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Tense-Forms in the Indicative Mood

Читайте также:
  1. Choose between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple tense-forms.
  2. REVISION OF Tense Forms in the Indicative Mood
  3. The Indicative Mood
  4. The Indicative Mood


  Module 2 Page
  Test Yourself Section  
  Tense Forms in the Indicative Mood  
  Progress Test  
  Module Verbs  
  Progress Test  
  Subjunctive Mood  
  Progress Test  

Before starting to do the tasks in this self-study module, test your basis knowledge of English Grammar by doing 3 Self-Tests. Then assess your knowledge with the help of the following table that represents an internationally accepted assessment scale:

  Percentage of the right answers Assessment of knowledge (grade) UCLES / ALTE Levels
  100% - 90% 5 (excellent) CAE (C1) – автономний рівень
  89% - 79% 4 (good) FCE (В2) – просунутий рівень
  78% - 68% 3 (satisfactory) FCE / PET (В1 / А2) – рубіжний рівень
  67% - 57% 2 (poor) PET/KET (А2) – середній рівень або рівень виживання
  below 56% very poor KET (А2) - рівень виживання

Test 1. TOEFL Level. All the sentences below contain grammar mistakes. Find and correct them. Be careful – some sentences may have more than one mistake.

1. Because there are less members present tonight then there were last night, we must wait untill the next meeting to vote.

2. Today in the morning there were shocking news about the earthquake in Italy.

3. There are such many people trying to leave the burning building that the police is having a great deal of trouble controlling them.

4. John says that no other car could go so fast like his one.

5. Some of us has to do their lessons more carefully if we expect to pass this examination.

6. Although both of them is trying to get the scholarship, she has the highest grades.

7. The president refused to accept either of the four new proposals made by his advisers.

8. The students liked that professor course because there were few or no homeworks.

9. Each of the nurses report to the operating room when her name is called.

10. The more harder he tried, the worser he danced before the large audience who were watching him.

11. Nora hardly never misses an opportunity to play in the tennis tournaments.

12. Neither of the girls have turned in the term papers to the instruc­tor yet.

13. The new model of the car cost twice more then last year model.

14. Even though Miss Colombia lost the beauty contest, she was still much more prettyer than other girls in the show.

15. Einstein is said feeling very badly about the application of his theories to the creation of weapons of war.

16. Columbus Day is celebrated on twelve October because on that day in 1492 Christopher Columbus first landed in America.

17. There are only twenty eight days in February, aren't they?

18. We called yesterday our friends in Boston to tell them about these news.

19. Are you sure in the diagnosis of this three man, doctor?

20. We had so wonderful memories of the place that we decided to go there again.

21. The little boy mother bought to him a five-speeds racing bicycle on his birthday.

22. Let Nancy and Martha to make all the plans for the party themselfs.

23. There are a wardrobe, two beds and a big carpet in my parent's room.

24. Kurt has so interesting and creative plans that everyone want to work with him.

25. To my opinion, draughts are easier game then chess.


Test 2. CAE Level. Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it is as similar in meaning as possible to the sentence printed before it. Don’t change the words that are given to you.

Example: Make sure you finish this book before you start on the others. - Don't start the other books until you have finished this one.

1. Nobody has seen Jo for over a month. - Jo was _________________________

2. Shevchenko’s goal was the most extraordinary one I have ever seen. - I've yet _____________

3. No one has asked me that before. - This is the first time ________________

4. The journey to Paris took much longer before they built the Channel Tunnel. - Since the ______

5. It's almost a year since I stopped smoking. - I gave __________________

6. This cafe used to be a lot more popular before they opened the new one next door. – Since ______

7. Don't use that milk until you’ve finished I this carton. Make sure you’ve finished this carton before you use that milk.

8. I’m sure he will arrive before you get there. - By the time ______________

9. After keying in that report, could you perhaps check this order for me? - When that ________

10. I'm sure Helen will have got there before everyone else. - Helen is sure _________________

11. We will fax you further details on receipt of your completed application form. – Having _______

12. What a pity he couldn’t come! - I wish ____________________

13. Anna didn’t come to the dinner yesterday evening, so perhaps she was ill. – Anna must __________

14. It wasn’t necessary for you to call him as he already knew about the meeting. - You needn’t ____________

15. The team managed to finish the preparation for the product launch in time. - The team succeeded __________


TEST 3. CAE Level. Open the brackets and fill in the gaps with a suitable verbal or tense-form of the verb.

Despite all the lessons we _______ (1 - to learn) from history, it is difficult to conceive what people are likely _______ (2 – to do) a hundred years from now. During this century, so many changes _______ (3 – to take) place that any idea as to what new invention is about _______ (4 - to become) an integral part of our lives _______ (5 - to become) more of a guessing game than ever. For a start, in ten years' time, today's innovations _______ (6 – probably / to go) out of date. There is little doubt that many of our habitual, taken-for-granted activities such as shopping and going to school _______ (7 – to disappear) by the year 2100, largely due to the growth of electronic media. But what we have little idea about is how this _______ (8 – to affect) our personal relationships. Or rather, not ours as this will be long after we have left (9 – to leave) this earth. What _______ (10 – to concern) us now is how our great-great­-grandchildren _______ (11 – to live). People _______ (12 – still / to talk) to each other face to face, or only via computers? They _______ to find (13 – still / to be able) a friendly shoulder to cry on whenthey _______ low (14 – to feel)? In the long run, who _______ (15 – to know)?


Total score: 85 points – 100%

Tense-Forms in the Indicative Mood

TASK 1.FCE Level. Fill in the gaps with a suitable tense-form of the verb in brackets.

1. As soon as Fred saw what _______ (to happen), he _______ (to switch) off the electricity.

2. When I _______ (to start) working for this company, I _______ (to be) an architect for six years.

3. She _______ (to study) marine biology for 3 years, but she finally _______ (to decide) to switch to geography.

4. They _______ (to be) on the road for a mere five minutes when they _______ (to have) a puncture.

5. It's almost half past nine: I would think they _______ (to get) there by now.

6. My intention is _______ (to finish) my studies by June.

7. What _______ (to do) with yourself over the last couple of days?

8. I _______ (to try) to fix the engine all morning, but finally I _______ (to have) to admit defeat.

9. Next summer, I _______ (to live) here for ten years.

10. I _______ (to think) of asking her if she'd like to come to the races next Saturday.

11. Look out! We're _______ (to go) to hit the car in front!

12. By December, he _______ (to work) there for eighteen months.

13. I _______ (to phone) him just as soon as I _______ (to finish) typing all these letters.

14. I _______ (to look) for that book everywhere but I’m afraid I _______ (to come across) it yet.

15. This isn't the first time he _______ (to run) away from home.

16. I _______ (to speak) to Sylvia last night: she sounds as if she _______ (to have) a hard time recently.

17. I _______ (to go) to the new pizzeria last night: it does the best pizzas I _______ (ever /to eat).

18. I _______ (never / to understand) what _______ (to make) football so popular.

19. Since he _______ (to get) home from the camp, he _______ (to do) nothing but sleep.

20. I _______ (yet / to get) over the shock of seeing her there.

21. I think I _______ (to) buy these shoes. They really _______ (to fit) well.

22. Robert _______ (to be) ill for three weeks. He's still in hospital.

23. What's the weather like in Canada? How often it _______ (to rain) there?

24. I'm very tired. I _______ (to drive) over four hundred miles today.

25. I'll tell Anna all the news when I _______ (to see) her.

26. Which team _______ (to win) the game yesterday?


TASK 2. CAE Level. Tick the sentences that are correct. Correct those that are not.

1. Do you think Vicky's always known the truth about us?

2. That's been the second time you've forgotten to post something for me.

3. I haven't seen Peter since he has begun seeing his new girlfriend.

4. Ever since we met, you never asked me what I prefer to do.

5. In all my life, I never spoke to someone who is quite so stupid.

6. I don't think Paul and Carol have seen much of each other of late.

7. This is the only occasion that I've seen him wearing a tie.

8. Since he's lived here, he was usually extremely friendly.

9. They'll join us after they'll get a bite to eat.

10. He says he hasn't yet come to a final decision.

11. By the time he is 50, he will live in this country for half his life.

12. It's a surprise party and they won’t know anything about it until they got here.

13. They're probably planning a quiet evening together; I know they won't have guessed what we're doing.

14. By the time we will have finished, everybody have eaten and drunk as much as they can.

15. There is still plenty of time providing the traffic will not be too bad.

TASK 3. FCE Level. Complete the letter below with the most appropriate form of the verb in brackets.

Dear Sue,

I’m very sorry I __________ (1 - not to write) for a month or so. I ________ (2 - to mean) to write, but I _________ (3 - not to feel) too well recently. I _________ (4 - not to sleep) very well for the past few weeks either, so naturally I _________ (5 - to be) very tired.

All the trouble _________ (6 - to start) a few weeks ago. I _________(7 - to come) out of a restaurant late one night and __________ (8 - to try) to stop two young men who __________ (9 - to fight) right outside. When I __________ (10 - to begin) to intervene, they both _________ (11 - to turn) on me. I __________ (12 - to fall) to the ground and in my fall I _________ (13 - to break) my arm. When they __________ (14 - to see) that a policeman __________ (15 - to approach), they __________ (16 - to run) off shouting, “Don’t think we __________ (17 - to finish) with you!” Ever since then I _________ (18 - to be) too nervous to go out.

I hope I’ll feel better when I __________ (19 - to have) a holiday. I _________ never (20 - to look) forward to a holiday as much as I __________ (21 - to look) forward to going to Italy next week. It _________ (22 - to be) a difficult year for us both, hasn’t it? Do write soon and tell me what you __________ (23 - to do) since you last _________ (24 - to write).

With all good wishes,


TASK 4. CAE Level. Decide whether the underlined verbs are in the best tense. Highlight those that are acceptable and correct those that are not.

I don't like to admit to disliking anyone, but I have to confess that there is one of my classmates who I am particularly disliking (1). We have studied (2) together in the same class for the last few years and I begin (3) to feel that I have been having (4) enough. It's not that he is an unpleasant person, in fact in other circumstances I am feeling (5) sure that we would get on fine. It is just that when you have sat (6) next to someone for so long in such an artificial environment as a classroom, you find (7) that the smallest thing can start to get on your nerves. I thought (8) about this only the other day after the person in question - let us call him George, though that is not his real name - had been trying (9) to help me with an exercise in our text book. I was realising (10) immediately that he really wasn't knowing (11) what he talked (12) about. This was not a problem but what annoyed (13) me was the fact that he refused (14) to listen to my explanations. The exercise was consisting (15) of reading a text and answering questions on it and I am not thinking (16) that he had been reading (17) the text. I didn't know what to say. I was going to tell (18) him to stop being so stupid but that would have been sounding (19) rude. So in. the end I just sat (20) and said nothing.

TASK 5. CAE Level. Open the brackets and fill in the gaps with a verb in the suitable tense.

This time last year I __________ (1 - the cycle) in the rain along a country road in France with a friend of mine. We __________ (2 – to decide) to go on a cycling holiday in Normandy. Neither of us __________ (3 – to be) to France before, but we __________ (4 – to know) some French from our time at school and we __________ (5 – to manage) to brush up on the basics. Now we __________ (6 – to wonder) if we __________ (7 – to make) the right decision. We __________ (8 - to plan) our route carefully in advance, but we __________ (9 – to forget) one important thing, the weather. It __________ (10 - to rain) solidly since our arrival and that night we __________ (11 – to end up) sleeping in the waiting room at a railway station. Then the next morning as we __________ (12 - to ride) down a steep hill, my bike __________ (13 - to skid) on the wet road and I __________ (14 – to fall off). I __________ (15 – to realise) immediately that I __________ (16 – to break) my arm, and after a visit to the local hospital I __________ (17 - to catch) the next train to Calais for the ferry home. Unfortunately, my parents __________ (18 - not to expect) me home for a fortnight, and __________ (19 – to go) away on holiday. So I __________ (20 – to spend) a miserable couple of weeks alone, reading ‘Teach Yourself French’.


TASK 6. CPE level. Both sentences in the following pairs are possible. For each pair, decide whether the verb has the same or a different meaning. If the meaning of the verb is the same, what is the effect of using simple or continuous forms?

1. (a) I have a lot of friends in Australia. (b) I'm having some friends round for dinner at the weekend.

2. (a) I'm feeling really hungry - let's stop and eat. (b) I feel it's important to do your very best.

3. (a) Did you want to see me? (b) Were you wanting to see the manager?

4. (a) Our tickets cost an arm and a leg. (b) The whole holiday was costing an arm and a leg.

5. (a) That food tastes a bit salty. (b) I'm just tasting the pudding to see if it needs more sugar.

6. (a) I imagine you must be tired. (b) Thank goodness you're safe - I've been imagining all sorts of terrible things.

TASK 7. FCE Level. Translate into English paying special attention to the use of different tense-forms.

1. Он опять смотрит телевизор. По-моему, он смотрит его с самого утра.

2. Кто взял мою ручку? Я ищу ее уже несколько минут. – Вот она, она все это время лежала под твоей тетрадью.

3. Мы уже уложили вещи, теперь ждем такси. Интересно, сколько нам придется его ждать.

4. Сколько времени она уже говорит по телефону? – Около полу часа. Ей уже давно пора начать делать домашнее задание.

5. Они женаты с 1992 года и еще ни разу серьезно не ссорились. – Надеюсь так будет всю их совместную жизнь.

6. Погода ужасная, целую неделю идут дожди, очень сыро и холодно. – Найди интересное занятие и ты сразу же забудешь о плохой погоде.

7. Она опытная медсестра. Она работает в больнице уже 12 лет. Не может быть, чтобы она совершила такую грубую ошибку.

8. Мы ждем его уже целую неделю. Вы не знаете, когда он все-таки приедет? – Он приедет сразу же, как закончится эта серия экспериментов.

9. Сколько времени она берет уроки музыки? – Около двух лет. Она уже довольно хорошо играет.

10. Я так рада, что мы наконец закончили эту работу. Мы ее делали три с половиной года почти без выходных и без отпусков. – Да вам уже давно пора отдохнуть.

11. Я не вижу, что вы пишете. — Я пишу письмо моему двоюродному брату, который живет в Москве. Мы большие друзья и часто пишем друг другу. Сейчас он работает в Украинском посольстве.

12. Я ви­жу нескольких иностранных студентов и слышу их голоса. Но я не понимаю, на каком язы­ке они говорят.

13. Я люблю, когда вся наша семья по вечерам соби­рается вместе. Это сейчас бывает так редко, поэтому мы все очень это ценим.

14. Что ты делаешь? Разве можно подчеркивать слова в библиотечной книге? Ты что не понимаешь, что тебе придется платить штраф?

15. Я знаю вашу подругу с детства. Мы ходили в одну школу.

16. Он работает над этой статьей уже три месяца. Она должна быть опубликована в конце года.

17. Я жду вас уже целый час. Где вы были все это время? – Простите, что заставил вас ждать. Меня задержали на работе.

18. Как много вы написали! Очевидно, вы сегодня работали весь день.

19. Посмотрите, что вы сделали! Вы испортили мой рисунок! А я так долго над ним работала!

20. Вот и вы наконец! А мы уже целый час говорили о вас. Но я еще не рассказала Анне о том, что с вами произошло в Южной Америке.

21. Я не видела вас с тех пор, как мы были вместе в театре. Что вы делали все это время?

22. Здание нового театра рабочие строят уже два года, но они его ещё не закончили. Интересно, сколько еще лет будет продолжаться это строительство.

23. Какую статью вы сейчас переводите? - Я перевожу статью о кли­мате Англии. Статья очень длинная, я еще не перевела ее до конца.

24. Как долго ты уже переводишь эту статью? -Я перевожу с тех пор, как вернулась домой. Она такая длинная, что я не знаю, когда я закончу.

25. Я перевожу эту статью уже целый час, но перевела только половину. Дайте мне свой словарь, когда закончите перево­дить свою статью, хорошо?

26. Я не перевела ни единой строчки с тех пор, как вы пришли. Вы мне мешаете.

27. Сколько статей вы перевели в этом году? – Ни одной. Мы в основном делаем упражнения.

TASK 8. CAE Level. Read the following pairs of sentences. What are the possible differences in meaning or implication?

1. a) I think Frank's going to fall in the water. b) I think Frank will fall in the water.

2. a) What are you going to do when John arrives? b) What will you do when John arrives?

3. a) Are you going to stay for dinner? b) Will you stay for dinner?

4. a) He isn't going to come to the party. b) He won't come to the party.

5. a) I'm going to write to him about the problem. b) I'll write to him about the problem.

TASK 9. CAE Level. Complete these sentences using a correct future form of the verbs in brackets.

1. On 26th October 2028 a large asteroid _________ (to pass) close to our earth.

2. Astronomers _________ (to prepare) for the event for quite a few months beforehand.

3. Some calculations show that it _______ (to come) within 30,000 miles of earth.

4. However, most scientists say it _______ (not to be) closer than 600,000 miles.

5. Either way, people all over the world _______________ (to keep) a careful eye on the news throughout 2028!

6. Many people think that within the next five years, the Internet ___________ (to replace) by something with an even greater capacity.

7. Specialists predict that traffic congestion ____________ (to become) so severe that people ___________ (to have) to leave their cars at home.

8. In 20 years' time, we ___________ (not to use) books. Instead, we ___________ (to learn) everything interactively from computers.

TASK 10. CAE Level. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form.

Dear Lionel,

I'm writing to tell you my exciting news. I have won a competition! I think my life __________ (1 – to change) a lot now! I __________ (2 – to meet) the competition organisers next week to get my prize — a cheque for £ 50,000. As soon as I __________ (3 – to have) the money, I __________ (4 – to buy) a new car, and I __________ (5 - also/ to redecorate) my house.

Hopefully, I __________ (6 – to finish) the whole house by the end of June. Then, on the fifth of July, I __________ (7 – to fly) to Tahiti for an exotic holiday in the sun, I __________ (8 – to return) by the end of July and then __________ (9 – to throw) a big party for all my friends. I hope you __________ (10 – to come).

Well, it's almost lunchtime, so I __________ (11 – to say) goodbye for now. I promise I __________ (12 – to send) you a postcard from Tahiti.

Best wishes,


TASK 11. FCE Level. Complete the news report. Put each verb into the correct form.

The actress Vanessa Kemp __________ (1 – to disappear). Yesterday she __________ (2 – to fail) to arrive at the Prince Charles Theatre in London’s West End for her leading role in the comedy ‘Don’t look now!’. Ms Kemp, who __________ (3 - to live) in Hampstead, __________ (4 – to leave) home at four o’clock yesterday afternoon for the theatre, a journey she __________ 5 – to make) several times before. Two people who __________ (6 – to walk) past her home at the time __________ (7 – to see) her leave. But no one __________ (8 – to see) her since then. At half past seven she still __________ (9 – not to arrive) at the theatre. At eight o’clock the theatre manager had to break the news to the audience, who __________ (10 – to wait) patiently for the play to start. Since yesterday, the theatre staff and friends __________ (11 - to try) to contact Ms Kemp, but they __________ (12 – to have) no success so far. The police __________ (13 – to take) the matter seriously, but they __________ (14 – to believe) that she is unlikely to be in any danger. Her friends all __________ (15 – to want) to hear from her soon.

TASK 12. FCE Level. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive. Two sentences cannot be changed. Which ones?

1. You press the button on the left to turn the air-conditioning on.

2. The human resources manager informed the staff of the need for redundancies.

3. The post office sent the letter to the wrong address.

4. They are going to replace all the windows in the apartment block with sealed units.

5. A small company in the west of England make this solid wood furniture.

6. The seminar participants gave all the teachers a small gift at the end of the day.

7. Nobody has seen the document yet.

8. A committee will look into the matter.

9. She treated herself to a new computer.

10. They claim that the Government is on the brink of defeat.

11. The old man wanted them to read to him.

12. Somebody asked them to pay the receptionist in cash.

13. They might invent a newkind of fuel in his laboratory.

14. Sheila was very proud of her looks and wanted everyone to admire her.

15. I will be working till midnight and don't want anyone to disturb me.

16. These researchers might discover a cure for cancer.

17. The boy was very unhappy in the school and asked to send him back.

18. If you want it to taste perfect, you should cook it slowly.

19. Chris is absolutely trustworthy, you can rely on him.

20. The price of petrol is likely to rise again this year.

TASK 13. FCE Level. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of ‘to have/to get something done’ and the words in brackets. Follow the example.

Example: Your garden is a mess. (to clear) - You really should have it cleared.

1. My car broke down yesterday. I went to the garage ____________ (to fix).

2. My hair looks dreadful today! I ________. (only /to cut) last week.

3. While we are away, I will ___________ (house/to paint).

4. Could you arrange __________ (your dog/to vaccinate)?

5. Before the meeting starts, make sure that you _____________ (coffee/to order).

6. The man was interviewed by the police and then (his fingerprints / to take).

7. Because it's so dark in my office, I ________ (extra lighting/to put in).

8. While he was waiting for the taxi, he __________ (his luggage/to steal).

TASK 14. CAE Level. Fill in the gaps with the necessary forms of the verbs given in brackets.

The police could not understand how I was able to remember so much and in so much detail. I ________ (1 - to explain) that ever since childhood I _______ (2 - to train) myself to observe. My father always _______ (3 - to insist) on pointing things out to us when we _______ (4 - to go) on those long Sunday walks which I ______ (5 - to love) so much. He always _______(6 - to explain) something to somebody! That was why I _______ (7 - to have) no difficulty in _______ (8 - to remember) the events of Wednesday June 6th.

I ________ (9 - to remember) the kind of day it was clearly. It __________ (10 - to rain) earlier, but by the time I ______ (11 - to walk) down the path past the church, the steam _______ (12 - to rise) from the ground. Everything _______ (13 - to smell) fresh - one of those rare mornings when you _______ (14 - to feel) pleased to be alive. That was why the sight of the woman _______ (15 - to run) up the path was so distressing. I never ______ (16 - to see) anyone with such a look of fear in their eyes. Her long fair hair _______ (17 - to fly) wildly behind her as she ______ (18 - to rush) past. I _______ (19 - to recognise) her anywhere. It was exactly 4 minutes to nine. I always ________ (20 - to catch) the 9.07 and I always _______(21 - to leave) home at 6 minutes to 9. It _______ (22 - to take) exactly 2 minutes from my home to the church path if you walk briskly which I always ______ (23 – to do). Later I _________ (24 - to discover) that the police ______ (25 - to look) for a woman with long fair hair. I _______ (26 - not to hesitate) for a moment. I _______ (27 - to get) in touch immediately.


TASK 15. FCE Level. Translate into English paying special attention to the use of different tense-forms.

1. Наш сын – настоящий герой! Когда врач пломбировал ему зуб, он совсем не плакал.

2. Мы смотрели футбол, пока по другому каналу не начался концерт.

3. Как быстро летит время! Кажется, что еще совсем недавно он пошел в первый класс, а завтра у него уже выпускной вечер.

4. Когда мы обсуждали наши дальнейшие действия, у тебя не было никаких возражений. Почему же ты сейчас против нашего плана?

5. Профессора Брауна как всегда было трудно остановить, когда он садился на своего любимого конька. Когда он наконец сделал паузу, я сразу же задал ему интересующий меня вопрос.

6. Когда мы жили на севере, дети часто простужались. Но сейчас они, к счастью, редко болеют, потому что активно занимаются спортом.

7. По­страдавший уже описал полиции внешность нападавшего, и преступника уже ищут по всей округе.

8. Когда она училась в школе, у нее было много друзей, многих из которых она с тех пор не видела.

9. Когда корабль сел на мель, пассажиры почувствовали сильный толчок. Многие из них очень испугались и в панике бросились на палубу.

10. Когда соседи почувствовали запах дыма, они вызвали пожарных. Но было уже поздно, так как сарай в саду уже сгорел дотла.

11. Мы долго ждали автобус, а затем, когда поняли, что можем опоздать, решили поехать на такси.

12. Когда путешественники шли через пустыню, им приходилось экономить каждую каплю воды. Они не знали, что будут делать, когда выпьют последнюю фляжку воды.

13. Генерал был разъярен, когда солдаты отказались выполнить его приказ. Это был первый раз в его жизни, когда подчиненные посмели его ослушаться, и он на несколько мгновений растерялся.

14. Внезапно небо потемнело, молнии засверкали одна за другой. Через минуту дождь полил как из ведра.

15. За последнее время этот фильм был трижды показан по телевидению на разных каналах. Но, по-моему, он такой глупый, что его вряд ли стоит смотреть хотя бы один раз.

16. Когда она услышала эту новость, она сначала была просто удивлена, а сейчас совершенно озадачена, потому что не знает, как ей реагировать на то, что случилось.

17. В этой пещере было что-то необычно загадочное. Я никогда раньше не слышал такого громкого эха.

18. Она запечатала конверт, наклеила марку, написала адрес своим аккуратным почерком, оделась и направилась на почту.

19. Когда мы увидели в траве змею, мы замерли, не зная, что нам делать. Но змея, не стала с нами связываться и отправилась по своим змеиным делам.

20. Акула всегда появлялась только ночью. Она не была опасной и быстро привыкла к тому, что мальчик кормил ее рыбой прямо из рук.

21. Я всегда подозревала, что ты не говоришь мне всей правды. Разве я не заслужила того, чтобы знать все?

22. В его памяти поя­влялись какие-то обрывочные воспоминания, но он не мог сконцентрироваться.

23. Они с ужасом наблюдали, как он поднял ружье, прицелился и выстрелил в лежащего коня. Конечно же, он был прав и лошадь нельзя было обрекать на медленную смерть, но видеть это было ужасно.

24. Я бы­ла удивлена и встревожена, когда поняла, что дверь была не заперта. Кто-то наверняка проник в дом, когда меня там не было.

25. Когда объявляли его рейс, он сидел в ресторане и доедал свой обед. Он не торопился, так как знал, что самолет без него не улетит.

TASK 16. CAE Level. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in active or passive tense forms.

Employees protesting at the planned closure of the Magnet electronics factory have begun a protest outside the factory in Brook Road. It ________ (1 – to reveal) last week that production at the factory, where over 3000 local people ________ (2 -employ), ________ (3 – to transfer) to the Magnet plant in Luton next month. 'Why we ________ (4 – not to inform) about this earlier? We only ________ (5 – to tell) about this two days ago,' said Marjory Calder, representing the workforce. 'It's about time companies such as this ________ (6 – to start) thinking about how local communities ________ (7 – to affect) by their policies. Most people here are buying houses. How their mortgage payments ________ (8 – to keep up)? And how are we going to find jobs? I wish I ________ (9 - to know).' Reg Reynolds of Magnet ________ (10 – to ask) what ________ (11 – to do) to help those who ________ (12 – to make) redundant.

'The majority of our employees ________ (13 – to offer) work at our plant in Luton,' he told our reporter, 'and every effort ________ (14 – to make) over the past month to offer early retirement to those who qualify.' When he ________ (15 – to question) about why the workers ________ (16 – not to tell) about the closure earlier, he revealed that the company ________ (17 – to promise) a government loan to keep the factory open, but that at the last-minute it ________ (18 – to decide) not to provide the loan after all. 'So don't blame the company, we've done our best.' Local MP Brenda Stone ________ (19 – to ask) to raise the matter in the House of Commons, and told us that a letter ________ (20 – to send) to the Minister responsible within the next few days.

TASK 17. CAE Level. Fill in the gaps with the necessary forms of the verbs given in brackets.

It all _______ (1 - to happen) a very long time ago now.... or at least it ______ (2 - to seem) a very long time. So much ______ (3 - to happen) since then. 1972 it was. Late September. I ________ (4 - to remember) it ______ (5 - to be) then because the leaves _______ (6 - just to begin) to fall outside our bedroom window. In fact, it _______ (7 - to be) Saturday 29th. We _______ (8 - to be) to a party the night before, and I ______ (9 - to feel) a little under the weather. Suddenly she _______ (10 - to turn) to me and said — totally out of the blue — you _______ (11 - not to love) me.... you _______ (12 - not to like) me.... in fact I _______ (13 - not to believe) you ______ (14 - ever to like) me. I _______ (15 - not to know) what to say. It was as if someone ________ (16 - just to kick) me in the stomach. I _______ (17 - to know) then what I ______ (18 - to think) for a long time. I ______ (19 - to know) that we _______(20 - not to understand) each other and in fact we never ______ (21). When you _______ (22 - to live) with someone for a long time, the little unimportant things often ______ (23 - to blind) you. They _______ (24 - to keep) your attention occupied and away from the things that really _______ (25 - to matter). Up until that morning in September there ______ (26 - to be) a truce between us. But it wasn't long before one of us _______ (27 - to have to) leave. Neither of us really _______ (28 - to try) to do anything about it. We________(29 - to decide) a long time before not to have a family, so there wasn't that to sort out. A month later she ______ (30 - to leave), and we _______(31 - not to meet) since. I ______(32 - to meet) her in Boots yesterday. She _______ (33 - to look) happier. While we _______(34 - to talk), I _______ (35 - to keep) thinking that perhaps if we had been a bit older at the time, we _______(36 - to try) a bit harder.

TASK 18. FCE Level. Translate into English paying special attention to the use of different tense-forms.

1. Его указания всегда были чрезвычайно точны, поэтому их было легко и приятно выполнять.

2. Когда мы рассматривали фото­графии, которые он сделал летом в Крыму, он рассказывал нам забавные истории, которые произошли с ним во время его отпуска.

3. Прошло уже четыре года, как он поменял работу, но он не может сказать, что он очень доволен переменами в своей жизни.

4. Она подтвердила, что я поступаю правильно, но у меня было как-то неспокойно на душе. Я решил обратиться к более знающему человеку.

5. Он молчал, его глаза были прикованы к портрету незнакомой женщины в голубом бальном платье. Было ясно, что в прошлом их что-то связывало.

6. Дети никогда раньше не были в меж­дународном аэропорту, и им было все интересно. Но родители очень боялись, что они могут заблудиться в этом огромном мегаполисе.

7. Когда самолет набирал высоту, у меня заложило уши, и чтобы я не делал, мне ничего не помогало. Все прошло, только когда мы приземлились.

8. Он работал над этой теорией восемь лет, до того как опубликовал первую статью.

9. Пока я обдумывал ответ, экзаменатор задал следующий вопрос. Вряд ли он не понимал, что я знаю ответ на второй вопрос так же «хорошо», как и на первый.

10. Когда изможденный путешественник увидел перед собой оазис, он подумал, что это только его воображение.

11. Тебе когда-нибудь приходило в голову, что ты тоже бываешь не права? – Никогда! По законам женской логики, если женщина не права, она все равно права.

12. Она не могла отказывать детям в сладос­тях, поэтому денег, которые она зарабатывала на фабрике, хватало ненадолго.

13. Когда стюардесса разносила напитки, он спал. Когда он проснулся, самолет уже шел на посадку, и ему пришлось терпеть жажду до самого аэропорта.

14. Что заставило тебя бросить все и уехать за границу? Разве ты не жалеешь о том, что ты это сделал?

15. Я учила вчера это стихотворение весь вечер, а сегодня не смогла рассказать его. – Одно из двух: либо у тебя плохая память, либо это плохое стихотворение.

16. Он включил радио, и не только комната, но и его душа наполнились прекрасной музыкой Моцарта.

17. Когда ему становилось одиноко, он набирал ее номер. Но когда он поднимала трубку, он только молчал и слушал ее голос. У него никогда не хватало смелости начать разговор.

18. Она очень старалась поддерживать дружеские отношения с коллегами, но это у нее плохо получалось. Ее не любили за высокомерие и жадность, которые как она не старалась, ей не удавалось скрывать. К тому же, зачастую, ее слова противоречили ее поступкам.

19. Я давно надеялся проучить его, и сейчас у меня есть такая возможность. – А вы уверены, что это все-таки стоит делать?

20. Не успел я заснуть, как мне приснился кошмарный сон. Мне снилось, что я сдаю экзамен по предмету, который никогда в жизни не изучал.

21. Как же ты упустила такой прекрасный шанс? – Наверное, я была слишком осторожной.

TASK 19. CPE level. Some autistic people display great creative powers. The following text describes an interview with the teacher of an autistic child called Stephen Wiltshire, who was an exceptionally gifted artist. Read the text below and put the numbered verbs into the correct tense. There may be more than one possible answer.

When Chris Marris, a young teacher, ________ (1 – to come) to Queensmill in 1982, he was
astonished by Stephen's drawings. Marris ________ (2 – to teach)disabled children for nine years, but nothing he ________ (3 – to see) ________ (4 – to prepare)him for Stephen. 'When I first ________ (5 – to see)him, Stephen ________ (6 – to sit)on his own in the corner of the room, drawing,' Chris told me. 'He was absolutely amazing. He ________ (7 – to draw)and draw and draw - the school ________ (8 – to call)him "the drawer". And he ________ (9 – to produce)these most unchildlike drawings, like St Paul's and Tower Bridge, in tremendous detail when other children his age ________ (10 – to draw)stick figures. It was the sophistication of his drawings, their mastery of line and perspective, that ________ (11 – to amaze)me - and these ________ (12 – to be)all there when he was seven.'

TASK 20. CPE level. The extract below is about the author Stephen King, a successful writer of horror stories, many of which have been made into films. Read the extract and decide if the numbered verbs are in an appropriate tense or not. If not, correct them.

Stephen King was writing (1) horror stories since he was seven years old, but in his early years he had little success. Throughout his twenties he has worked (2) as an English teacher during the day and spent (3) his free time writing. One day, in despair at receiving yet another publisher's rejection slip, he was throwing away (4) the manuscript of his latest novel. However, his wife retrieved (5) it from the rubbish and soon afterwards it has been accepted (6) for publication. The book was called 'Carrie'. It sold (7) since over 2.5 million copies and the film terrified (8) viewers ever since its release in 1970. The undisputed king of literary and film horror, King had made (9) a fortune through his writing but is still living (10) simply today with his family in the small American town where many of his novels are being set (11).


TASK 21. CAE Level. Translate into English paying special attention to the use of different tense-forms.

1. В прошлую субботу, когда мы с другом были на местном музыкальном фестивале, билеты на который он выиграл в начале недели, со мной приключилась забавная история.

2. Было около 3 часов дня, когда мы приехали на фестиваль, и там уже собрались уже сотни людей.

3. Первые пару часов я провела, рассматривая, в чем были одеты люди, и какие у них были удивительные прически.

4. Около семи часов вечера, после того как начала играть одна из самых популярных групп, мы присоединились к огромной толпе, окружавшей основную сцену.

5. Спустя примерно полчаса я пошла в туалет, оставив моего друга одного наслаждаться музыкой.

6. Мне понадобилось примерно 10 минут, чтобы дойти до туалета, но там была огромная очередь, в которой мне пришлось простоять полчаса.

7. Я вернулась на концерт только спустя 45 минут и начала искать своего парня, которого не было на том месте, где я его оставила.

8. К тому времени толпа людей стала еще больше, и мне ничего не оставалось делать, как просто искать высокого парня с темными волосами, в голубых джинсах и черной кожаной куртке, которые были на нем в тот день.

9. Наконец я увидела парня, который именно так и выглядел, проложила себе путь через толпу и стала перед ним.

10. После того, как группа закончила играть, я повернулась, посмотрела на лицо того парня, перед которым я простояла почти час, думая, что это мой друг, и к своему ужасу увидела незнакомого человека.

11. Я покраснела до корней волос (к счастью, было темно, и он не мог этого видеть), пробормотала извинения и в тот же момент увидела своего парня, проталкивающегося через толпу мне навстречу.

12. ‘Куда ты пропала? Я тебя ищу уже целую вечность!’ закричал он.

13. Он так никогда и не поверил моему рассказу. Настоящий Отелло!


TASK 1. Underline the correct option. Make sure that the modal verb you use sounds natural in the given situation.

1. Shall/Can/Might I borrow your pen? Mine can’t/won’t/doesn’t write.

2. I must/need/can go to the bank. I haven't got any money.

3. Lizzie was able/could/might spell her name before she was three.

4. Should/May/Will you help me with the shopping, please?

5. You needn’t/shouldn’t/don’t need go to the post office. I'll go later.

6. You must/need/have to study hard for your exams if you want to pass them well.

7. You must/are/should to be at work by nine o'clock.

8. No reporters couldn’t/were able/could to approach the scene of the accident.

9. We can/ought to/may phone Mary. It's her birthday today.

10. What time must/shall/will I pick you up from work?

11. You shall/must/ought pay the bills today. - I know. I promise I won't forget.

12. Will/May/Shall we go to the beach tomorrow? - Yes. That's a great idea.

13. I’m going to the cinema. Do you want to come with me? - No, thank you. I should/ought/have to do my homework.

14. You needn’t/mustn’t/couldn’t put that shirt in the washing machine. - I know. It has to be dry-cleaned.

15. Was your suitcase very heavy? - Yes, but I was able/could/couldn’t carry it by myself.

16. Shall/Would/Could I speak to the manager, please? - I'm afraid he's busy at the moment.

17. The Madisons brought us a bottle of vintage wine for our anniversary. - They needn't/mustn’t/shouldn't have done that, but it was very kind.

18. Could/Will/Shall you tell me where the bank is, please? - Certainly. It's on the corner.

19. You mustn't/needn’t/shouldn’t clean the floor. - Oh, have you done it already?

20. Would/Shall/Will we go for a walk this afternoon? - Why not? It's a lovely day.

21. Can/Shall/Will I have a milkshake, please? - Yes, of course. What flavour would you like?

22. May/Shall/Will I borrow your pen, please? - Yes, of course. Be my guest.

23. Shall/Will/Would I pour you a glass of orange juice? - Yes, please. Could/May/Shall you put some ice in it, too?

24. I put your blue trousers in the washing machine. - Oh, no! You shouldn’t/mustn't/can't have done that. They have to be dry-cleaned.

25. Where's Alan? - Well, it's five o'clock. He ought/must/need to be here by now.

26. What are you doing on Saturday morning? - I have to/will/should go into the office for a couple of hours.

27. I want to get a better job. - You may/should/need get some more qualifications.

TASK 2. Match the parts of the sentences with modal verbs with their synonymous expressions.

  Modal Verbs   Expressions Similar to Modal Verbs
  You mustn’t write in library books. a You are supposed to …
  She can’t be 55. She looks much younger. b It wasn’t necessary for us to … (but we did)
  You needn’t use this article for your course paper. c Let’s …
  They ought to report to the boss immediately. d He managed to …
  She didn’t need to buy all that stuff. e They had better …
  You should report to your boss as soon as you come to work. f It’s forbidden…
  May I borrow your dictionary when you finish with it? g I’m sure they are …
  We needn’t have warned her about that delay. h Do you mind if I …?
  He was able to save enough money to buy a car. i You are to…
  Shall we tell the headmaster all the truth? j It isn’t necessary for you to …
  You must hand in this paper tomorrow. k I’m certain you can’t …
  They must be fourth year students. l It wasn’t necessary for her …

TASK 3. Rephrase the following sentences using modal verbs or expressions similar to modal verbs. Options are possible. Follow the example.

Example: It is possible that Sue will be late this evening. - Sue may/might/could be late this evening./ Sue is likely to be late this evening.

1. I'm sure David isn't going to the party tonight.

2. It isn’t necessary for you to call Mr. Stevenson. I’ve done it already.

3. The guests are supposed to arrive at 8 o'clock.

4. It wasn't necessary for Toby to go to school today.

5. I advise you to book a table in advance.

6. They are obliged to wear helmets at work.

7. You are to wait here until the manager arrives.

8. Steve managed to repair the bike after trying for two hours.

9. Perhaps we will go to Italy for a holiday next summer.

10. We are obliged to wear a uniform for school.

11. You aren't allowed to run in the corridors.

12. How about inviting some friends over to dinner?

13. It isn't necessary for you to buy me a present.

14. Do you mind if I use your telephone?

15. Would you like me to clean the windows for you?

16. How about going for a walk this afternoon?

17. Oh, you’ve bought some bread. It wasn’t necessary for you to do that.

TASK 4. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the modal verbs or their equivalents given in the box. Options are possible.

can could to have to to be able to shouldn’t don’t have to might mustn’t must can’t

How to be a good friend

The problem is that as we get older we feel we ________ (1) sort out our own problems, and we keep these to ourselves, rather than talking about them. So if one of your friends suddenly becomes more withdrawn than usual, it ________ (2) mean that they have a problem, but don't feel they ________ (3) tell you about it.


If your friend wants to tell you about their problem, you ________ (4) listen! In most cases, you ________ (5) actually do anything about it, but allowing them to talk about their feelings ________ (6) help them to work it through.

Wait for the right time

You ________ (7+8) get practical information that ________ (9) help your friend. You probably think you ________ (10) tell them what you want to straightaway, but there's a right time for everything. So you ________ (11) force the information on them; instead, wait until they actually ask for it.

Don't bring it back to you

You ________ (12) talk about your own experiences to show you understand your friend's problems. If your friend doesn't ask if anything similar has happened to you, you ________ (13) go on about your own problems, past or present. Remember, the most important thing you ________ (14) do for your friend is just be there for them.

TASK 5. Rephrase the following sentences using modal verbs or expressions similar to modal verbs. Options are possible.

  1. It would be great if taking exams were voluntary for students.
  2. It is possible that this book will help you in your research.
  3. Joe promised to call tonight, so I'm sure that's him on the phone now.
  4. Working on the shop floor is a compulsory part of the training for everyone.
  5. It's forbidden to go near the launch pad.
  6. I advise you to send them a letter of apology.
  7. I'm certain Andrew didn't reveal your secret.
  8. Let's discuss this over lunch.
  9. Do you think Laura will leave for Chicago earlier than she thought?
  10. It isn't necessary for Ron to pay for our tickets.
  11. I'm sure Robert realised how wrong he was.
  12. It is possible that they will sell their house.
  13. It wasn't necessary for her to come early, but she did.
  14. Everyone is supposed to pay taxes to the government.
  15. I'm sure the books are in this cupboard.
  16. Let's have lunch in half an hour.
  17. It isn't necessary for you to work on Saturday.
  18. I advise you to open a bank account.
  19. It wasn't necessary for him to help me, but he did.

20. I'm sure she understood what I was saying.

  1. Perhaps he took the train to work this morning.
  2. Is it possible that Jane is leaving school at the end of this week?
  3. We'll probably have a party for Simon's birthday.
  4. I'd better start studying for my exams soon.
  5. Perhaps Alice is at the hairdresser's now.
  6. It is possible that she has forgotten to call.
  7. It wasn't necessary for him to buy a gift, but he did.
  8. I advise you to have your car serviced.
  9. I’m sure Sylvia didn't mean what she said.

TASK 6. To illustrate the difference in the meaning of the parts of sentences given below, put each of them into some situation to make their meaning clear in context. Translate your sentences into your mother tongue.

  a) They might tell me but... b) They might have told me but... c) They may have told me but... d) They may tell me but...   a) She can't have lunch because... b) She couldn't have lunch because … c) She can't be having lunch because... d) She can't have had lunch because...
  a) We could have tea early because... b) We were able to have tea early because…     a) He may not have seen her, so... b) He may not be seeing her, so... c) He may not see her, so...
  a) You mustn't tell her that... b) You needn't tell her that... c) You don't have to tell her that... d) You oughtn't/shouldn’t to tell her that...   a) He can't have seen her, so... b) He can't be seeing her, so... c) He can't see her, so…
  a) I should have trusted him but … b) I shouldn't have trusted him but... a) I needn't have trusted him but... b) I had to trust him but... c) I didn't have to trust him but...    


TASK 7. Each of these groups contains pairs of sentences that share the same meaning. Match the sentences that mean the same.Translate them into your mother tongue.

  English Your Mother Tongue
A 1. We'll probably have lunch soon. 2. Maybe we'll have lunch soon. 3. We'll possibly have lunch soon. 4. We might as well have lunch soon. 5. We might well have lunch soon. 6. We've got nothing better to do, so let's have lunch soon.  
B 7. You must be joking. 8. You have to tell a joke. 9. You've got to tell a joke. 10. You can't be serious.  
C 11. Can you speak English? 12. Do you know how to speak English? 13. I'd like you to speak English. 14. Can you speak English, please?  
D 15. You'd better tell him sooner or later. 16. You ought to tell him sooner or later. 17. You have to tell him sooner or later. 18. You've got to tell him sooner or later.  
E 19. You needn't tell him yet. 20. You don't have to tell him yet. 21. You can't tell him yet. 22. You mustn't tell him yet.  
F 23. It wasn't a good idea to tell her. 24. I shouldn't have told her. 25. I didn't have to tell her. 26. It wasn't necessary to tell her.  
G 27. You probably won't take too long. 28. You shouldn't take too long. 29. I advise you not to take too long. 30. It shouldn't take you too long.  
H 31. You might have told me. 32. I'm not sure whether you told me. 33. You may have told me. 34. You should have told me.  


TASK 8. Correct mistakes in the sentences below.

  1. You should to exerciseregularly.
  2. I must study very hard last week.
  3. Although he didn't feel well yesterday, he could finish his work.
  4. Need I to pay cash for my ticket?
  5. The shops can be very crowded tomorrow because it's the last shopping day before Christmas.
  6. May this letter be from my friend?
  7. Could you lend me some money? - Of course I could.
  8. I could watch the late film on TV last night.
  9. Could you help me lift this box? - Of course I could.
  10. I could go to Emma's party last Saturday.
  11. Need I to book a table in advance?
  12. May these flowers be from your fiancé?
  13. Although she was exhausted, she could finish the race.
  14. You should to brush your teeth twice a day.
  15. I must have my car repaired last month.
  16. The bus can be late today because there is a lot of traffic.
  17. They shouldn't to have called the police.
  18. We were not late as Paul could change the flat tyre by himself.
  19. She needn't to have bought such an expensive dress.
  20. You have to come! The Prime Minister has to give a speech at the conference tomorrow.
  21. That mustn’t have been Paul. He's on holiday in Jamaica.
  22. They might have been forgotten about our meeting.
  23. Jack has had to see the General Manager yesterday. -


TASK 9. Which one of the verbs given can complete all three sentences in each set?

1. used to - will - would

a) Most days my father _______ get up first and make breakfast.

b) When I was training for the marathon, I _______ run over 100 kilometres a week.

c) We went back to Dublin to see the house where we _______ live in the 1960s.

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