.

6. We can't stay here together.

7. 'Will you be silent?' said mother.

8. They have been waiting for about an hour.

9. Michael and his wife were laughing and exchanging jokes.

10. His mother and his sister had flu.


> Use: ALL.

1. They seemed sad.

2. Do not care what he says, people can't be bad.

3. They were very happy.

4. It's very tiresome.

5. 'He has done that alone,' said Sid.

6. 'Were they at home?' asked Mary.

7. The students seemed busy.

8. We solved the problems which our teacher asked us to solve.

Exercise 4

Complete the following sentences with EACH, EVERY or ALL.

1. He tried to speak three times and... time he failed.

2. I have... book he has ever written.

3.... the people were cheering loudly.

4. He has... chance to win.

5. He looked at... of us in turn.

6. The two little girls held his hands, one on... side.

7. During the next week, Tom wrote four drafts of his speech,... of which was praised highly.

8. His mother taught him that... pleasure must be paid for.

9. That's the sort of job... boys like doing.

10.... the money was spent.

11. They broke into little groups;... had his own wonderful story to tell.

12. She had... opportunity to continue her scientific research.

13.... few hours a fishing village came into sight.

14. We meet with our friends... summer.

15.... of us had to do his own work for the conference.

16. They did not talk much about what... feared most.

17.... trunks must be labelled before they are deposited in the left-luggage room.

18. He had no doubt that she meant... word she said.

19. She went for a walk several times a day,... time checking whether she had switched off the light.

20.... who visited him that night were friends from the time they were children.

Exercise 5

Complete the following sentences with BOTH, NEITHER or EITHER.

1. She can play with the tennis racket in... hand.

2. You can borrow... of my two bicycles.

3. Nick and Tom are … my brothers. But... is in town now, they are... in the army.

4.... the boxes, the red one and the yellow one, are empty. You can take... of them.

5. 'What are you going to have, orange juice or Coke?'

'..., I am not thirsty.'

6. I can hear you..., but I can see... of you.

7. There were oaks growing on... side of the road.

8.... mother and father were at home, but... of them heard Jane come in.

9. They... laughed and Dan looked down at his hands.

10. He had a lovely vacation, keeping in touch with... of his parents.

11. She expected them to talk about football and races, but John knew nothing of....

12. Mary and I were... very happy relaxing on the beach.

13. 'What have you written, a Short story or an essay?'

'I am afraid.... It's a poem.'

14. He invited us..., but I knew he did not want... of us at a family gathering.

15. These are... very dirty rooms. I am afraid... will suit me.

16. 'Would you like The Times or The Morning Posrt?

'Oh,... will do.'

17.She had wonderful golden hair which hung down on... side of her face.

18. Tell... your mother and father that I shall be happy to have them stay with my family for a weekend.

19. By that time... his sisters got married.

20. 'She is either very stupid or she plans something peculiar.'

'What can we do about it in... case?'

Exercise 6

Translate into English paying special attention to the use of the pronouns BOTH, EITHER, NEITHER, ALL, EACH and EVERY.

1. Он произнёс её имя дважды, каждый раз делая ударение на первом слоге.

2. Они не говорили о том, что тревожило каждого из них.

3. Она изучила каждую газету за последний год.

4. Я хочу слышать всё, что они говорят по этому поводу.

5. Она думала, что все на неё смотрят.

6. Директор поговорил с каждым из нас по очереди.

7. Прежде чем выйти из аудитории, профессор дал каждому студенту индивидуальное задание.

8. Попросите их всех заполнить анкеты.

9. Оба ехали молча, или говорили о вещах незначительных.

10. По обеим сторонам дороги выстроились новые современные районы.

11. —Вы боитесь, что Вас неправильно поймут или что высказаться?

—Я не боюсь ни того, ни другого.

12. Вы оба должны приехать к нам и провести у нас вечер.

13.Я видел, как она выходила из дома с сумками в каждой руке.

14. Он продолжал смотреть на часы каждые пять минут.

15. Каждый студент должен знать свои обязанности.

16. Он поздоровался с каждым гостем по очереди.

17. Хотя в комнате никто не жил, её убирали каждый день.

18. «Вы все одинаковы для меня,» — сказала тетя Фэнни.

19. Мальчики с обеих сторон поддерживали пожилого человека, когда он переходил улицу.

20. — Вам чаю или кофе?

— Ни того, ни другого. Я предпочитаю минеральную воду.

21. Обе эти комнаты светлые и просторные. Какая Вам больше нравится?

— И та и другая. Боюсь, выбрать будет трудно.

22. Все, что Вы говорите, не имеет никакого смысла. Каждое Ваше слово бессмысленно.

23. Я хочу видеть и Вашу маму, и Вашего папу у себя в гостях. Передайте им это.

24. Вы можете использовать в своей работе цитаты из всех книг, которые рекомендованы.

25. Никто из вас не умеет так виртуозно вальсировать.

26. Вы должны использовать каждую возможность поговорить с ним об этом.

27. Оба они недоумевали, куда все исчезли.

28. Преподаватель сказал, что каждый из нас должен внимательно прочитать эту статью.

29. На конференции каждому дали возможность высказать свою точку зрения.

30. Он разглядывал меня, а я разглядывал его, ни один не проронил ни слова.


Exercise 1

Choose between the adverb and the adjective given in brackets to com­plete the sentences.

1. It is (correct/correctly).

2. Spell the word (correct/correctly).

3. You know it (well/good).

4. Of course it is (well/good).

5. It is (cold/coldly) in the room.

6. Don't look so (cold/coldly) at me.

7. I can do it (easy/easily).

8. I always worry if you come home (late/lately).

9. You are tired. You mustn't work so (hard/hardly).

10. She looks just (wonderful/wonderfully) in that new dress.

11. I can't hear the actors (well/good) from the last row.

12. I think it a (real/really) good play.

13. This soup makes me feel (bad/badly).

14. The actress is speaking (soft/softly), but I can hear her (clear/clearly).

15. The roses will (sure/surely) smell (sweet/sweetly).

16. The victim of the accident looked (helpless/helplessly) across the road.

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with one of the expressions translated into Russian as "еще": YET, STILL, ELSE, MORE, ANOTHER, AS EARLY AS, ONLY, EVEN.

1. It is quite late. And we haven't finished our work....

2. You are too young... to understand all the sorrow of the human life.

3.... a year before the Tchaikovsky contest for pianists in Moscow in 1957, no one knew the name of Van Cliburn.

4. Mozart began to compose music before he could reach the keyboard,... at the age of four he composed his first minuet.

5. When we thought that all the guests had arrived... man came who was a total stranger to us.

6. Your mother impressed me with her exceptional beauty. She... looks very young in spite of her hard life.

7. I know so little about your life. It seems to have been so eventful! What... can you tell about it?

8. We definitely have to go because we are to meet Mrs. Munroe at five in spite of the rain....

9. What... yesterday seemed a dream has become reality today.

10.... then I knew it was going to happen. I was always sure

that he wouldn't forget his former job.

11. My dear lady, you've always been a beauty but today youare... more beautiful.

12. I was always fond of visiting new scenes and observingstrange characters and ways of life.... when a mere child I began my travels and made many tours of discovery.

13. I cannot do the translation..., I've got something... to do first.

l4. He was always so predictable, I felt at ease communicating with him but I am... wondering why he behaved as if he I were taken aback.

15. The Egyptians knew geometry, astronomy, agriculture... 3,000 B.C.

16.... a month ago I couldn't possibly imagine that all my dreams would come true one day.

17.... and... people crowded into St. Mark's square, it being an ordinary day full of tourists and street sellers' yelling in Venice.

18. You've only today arrived in St.-Petersburg and I knew nothing about your coming. Am I the only person you know here, whom... do you know in this city?

19. To feel safe and secure we need to do one... mile towards the White Hart otherwise we'll have to struggle our way in darkness under this rain.

20.Great Britain's first Parliament was formed... 1265.

Exercise 3

Translate into English using the expressions which render the Russian.

1. Он редко смеялся, ещё реже плакал.

2. Ещё несколько десятилетий тому назад трудно было себе представить, что человек поднимется в космос, а сегодня это стало реальностью.

3. Не торопитесь, день ещё не закончился, Все может произойти.

4. Ещё в детстве я очень любил рисовать. А теперь это детское увлечение стало смыслом моей жизни.

5. Ещё в 1445 году Иоганн Гутенберг напечатал первую книгу.

6. Она позвонила вчера ещё раз и обещала зайти и рассказать всё нам лично.

7. Я не могу встретить Ника. Завтра в это время я буду всё ещё занят.

8. Ты мне ещё не сказал, как твой отец воспринял твоё желание идти своим путём.

9. Ещё в древности людям были известны удивительные свойства некоторых драгоценных камней. Это положило начало магии.

10.Все это вполне поправимо и ещё не так поздно изменить принципы программы.

11. Робинзон Крузо все ещё надеялся, что какой-нибудь корабль может спасти его.

12. Вы ещё не знаете, что опыт оказался неудачным, и что лаборатория в ближайшем будущем будет закрыта?

13. Неужели она все ещё не забыла своей обиды на Вас? Ведь это было так давно.

Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks with one of the synonyms: FAIRLY, QUITE, RATHER, PRETTY.

1. He speaks French... well, but I don't think he can handle a difficult situation.

2. It is not the best film ever made, but it's... good. I would like to see it once more.

3. He is a very good linguist. He speaks three languages and... well.

4. He has just written a novel. It is not the best book I have ever read, but it is... good.

5. The weather is much better than the forecast predicted. It is... a nice day.

6. Sixty five is... old to start practising a new kind of exercise.

7. It has been getting... warm lately. Very soon we shall be able to have picnics outdoors.

8. He annoys me with his absolute confidence in his own cleverness. He is... too sure of himself.

9. The cuisine of India is... too hot for me. I prefer something milder and more delicate.

10. I only recently really noticed that she is... a beauty. She used to be... ordinary when I first met her.

11. There is something... strange about the way he talks to you. I don't feel comfortable with him.

12. The Christmas tree and all the decorations were... finished by midday.

13. In her sorrow she was left... alone. But she succeeded in having her own way out of it.

14. You see, I couldn't help buying this car. It was... cheap and certainly well worth the price.

15. One can never be... sure what she is up to. She is so very unpredictable with her own ways and whims.

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