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Recapitulation of the modal verbs

Читайте также:
  1. A Where do adverbs go?
  2. A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
  3. Action and state verbs
  4. Adjective or Adverb after special verbs
  5. Adjectives and adverbs
  6. Adjectives made from verbs
  7. Auxiliary verbs and questions

Exercise 37

Translate into English using all the modal verbs you know.

1. Он попытался объяснить всё, но я не стал его слушать.

2. Джон попытался открыть крышку, но она никак не поддавалась.

3. Ты должен был сообщить им об этом, а то теперь они не знают, что им делать.

4. Я не поеду с вами. Отец слаб, и мне нужно с ним побыть ещё какое-то время.

5.— Неужели он забыл заказать билеты на самолёт?

— Он, наверное, заказал их на имя Вашей матери!

6. Ты вся промокла. Зря ты не попросила кого-нибудь подвезти тебя.

7. Вечером она должна была принимать участие в концерте. Поэтому она берегла свой голос и не пила напитки со льдом, хотя было очень жарко.

12.Ты бы мог мне сказать, что опоздаешь

9. С какой стати он должен делать твою работу? Почему ты уклоняешься от своих обязанностей?

10. Зачем тебе откладывать на завтра то, что ты мог бы сделать сегодня?

11. Не может быть, чтобы она не заметила знака, предупреждающего о крутом повороте!

12. Вероятно, он решил идти пешком, а не ехать в переполненном автобусе. Погода великолепная, и тут недалекою Он, должно быть, будет с минуты на минуту.

13. Ему суждено было сделать великое открытие, которое должно было обессмертить его имя в веках.

14. Мы договорились, что после игры в теннис пойдем в бассейн, а потом — в кино.

15. Должно быть, солнце высушило траву здесь. Наверное, у них мало дождей, и урожаи небогатые.

16. Вам долго пришлось ждать меня? Я не мог освободиться раньше. Был очень занят.

17. Все устроилось. И теперь ему не надо было вмешиваться.

18. Должно быть, он сменил компьютерный код. Я не могу войти в программу.

19. Он предлагал ей жизнь, полную счастья, богатства и роскоши, но она и слушать его не хотела.

20.Он вёл скромный образ жизни: обычно просыпался рано утром, делал зарядку; после этого, как всегда, работал до обеда.

21.Неужели он так и не попросил прощения у брата?

22.Не может быть, чтобы он обманул меня, чтобы посмеяться надо мною. Это так на него не похоже.

23.Самолёт должен был приземлиться в аэропорту Стенстед в восемь часов, но из-за нелётной погоды был задержан на час.

24.Зря вы признались ему. Он человек черствый и рассчетливый. Искренность не в его натуре. Он, скорее всего, и не понял вас.

25.Он не знал, что никогда не суждено будет ему увидеть вновь это милое и открытое лицо.

26.— Он должен был прибыть одиннадцатичасовым поездом. Неужели он опоздал?

— Откуда мне знать.

27.Возможно, она не успела дойти до дома до наступле-

ния темноты, и, скорее всего, заблудилась: она ведь плохо знает эти места.

28. Тебе следует захватить зонт. Ты отправляешься в Манчестер, а ведь там часто идут дожди.

29. Я должен подать заявление в Университет не позже 20 июля.

30. Зря вы не позвонили студентам и не отменили лекцию, профессор. Вы ещё очень плохо себя чувствуете.

31. Должно быть, он знал Алекса раньше. Иначе с какой стати он бы стал разговаривать с Алексом, как со старым приятелем, улыбаясь.

32. Наверное, он хорошо сдаст экзамен. Он так много готовился.

33. Мама обернулась в поисках маленькой Лоры, но еёнигде не было видно. По всей видимости, что-то её увлекло, и она убежала.

34. Вам не следовало вмешиваться. Могли бы и промолчать — свои собаки дерутся, чужая не мешает.

35. «Неужели, в самом деле, все сгорели карусели?»

(С Я. Маршак)

36. Я должна быть на собеседовании в главном офисе фирмы во вторник в 10.00.

37. Не может быть, чтобы он смутился. Этого циника ничто не может смутить.

38. Возможно, ваше фамильное колье ещё отыщется. Нельзя терять надежду.

39. Я обязательно буду актрисой. У них вся жизнь —праздник. Им не надо ходить на работу и выполнять скучные обязанности. Они могут позволить себе все, о чем можно мечтать!

40. Вчера я видела Макинтоша. Он так поправился, что с его сигарой его можно было бы быть принять за Черчилля.

Exercise 38

Make up your own situations to illustrate why a particular modal verb is used in the sentences below. Show the difference between them.

1. expressing different degrees of certainty.

a) He may be reading.

c) He may have read this book.

c) He can't be there now.

d) He can't have been there.

e) He must be ringing up his friend.

f) He must have rung his friend up.

g) He ought to know this.

2. expressing prohibition or absence of necessity.

a) You may not do it.

b) You cannot do it.

c) You should not do it.

d) You are not to do it.

e) You don't have to do it.

f) You need not do it.

8) You ought not to do it.

h) Don't do it.

3. expressing request or offer.

a) Can I use it?

b) May I see him?

c) Can I buy you something?

d) Shall I open the window?

e) Will you come and have a cup of tea with me?

Conditional Sentences


Exercise 1

Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1. If the weather is fine tomorrow, we'll go to the country.

2. I'll give you this video cassette if you return it next week.

3. They won't return in time unless they hurry.

4. If you interrupt again, you will have to go outside.

5. If I promise to give you the letter, will you come back?

6. 'She won't get better unless she calls a doctor.'

'She won't get better if she calls him. She'll get worse.'

7. The whole matter will be forgotten if I manage to produce the letter.

8. If you see Dave tomorrow, tell him I'd like to have a word with him.

9. You won't be forgiven unless you return the money you have taken.

10. What will he do if he doesn't get their answer?

11. If they don't come to our party, we'll be upset.

12. If they want to come, there's nothing we can do.

Exercise 2

Match these parts to make conditional sentences.

1. They'll understand it right...

2. Ben will post the letter...

3. Maria will get some money...

4. I'll buy a new car...

5. You can't get in...

6. She'll lose weight...

7. I'll have a word with Jane...

8. You'll need a visa...

9. I won't object...

10. They won't go to school...

11. Tony will answer the phone...

12. He won't take the money...

a.... if you don't have a all ticket.

b.... if I get this job.

с.... if it is too cold.

d.... if you explainit to them.

e.... if she goes to the bank.

f.... if you are going to America.

g.... if you press it on him.

h.... if she is at home.

i.... if you ask him.

j.... if she goes on with her.

k.... if he is at home.

l.... if you try and help me.

Exercise 3

Paraphrase the following sentences according to the pattern.


> Pattern: Say that again and we'll quarrel.

If you say that again, we'll quarrel.

1. Go to the doctor and he will help you.

2. Take a taxi and we'll be there in time.

3. Switch on the radio and you'll hear the news.

4. Wait a minute and I will explain it to you.

5. Listen to me and you will understand everything.

6. Turn over the page and you'll see that picture.

7. Come late once more and you'll be fired.

8. Follow the instructions and you won't get lost.

9. Buy all those things and you'll have no money left.

10. Go along this street and you'll see the bank on your left.


> Pattern: Wind up your watch, or else it will stop.

If you don't wind up your watch, it will stop.

1. Put that book back at once, or I'll get angry.

2. Put on something warm, or else you'll catch cold.

3. Tell me the truth, or else I'll learn everything on my own.

4. Get up at once, or else you'll be late.

5. Mind your spelling, or else you'll never get good marks.

6. Say you are sorry, or else your Mother will never forgive you.

7. Answer this letter, or he will take offence.

8. Take this job, or else you will have no more chances.

9. Ring him up, or else you won't get the instructions.

10. Read the map carefully, or else you'll get lost.

Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks with IF or UNLESS.

1. You'll never pass your driving test... you don't work harder.

2. You won't pass your test... you drive more carefully.

3. We won't go to the beach tomorrow... it is raining.

4. We'll go to the beach tomorrow... it is raining.

5. We will go to the beach tomorrow... it isn't raining.

6.... we hurry, we'll miss the train.

7.... we don't hurry, we'll miss the train.

8. We'll catch the train... we hurry.

9.... this team doesn't start winning soon, nobody will pay to watch them.

10.... they start working harder, they'll lose again.

11. You can't see the game... you've got a ticket.

12. You can see the game... you have a ticket.

13. You can't borrow this book... you have returned the one you took last month.

14. She will come to see us next month... she has problems with her work.

Exercise 5

Complete the following sentences.


1.He won't come in time if...

2.They will pass their tests if...

3.Your eyes will get tired if...

4.The tourists will lose their way if...

5.You'll catch cold if...

6.The team will lose the game if...


1.He'll forget to lock the door unless...

2.He'll fail his exam unless...

3.Ellen will gain weight unless...

4.We'll have a party tomorrow unless...

5.She won't accept our invitation unless...

6.Mother won't notice anything unless...


1. If you don't get a job...

2.If you read too much...

3.If you aren't careful in the street...

4.If he forgets to warn them about the changes...

5.If I don't have enough time to pack my things…

6.If she phones too late...

Exercise 6

Supply the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.

1. He (to understand) you if you (to speak) slowly.

2. He (to find) a good job if he (to try) hard enough.

3. You (to be attacked) by the dog if you (to move).

4. I (to go) away unless you (to want) me to stay.

5. If I (to make) coffee, you (to cut) the cake?

6. Please don't sign any contracts unless they (to be checked) by me.

7. If he (to hurry), he (to get) a good seat.

8. He (to get) a bad seat unless he (to hurry).

9. Someone may get into the house if he (to forget) to lock the doors.

10. He (to pass) his exam unless he (to read) more English books in the original.

11. He must be more careful, unless he (to want) trouble!

12. What you (to do) if you (to fail) your test?

13. Where you (to go) if you (to be) free on Sunday?

14. They (to pay) him if he (to finish) his work.

15. They (to pay) him unless he (to finish) his work.

16. If the children (to come) home late, they (to be punished).

Exercise 7

Translate into English.

1. Он не выполнит это задание, если оно будет слишком сложным.

2. Если Вы поможете мне, я переведу этот текст быстрее.

3. Завтра мы поедем за город, если только не будет дождя.

4. Если вы не будете больше заниматься, то вам будет трудно сдавать экзамены.

5. Что вы сделаете, если выиграете главный приз?

6. — Куда он поедет летом?

— В Италию, если у него будет достаточно денег.

7. Если Вы возьмёте такси, то успеете его встретить.

8. Если нас не будет дома, когда вы позвоните, то перезвоните попозже.

9. Не помогайте ему, если только он сам вас об этом не попросит.

10. Если вам не хватает денег, то придётся подождать с покупкой телевизора.

11. Если он не сможет ничего объяснить, его ждут большие неприятности.

12. Брайан купит новую машину, если не потратит деньги на что-нибудь другое.


Exercise 1

Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1. If I knew his address, I'd write him.

2. If he had more spare time, he would help us.

3. If we received that letter tomorrow, we would answer immediately.

4. If he were here, he would answer your question.

5. If she was here, they would ask her a few questions.

6. If I were you, I wouldn't dare to argue.

7. He would certainly agree if he were in your place.

8. Phil would travel if he had more money.

9. If they didn't want to go, they wouldn't.

10. I'd go out if it weren't snowing.

11. If she didn't come to their party next week, they would be very angry.

12. What would you do if your house were broken into?

13. Ellen wouldn't give me any money if I asked her.

14. Would you give me money if I asked you?

15. What would you do if you found somebody's purse?

16. Unless they offered more, I wouldn't accept the job.

Exercise 2

Match these parts to make conditional sentences.

1. They would be disappointed...

a.... if I was offered it.

2. Many people would be щut of work...

3. I would be surprised...

4. What would happen...

5. I would be terribly

6. She would understand everything...

7. I would take the job...

8. He wouldn't get much money for his car...

9. What would you buy...

10. You'd feel better...

11. I wouldn't argue...

12. Would you buy this flat...

13. He would be really angry...

14. I would be grateful...

15. I would listen to the elders' advice...

16. What would you say...

b.... if I lost his ring.

с... if he sold it.

d.... if I took his car without asking.

e.... if we didn't come to their party.

f.... if this factory closed down.

g.... if you overslept tomorrow?

h.... if he refused to lend you some money.

i.... if you helped me with this problem.

j.... if I were you.

k.... if you explained the situation to her.

1.... if you won a lot of money?

m.... if I wasn’t absolutely sure I was right.

n.... if you were offered this job?

o.... if you stopped smoking.

p.... if you had enough money?

Exercise 3

Paraphrase the following sentences according to the pattern.


>\ Pattern: The weather isn't warm today. We won't go hiking.

If the weather were/was warm today, we would g& hiking.

1. He doesn't know us well. He won't invite us.

2. We don't Hke chicken. We won't buy it.

Exercise 3

Paraphrase the following sentences according to the pattern.


> Pattern: The weather isn't warm today. We won't go hiking.

If the weather were/was warm today, we would g& hiking.

1. He doesn't know us well. He won't invite us.

2. We don't like chicken. We won't buy it.

3. I'm not cold. I won't put on a sweater.

4. Dave doesn't smoke. He won't take cigarettes.

5. She doesn't like ballet She won't go to the ballet house with us.

6. He doesn't know my cousin. He won't meet her at the station.

7. She doesn't like coffee. She never buys it.

8. He doesn't read English books in the original. He won't
improve his English.

9. He doesn't try to save money. He won't travel in summer.

10. I have no appetite. I won't take more meat.

11. They are not here. I won't talk to them.

12. It isn't windy today. We won't fly a kite.

13. Mary doesn't earn much. She doesn't buy anything new.

14. Jane hasn't got a VCR. She doesn't watch many films.


Pattern: He knows the town very well. He often shows strangers about it.

If he didn't know the town so well, he wouldn't show strangers about it.

1. Betty is fond of reading. She has so many books at home.

2. He lives near the University. It takes him ten minutes to get there.

3. The weather is nasty. We'll stay indoors.

4. He earns a lot of money. He travels a lot.

5. Dan has got a dog. He knows much about dogs.

6. Bell has got a lot of free time. She watches TV three hours a day.

7. Chris lives far from his office. He gets up very early.

8. He is a very interesting person. I always enjoy talking to him.

9. This book & very useful. I want to buy it.

10. I like this film. I'll buy the cassette.

11. I think the play will be interesting. I'll go to the theatre?

12. The plant is going to close down. Many people will be out of work.

13. The road is repaired. It will take us less time to get home.

14. We are moving into a new flat. We won't have to spend so
much time on going to work.

Exercise 4

Complete the following sentences.


1. If the weather was bad...

2. If somebody stole my bag/purse…

3. If I were offered a good job...

4. If I had a birthday party...

5. If I were working in London...

6. If I were a publisher...

7. If I were a film-star...

8. If I had a pet...

9. If it were summer now...

10. If I had more free time...

11. If he were younger...


1. I’d talk more politely to them if...

2. I’d go to the theatre if...

3. They would know English better if...

4. He would travel more if...

5. She would talk on the phone less if...

6. Chris would write letters to his parents if...

7. Alice would study better if...

8. Pd lend him money if...

9. Pd borrow money from him if...

10. He'd be offered a good job if...

Exercise 5

The Chain Story Game.

Continue the story according to the pattern.

> Pattern: If it were summer now, I'd go to London. If I went to London, Гd stay in a hotel. If I stayed in a hotel, I'd... etc.

You may use the following beginnings:

— If I had a thousand dollars...

— If the weather were better...

— If I had a car of my own...

— If I were married...

Exercise 6

Supply the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.


1. If I (to have) enough money, I (to buy) this overcoat.

2. Larry (to write) them if he (to have) their address.

3. If you (to travel) first class, it (to cost) over £650.

4. If you (to ask) Esther, she (to help) you.

5. If I (to stop off) in Boston, I (to stay) with my friends.

6. If you (to see) her now, you (not to recognize) her.

7. What you (to do) if you (to ask) to help us?

8. If I (to go) to the doctor, he (to give) me a certificate?

9. If I (to be) you, I (to choose) a different topic.

10. What you (to do) if you (to be) in his place?


1. How long it (to take) you to get to the University if you (to move) into this flat?

2. They (not to be pleased) if we (came) without asking.

3. I (not to be surprised) if the money (to find) at his place.

4. If he (to ask) about this case, he (not to tell) anything. He is too frightened.

5. What (to happen) if there (to be) a serious nuclear accident?

6. If there (to be) a flood in this area, you (not to get) a penny in compensation.

7. If we (not to waste) so much energy, our resources (to last) longer.

8. I (not to be) in this job unless I (to be) a Ph.D.!

9. Unless we (to think) new research was necessary, we (not to spend) money on it.

10. Just imagine what the world (to be) like if we (not to have) electricity!


1. There (not to be) so many articles on astrology unless so many people (to be) interested in it.

2. If my car (to be stuck) in a traffic jam, I (to be) very angry.

3. I never (to hit) anybody unless they (to hit) me.

4. If you (to watch) TV, you (to choose) a western or a comedy?

5. You (not to get) this job unless you (to have) some qualifications.

6. I (not to let) you marry my daughter unless you (to start) earning money.

7. You (to make) a scene if you (to provoke)?

8. I (to refuse) to go unless the company (to pay) my expenses.

9. Who you (to ask) if you (not to know) how to do it?

10. I (to buy) this car if I (to be) richer.

11. I don't agree with his economic policy. I (not to vote) for him unless he (to change) it.

12. No one (to buy) it unless it (to have) a guarantee.

13. If I (to be) you, I (to see) a doctor about those headaches.

14. If Nick (to have) a country house, he (to go) there on Sunday.

15. If you (to have) an argument with your friend, you (to apologies) first?

16. What you (to do) if one day a millionaire (to ask) you to marry him/her?

17. What you (to do) if your car (to steal)?

18. If Leslie (to apply) for the job, he (not to get) it.

19. They (to get) a bank loan if they (to apply) for it.

20.I (to buy) some of their books if they (to send) me their price list.

Exercise 7

Translate into English.

1. Если бы у меня был хороший словарь, я бы тратил меньше времени на переводы.

2. Мне нравятся эти часы. Если бы они были дешевле, я бы купил их.

3. Я уверен, что вы бы делали меньше ошибок, если бы лучше знали грамматику.

4. Если бы решение этого вопроса зависело от меня, я бы помог вам.

5. Если бы Дэнни выехал завтра пораньше, то он был бы в Нью-Йорке уже к вечеру.

6. На вашем месте я бы не спорил.

7. Я бы не согласился на это предложение, если бы я был на месте Ларри.

8. Если бы он не тратил так много денег, ему не пришлось бы брать в долг.

9. Он не приезжал бы в этот город каждое лето, если бы ему там не нравилось.

10. Мне больше нравился бы здешний климат, если бы дождь не шёл так часто.

11. На вашем месте я бы выбрал другую работу.

12. Что бы вы делали, если бы были на моем месте?

13. Если бы вы попросили их помочь, они бы не отказали вам.


Exercise 1

Translate into Russian.

1. If he had put on a warm coat yesterday, he would not have caught cold.

2. If I had seen him yesterday, I'd have given him a piece of my mind.

3. If he had realized the danger, he would have run away.

4. Tony wouldn't have been so depressed if he had known everything.

5. If George had gone to the party last night, he would've seen Bell there.

6. Unless you had studied film history, you'd never have passed that test!

7. We wouldn't have chosen this tour unless it had been escorted.

8. Would you have gone to Rio if you had known it was going to be so hot there?

9. Matthew wouldn't have left the children alone for too long if it hadn't been so necessary to see the doctor.

10. How much would you have spent on your holiday tour if you had gone first class instead of second?

10.If the mother hadn't left the scissors on the floor, the kid wouldn't have cut his finger.


Change the following sentences according to the pattern.

> Pattern: If it didn't rain, we'd go for a walk. (yesterday)

If it hadn’t rained yesterday, we'd have gone for a walk.

1. They would come if you invited them. (yesterday night)

2. If you weren't so careless, you wouldn't make such a foolish mistake. (then)

3. If they were present, we would discuss it with them. (last Monday)

4. If it were sunny, we'd go to the beach. (the day before)

5. If she were ready, she would take her exam. (last week)

6. If Gerry weren't so busy, I'd ask him to help me. (in the morning)

7. If you had a spare ticket, I'd see the performance. (yesterday)

8. If I knew English better, I'd work as an interpreter. (then)

9. If Phil practiced more, he'd play the guitar better. (at the concert)

10. If I had time, I'd go shopping with you. (yesterday)

11. He would fill in that form if he didn't forget about it. (at the airport)

Exercise 4

Complete the following sentences.

1. If the students had practiced harder...

2. If the form had been filled in correctly...

3. If someone had told us about the change earlier…

4. If they hadn't left their money at home...

5. If he hadn't lent Jim his money...

6. If he hadn't got up so late...

7. If his wife hadn't bought a new coat...

Exercise 6

Supply the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.

1. If Joan (to see) him waving, she (to wave) him back.

2. The secretary (to send) the telex if the manager (to ask) her to do it.

3. I (not to be) late for work yesterday if I (to have) an early night the day before yesterday.

4. We (to spend) more time in Edinburgh if we (to know) more about the city when we were booking the tour.

5. If we (to stay) in Las Vegas longer, we (to lose) all our money.

6. If we (to take) our children with us, they (to love) it!

7. If f (to buy) the car earlier, if (to best) less than now.

8. I (to spend) less time on this work if I (to have) a better dictionary.

9. If I (to know) that it was going to rain, I (to take) an umbrella.

8. I (not to take) this tour unless they (to provide) a guide.

9. If Jane (not to forget) to wind up her watch she (not to be late) for the interview.



12. I (to phone) you yesterday if you (to be) in town.

13. I (not to catch) cold if I (to have) my coat on.

14. She (not to scold) me if I /to come) in time.

15. If he (to know) the exam would be so difficult, he never (to take) it.

Exercise 7

Translate into English.

1. Если бы вы взяли такси, вы бы приехали на вокзал вовремя.

2. Если бы ваше предложение было получено на прошлой неделе, мы бы приняли его.

3. Этого бы не случилось, если бы вы были там.

4. Если бы вы пришли пораньше, вы бы ещё засталимоих родителей.

5. Если бы они не отказались помочь, мы бы вчера уже закончили работу.

6. Если бы вы читали книгу, то вы бы лучше поняли фильм.

7. Если бы задание было не таким сложим», студенты выполнили бы его гораздо быстрее.

8. Если бы я взял с собой видеокамеру, то снял бы хороший фильм во время путешествия.

9. Если бы я был в городе, когда твой брат приезжал, я бы повидался с ним.

10. Алан не принял бы это предложение, если бы не нуждался в деньгах. (to be short of money)

11. Лорейн не вышла бы за него замуж, если бы не была уверена в том, что это будет хороший брак.

12. Я бы не начала читать эту книгу, если бы мне её не порекомендовали.

13. Дэвид никогда бы не поступил в университет, если быне занимался историей в школе.

14. Никто бы не заподозрил его в краже, если бы он уничтожил отпечатки пальцев. (fingerprints)




Exercise 1

Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1. If it hadn't been for his call, I wouldn't have been late for work.

2. If it hadn't been for Shirley's letter, we would never have learnt the truth.

3. If it were not for my headache, I'd be quite fine.

4. If it were not for your French classes, you wouldn't speak French so fluently.

5. But for the fog we would have continued our way.

6. She would be considered beautiful but for her thin lips.

7. If it were not for my heavy bag, I'd prefer to walk.

8. Nobody would say he is an American but for his accent.

9. If it hadn't been for Teddy's naughtiness, he would be the best pupil in my class.

10. If it were not for my imagination, I wouldn't get into trouble so often.

Exercise 2

Paraphrase the following sentences according to the pattern.


> Pattern: If I didn't have a sore throat, I would go to school.

If it were not for my sore throat, I would go to school.

1. If the print weren't so small, I would read the book quickly.

2. It would be impossible to do the work in time if he didn't help us.

3. No one would believe him if he didn't have such a charming smile.

4. If the climate were not so hot there, he would go there
with us.

5. If he were not so impatient, he would make a good teacher.

6. If she were not so intolerant, she would be a better friend.

7. She wouldn't be able to keep in touch with her parents if she didn't write them regularly.

8. If her health weren't so poor, she'd go out more often.

9. If the case were not so important, I would've never asked you to help me.

10. If it were not raining now, we'd walk our dog.


> Pattern: If I hadn’t had a sore throat yesterday, 1 would have gone to school.

If it hadn't been for my sore throat yesterday, I would have gone to school.

1.If he hadn't come, we wouldn't have stopped quarrelling so soon.

2. If the print hadn't been so small, I would have read this book sooner.

3. If we hadn't seen the scar on his chin, nobody would have recognized him.

4. If it hadn't been so late, I would have stayed there longer.

5. If it hadn't been so dark, they would not have lost their way.

6. If he hadn't had an urgent matter to attend to, he wouldn't have left us so soon.

7. If the weather hadn't been so nasty yesterday, we would have gone to the country.

8. If our friends hadn't come, the party wouldn't have been a success.

9. If we hadn't visited that museum, the tour wouldn't have been quite so interesting.

10. If the guide hadn't been so helpful, we would have lost our way.

Exercise 3

Paraphrase the sentences from Exercise 2 according to the pattern.

Pattern: a) If it were not for the sore throat, I would go to school.

But for the sore throat, I would go to school.

b) If it hadn’t been for the sore throat, I would have gone to school. But for the sore throat, I would have gone to school.

Exercise 4

Complete the following sentences.

1. But for the weather...

2. But for his accent...

3. If it were not for his politeness...

4. If it hadn't been for their bad luck…

5. But for his smoking...

6. If it were not for the noise...

7. If it hadn't been for the pain...

8. But for his bad behaviour...

9. If it were not for the rain...

10. If it hadn't been for his advice...

Exercise 5

Translate into English.

1. Если бы не важность этого дела, я бы остался дома.

2. Мы бы так и не узнали ничего о нём, если бы не этот случай.

3. Если бы не неожиданный приезд моего брата, я пошёл бы в кино с вами.

4. Если бы не его упрямство, он уже тогда принял бы вашу помощь.

5. Если бы не ваша невнимательность, вы бы написали контрольную работу гораздо лучше.

6. Если бы она не была такой рассеянной, то не потеряла бы кошелёк.

7. Энтони никогда не стал бы столь известным учёным, если бы не его талант.

8. Если бы Джейн так не везло, она бы не выигрывала всё время в карты.

9. Никто ничего бы не узнал, если бы не твоя болтливость. (indiscretion)

10. Если бы не шпаргалки (cribs), он никогда не сдал бы экзамен.

11. Лесли имел бы гораздо больше друзей, если бы не его отвратительный характер.


Exercise 1

Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1. He could play the piano better if he tried.

2. You might find him in the reading-hall if you went there now.

3. Jane could have passed her test better yesterday if she had been revising all the week.

4. You might have seen him yesterday if you had called at seven.

5. She might phone me in the evening if she has time.

6. You could have come, if you had wanted to.

7. We could have gone home earlier if it hadn't been for the rain.

8. Lucy could have never translated the telex so well if I hadn't helped her out.

Exercise 2

Paraphrase the following sentences according to the pattern.

> Pattern: The теш isn't ready. We can't eat it now. If the meat were ready, we could eat it now.

1. Danny doesn't earn much. He can't travel a lot.

2. I have no money on me. I can't lend you any.

3. He hasn't got any free time tonight. He can't watch this film.

4. I don't listen to the news. I can't tell you anything about that accident.

5. Pete doesn't know Washington well. He can't show you about it.

6.' I don't ever see him in my office. I can't give him your message.

7. You never pay back the money you've taken. You can't borrow any.

8. I don't like her husband. They can't come to my birthday party.

9. She can't type. She can't have this job.

10. She isn't a student of this University. She can't borrow books from the library.

Exercise 3

Make the following sentences conditional.

> Pattern: Luckily she didn't find out or she might have been furious.

If she had found out, she might have been furious.

1. Unfortunately I didn't se# her, so I couldn't tell her about the party.

2. Fortunately you locked the door properly or someone might have got in.

3. He didn't pass his exams or he might have gone to the University.

4. I didn't watch the film yesterday, so I couldn't answer his questions about it.

5. Gerry didn't have much money left, so he couldn't go anywhere in summer.

6. He was unwell and he couldn't enjoy the dinner.

7. Ben was sleepy and couldn't listen to the lecture.

8. Margie didn't have any free time yesterday. She couldn't go and see her friends.

9. The weather was nasty yesterday. We couldn't go anywhere.

10. I was so busy in the morning, I couldn't even eat кproper breakfast.

11. She couldn't come to your party yesterday because she was away on holiday.

Exercise 4

Complete the following sentences using COULD or MIGHT.

1. If the weather were better...

2. But for the late hour...

3. If it hadn't been for that noise...

4. If the hotel had been better...

5. If the central heating were working …

6. If the host had been more polite...

7. But for your behaviour...

If it were summer now...

9. But for his/her help...

10. But for his absence...

11. If it hadn't been so slippery...

12. If I had known everything before hand…

13. If it were not for your money...

14. If they had been more attentive...

15. But for his lack of ambition...

Exercise 5

Translate into English.

1. Они могли бы прийти пораньше, если бы их не задержали.

2. Он мог бы отвечать лучше, если бы постарался.

3. Вы могли бы пойти с нами на концерт, если бы.

4. Вы, может быть, прошли бы собеседование гораздо успешнее, если бы лучше подготовились к нему.

5. Лесли мог бы играть потише, если бы думал о тех кто живет рядом.

6. Если бы мы могли оставить с кем-нибудь ребёнка мы могли бы пойти в гости.

7. Если бы не ты, я бы мог потратить на это гораздо больше времени.

8. Он мог бы стать знаменитостью, если бы не отсутствие честолюбия.

9. Если бы нам не удалось поймать такси, мы, может быть, опоздали бы на самолёт.

10. Он мог бы давно согласиться с нашим предложением если бы он не был таким упрямым.

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Читайте в этой же книге: Degrees of Comparison | The Indicative Mood | III The Future Simple Tense | II. The Past Progressive Tense | III. The Future Progressive Tense | I. The Present Perfect Tense | II. The Past Perfect Progressive Tense | II Present Simple Passive | V. The Past Progressive Passive | VII. The Past Perfect Passive |
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