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II. The Past Progressive Tense

Читайте также:
  1. A) Category of tense
  2. A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
  3. Choose between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple tense-forms.
  4. Choose the most suitable tense.
  5. Comment on the use of the verbal tense forms.
  7. D. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Sequence of tenses.

Exercise 1

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Past Progressive Tense.

1. It was raining at noon.

2. It wasn't raining when I left the house.

3. What were you doing when I phoned you?

4. The fire was still burning when the fire-brigade arrived.

5. Just as he was getting on the bus a thief stole his purse.

6. While the family was having supper all the lights went out.

8. 'Was it snowing the whole evening?'

'Yes, it was.'

8. She was constantly scolding her child.

9. What was Millie doing when the police came?

10.'Who were you talking to when I saw you yesterday?'

'Oh, it was just an old friend of mine.'

11.'What was he trying to explain?'

'I didn't understand him either.'

12. I was thinking about him. And wondering a lot, too.

13. Graham was watching the street and thinking of his past.

14. It was getting chilly, so they left the veranda. In the room Bert was making himself a drink.

Exercise 2

Make the following sentences: — negative;

— interrogative.

1. It was snowing all day yesterday.

2. We were working at that time.

3. They were doing their homework when I came to see them.

4. My father was reading a newspaper while my aunt was cooking dinner.

5. She burnt her hand when she was cooking dinner.

6. We were having dinner when our uncle came.

7. They were playing all day.

8. She was working on her report all Sunday.

9. They were cleaning this flat all morning.

10. You were looking through my papers when I entered the room.

11. He was making a professional assessment of the situation and its possibilities.

12. The lecture was getting rather dull.

13. Ted was walking along the lane when he heard a shot somewhere.

14. You were burning something in the fireplace.

Exercise 3

Look at the list of the things Nick did yesterday.

8.00-8.30 had breakfast

8.30-9.30 watched TV

9.30-10.00 cleaned his flat

12.30-13.00 had lunch

13.00-13.20 talked on the phone

13.20-13.30 finished his lunch

13.30-14.00 watched TV

14.00-15.00 did exercises

15.00-15.15 took a shower

15.15-16.40 slept

16.40-18.00 read books

18.00-19.30 watched video

19.30-20.30 walked his dog


What was Nick doing at these times?

Ø Pattern: He was having breakfast at a quarter past eight.


What was he doing when the following things happened?

> Pattern: Yesterday Nick was watching TV when his friends called him up.

1. At 9.00 his friends called him up.

2. At 9.45 his favourite TV programme began.

3. At 12.35 the postman came.

4. At 13.00 his mother phoned him.

5. At 13.25 his sister came home.

6. At 13.45 his sister went to see her friends.

7. At 15.10 someone phoned him.

8. At 16.30 his mother came home from work.

9. At 17.00 their neighbour brought Nick an interesting magazine.

10. At 19.25 the lights went out.

11. At 20.00 he met his former classmate.

Exercise 3

Say what you were doing at the following times: — yesterday;

— last Sunday.

Ø Pattern: Yesterday at nine I was having breakfast.

Exercise 4

Say what you were doing yesterday when:

—your mother came home;

—your favourite TV programme began;

—it started raining/snowing;

—your friend came to see you;

—the supper was ready;

—the evening newspaper came.

Exercise 5

Compare your activities to those of your relatives or friends last night, last weekend etc.

> Pattern: Yesterday I was doing my homework while my father was watching TV.

Exercise 6

Complete the following sentences.

1. At three o'clock yesterday the students of our group...

2. When the teacher came in, the students...

3. When we heard that the phone rang, we...

4. When the lights went out, we...

5. When it began to rain, I...

6. We saw an accident while we...

7. Someone phoned me when I...

8. I met my friend when I...

9. She burnt her hand when she...

10. Yesterday while he was fixing the electricity...

11. She was reading a book by Stephen King when...

12. They heard some noise while...

13. They were rehearsing the play when...

14. The police inspector was asking his first question when…

15. While the idea was sinking in...

Exercise 7

Work in pairs. Ask your groupmates what they and their family were doing at these times yesterday.

> Pattern:What were you doing yesterday at eight?

I was getting ready to go out.

And what was your mother doing?

She was going to her office.

Exercise 8

Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in brackets.

1. Yesterday at 11.40 she was having breakfast at the canteen. (What? When? Where?)

2. It was raining heavily yesterday in the morning. (When?)

3. We were revising for our exam when he called us up. (What? What...for?)

4. They were chatting all day long in the garden. (Who? Where?)

5. The teacher was explaining the new material when one of the pupils interrupted him. (Who? What?)

6. She was cooking dinner yesterday in the evening while her daughter was ironing her clothes. (Who? What? When?)

7. They were running quickly because they were afraid to miss their train. (Why? What?)

8. He was rehearsing his part in this play all week. (What? How long?)

9. I was trying to understand that new rule when you called me up. (What? When?)

10. Loraine was still waiting for his answer when he shut the door. (Who? What... for? Whose... for?)

11. You were talking wonderfully at the yesterday's conference. (Who? When? How?)

12. You were sleeping so soundly. I didn't want to bother you. (How? Why?)

13. John was testing the new car while his wife was cooking supper. (Who? What? What?)

14. No one was talking to Jill, but she was the only one who couldn't understand why. (Who? Why? Who... to?)

15. He was too dramatic. I think he was overdoing it. (Who? Why?)

Exercise 9

Ask all types of questions to the following sentences.

1. The wind was blowing all day.

2. She was waiting for a very important phone call yesterday at noon.

3. This time last year we were living in Brazil.

4. You were eavesdropping when I caught you.

5. When the teacher entered the room, the boys were fighting.

6. Dan was having a bath when the fire alarm rang.

7. The students were writing a composition when the Dean came to make an announcement.

8. Emma was getting tired and decided to go to bed.

9. Tom was trying to achieve promotion for the whole year.

10. This time last year I was flying to Boston.

11. I was doing the washing-up yesterday and broke a cup.

12. George and Ann were getting ready to go out when the postman brought the letter.

13. It was snowing heavily last winter.

14. When I saw him last he was staying at the Barnetts' and boring them to death with those stories of his youth.

15. She was talking rubbish and I hope you don't believe her.

16. I'm feeling a little bit better. Oh yes, I'm making a good recovery.

Exercise 10

Use the Past Progressive Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.


1. 'What you (to do) yesterday at 15.00 p.m.?'

'I (to play) tennis and my brothers (to listen to) the music.'

2. It (to rain) when we went out.

3. From the noise we heard it was clear that our neighbours' boy (to practise) the piano.

4. While he (to learn) to drive he had many accidents.

5. When we first met you (to study) English.

6. 'Who you (to talk to) as I came in?'

'I (to talk) to my new secretary.'

7. My wife and I (to discuss) this problem when you came.

8. 'Whose book you (to read)?'

'My sister’s. I just (to begin) when you entered the room.'

9. While we were (to walk) someone came into the house and left this note.

10. Where he (to live) when you saw him last?

11. Why you (to fool around) with the computer?

12. He had a lot of doubts while he (to plan) his crime.

13. While George (to think) of the career that lay before him Annie also (to plan) some improvements in the house and (to guess) what else this new change might bring.

14. Tom felt he (to become) too emotional and the inspector (to get) suspicious about it.

15. 'Brian (to plan) some tidying, he (not)? So perhaps he (to look for) something in the loft when you came and fright ened him.'

'And I (to look for) him.'


1. Tears (to run) down the face of the Happy Prince. 'Why you (to weep)?' asked the Swallow. (O. Wilde)

2. 'Last summer, when I (to stay) on the river, there were two rude boys, who always (to throw) stones at me'. (O. Wilde)

3. 'Well, they (to tell) lies, they (not)?' (/. B. Priestly)

4. Stantоn: Robert, Gordon and I (to work) well together in the firm. (J. B. Priestly)

5. Gordon: What Olwen (to do) there? (J. B. Priestly)

6. Olwen: You were outside just now, weren't you? Outside the window, listening.

Betty: No, I (not to listen), I (to try) to peep in. (J.B. Priestly)

7. Freddy: Where you (to go)? (B. Shaw)

8. Higgins: I (not to try) to look nice, mother. (B. Shaw)

9. The path still (to go down) and (to keep) in the same direction. (J. R.R. Tolkien)

10. They (to pass) bowls from hand to hand, and some (to harp) and many (to sing). (J. R. R. Tolkien)

11. They (to sit) at the open window of a small room looking out west onto the garden. (J. R. R. Tolkien)

12. Four unwelcome surprises (to wait for) Graham as he entered the house. (S. Brett)

13.Also... Graham found that they [the children]... (to get) expensive. (S. Brett)

Exercise 11

Use the Past Progressive or the Past Simple Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.


1. He (to write) a composition when I (to see) him.

2. George (to fall off) the ladder while he (to change) the light bulb.

3. He often (to go) to the library when he (to study) at the University.

4. The sun (to rise) when I (to wake up) that morning.

5. When I (to go out) that morning, the sun (to shine) brightly and the birds (to sing).

6. I (not to drive) very quickly when the accident (to happen).

7. We (to listen to) the radio yesterday when the bell (to ring).

8. Yesterday I (to hear) that the bell (to ring). I (to come up) to the door and (to open) it. But I (to see) nobody. When I (to look out) of the window I (to see) a boy who (to run away).

9. The boys (to play). They (to jump off) the bus while it (to go).

10. My hat (to fly of!) when I (to cross) the bridge.

11. What you (to explain) to him?

12. I (not to look) at you at all.

13. There (to be) nobody in the hall. Everyone (to sit) in the parlour and (to listen to) Joan's story. No one (to seem) to pay attention to Robert's arrival.

14. Alan (to enjoy) himself. He (not to be) so often in good mood, but today was something special.

15. Someone (to sing) next door while I (to try) to get some sleep.

16. -Everything (to go) wrong. He (to feel) it, but could do nothing. He just (to watch) and (to wait).

17. I just (to phrase) a tactful inquiry when we (to approach) the station and my companion (to take) his bag and (to say) it (to be) time to go. On the platform my Mom (to stand) and (to look for) me. That sight (to drive) all other thoughts from my head.

18.'When 1 (to walk) home I (to think) I (to see) a man who (to follow) me.'

'No one (to follow) you. You (to imagine) things, as always.'

19.'What you (to use) that paint for?'

'I (to use) it in the garden.'


1. Just as the swallow (to put) his head under his wing a large drop of water (to fall) on him.

(0. Wilde)

2. It (to be) before the day fixed for his coronation and the young King (to sit) alone in his chamber.

(O. Wilde)

3. Betty: You (not to know) me. You (to worship) some body who (to look) like me.

(J. B. Priestly)

4. Olwen: And he (to have) a revolver in his hand and (to shout) something about danger and terror and love. He (to threaten) me with it or himself. He just (to wave) it about — being dramatic. I even (not to believe) it was loaded.

(J. B. Priestly)

5. Leslie (to hang) an enormous red flag up outside whenever he (to practise).

(G. Durrell)

6. While we (to cope with) them, another guest (to arrive).

(G. Durrell)

7. Gollum (to live) on an inland in the middle of the lake. He (to watch) Bilbo now and (to wonder) a lot about him. Then he (to get) into his boat, while Bilbo (to sit) on the brink.

(J. R. R. Tolkien)

8. On the Sunday evening,... Graham (to watch) something less than riveting on television, when he (to think of) some new potential economy and (to go up) to his "study" to work it out on the calculator.

(S. Brett)

9.Graham... (to push) into the Head of Department's outer office. Stella (to look up) at him over her typewriter. Her expression (to be) strange. '...Graham, I (to be) very sorry to hear about your wife.' The response (to become) automatic. He (to nod) grimly.

(S. Brett)

Exercise 12

Translate into English.


1. Вчера в девять часов вечера я смотрел телевизор.

2. Когда мы вышли на улицу, шел снег.

3. Когда я впервые встретил мою невесту, она работала в школе.

4. Она накрывала на стол, когда мы пришли.

5. С кем Вы разговаривали, когда я позвонил Вам?

6. Я часто ходил в эту библиотеку, когда работал в этом районе.

7. Мы встретились с ним в то время, когда я стояла на автобусной остановке.

8. Вчера мы весь день гуляли в парке.

9. Что Вы делали вчера весь вечер?

10. Почему Вы разговаривали с ним так долго? Мы Вас ждали.

11. Где Вы останавливались, когда жили в Лондоне?

12. Я вовсе не пытался обвинять Вас в чём-либо. Я лишь обрисовал ситуацию, в которой мы находимся.

13. — Что Вы делали 25-го вечером?

— Я смотрел какой-то фильм...

— Что именно Вы смотрели?

— Я не помню.

— А во сколько начался фильм?

– В 22.20, а потом я заснул перед телевизором.

14. Внезапно он понял, что уже подъезжает к нужной остановке.

Он нашёл этот снимок, когда искал какую-то старую книгу.

16. Я как раз открывала Ваше письмо, когда зазвонил телефон. Я подняла трубку. Это был мой старый приятель.

17. Когда я сошёл с поезда, Маргарет ждала меня на платформе. На ней было новое пальто и выглядела она чудесно. Когда она увидела меня, она помахала мне рукой. Я не слышал, что она кричала — было слишком шумно.

18. Когда Пол открыл дверь, его жена сидела в кресле. У неё на коленях лежала открытая книга, но она не читала.


1. Рано утром внизу на бульваре гулял мэр города, а с ним городские советники. Проходя мимо колонны, мэр взглянул на статую.

(О. Уайльд)

2. Когда я слышал о них последний раз, они всё еще ссорились.

(О. Уайльд)

3. Дочь профессора сидела у порога. Маленькая собачка лежала у ее ног.

(О. Уайльд)

4. Я думала об этом весь вечер.

(Дж. Б. Пристли)

5. Роберт: Простите, что опоздал. Это всё твой щенок, Фреда. Он пытался сожрать рукопись нового романа Сони Вильям.

(Дж. В. Пристли)

6. Когда... Бильбо Бэггинс стоял после завтрака в дверях своего дома и курил... трубку, мимо проходил Гэндальф.

(Дж. Р. Р. Толкин)

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 182 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: THE ADJECTIVE AND THE ADVERB | Degrees of Comparison | The Indicative Mood | I. The Present Perfect Tense | II. The Past Perfect Progressive Tense | II Present Simple Passive | V. The Past Progressive Passive | VII. The Past Perfect Passive | SHOULD, OUGHT TO | RECAPITULATION OF THE MODAL VERBS |
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III The Future Simple Tense| III. The Future Progressive Tense

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