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Adjectives made from nouns

Читайте также:
  1. A) Study this list of proper adjectives.
  2. A) The semantic classification of the pronouns
  3. A. Use the count nouns denoting EVENTS.
  4. Adjectives and adverbs
  6. Adjectives made from verbs


В английском языке существует несколько способов словообразования:

1) аффиксация (т.е. прибавление к корню слова суффикса или префикса);

2) конверсия (образование новых слов посредством изменения их написания и произношения);

3) словосложение (образование нового слова путём сложения двух слов в одно);

4) образование нового слова, относящегося к другой части речи путём изменения ударения в слове.


Слова, образованные с помощью префиксов (приставок) или суффиксов, называются производными. Префиксы и суффиксы могут присоединяться к различным частям речи, изменяя при этом значение основы слова, например:

happy (счастливый) – un happy (несчастный) – happ iness (счастье) – happ ily (счастливо);

to from (формировать) – form al (формальный) - formal ity (формальность) – forma tion (формирование) – form less (бесформенный).



1 Суффиксы, обозначающие действующее лицо или предмет:

  -er/-or   -ist -ian/an -ess to teach to inspect to conduct to tour biology history Russia actor yчить инспектировать проводить совершать турне биология история Россия актёр teacher inspector conductor tourist biologist historian Russian actress учитель инспектор проводник турист биолог историк русский актриса


Суффиксы, обозначающие абстрактные понятия, процессы, действия, качество или состояние.

-ism hero герой heroism героизм
-ment to achieve достигать achievement достижение
-hood child ребенок childhood детство
-ship dictator диктатор dictatorship диктатура
-age to marry жениться, выходить замуж marriage брак, супружество
-al to arrive прибывать arrival прибытие
-ing to cross пересекаться crossing пересечение
-ence to differ различаться difference различие
-ency to depend зависеть dependency зависимость
-ance to resist сопротивляться resistance сопротивление
-tion to dictate диктовать dictation диктант
-sion to decide решать decision решение
- sion to permit разрешать permission разрешение
-dom king король kingdom королевство
-ness kind добрый kindness доброта
-ity real реальный действительный reality реальность действительность
-ancy constant постоянный constancy постоянство


1.1 Form nouns by means of the suffix – er / -or. Translate them.

Model: to work – worker (работать – рабочий)

to read, to lecture, to convert, to visit, to compose, to use, to teach, to support, to design, to dry, to ventilate, to heat, to inspect, to print, to translate, to generate, to act, to lead, credit, to drive, to interpret, to murder, to edit, to buy, to travel, to sail, to admire, to ski, to rob, to supply


1.2 –er / -ee

-er usually has an active meaning e.g. examiner (a person who sets an examination)

-ee usually has a passive meaning e.g. examinee (a person who takes an examination)

Put each of the following words in its correct place in the sentences below.

interviewer / trainer / employer / interviewee / trainee / employee

1 I was given a pay rise of £1,000 by my ________.

2 A football team normally has a ________ to keep the players fit.

3 A television ________ should always give the ________ a proper chance to express his or her opinions.

4 That company has 200 people working in its factory. My brother works there and I, too, am an ________.

5 At the moment he’s a management ________. If he’s successful, he’ll be given his first responsible position in January.



1.3 Form nouns by means of the suffix – ing. Translate them.

Model: to draw – draw ing

to read, to begin, to kidnap, to kill, to gather, to mean, to broadcast, to build, to coat


1.4 Form nouns by means of the suffix – ist. Translate them.

Model: telegraph – telegraph ist

special, social, geology, ecology, natural, style, cycle, strategy, physics, human, economy


1.5 –ist / -ian From the nouns below make other nouns describing people by adding ist or –ian to the end and making any other necessary spelling changes.

Model: Brazil – Brazil ian violin – violin ist

motor, electricity, Paris, piano, history, art, politics, economy, bicycle, journal, magic, science, comedy, flower, music, archaeology, tobacco, terror


1.6 Form nouns by means of the suffix – tion /-sion /-ssion. Translate them.

Model: to combine – combina tion

to inform, to divide, to decide, to convert, to construct, to interact, to collect, to penetrate, to gasify, to impress, to transmit, to permit, to express, to discuss


1.7 Form nouns by means of the suffix – ment. Translate them.

Model: to attach – attachment

to measure, to move, to treat, to state, to improve, to agree, to equip, to announce, to pronounce, to require



1.8 Form nouns by means of the suffix – ness. Translate them.

Model: black – blackness

thick, great, rough, guilt, bright, cold, exact, hard, effective


1.9 Define the root of the following words. Translate them.

Model: production - product

scientist, reporter, operator, attachment, measurement, multiplication, beginning, division, radiator, relationship, brotherhood, illustration, leadership, kindness, shortage, difference, mixture, realist, relativity, leakage, usage, judgement, conclusion


1.10 Find the equivalents of these nouns.

отражение, отблеск (reflect, reflector, reflection, reflective),

академик (academic, academical, academician, academy),

несчастный случай (accidentally, accidental, accident),

деятельность (activity, action, actionable, active, activate),

путешествие, поездка (tourist, tourism, tour, tourer)

забота, внимание (careless, careful, carefree, carefully, care)

истребитель, искоренитель (exterminatory, exterminator, exterminate, extermination)


Nouns made from adjectives

1.11 Put in each space below a noun made from the adjective in brackets after the sentence.

1 South Africa has great mineral …. wealth ….. (wealthy)

2 ________ is one of the world’s great problems. (poor)

3 Tell the _______. (true)

4 I must drink something. I’m dying of _______. (thirsty)

5 I must eat something. I’m dying of ________. (hungry)

6 He was very bright. He passed the exam with ______. (easy)

7 In his ________ he travelled a lot. Now he is too old. (young)

8 I don’t know how to express my _________ for your help. (grateful)

9 It’s very late. There’s not much _________ of his coming now. (likely)

10 To be a soldier you need to be strong and in good _______. (healthy)

11 There was no doubt about his ________. He was sent to prison for five years. (guilty)

12 He escaped to _______ by climbing over the prison wall. (free)


1.12 Put in each space below a noun made from the adjective in brackets after the sentence.

1 The … death …. of the president was announced on the radio. (dead)

2 In past wars soldiers were sometimes shot for ______. (cowardly)

3 He died to save the lives of others. It was an act of _______. (heroic)

4 He was a very thoughtful, philosophical person. A man of great ______. (wise)

5 She felt great ________ at being treated so badly. (angry)

6 He lefthis town to find _______ in the big city. (famous)

7 The tourists were impressed by the _________ of the jewellery in the museum. (splendid)

8 It wasa long, slow film. I nearly died of ________. (boring)

9 He was filled with _________ at the terrible things he saw in the war. (horrible)

10 The ice quickly melted in the ________ of the sun. (hot)

12 His ________ was hurt when a younger man was given the job above him. (proud)

13 I think it shows ________ of character to admit you are wrong. (strong)

1.13 Put in each space below a noun made from the adjective in brackets after the sentence.

1 To be successful you need ability and you need _______. (lucky)

2 He was delighted by the _______ of the welcome he received. (warm)

3 The idea of going through the forest alone at night filled her with _______. (terrible)

4 The _______ of the bridge is about two kilometres. (long)

5 The _______ of the road is not great enough to take large trucks. (wide)

6 What’s the ________ of that mountain? (high)

7 The _______ of the water here is over three metres. (deep)


1.14 –ence /-ance Make nouns ending in ence or ance from the following adjectives and put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

confident / independent / patient / innocent / reluctant / violent / present / silent / elegant / important / convenient / absent / intelligent / arrogant

1 The police were there to prevent any possible _________.

2 There was complete _______ except for the sound of the birds.

3 He was very unsure of himself. He didn’t have much _______.

4 She dressed with great _______ in clothes of the latest French fashions.

5 Although he maintained his ______ to the end, he was sent to prison.

6 It doesn’t matter. It’s of no ______.

7 What a silly thing to do. I thought he had more _________.

8 He thinks he’s the only person who’s right! What _______!

9 Zimbabwe gained its ________ in 1975.

10 He didn’t like school, and went every day with great _______.

11 Please have a little ________. We must wait another hour.

12 Please send the goods at your earliest _________.

13 The boss didn’t believe that her _______ was due to illness.

14 People normally stand in the _______ of the Queen.


1.15 – cy Make nouns ending in cy from the following adjectives and put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

obstinate / private / urgent / efficient / accurate / vacant / frequent / fluent

1 Swiss watches are famous for their ________.

2 A _______ for an office manager was advertised in the newspaper.

3 This is a matter of great _______. It must be discussed as soon as possible.

4 Donkeys are known for their ________. They won’t do what they’re told.

5 After five years in London, of course he speaks English with great _______.

6 He always did his job well. Everyone appreciated his _________.

7 The ________ of this bus service is about one every ten minutes.

8 I don’t like to be visited or phoned too much at home. I like my _______.


1.16 –ity /–ness Make nouns from the following adjectives by adding – ity or – ness to the end, and put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

punctual / bald / dark / deaf / foolish / popular / similar / kind / valid / sad / equal / quiet

1 He’s worried about his increasing ________. He might get a wig.

2 What ________ to leave a baby out in the hot sun.

3 The teacher insisted on ________.

4 Men and women should have ________ of pay and opportunity.

5 I have some _________ in my left ear.

6 The international _________ of the Beatles was amazing.

7 I like the _______ of this street. It’s very peaceful.

8 There is some ________ between German and Dutch.

9 She could see nothing in the ________.

10 You can get season tickets with a _______ of 3, 6 or 12 months.

11 Her death brought _______ to all her family.

12 Thank you for your ________ to my mother when she was ill.


1.17 Make nouns from the following adjectives by adding – ity or – ness to the end, and put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

stupid / formal / weak / neutral / neat / real / blunt / fond / ill / superior / Christian / serious

1 Don’t laugh! I don’t think you understand the _______ of the situation.

2 The principal religion of this area is ________.

3 The teacher gave a special mark for ________.

4 He proved his ________ by winning easily.

5 Switzerland has a record of ________ in past wars.

6 He spoke with such _______ that many people were offended.

7 ________ kept him away from work for a week.

8 I was surprised by the _______ of the occasion. All the men wore dark suits and ties.

9 Engineers have found a ________ in the bridge. They’ll have to strengthen it.

10 The French _______ for wine is well known. They like it a lot.

11 He is always daydreaming; he never faces ________.

12 What a crazy thing to do. How could anyone behave with such ______?


1.18 –ty Make nouns ending in ty from the following adjectives, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

curious / vain / simple / anxious / brief / generous / necessary / clear / gay / various

1 He spoke with great ________. Everyone understood.

2 There’s no ________ to take the exam if you don’t want to.

3 We were disappointed by the _________ of our stay in Paris. Two days was not enough.

4 The children looked at the foreign stranger with ________.

5 There is increasing ________ about the missing children.

6 He is famous for his ________. He gives large sums to charity.

7 In spite of his fame, wealth and success, he lives a life of great _________.

8 He’s always looking at himself in the mirror. What ________!

9 In a big city like London there’s always a _________ of things to do in the evening.

10 The music, dancing and decoration gave the party an atmosphere of great ________.


1.19 - y Make nouns ending in - y from the following adjectives, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

tragic / courteous / jealous / envious / cruel / hypocritical / certain / beautiful / difficult / furious / royal / safe / loyal

1 “_______” is another word for “politeness”.

2 NSPCC stands for the National Society for the Prevention of ________ to Children.

3 The English Lake District is a place of great natural ________.

4 “_______” and “_______” mean more or less the same.

5 During the bombing, children were taken to a place of ________.

6 The newspapers described the deaths in the air crash as a ________.

7 At first he had great ________ in understanding the language.

8 That entrance is reserved for _________ and other important people.

9 People reacted with _______ to the President’s speech and thousands of people attacked his palace.

10 He says everyone is equal but he treats his employees badly. What ____!

11 I think they’ll arrive tomorrow but no one is sure. There’s not much ______ about it.

12 His wife supported him through all his troubles. She showed great _____.


1.20 –iness Make nouns ending in -iness from the following adjectives, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

happy / tidy / ugly / holy / lazy / lonely / naughty / lovely

1 Living alone in the city, he suffered from ________ at first.

2 A factory can be attractive. It doesn’t have to be a place of ________.

3 The birth of their baby daughter brought them a lot of ________.

4 He lost his job because of his ________.

5 Please respect the _______ of this religious place by not talking loudly or smoking.

6 Their mother punished them for their ________ in breaking the window and telling lies.

7 The teacher complimented her pupils on their _______. They had all polished their shoes and combed their hair.

8 The _______ of the view almost took my breath away.


1.21 –ion / –ment Make nouns ending in –ion or - ment from the following adjectives, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

cautious / attractive / perfect / tense / content / excited

1 After the revolution people were nervous about going into the streets. There was an atmosphere of ________.

2 She danced so beautifully she almost reaches ________.

3 In his old age he lives a life of peace, comfort and _________.

4 This animal is dangerous. It should be handled with the greatest _______.

5 The children’s ________ increased as Christmas Day drew near.

6 Tower Bridge in London is a major tourist ________.


Nouns made from verbs.

1.22 -ation In each space below put a noun ending in – ation made from the verb in brackets below the phrase.

1 a police _______ (investigate)

2 a wild _______ (exaggerate)

3 a heart ______ (operate)

4 ______ leather (imitate)

5 good _______ (pronounce)

6 the manager’s _______ (resign)

7 _______ agencies (accommodate)

8 a political ________ (demonstrate)

9 _______ links (communicate)

10 a vivid________ (imagine)

11 a serious _______ (accuse)

12 the _______ of a meeting (cancel)

13 I’m full of _______ (admire)

14 the _______ of words (abbreviate)

15 exam ________ (prepare)

16 state or private ______ (educate)

17 ______ from poor countries (emigrate)

18 _____to rich countries (immigrate)

1.23 –ation In each space below put a noun ending in – ation made from the verb in brackets below the phrase.

1 a ______ to charity (dominate)

2 a moment’s ______ (hesitate)

3 a car with good ______ (accelerate)

4 a hotel ______ (reserve)

5 a burning ______ (sense)

6 a ______ of song and dance (combine)

7 a police ______ (interrogate)

8 a party ______ (invite)

9 ______ of her health (deteriorate)

10 a school ______ (examine)

11 a timetable ______ (alter)

12 tourist ______ (inform)

13 an evening’s ______ (relax)

14 ______ of old paintings (restore)

15 I resisted the ______ (tempt)

16 the ______ of a story (continue)

17 a journey of ______ (explore)

18 the ______ of a book (translate)

19 the ______ of a speech (interpret)

20 careful ______ (punctuate)

1.24 –sis / ure Make nouns ending in sis or ure from the following verbs, making any necessary changes in spelling. Then put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

emphasize / hypnotize / sign / analyse / paralyse / seize / diagnose / fail / close / enclose

1 The doctor’s _______ was that I had bronchitis.

2 Don’t put an ______ inside an aerogramme. It is not permitted.

3 The _______ of the blood will help the police find the murderer.

4 The doctor used ________ to make her calm and relaxed.

5 He was very ambitious, and his _______ to become prime minister was a shock to him.

6 The ________ at the bottom of the letter was impossible to read.

7 Some teachers put a lot of _______ on learning by heart.

8 There has been a military government since the army’s _______ of power six years ago.

9 This disease can lead to the ________ of certain muscles.

10 The _________ of the factory and loss of jobs came as a result of fewer orders from abroad.


1.25 –y Make nouns from the following verbs by adding –y to the end and making any other necessary changes in spelling. Then put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

prosper / enquire / injure / discover / apologize / forge/ expire / deliver / recover / conspire / assemble

1 In England there is no postal ________ on Sundays.

2 He still suffers from an ________ he received in a game of football ten years ago.

3 He could copy other people’s signatures perfectly. He was finally sent to prison for ________.

4 The _______ of a ship from the bottom of the sea is a very difficult, expensive operation.

5 The _______ of America was made in 1492 by Christopher Columbus.

6 I wish you happiness, good health and _______ for this coming year.

7 This is the parliamentary building, where the National _______ meets.

8 She accepted his ________ for his rude behaviour at dinner.

9 The President believed there was a _______ to overthrow him.

10 On ________, your passport may be renewed for a further five years.

11 Thank you for your ________ about our products. We enclose our current catalogue.


1.26 –ence Make nouns ending in ence from the following verbs, making any necessary changes in spelling. Then put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

prefer / obey / defend / offend / insist / coincide / refer / depend / correspond / reside / differ / interfere / exist / pretend

1 He couldn’t go to university but continued his education through _______ courses.

2 This monument is in memory of the men and women who died in _______ of this country.

3 Police dogs are trained to a high standard of ________.

4 Tea or coffee? Do you have any ________?

5 She wasn’t really angry at all. It was just ________.

6 Dictionaries, encyclopedias and atlases are called ________ books.

7 The doctors tried to cure him of his ________ on drugs.

8 The United Nations came into _________ in 1945.

9 Despite his _________ that he was innocent, he was arrested.

10 I can’t tell the ________ between butter and margarine.

11 I hope she didn’t take ________. I was only joking.

12 I met John on holiday quite by chance. What a _________.

13 She complained of ________ by her mother – in – law in her private affairs.

14 Place of ________ means the place where you live.


1.27 –ance Make nouns from the following verbs by adding ance to the end and making any other necessary changes in spelling. Then put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

annoy / resist / avoid / insure / resemble / enter / attend / perform / accept / disturb / assist / endure

1 It was the actor’s finest ________.

2 The teacher kept a record of every student’s ________.

3 This signature bears no ________ to mine! It’s a forgery!

4 When I received the offer of a job, I immediately wrote a letter of _____.

5 The police were called to a ________ at a private party last night.

6 My house ________ covers me for fire, flood, theft and damage.

7 When she was very old she couldn’t look after herself without _______.

8 When people kept talking during the film, he showed his _______ by turning round and looking at them.

9 The ________ to the park is through that gate there.

10 After fierce _______ for two days, the soldiers surrendered to the enemy.

11 By continuing his journey alone, on foot, in freezing weather without food for two days he showed remarkable powers of ______.

12 The Automobile Association recommends _________ of the city centre during the present road repairs.


1.28 al Make nouns from the following verbs by adding al to the end and making any other necessary changes in spelling. Then put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

deny / propose / approve / bury / refuse / try / renew / remove / arrive / survive / dismiss / rehearse

1 His unpunctuality and bad work soon led to his _______ from the firm.

2 After the funeral service in the church, we went out to the cemetery for the ______.

3 Thousands of people were at the airport for the President’s _______.

4 _______ of your season ticket for another six months will cost you £ 68.

5 To get married before you are eighteen, you will need your parent’s ________ and consent.

6 The first performance of the play is tomorrow. The actors are having a final ________ tonight.

7 At the end of the five – day _______, he was found guilty and sent to prison.

8 The factory manager wants to use different machines but the workers don’t like this _______.

9 The police were amazed at the _______ of the five children after a night out in freezing temperatures.

10 He made a complete _______ of the accusation against him but no one believed him.

11 I don’t understand his _______ to help us. He’s usually very helpful.

12 The new republican government demanded the _______ of the king’s statue from the main square.


1.29 –age Make nouns from the following verbs by adding age to the end and making any other necessary changes in spelling. Then put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

use / shrink / pass / store / post / stop / break / wreck / marry / leak

1 A family house always needs _______ space for old furniture and luggage.

2 With the ________ of time, her heartache grew less painful.

3 The ________ between Alan and Josephine will take place in St Andrew’s Church on April 21st.

4 The firm is proud of its non- strike record. There hasn’t been a _______ of work for twelve years.

5 Airmail _______ to Australia for a large parcel is very expensive.

6 The ________ of the smashed car was left by the road as a warning to motorists.

7 The Prime Minister is very angry about the ________ of information to the press from closed secret meetings.

8 The American _______ of this word is different from the British.

9 In a shop selling glass and china a certain amount of _______ is unavoidable.

10 This shirt was guaranteed against _______, but look, it’s too small for me now and I’ve only washed it once.


1.30 Put in each space below a noun formed from the verb in brackets after the sentence.

1 John’s an expert, so I asked him for some ________. (advise)

2 You need more ________ before you can play the violin in public. (practice)

3 The policeman wanted to see the motorist’s driving _______ (license)

4 He made a _______ that she would marry and have three children. (prophesy)

5 We can only get there by plane. There’s no _______. (choose)

6 Now children, I hope you’ll all be on your best _______ when we go to the museum. (behave)

7 I have to make a _______ about poor service and the rudeness of your staff. (complain)

8 I think you’ve made an _______ in the bill. Could you check it? (err)

9 Naturally he’s very unhappy at the _______ of so much money. (lose)

10 I like a museum with a ______of objects – pictures, sculpture, furniture and other things. (mix)

11 The company has shown rapid ________ in the last two years. (grow)

1.31 Put in each space below a noun formed from the verb in brackets after the sentence.

1 Newspapers in that country can say what they like. There’s no ________. (censor)

2 It took him a long time to recover from the _______ of his mother. (die)

3 The _______ of poverty, disease and ignorance must be our principal aim. (conquer)

4 It is my ________ that there is life on Mars and Venus. (believe)

5 The police think that she committed the murder but they have no _______. (prove)

6 It was a great ________ to hear that your illness isn’t serious. (relieve)

7 Most of the passengers were killed in the air crash. The ________ were badly injured. (remain)

8 Two miles from here, it’s still possible to see the ________ of a 2,000 –year – old Roman town. (remain)

9 Some people tie a knot in their handkerchiefs as a ________ of something important they must do. (remind)

10 The priest asked us to say a ________ for world peace. (pray)

11 He put the two televisions together so that we could make a _______. (compare)



1.32 Put in each space below a noun formed from the verb in brackets after the sentence.

1 The police car crashed into a traffic–light while it was in ________ of a stolen car. (pursue)

2 He feels a deep ________ for the people who killed his brother. (hate)

3 Of course the ________ of a mountain takes longer than the _______. (ascend … descend)

4 Not far from here you can see the ________ of an old church. Only the walls are left. (ruin)

5 If you want to know what’s in a book, look at the ______ page at the front. (contain)

6 He has a very wide _______ of African affairs. (know)

7 You’ll have to make a _______ soon. (decide)

8 She’s very nice but she has a ________ to talk too much. (tend)

9 I’m not sure, but I have a ________ that he was the boy who stole my bike. (suspect)

10 The actors received enthusiastic _________ at the end of the show. (applaud)

11 The staff at this hotel are excellent. They give very good _______. (serve)

12 The _______ of the new baby was about four kilograms. (weigh)

13 We believe the existence of large armies and terrible weapons is a ______ to world peace. (threaten)

14 His first ________ missed but he killed the bird with his second. (shoot)

15 £50,000 was taken in the bank ________ yesterday. (rob)

16 I’ve written three letters to the firm about their bad product, but they’ve made no ________. (respond)


1.33 –sion Make nouns, all ending in sion, from the following verbs. Put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

divide / conclude / expand / exclude / explode / include / persuade / revise / admit

1 I hope friendly _______ will make him change his mind. I don’t want to use force.

2 If they get divorced, they’ll have to decide on the _______ of their money and property.

3 He dreamt of the _______ of his firm from a small factory to a large international business.

4 ________ to the club is limited to members only.

5 There was a very loud ________ when the bomb went off.

6 In the final weeks before the exam, the students did a lot of ________.

7 He was delighted by his ________ in the national football team.

8 The ________ of her name from the list of people chosen to meet the President was a great disappointment.

9 … and finally, in ________, I thank you all for coming.


1.34 –sion Make nouns, all ending in sion, from the following verbs. Put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

possess / confuse / permit / discuss / invade / collide / confess / extend / impress

1 The ________ of the island was resisted as soon as the soldiers landed on the beaches.

2 His car was slightly damaged in the ________.

3 Pupils must not enter the teachers’ room without _________.

4 His dirty appearance made a bad _________ on the judge.

5 He was arrested for _________ of illegal drugs.

6 The police questioned him for three days until he finally made a _______.

7 Three boys in the school had the same name, which caused some _______.

8 During the office meeting there was a ________ about the need for a new photocopier.

9 He asked for an ________ of his visa for another six months.


1.35 –ment Make nouns from the following verbs by adding – ment to the end. Put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

entertain / improve / postpone / arrange / enlarge / encourage / advertise

1 The _______ for Monday is that we’ll meet at 7 and take the train at 7.45.

2 I like this photo. I think I’ll have an _______ made.

3 This is the city’s ________ district, full of cinemas and theatres.

4 We regret to announce the ________ of this evening’s concert. The conductor is ill. The concert will take place next week.

5 The teachers were pleased at the ________ in his work.

6 His parents gave him a lot of ________ in his studies.

7 There was a newspaper _________ for a job as a typist.


1.36 –ment Make nouns from the following verbs by adding – ment to the end. Put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

imprison / manage / disappoint / develop / punish / agree / announce / treat / govern / employ

1 The_______ has announced new, higher taxes.

2 ‘Capital _______’ means the death penalty.

3 The company _______ had talks with the workers’ representatives but they couldn’t reach _______.

4 A lot of country people without jobs came to the city to look for _______.

5 He received _________ at the hospital for his injuries.

6 It was a big _________ to hear that you can’t come to our wedding.

7 She was sentenced to three years’ ________.

8 Television programmers were interrupted by a special ________ about the plane crash.

9 I hope that we will soon see the _________ of better relations between our two countries.


1.37 tion Make nouns ending in tion from the following verbs, making any necessary spelling changes. Then put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

revolt / repeat / compete / reduce / acquire / pronounce / produce / qualify / solve / introduce

1 There’s a lot of ________ among car manufactures to sell most cars.

2 There are some differences in _________ between British and American English.

3 Is a degree a necessary ________ for this job?

4 _______ of the new sports car has been affected by a fire at the factory.

5 They are trying to find a _______ to the problem.

6 A book sometimes sells better if it has an ________ written by a famous person.

7 The art gallery is very proud of its recent ________ of an important painting.

8 There was a ________. The people rose up and overthrew the government.

9 That must not happen again. There must be no _________ of the incident.

10 That shop is offering a big _______ in the price of its clothes.


1.38 tion Make nouns ending in tion from the following verbs, making any necessary spelling changes. Then put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

satisfy / oppose / explain / publish / abolish / receive / describe / destroy / deceive / detain

1 The earthquake caused the complete _________ of the village.

2 The party, or parties, against the government is called the ________.

3 He’s finished writing his new book. ________ will be next year.

4 The new film has had a very poor ________ by the critics.

5 She did not get the money honestly and legally. She got it by ________.

6 Many people would like to see the _________ of all nuclear weapons.

7 He had to give his boss an ________ for his absence.

8 Seven illegal immigrants are being help in ________ at the port.

9 His work is well- paid but doesn’t give him much _________.

10 If you send us a _________ of the missing property, we’ll try to find it.


1.39 –ion Make nouns from the following verbs by adding ion to the end. Put each noun in its correct place in the sentences below.

prevent / interrupt / elect / protect / suggest / predict / select / react / invent / addict

1 If I can work all without any ________, I can finish the job by this evening.

2 I can’t make any ________ about the ________ result. I don’t know how the voting will go.

3 What was his ________ to the news? Was he pleased or angry?

4 RSPCA stands for Royal Society for the ________ of Cruelty to Animals.

5 His ________ of a new type of car engine brought him a lot of money.

6 His ________ to drugs nearly killed him.

7 RSPB stands for the Royal Society for the ________ of Birds.

8 What shall we do tomorrow? Swimming? Film? Museum? Has anyone got a better _________?

9 He was delighted by his _________ for the school football team.




-ish Pole red Поляк красный Polish reddish польский красноватый
-ive to act действовать active деятельный
-ent to differ различать different различный
-ant to observe наблюдать observant наблюдательный
-ic base основа basic основной
-al centre центр central центральный
-ful peace мир peaceful мирный
-ous fame слава famous знаменитый
-y sun солнце sunny солнечный
-ary element элемент elementary элементарный
-ory to explain объяснить explanatory объяснительный
-able to change изменять changeable изменчивый
-ible access доступ accessible доступный
-less taste вкус tasteless безвкусный

2.1 Form adjectives from the words by means of the suffix – ful. Translate them.

Model: help – help ful

wonder, use, power, truth, beauty, thank, colour, harm, success, doubt, peace

2.2 –ful ful is often used to indicate quantity e.g. a pocketful (the contents of a pocket) of coins.

Put each of the following words in its correct place in the sentences below.

houseful / cupful / thankful / handful / mouthful / teaspoonful

1 Put a large ________ of rice in boiling water, then add a little salt, just a ______.

2 At Christmas we had a ________ of visitors.

3 The foreign tourist put a _______ of money in front of the taxi driver and said, “Is this enough?”

4 After just one ________ I knew she was a wonderful cook.

5 A _______ of petrol should take this car over 200 miles.


2.3 Form adjectives from the words by means of the suffix – less. Translate them.

Model: use – use less

help, power, motion, weight, air, need, aim, water, colour, fear, taste, home, wind, voice.

2.4 Form adjectives from the words by means of the suffix – al. Translate them.

Model: nature - natur al

physics, experiment, mathematics, geography, economy, biology, culture, electric, universe.

2.5 Form adjectives from the words by means of the suffix – ous. Translate them.

Model: victory - victori ous

mountain, monotony, harmony, humour, sanguine, poison, to continue, to vary, danger.

2.6 Form adjectives from the words by means of the suffix – y. Translate them.

Model: sun – sunn y

hill, rain, wind, fog, cloud, fun, laze, health, bog, spice, snow.


2.7 Form adjectives from the words by means of the suffix – able. Translate them.

Model: to change – change able

to vary, to approach, to achieve, to suit, to compare, to break, to notice, reason, to eat, to read, to accept, profit.


2.8 Find the equivalents of the adjectives.

почтенный, респектабельный (respect, respectability, respectable, respecter, respectfully, respectfulness)

находчивый (resourceful, resourcefulness, resource)

непреодолимый (resistant, resistible, resistive, resistivity, resistless, resistor)

засушливый (arid, aridity, aridness)

ассоциативный, общительный (associate, associated, association, associative)

ядовитый (poisoning, poison, poisonous)


a) –ish sometimes means “with the qualities of” e.g. boyish

Put each of the following words in its correct place in the sentences below.

childish / girlish / amateurish / piggish / monkish

1 He lives in one small room and he hasn’t many needs. He leads an almost _______ life.

2 He is usually a very fine actor, but last night he was terrible, really ________.

3 He’s nearly eighteen but he still has very _______ attitudes and interests.

4 He behaved very badly at lunch. He really has _______ manners.

5 She still wears rather young, _______ fashions.


b) –ish often means ‘rather’, ‘about’, ‘more or less’ e.g. yellowish (more or less yellow), eightish (about eight), slowish (rather slow).this use of –ish is colloquial, so is not often used in written English.

Put each of the following words in its correct place in the passage below, in which a man who has witnessed a crime describes to a police officer what he saw.

smallish / sevenish / twentyish / fairish / greenish / darkish / tallish

Well, it happened very quickly, officer. I was just leaving my office. It was fairly late, perhaps (a) _______ and I couldn’t see very well because it was already getting (b) _______. A man came out of the bank. He had (c) _______ hair. His age, well, he was (d) ________ or may be twenty – five. I couldn’t guess his height, but he was (e) ________. He had a suitcase and he got into a car, not a very big one, (f) ________ in fact. The colour? I think it was (g) ________. Sorry I can’t be more exact.


2.10 –ful / less

ful means ‘having’, ‘with’ e.g. careful, colourful

less means ‘without’ ‘lacking’ e.g. careless, windowless

Put each of the following words in its correct place in the sentences below.

thoughtful / harmful / successful / friendless / thoughtless / harmless / beautiful / waterless

1 The Sahara Desert is a vast ________ area which runs from east to west across Africa.

2 Smocking is ________ to your health.

3 This present is just what I want and need. How _______ of you.

4 I hope you are ________ in your exams.

5 Don’t be afraid of the dog. He’s ________.

6 It was very ________ of you to play the radio so loud so late at night.

7 She’s very ________. Three artists have painted her.

8 I was alone and ________ in a strange city.

Adjectives made from nouns

2.11 –ly The addition of –y or – ly to a noun often makes an adjective, e.g. a windy night, fatherly advice, a daily newspaper. Put each of the following words in its correct place in the sentences below.

Salty / grassy / scholarly / rainy / friendly / ghostly / weekly /yearly

1 It’s a very academic, _________ book.

2 It’s been dry for two weeks but I think next weekend will be ________.

3 We found a nice _________ place by the river for our picnic.

4 Julia will help you. She’s a very pleasant, ________ girl.

5 The water of the lake was rather ________, like sea- water.

6 A ________ figure in white suddenly appeared before us.

7 He makes _________ visits to his firm’s head office in Paris, usually in April.

8 “Time” is an American ________ news magazine.

2.12 –ous In each space below put an adjective ending in ous made from the noun in brackets below the phase.

1 a ______ plant (poison)

2 a ______ organization (religion)

3 an ______ journey (adventure)

4 a _______ movement (nerves)

5 a _______ country (mountain)

6 a _______ story (humour)

7 a _______ escape (miracle)

8 a _______ machine (danger)

9 a ________ sunset (glory)

10 an ________ politician (ambition)

11 a _________ soldier (courage)

12 a_________ earthquake (disaster)

13 a ________ film star (fame)

14 an _________ student (industry)

15 an ________ disease (infection)

16 a ________ disappearance (mystery)

17 a _______ army (victory)

18 a _______ person (suspicion)


2.13 –ic Make adjectives ending in ic from the following nouns, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

poetry / art / drama / sympathy / climate / photography / democracy / energy / science / alcohol

1 Whisky of course is an _________ drink.

2 She paints and draws. She’s very _______.

3 Sweden and Brazil have different weather. They’re in different _________ zones.

4 They have free elections. It’s a ________ country.

5 I feel very fit and ________ today.

6 She bought a camera and other ________ equipment.

7 She likes physics, chemistry and other ________ subjects.

8 He was very patient and ________ when I told him my problem.

9 She has a very imaginative, _______ style of writing.

10 The big doors suddenly opened and he entered. It was very ________.


2.14 –ical Make adjectives ending in ical from the following nouns, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

psychology / grammar / crisis / music / politics / medicine / alphabet / clerk / theatre / practice

1 He speaks English fluently but with some ________ mistakes.

2 The index at the back of a book is in ________ order.

3 I never go to concerts. I’m not at all ________.

4 He’s very _________. He can make and repair almost anything.

5 She could make a lot of money in films, but she is more interested in a _______ career.

6 He’s interested in ________ affairs. He might enter parliament.

7 Physically he was unhurt, but he suffered ________ damage.

8 He treated her injury although he had no ________ qualifications.

9 The doctors say her condition is now _________.

10 She wants a ________ job. She has always liked office work.

2.15 In each space below put an adjective made from the noun in brackets after the phrase.

1 a ________ dress (fashion)

2 a ________ army (triumph)

3 an ________ letter (affection)

4 a ________ table (circle)

5 _______ interests (literature)

6 a ________ house (suburb)

7 a ________ shape (triangle)

8 a ________ child (trouble)

9 a ________ chair (comfort)

10 a ________ business (profit)

11 a ________ athlete (muscle)

12 a ________ painting (value)

13 a ________ worker (skill)

14 a ________ state (socialism)

15 a ________ attempt (success)

16 a ________ friend (trust)

17 a ________ day (memory)

18 a ________ place (peace)

19 a ________ person (knowledge)

20 a ________ country (distance)


2.16 –proof – proof means ‘safe against’, ‘able to resist’ e.g. a fireproof door.

Put each of the following words in its correct place in the sentences below.

waterproof / soundproof / bulletproof / heatproof / shockproof / childproof / foolproof

1 The windows of the President’s car were made of _______ glass in case of an assassination attempt.

2 Our tent wasn’t completely _______ and the rain came through.

3 The soldiers were given _______ watches.

4 These dishes are ________. You can put them in the oven.

5 The bank’s security system is completely _______. It can’t possibly go wrong.

6 The car locks should be _______, otherwise my young sons will open them during a journey and fall out.

7 The recording studio was completely ________.


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