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Adjectives made from verbs

Читайте также:
  1. A Where do adverbs go?
  2. A) Study this list of proper adjectives.
  3. A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
  4. Action and state verbs
  5. Adjective or Adverb after special verbs
  6. Adjectives and adverbs


2.17 –able Make adjectives ending in able from the following verbs, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

change / advise / accept / suit / adjust / read / enjoy / cure / regret / agree / break / depend

1 It’s _______ to book early, but not essential.

2 English weather is very ________. It’s often different from day to day.

3 I t was a ________ mistake. I am very sorry.

4 Is 6.30 a ________ time, or is it too early?

5 He’s a very ________ boy. You can rely on him.

6 Pack them carefully. They’re ________.

7 You’ll like it. It’s a very _______ book.

8 You can raise the microphone or lower it. It’s ________.

9 Thank you for a very ________ evening. We had a lovely time.

10 We regret that late applications are not ________.

11 We’ll meet at 8 if you are all ________.

12 Fortunately the cancer was _________ and he is now well again.


2.18 –ive Make adjectives ending in ive from the following verbs, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

destroy / attract / produce / inform / deceive / decide / appreciate / protect / create / talk

1 He was very ________ of all I had done for him.

2 The factory has been more ________ since we bought new automatic machines.

3 His appearance is ________. He’s older than he looks.

4 Nuclear weapons are terribly ________.

5 His lecture was very _______. We learnt a lot.

6 She’s very ________. She paints, makes sculpture and designs textiles.

7 She’s a very _______ girl. Men always like her.

8 She was very ________. She told me all about herself and her family.

9 Firemen wear ________ clothing, otherwise they would get burnt.

10 He’s not afraid to take action. He’s very ________.


2.19 In each space below put an adjective made from the verb in brackets below the phrase.

1 a ______ body (die)

2 a ______ book (bore)

3 an _____ car (economize)

4 a _______ neighbour (quarrel)

5 an ______ chapter (introduce)

6 an ______ film (entertain)

7 an ______ policeman (observe)

8 an ______ dog (obey)

9 a ______ district (reside)

10 a _______ fish (slip)

11 an _______ film (educate)

12 a ________ child (spoil)

13 a ________ cake (stick)

14 an _______ leaflet (explain)



Наречия образуются путем прибавления к корневому слову суффиксов ly, ward, fold. Корневое слово у наречий может быть выражено разными частями речи.

bad плохой badly плохо
part часть partly частично
first первый firstly во- первых
increasing возрастающий increasingly значительно
two два twofold вдвойне, вдвое


Наречия с суффиксом – ward, (-wards) обозначают направления (или направленность).

back обратно, назад backward назад, в обратном направлении
north север northward(s) к северу, на север
home дом homeward к дому, по направлению к дому

Некоторые наречия, образованные от прилагательных с помощью суффикса – ly, отличаются от корневого слова по значению.

Запомните их!

near близкий nearly почти
late поздний lately недавно
hard усердный hardly едва
short короткий shortly вскоре
great великий greatly очень в значительной степени
most большинство mostly в основном, главным образом
large большой largely значительно

3.1 ly Make adverbs ending in ly from the following adjectives.Compare the meanings of the adjective and the corresponding adverb.

simple, normal, usual, complete, large, near, great, high, hard, extreme, perfect, final, swift, comparative, short, exact, rough

3.2 Translate the following word-combinations. Mind the meaning of an adverb.

a valuable theory a highly valuable theory

an important discovery a greatly important discovery

a productive method a highly productive method

efficient research highly efficient research

equal volumes nearly equal volumes

an experimental construction a largely experimental construction

3.2 Find the adverbs of direction. Translate them.

1 northward / definitely / actively / highly

2 strongly / usually / eastward/ originally

3 monthly / backward / afterwards / negatively

4 carefully / regularly / naturally / upward


-ate active активный to activate активизировать
-en short короткий to shorten укоротить
-fy, -ify pure чистый to purify очищать
-ize character характер to characterize характеризовать
-ise real реальный to realise осознавать

Некоторые глаголы образуются путем прибавления приставки en- к прилагательным или существительным, например large (большой)- to enlarge (увеличивать), sure (уверенный) – to ensure (обеспечивать).


4.1 Read the following verbs correctly. Mind the stress.

`justify, `memorize, app`ly, in`tesify, `occupy, re`ly, con`taminate, supp`ly, imp`ly, `qualify, `simplify, `regulate, `penetrate, in`vestigate


4.2 Make verbs ending in en, – ify, – ize from the following words. Translate them.

–en: length, strength, height, light, wide, broad, bright, hard, weak, thick, dark

ify: solid, pure, simple, intense, electric, quality

–ize: magnet, revolution, organ, crystal, character, special, active, real, economy, energy


Verbs made from nouns

4.3 In each space below put a verb made from the noun in brackets after the sentence.

1 The teachers ________ the pupils to study. (courage)

2 I want to __________ my house by building an extra room. (extent)

3 Fireworks _________ dogs and cats. (fright)

4 The doctor gave her some tablets to _________ the pain. (relief)

5 If the ambulance doesn’t come soon, he’ll _______ to death. (blood)

6 The police can’t ________ that he committed the crime. (proof)

7 More floods could ________ hundreds of homes. (danger)

8 The police are trying to ________ the body. (identity)

9 They plan to ________ the bridge by building more stone supports.


10 She said women must _________ themselves from male domination.


11 The smoke was so dense that we could hardly _______. (breath)

12 My brother and I decided to _______ the money we found. (half)

13 Why can’t they ________ the break so that we have time for a coffee?



Verbs made from adjectives

4.4 en Make verbs ending in - en from the following adjectives, making

any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places

in the sentences below.

tight / less / sweet / loose / deep / straight / weak / flat / worse / sharp / bright / light / ripe / quiet / broad / dark / deaf / wide

1 Tomorrow will begin dark and cloudy but it will _______ later.

2 You can _______ the risk of theft by locking your bicycle.

3 These apples _______ in June.

4 You should _______ this dish by adding sugar.

5 The hospital phoned to warn that her husband’s condition was beginning to ________.

6 This road is very narrow but they’re planning to ________ it.

7 He managed to ________ the ropes round his wrists and escape.

8 They decided to ________ the ship by throwing some machinery into the sea.

9 I don’t know how that loud disco music doesn’t ________ people.

10 They are going to _________ that rough area to make a football pitch.

11 When the evening began to _________, we turned on the lights.

12 They are going to ________ the harbour so that it can take bigger ships.

13 Have you a knife? I want to ______ my pencil.

14 Foreign travel will _______ your experience.

15 She gave the noisy baby a toy to _______ it.

16 Can you _________ that picture on the wall? It’s crooked.

17 That screw’s loose. _______ it with a screwdriver.

18 The boxer began the fight strongly but began to ________ in the fifth round.




1) Префиксы, имеющие отрицательное значение:

un – equal (равный) – un equal (неравный)

im – possible (возможный) – im possible (невозможный)

in – ability (способность) – in ability (неспособность)

ir – regular (регулярный) – ir regular (нерегулярный)

il – legal (легальный) – il legal (нелегальный)

dis – honest (честный) – dis honest (нечестный)

mis – to understand (понимать) – to mis understand (неправильно понять)

non – interference (вмешательство) – non -interference (невмешательство)


2) Префиксы, которые придают слову противоположное значение или обозначают противоположное действие:

un – to tie (связывать) – to un tie (развязывать)

dis – to appear (появляться) – to dis appear (исчезать)

de – to control (контролировать) – to de control (освобождать от контроля)

anti – aircraft (самолет) – anti - aircraft (противовоздушный)

counter – to act (действовать) – to counter act (противодействовать)



3) Префиксы, имеющие значение «сверх», «пере», «чрезмерно».

over to pay (платить) - to over pay (переплатить)

super – human (человеческий) – to super human (сверхчеловеческий)

ultra – violet (фиолетовый) – ultra – violet (ультрафиолетовый)


4) Префикс, обозначающий повторное действие со значением «снова», «заново», «вновь», «пере », «вос », «повторный»:

re to construct (строить) – re construct (перестроить)


5) Префиксы, обозначающие общность действия, имеющие значение «между», «взаимно»:

co– operation (действие) – co- operation (сотрудничество)

inter– national (национальный) – inter national (интернациональный)

6) Префиксы, которые переводятся как:

а) «перед», «до»:

pre historic (исторический) – pre historic (доисторический)

war (война, военный) – pre- war (довоенный)

б) «после»

post– war (война) – post war (послевоенный)

в) «недостаточно», «недо-»:

under – to pay (платить) – to under pay (недоплачивать)

г) «под»:

sub – division (разделение) – sub division (подразделение)

д) «экс», «бывший»:

ex – champion (чемпион) – ex –champion (бывший чемпион)

е) «полу»:

semi – conductor (проводник) semi conductor (полупроводник)

ж) «много»

multy – storey (этаж) – multi-storey (многоэтажный)

з) «дву(х)»:

bi – centenary (век) – bicentenary (двухсотлетие)


7) Префиксы глагола, имеющие значение «делать»:

en – large (большой) – to en large (увеличивать, делать больше)

danger (опасность) – to en danger (подвергать опасности)

force (сила) – to en force (принуждать, настаивать)

circle (круг) – to en circle (окружать)


5.1 In the following exercises syllables or words are to be added to the front of other words to change or add to their meaning. Where necessary, hyphens have been placed in the sentences.

1) co – (= with, together) / re – (= again) / ex – (= former, before)

inter – (= between)

Put one of the above prefixes in each of the spaces in the sentences below.

1 The …… -pilot took over the plane’s controls while the captain had a coffee and sandwich.

2 The US and Russia can attack each other with …… -continental missiles.

3 Germany and France are …… -operating on the design of a new space – rocket.

4 She’s divorced but she’s still on good terms with her …… -husband.

5 Does …… national sport really improve relations between countries?

6 The teacher told his student to …… writes his bad composition.

7 The local trains are slow but the …… -city services are excellent.

8 Most houses need to be …… painted every five to seven years.

9 Men who once served in the armed services are called …… -servicemen.

10 Both boys and girls go to that school. It’s …… -educational.

2) bi – (= two) / pre – (=before) / semi – (= half) / counter – (= in the opposite direction)

Put one of the above prefixes in each of the spaces in the sentences below.

1 We managed to drive the enemy back, but they …… attacked.

2 The back wheel of a ……. cycle bears more weight than the front wheel.

3 Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago in …… historic times.

4 The pupils’ desks were arranged in a …… circle round the teacher.

5 His father is Greek and his mother is Italian so he’s …… lingual.

6 It was a …… lateral agreement, signed by India and Pakistan.

7 Bibby is three. She goes to a …… -school playgroup every morning.

8 The …… espionage department has caught three foreign spies.

9 Houses in Britain are often built in pairs. They’re called …… -detached.

10 He was only …… - conscious when the ambulance arrived and he died in hospital.

3) post – (= after) / mono – (= one) / anti – (= against) / non – (= not)

Put one of the above prefixes in each of the spaces in the sentences below.

1 He got his university degree last year. Now he’s doing …… graduate studies.

2 Some flights go from London to the Middle East ……. -stop.

3 The words ‘fat’, ‘help’, and ‘come’ are all …… syllables.

4 That’s …… sense! You don’t know what you’re talking about!

5 The principal …… -war problem was to rebuild the destroyed cities and industries.

6 Maybe future trains will run on just a single rail. This system is called a …… rail.

7 To prevent petrol from freezing, put ……. freeze in the tank.

8 I’m not …… - marriage. I think it’s a very good custom.

9 I’m afraid the club is not open to ……. -members.

4) multi – (= many) / trans – (=across) / super – (= above, more than) /

de – (= acting against)

Put one of the above prefixes in each of the spaces in the sentences below.

1 The countryside is becoming ……. forested soon quickly that soon there’ll be no trees left at all.

2 He works in London and in New York so he’s a regular ……. Atlantic air passenger.

3 The train became ……. railed at 60 miles per hour but no one was seriously hurt.

4 He was so powerful that he sometimes seemed almost ……. human.

5 It is now possible to ……. plant a heart from a dead person to a living one.

6 Britain has people from all over the world. It’s a ……. racial society.

7 The villages are becoming …….. populated as more and more people move to the cities.

8 He believes in ghosts and magic and other …….. natural things.

9 Concorde is a ……. sonic plane. It flies faster than sound.

10 He’s incredibly rich. He’s certainly a ……. -millionaire.

5) pro – (=for, in favour of) / sub – (= under) / uni – (= one) / tri – (= three)

Put one of the above prefixes in each of the spaces in the sentences below.

1 That road is very dangerous. Use the …… way to get across.

2 That newspaper is very left- wing. In fact it’s ……. -communist.

3 The ……. marine approached the warship unseen.

4 They have discovered some …….. terranean caves 200 feet down.

5 Soldiers, policemen and firemen wear …….. form. Teachers don’t.

6 Small children ride ……. cycles, not bicycles.

7 He likes British people and culture. He’s very ……. -British.

8 A shape with three angles is called a ……. angle.

9 The …... - war party wanted more arms and a bigger army.

10 Both men and women have their hair cut there. It’s a …… sex salon.

6) over – (=too much) / under – (= not enough)

Put one of the above prefixes in each of the spaces in the sentences below.

1 He needs a good holiday. He’s suffering from ……. work.

2 She didn’t hear the alarm clock and ……. slept.

3 It needs to be cooked a little more. It’s ……. done.

4 You’ve ……. charged me. The price is £8 not £10.

5 They say they’re ……. paid and want more money.

6 There aren’t enough people in the country. It’s ……. populated.

7 There were too many people in the room. It was ……. crowded.

8 Rich nations should give more aid to ……. developed countries.

9 He’s fat and lazy. It’s because he ……. eats.

10 We …... estimated the cost of the holiday and ran out of money.

7) un/ dis

Put one of the above prefixes in each space in the phrases below to make the word which follows it opposite in meaning.

1 a(n) ________ comfortable chair

2 a(n) ________ believable story

3 a(n) ________ punctual train

4 a(n) ________ respectful pupil

5 a(n) ________ popular man

6 a(n) ________ honest shopkeeper

7 a(n) ________ lucky accident

8 a(n) ________ familiar city

9 a(n) ________ satisfied customer

10 a(n) ________ grateful child

11 a(n) ________ united party

12 to ________ lock a door

13 to _______ believe a story

14 to _______ agree with someone

15 to _______ like cheese

16 to _______ appear round the corner

17 to _______ cover buried treasure

18 to ______ obey an order

8) ir / il / im– / in

Put one of the above prefixes in each space in the phrases below to make the word which follows it opposite in meaning.

1 an ________ resistible temptation

2 an ________ possible plan

3 an ________ legal business deal

4 an ________ accurate calculation

5 an ________ mature young man

6 an ________ moral action

7 an ________ convenient arrangement

8 an ________ logical answer

9 an ________ responsible boy

10 an ________ patient motorist

11 an ________ secure feeling

12 an ________ relevant question

13 an _______ polite letter

14 an ________ literate person

15 ________ frequent buses

16 ________ legible handwriting

17 an ________ curable illness

18 an ________ regular train service

19 an ________ dependent country

20 _________ formal clothes

21 an ________ replaceable work of art

22 an ________ expensive present




Слово может менять свое значение и выполнять новую синтаксическую функцию в предложении, не изменяя при этом написания и произношения. Наиболее распространенными является образование глаголов от существительных, например:

master (хозяин) – to master (управлять)

house (дом) – to house (размещать)

water (вода) – to water (поливать)

better (лучший) – to better (улучшать)

Глаголы могут быть образованы и от прилагательных:

empty (пустой) – to empty (опустошать)

dark (темный) – to dark (темнеть)

light (свет) – light (светлый) – to light (освещать)

Незнакомое слово следует отыскивать в словаре только после того, как по внешним признакам и месту в предложении будет определено, какой частью речи оно является.


6.1 Define parts of speech of the words in bold. Translate the sentences.

1 He works as a teacher. You’ll make progress if you work hard. I saw one of his works at the exhibition.

2 I was waiting for your report. They report the results of their experiment every Monday.

3 He thought about his new work. His report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment.

4 This is a nice room. He roomed at a hotel. Did they room a double bed apartment?

5 It’s not in my power to change the situation. Electric power is now used in most plants and factories. A power station is a building in which mechanical power, especially electric power is produced.

6 Many students study English with pleasure. My grandfather has a large study. Where did he study?

7 Who ruled this country? In 1860, Italy was a collection of small states ruled by princes and dukes. All sportsmen must obey (соблюдать) the rules of the game. Set of rules was changed many times. Britain doesn’t often produce sportsmen but it set the rules of many sports and games.

8 He used to have black hair but now it’s gone grey, almost white. Mix black and white to form grey. His face turned grey. Jim was greying a little at the temples.

9 They’ve heard a beautiful play. Helen played next door to us. When the cat is away, the mice will play. This year he plays very well.

10 The economy is in a period of reduced and slow business activity. There has been a slow rise in sales. He is a slow walker. My watch is 10 minutes slow. He slowed the car down. I was one of the slowest runners in my group.

11 Did you buy a paper this morning? Paper this room in green and that one in light blue. The room is papered nicely, isn’t it?

12 I’ll warm some water for your baby. A warm coat you wear in winter is often made of wool. Come here and have a warm by the fire. Will you have your milk warmed?

13 He stopped to light a cigarette. She had blue eyes and light brown hair. The man moved forward into the light. I had a light lunch in town. I want a lighter yellow paint for the walls.




(Словообразование при помощи чередования ударения)

Некоторые существительные и прилагательные совпадают по форме с глаголами, но отличаются ударением. Как правило, в существительных и прилагательных ударение падает на первый слог (даже если это приставки), а в соответствующих глаголах – на второй.

' record (запись) – to re'cord (записывать)

' perfect (совершенный) – to per'fect (совершенствовать)


7.1 Read the words. Pay attention to the stress in nouns and adjectives.

`atom – a`tomic, `organ – or`ganic, `metal – me`tallic, `period – peri`odic, e`conomy – eco`nomic, `science – scien`tific, `element – ele`mentary, `industry – in`dustrial, a`cademy – aca`demic, `strategy – stra`tegic, ge`ography – geo`graphic, meteo`rology – meteoro`logical, ge`ology – geo`logical


7.2 Read the words. Pay attention to the stress in verbs and nouns.

`educate – edu`cation, `graduate – gradu`ation, `demonstrate – demon`stration, `illustrate – illust`ration, `indicate – indi`cation, `concentrate – concen`tration, com`municate – communi`cation, in`vestigate – investi`gation


7.3 Read highlight the stressed syllable in each of the words in bold. Translate the sentences.

1 Dom Perignon perfected the art of blending wines from many different vineyards. The best way to perfect your Spanish is to live in a country where it’s spoken. This dress will be perfect for the summer. The meal was absolutely perfect.

2 Rivers transport much mud. There is much transport in large cities. The company transports meat across the country in refrigerated containers. Critics have pointed to the lack of transport links to the new attraction.

3 Who is going to present the prizes this year? The delegation present at our conference has come from Canada. They present an interesting example of word–building. I have a nice present for you. We can’t afford to spend much on Christmas presents this year. He’s very busy at present. He presented me with his new book. The watch was a present from my mother.

4 The records of births, marriages, and deaths were all destroyed in the fire. According to your medical records, you had an operation five years ago. I wish I could record a hit record! This record is of great importance nowadays. We have a lot of records. Record, please this program for me.

5 Japan exports many goods all over the world. We have many export goods to buy. Export of this country is about 50 per cent annually. We met a trader who exports goods to China. The export of gold has been forbidden. Raw cotton is one of the chief exports of the United States.

6 Russia exports mainly raw materials but imports much electronics and goods. Import goods are taxed in all the countries. The import of raw materials is extremely important for some countries as they haven’t their own ones. America imports raw silk from Japan. What does this news import? Imports exceeded exports in value last year. What is the import of his remarks?

7 The students’ progress is usually determined by oral and written tests and examinations. His illness progresses very quickly. Human progress has reached the stage of intensive exploration of nuclear and solar energy. They progress not so successfully as we’d like to.

8 There has been an increase in the price of petrol. The cost of living has greatly increased since 1917. The Clean Air Act would increase the cost of electric power in the Midwest. There will be no increase in student enrolments this year. Improved airline service led to an 18,7% increase in tourists to Africa last year.

9 All this upset over the wedding has really upset them. The children were very upset when we told them that we wouldn’t be going to Disneyland.

10 He saw the imprint of suffering on her face. He imprinted a postmark on a letter. Those ideas imprinted on his mind.




Словосложение – это объединение полнозначных слов или их основ в сложное слово. Вновь образованное сложное слово пишется слитно или через дефис:

airfield – аэродром (air - воздух, field - поле)

air- base - авиабаза (air - воздух, base - база)

airman – авиатор (air - воздух, man - мужчина)

schoolday – школьный день (school - школа, day - день)

birthplace – место рождения (birth – рождение, place - место)

Сложные слова могут состоять из двух существительных, первое из которых приобретает значение прилагательного. В этом случае слова пишутся отдельно.

Например: service dress – форменная одежда, одежда для службы (service – служба, dress – платье), shop window – витрина (shop – магазин, window - окно), skim milk – снятое молоко (to skim – снимать (накипь и т.д.), milk – молоко).

8.1 Read, analyse and translate these words.

bathroom, bathrobe, bookcase, bookshelf, note-book, fireplace, fireman, fire-bug, hairbrush, hair-do, hair- cut, ice-box, ice-boat, raincoat, raindrop, rainbow, waterfall, water-pot, snowfall, snowflake, snowstorm, money-box, hush-money, evergreen, godlike, handshake, toothpick, footprint, next-door, just-married, new-comer, peace-lover, bone-setter, sunshine, sunshade, sunstroke, sun-up.


8.2 Combine the words in A with the words in B to from the following words. Write them down.

Новорожденный, глубоководный, овальный, разносчик газет, новомодный, смертность, красавец (амер.), дальтонизм, выставочный зал, окольный путь, очень высокий, линия горизонта, лунатик, пароход, кратковременный, вековой, лаконичный, раскаленный добела, бокал (рюмка), резчик по дереву, образное описание, ежегодник, водонепроницаемый.


1 deep- 13 steam- a) old m) spoken

2 year- 14 short- b) cutter n) shaped

3 word- 15 new- с) hot o) looker

4 short- 16 good- d) walker p) blindness

5 water- 17 side- e) fashioned q) proof

6 new- 18 news- f) boy r) line

7 egg- 19 sky- g) sea s) ship

8 death- 20 white- h) rate t) lived

9 colour- 21 wine- i) room u) glass

10 sky- 22 wood- j) way v) picture

11 age- 23 show- k) high w) book

12 sleep l) born

8.3 It’s interesting. Read and try to guess the meaning of the following words which can characterize some features of a person.

open-hearted, sweet-hearted, feather-brained, empty-headed, grey-headed, bull-headed, even-minded, high-minded, high-handed, high-spirited, low-spirited, low-born, higher-up, swift-handed, long-legged, snub-nosed, green-eyed, wide-shouldered, good-humoured, dog-tired, good-for-nothing, touch-me-not, well-to-do, cat-and-dog (life), strongly-built, chicken-hearted, one-eyed, stay-at-home, stone-blind, double-faced.




9.1 Translate the words. Mind the formation of different parts of speech.

1) l o ng – l e ng th – to l e ngth en

str o ng – str e ng th – to str e ngth en

high – h ei ght – to h ei ght en

2) br oa d – to br oa d en - br ea d th

d ee p – to d ee p en – d e p th

w i de – to w i d en – w i d th

3) dark – to dark en – darkn ess

thick – to thick en – thickn ess

light – to light en – lightn ess

black – to black en – black ness

weak – to weak en – weak ness

9.2 Read the words given below. State the part of speech. Translate the words into Russian.

A) to add – addition – additional, large – enlarge – enlargement, to create – creation – creator – creative – creatively, to divide – division – divisible – indivisible, to desire – desire – desirable – undesirable, to vary – variety – various – variable – invariable, to appear – appearance – disappear – disappearance, to act – act – active – activity – actor – action – activate – activation, long – length – to lengthen, possible – impossible – impossibility, depend – dependence – independence, differ – different – difference – indifferent, product – productive – unproductive – productivity – production, to compare – comparison – comparative – comparatively

B) consequent – consequently – consequence, to flood – flood – floodable, to deteriorate – deteriorating – deterioration, contaminate – contaminated – contaminating – contamination – contaminant, to erode – eroded – erosive – erosion, include – inclusion – inclusive – inclusively – inclusiveness, mount – to mount – mountain – mountaineer – mountainous, move – movable – mover – movement, to preserve – preserve – preservation – preservative, relate – related – relation – relationship – relative – relatively – relativity


9.3 For questions 1-8 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

If you are (0)…… interested… INTEREST
in the life of birds you should know that birds do not …..(1) USUAL
fly very high and we can ……(2)see them EASY
flying from the ground. A lot of birds when on …….(3) MIGRATE
fly from 100 to 400 metres high as the ……..(4)shows. Some EQUIP
birds, like penguins, cannot fly, but they are good ……..(5) SWIM
and good ……..(6)too. JUMP
They ……….(7)jump into and QUICK
out of water and they look so ……(8)when they walk. FUN


9.4 For questions 1-12 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

In downtown New York city, ……(1) WORK
were digging. This was only one of many ……(2) CONSTRUCT
sites in the city, but this one would be ……..(3) DIFFER
This site was surrounded by steel and glass skyscrapers. Eventually, an office ……..(4) BUILD
would rise here, too. Now, however, an …….(5) USUAL
type of …….(6) ACTIVE
was occurring. Something appeared strange. The ……(7) WORK
were not constructing a ……..(8)but were unearthing BUILD
an old ship. Can you imagine a ship under the busy streets of Manhattan? The …….(9) EXPLAIN
is very simple. …….. (10) BUILD
must search sites for ……..(11)treasure. HISTORY
The ……(12)is very strict. The ship had been discovered during such a search. REQUIRE


9.5 For questions 1-12 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

The English language is ……..(1)growing and CONSTANT
changing. No one has ever included every word from the language in a single dictionary. To do that would mean to …(2) WRITE
the dictionary every day, which is …..(3). POSSIBLE
But people have a lot of ….(4) INFORM
about the ……(5) GROW
and ……(6) DEVELOP
of the language, its ……(7). EXPAND
Scholars have …..(8)ideas of how any new VARY
discovery contributes to the process of new words …..(9). ADOPT
When people are faced with a new …..(10) SITUATE
and they do not have a word for its …..(11)they sometimes DESCRIBE
make up one. But no one makes a formal ……(12) about it. DECIDE


9.6 For questions 1-10 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

Many …….(1) begin to have trouble when they start READ
to read passages about …..(2) subjects. FAMILIAR
Such people often …..(3) the passage as they cannot tell UNDERSTAND
what the …..(4) of the sentence is. MEAN
They come across …..(5) words which prevent KNOWN
the process of …..(6). There are COMPREHEND
many ….(7) ideas that can help you and the first is, USE
“Don’t get …..(8). NERVE
Try and read the passage …..(9), learn from context. ATTENTIVE
Pay …..(10) to what the rest of the passage says. ATTENTIVE


9.7 For questions 1-12 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

English has a very …….(1) EFFICIENCY
method of adding words …..(2)! BORROW
As an English ……(3)travels the globe he adds a wealth SPEAK
of words from other languages. By the 1600’s the English were …….(4) ACTIVE
involved in ……(5) EXPLORE
They were looking for countries to establish trade …..(6) CONNECT
with. In those countries a …..(7) TRAVEL
was exposed to new ideas, climates full of heat and ….(8) ICE
cold, …..(9) DIFFER
plants and animals. Rather than make up …..(10) END
rows of new words for everything he saw an ……(11)often used the words of the natives. These EXPLORE
words became an …..(12) part of the English vocabulary. IMPORT


9.8 For questions 1-8 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

The weather affects many aspects of our lives and ……(1) RESEARCH
are constantly looking for ways to …….(2)accurate forecasts. PRODUCT
Our ……(3) to predict the weather depends on the information we have. ABLE
Special …….(4) is used to collect weather data, including amount of rainfall, temperature and wind speed and direction EQUIP
from all over the world. Computers make a ……(5) between COMPARE
these present-day figures and ……..(6) records then try to predict the future on the basis of the past. Large computers HISTORY
also help to produce a …….(7) picture of the likely weather using a model of the Earth in their memories. DETAIL
Even with these aids, nature is so ……(8) that our forecasts are accurate for only a few days. PREDICT


9.9 For questions 1-12 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

The greatest figure of the French theatre is no doubt Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673), known by his stage name of Moliere. He got his …….(1)at a Jesuit college. EDUCATE
Moliere may have taken part in the school theatrical ……(2) PRODUCE
Jesuit colleges were …….(3) FAME
for them. At 21 he gave up his law ….(4)and began working STUDY
for the theatre. For about thirteen years he lived the life of an …….(5) ACT
Once his company appeared at the Court of Louis XIV at the Louvre and showed the …….(6) PERFORM
of one of Moliere’s own comedies, which was very …….(7) SUCCESS
From then on, the company settled in Paris and Moliere became one of the best known ……….(8) WRITE
of comedies. He was ……..(9)devoted to the theatre, WHOLE
managing a company, acting in and writing plays. He died a few hours after his …….(10) APPEAR
in his play, The Imaginated Invalid, on the stage of the Palais-Royal. He was responsible for many ………(11) ENTERTAIN
at the Palace of Versailles and for plays produced at Court. Moliere’s company together with two other companies became the foundation of the Comedie Française, France’s …………(12) theatre. NATION


Formal Words

10.1 The three passages below are written in formal English. They contain words and structures which are often found in notices, regulation and formal letters but which are not common in ordinary everyday conversation.

1) Put each of the following formal words in its correct place in the notice below.

enquire / produce / facilitate / stating / seek / obligatory / attend / admitted / leave

ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS If you wish to obtain a certificate of registration you will be required to (a) _______ your admission slip. A note from your teacher (b) _______ that you (c) _________ your class regularly is not (d) ________ but will greatly (e) ________ matters. If you (f) ________ advice, please (g) ________ at the office. Overseas students should be aware that students are (h) _________ to the college only on condition that they have obtained (i) _______ to study from the Home Office.


2) Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage


provide / prior / notify / in possession of / additional / further / desire / in excess of / held / retain / locations / terminating

Conditions of Car Rental Drivers must have (a) ________ a valid driving licence for a minimum of three years. Overseas visitors should be (b) ________ a British or International licence. Cars rented from our London office may only be returned to our other offices (Manchester, Bristol, Oxford) by (c) _______ arrangement and on payment of an (d) ________ charge. If a driver fails to return a car to us by one week after the agreed (e) _______ date, we will be obliged to inform the police. Special rates are available for periods (f) ________ three months. Drivers who (g) ________ to (h) _______ the car for a longer duration should (i) _______ the company as soon as possible. We also have offices at a number of (j) _______ in Scotland. Our London office will be pleased to (k) _______ (l) ________ details.

3) Put each of the following formal words in its correct place in the notice below.

funds / commencement / ensure / in duration / commences / departs / requested / prior to / undertake / assist / attire / appropriate

TOUR OF SOUTHERN SPAIN The tour is fourteen days (a) _______ and (b) _______ on Saturday 11 June, when our luxury coach (c) ________ from our London office. The price, which should be paid at least ten days (d) _______ the (e) _______ of the tour, is inclusive of all transport, meals and accommodation, but travellers should (f) _______ that they take with them adequate (g) _______ for extra expenses.   In the event of the cancellation of the tour we (h) _______ to refund the complete amount paid. The tour group will be accompanied by a courier, who will (i) ________ members of the group at all times.   Travellers are (j) ________ to wear (k) ________ (l) ________ for visits to churches and other holy places.


4) Make the following phrases more formal by replacing each word or

phrase in italics with a word or phase from one of the groups in the above

three exercises. In some cases it is necessary to make a small change in,

or addition to, the words or phrases.

Model: the train leaves at 07.15 the train departs at 07.15

we agree to do the work we undertake to do the work


(a) ask at the station (l) they’ll give more information

(b) to make things easier (m) you must have a valid passport

(c) before our arrival (n) the tour will end in Paris

(d) a previous engagement (o) they go to a primary school

(e) she will help us (p) he was allowed to enter

(f) more than £100 (q) the regulations say that …

(g) more information (r) if you want information

(h) tell the company (s) he has permission to be absent

(i) the beginning of the course (t) show your driving licence

(j) sufficient money for expenses (u) make sure you have permission

(k) keep your ticket (v) you are asked to be punctual

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