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Project Description

Читайте также:
  1. A telephone projecting from the wall. The inspector sat down at his desk.
  2. Act as an interpreter. Translate the description of N-type and P-type- semiconductors given by your group mates from English into Russian.
  3. An Example of a Graph Description
  4. B) Choose any picture you like and prepare the description of this picture for your group-mates to guess.
  5. Burton’s reanimated pet project, By Nigel Andrews
  6. Choose the right description of a screw dislocation
  7. Course description

Section I. Career Matters

Unit 1. Business Communication: Face to Face

Boost Your Vocabulary


Assignment 1. Which of these expressions are used for the purposes specified in the table below? Complete the table with these expressions. Then add other expressions you know.

It’s a pleasure to meet you. I have to be going now. Hello, Bill. Bill – Mike. Mike – Bill. Will you excuse me for a moment? Later. I’m afraid I’m running late. Have you two been introduced? I’m delighted to make your acquaintance. Same here. Hi! How do you do? How are you doing? Nice / pleased to meet you. (It was) nice meeting you.
to introduce a person to another person to respond to an introduction extremely formally: less formally:
to greet a person to ask how a person is doing
to finish up a conversation to say goodbye to a person

Assignment 2. Put the following conversations in the right order. Write numbers in the boxes.


Conversation 1

o Mr. Dalomi How do you do, Mr. Thompson? Where are you from? You have an accent I can’t quite pin down.

o Mr. Thompson How do you do, Mr. Dalomi? I’m Jack Thompson, Jane Santana’s deputy.

o Mr. Dalomi Welcome to Oxford. It's nice to see you again.

o Mr. Thompson It’s great, absolutely great! There so many things you can do here, so many places you can see. And career opportunities are just amazing!

o Mr. Dalomi Excuse me, I don’t think we’ve met before. My name is Joe Dalomi.

o Mr. Thompson I’m Australian-born, but I have spent over a year working in London for Begerbird.

o Mr. Dalomi Oh, I see. How do you find London?


Conversation 2

o Frank How do you do, Ms. Prime?

o Stella Of course, it’s much warmer than back at home. And the rain has never stopped since I arrived!

o Sven Hi, Frank. Have you met Ms. Prime from our office in Toronto. Stella, this is Mr. McCabe from our Sales Department.

o Frank The famous, or I’d rather say the infamous British rain! They say it’ll clear up by the weekend though.

o Stella Please, call me Stella.

o Frank And I’m Frank. Hi. So, when did you arrive?

o Stella Just yesterday.

o Frank Oh, I see. And what are your first impressions of London?


Conversation 3

o Jamie Why, yes… I thought you looked familiar. I think we met at the team building exercise last spring.

o Heather Oh, yes. Jamie Cabot. Hello!

o Jamie Hi, Heather. How are you doing? Have you attended any other team building exercises recently?

o Heather Hi. I’m Heather Wells, the assistant director at Fisher Price inc.

o Jamie Bye.

o Heather Yes, it was nice talking to you. Later.

o Jamie I actually find them pretty useful and stimulating.

o Heather Oh, no! I find them disgusting. And you?

o Jamie I couldn’t agree more. I have to be going now. I’ll be seeing you then.

o Heather Oh, I see. Tastes differ, don’t they?

Assignment 3. Look through the following phrases and try to think of the situations in which you can use them.


May I introduce you to...?... this is...

How do you do? How do you do?

Do you know...?... this is...

Hello. / Hi. Nice to meet you.

Good morning. My name is... I have an appointment to see...

I don't think we've met. I'm...

Excuse me. Are you Mrs. Eustace? I'm...

Assignment 4. Read the small talk below and find the 10 mistakes. Then check your answers.


Woman: We could ask for a better day, could we?

Man: I know. There isn't a cloud in the sky. I love this time of year.

Woman: Me too. The cherry blossoms are beautiful, you think?

Man: They sure are. But I heard he is calling for rain all weekend.

Woman: Really? Oh well. I have to work all weekend anyway. I'm a doctor.

Man: Wow. I'm sure you make good money with that diamond watch you have on.

Woman: Ah, this bus seems to be running late. How long of a wait is it already?

Man: I've been here for at least fifteen minutes now.

Woman: Where are you heading today?

Man: Actually, I'm going to the City Hall to cast my vote for mayor.

Woman: Oh, what a coincidence. So am I! Who are you voting for?

Man: Um, well...I'm still thinking about it.

Woman: Here comes a bus now.

Man: Oh, good. Wait, that's not the bus we want. That bus goes downtown.

Woman: Well, it looks like we'll be waiting a little longer. I guess, I'll use this time to catch up on my reading.

Man: I love reading. Right now I'm reading a Stephen King book. Do you like Stephen King?

Woman: Not really.

Man: Oh, here's our bus.

Woman: Oh great. I thought it would never come. Well, have a nice day.

Man: Say, did you catch the news today?


Assignment 5. Complete each of the sentences below with an appropriate word from your vocabulary in focus or its derivative.

1. When you meet new business associates, you give them your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ to show your name, position, company, address etc. In the US it’s also called a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

2. When you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone to another person, you tell them each other's names for the first time.

3. To _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who has just arrived you say hello in a friendly way.

4. Jane, come and _ _ _ _ my brother. You wanted to talk to him. I’ll introduce him to you.

5. Pete, are you going to make the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s? Please, tell us each other's names since we meet for the first time.

6. When you make an arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place, for a particular purpose, you say that you have an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is polite friendly conversation about some unimportant subjects.

8. In Great Britain they say that you book an appointment, while in the US you
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it.

9. When you meet someone for the first time you formally say that you have made that person’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

10. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is someone who you do business with.


Assignment 6. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. На днях я столкнулся с г-ном Брауном, который представил меня своим партнерам по бизнесу.


2. До свидания. Был очень рад познакомиться с вами.



3. Я был бы очень признателен, если бы вы позволили мне познакомиться с вашей супругой.



4. Первое впечатление очень важно. Особенно если вас представляют вашим партнерам по бизнесу.



5. Мы едва знакомы с Уэллсами. Но у нас есть общие знакомые в Ноттингеме.



6. – Почему ты не представил меня твоим партнерам? Это не вежливо!
– Они были увлечены разговором, и я не хотел их прерывать. Но я уверен, что в следующий раз оны будут счастливы с тобой познакомиться.



7. У меня назначена встреча с Джоном Фогом, но я забыл в офисе свои визитные карточки.



8. Позвольте представить вам Лизи Беннет из Бата. Она умеет мастерски вести светскую беседу.



9. При первом знакомстве он показался мне открытым и общительным человеком, но когда я узнал его лучше, стало понятно, что он настоящий интроверт.



10. Брайану будет трудно установить контакт с новым партнером, если он не попытается быть более наблюдательным.



Practise Your Writing Skills


Assignment 7. Read the profile of Derek Stirling and then write another profile about yourself (you may need to invent information about yourself). Use the topics below to help you:




home town


position in the company




My name is Derek Stirling and I'm Scottish. I live in Hadlow, a lovely English village near London, and I work for The Swire Group, Britain's largest private company. The Group's activities are divided into five business areas: shipping, aviation, property, industries, and trading. Our best-known company is Cathay Pacific Airways. I work at our London head office; I'm head of Corporate Finance, and I'm responsible for developing the business of the Group. I'm always very busy and I don't have much free time, but when I do, I like fishing and I grow my own vegetables, just for fun.

Improve Your Listening Skills

Assignment 1. Listen to the recording to Unit 1. Jot down the words and expressions, which the speakers define and exemplify after their dialogue. Find the Russian equivalents.


Assignment 2. Listen to the recording to Unit 1 again. Summarize in 3 sentences what the dialogue was about using the words and expressions you jotted down while doing the previous assignment.



Reading Comprehension


Assignment 1. Look at the article’s headline – “How to Make Small Talk” – and guess 10 words that are used in the article.

1. __________________

2. __________________

3. __________________

4. __________________

5. __________________

6. __________________

7. __________________

8. __________________

9. __________________

10. __________________


How to Make Small Talk

Making small talk with people you don't know well, such as your boss or a blind date, can be nerve-wracking especially if you want to make a good impression.

Making small talk doesn't have to be painful, even if it's with a boss you want to impress or blind date you want to see a lot more of! Believe it or not, making small talk can be fun – even for quiet personality types. Making small talk is also an art that can be learned.

"So…how about this weather?" doesn't often lead to stimulating dialogue (but don't hesitate to use it if you're desperate). If you must make small talk about the weather, be specific. Say, "It's freezing cold outside – have you ever heard that saying, 'colder than ________'? Where did that come from, anyway?" might work better, depending on who you're talking to.

Making small talk can be difficult even if you're an extrovert, but it's especially difficult for introverts. Here's how to enjoy making small talk.

1. Keep up with current events. Make small talk about the news, sports, your community, or politics (unless politics is too controversial. On second thought, that can generate some pretty fiery dialogues!)

2. Comment on a piece of clothing or accessory. Ask where it came from, what the significance is, how much it cost (just kidding). Making small talk is about being observant about people you don't know well.

3. Pay attention to what they're saying. When you're making small talk, follow up on phrases; for instance, if they say they're "excellent", ask why – ask where you can get some. If they mention that they're exhausted, follow up on it. When you're making small talk, remember that great conversations and good connections can be just around the corner.

4. Share an anecdote about your day. Did you lose your keys or find $10? Maybe you ate at a new restaurant recently, or found a great new CD. Making small talk is about sharing the little things.

5. Ask what movies or books they've seen or read recently. Someone once asked me that at a party. Admittedly, at first it felt contrived, but then we had a fantastic conversation about the book I was reading! Making small talk is about trying new conversations.

6. Talk about TV. Share your favourite TV shows – whether it's Oprah's revelation of The Secret or your favourite sitcom. If you're Canadian, Little Mosque on the Prairie might be interesting to discuss! Making small talk about pop culture is easy and fun.

7. Recall your past conversations with the same person. Ask if their son is still ill or how the Mexican holiday went. Making small talk is easier when your memory is good.

8. Ask open-ended questions that require an explanation. For instance, "How are you?" isn't as effective as "Whatever happened with '__________' you were dealing with?" ('__________' could be a business deal, family problem, or financial investment) Remember that anything is a potential topic of conversation. You can even talk about how uncomfortable you are making small talk – and ask them how they do it.

9. Relax. Enjoy yourself. People are interesting! If you combine these tips for making small talk with sincere interest, you'll embark on a fascinating conversational ride.

10. Let it go. If the conversation feels like dragging a piano uphill then it may be time to move on or let silence take over. You can't connect with everyone, and some conversations simply refuse to take life! Making small talk involves knowing when it's time to move on.

after Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen

Assignment 2. Say whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):

a. Making small talk is an art that can’t be learned. T / F
b. We shouldn’t make small talk about politics. T / F
c. You can’t talk about how uncomfortable you are making small talk. T / F
d. Making small talk is about sharing little things from our daily life. T / F
e. When we comment on a piece of clothing or accessory, it’s polite to ask where it came from and how much it cost. T / F
f. Anything is a potential topic of conversation. T / F
g. We should never ever speak discuss the weather. T / F
h. Making small talk is easier when your memory is good. T / F

Assignment 3. Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one combination is possible):

a. ads will start screening
b. kitted out tack
c. overflowing absent
d. exude the move
e. conspicuously with vitality
f. jettison traditional images conscious message
g. get on energy and fitness
h. change of of blame
i. health in a more figure-hugging jumpsuit
j. reduce the burden of cholesterol-laden fries


Assignment 4. This role play is to discuss whether or not the new McDonald’s ads, which are devoid of any burgers or fries, are misleading to children. Try to develop your ideas and “strategies” for each role. Perform the role-play in class.

Practise Your Speaking Skills

Assignment 1. Read the conversations aloud completing them with appropriate phrases. Then practice similar conversations with one of your groupmates.

Conversation 1

Joyce: __________________! What are you doing?

Buffy: There's a lot of weird people outside at night......I just feel better with you safe and sound inside, Mom.

Joyce: You have no idea how much tired I’m and...

Buffy: Well, then why don't you go upstairs and get into bed, and I can bring you some hot tea?

Joyce: That's sweet! (suspiciously) What'd you do?

Buffy: Can't a daughter just be concerned about her mother?

Joyce: (seeing Angel) Hi.

Angel: __________________.

Buffy: Oh! Okay... Um... Angel, uh, __________________. Mom, this is Angel. Uh, we __________ ________ each other on the way home.

Angel: __________________.

Joyce: Delighted… What do you do, Angel?

Buffy: He's my business associate. Uh, Angel's been helping me with my new project, you know I've been toiling there.

Joyce: It's a little late for working. I'm gonna go to bed, and, uh, Buffy?

Buffy: I'll say _________ _________and do the same!

Joyce: (to Angel) __________________. (goes up the stairs)

Buffy: (pretending) Good night! We'll hook up soon and do that project thing!


Conversation 2

Giles: Olivia!

Olivia: Sorry I'm so late. The flight was a horror.

Giles: Bad weather?

Olivia: Baseball movie.

Giles (amused): Oh… so sorry.

Olivia: Yeah. That's enough small talk, don't you think?

(They kiss.)

Project Work


Project Description

Start and develop your own company in one of the four suggested fields: insurance, travel, sport & city service [1]. Perform your business activities during the course. You are entitled to employ other companies’ members* to achieve your business objectives.

Project Assignments Relevant Units
Step 1 – Starting a Company
1. Attend the annual Investor Cocktail Party and find partners (3-4) for your company start-up. In a Mixed Company // A Good Start-1
2. Choose the field for you business activities (insurance, travel, sport & city service). Start up a company, give it a name, a slogan, a logo etc. Write a short company report and put it in your Portfolio. Corporate Life // A Good Start-1
3. Structure your company. Give description of each position requirements and job responsibilities. Put it in your Portfolio. Corporate Life // A Good Start-1
4. Write a short description of your team (your team members’ CVs) and put it in your Portfolio. Hunting for a Job // A Good Start-1
5. Plan and design your company’s office layout, and show visitors around it. (Make a presentation of the office layouts in class.)   Office Solutions // A Good Start-2
Step 2 – Developing a Company
6. Perform your business activities 6.1. Insurance Company: plan a campaign with a message “Health is Company’s wealth” (time: November) - Design and carry out a questionnaire among the companies’ members to find out the “health status” of the companies (how often the employees take sick leaves, whether they have bad habits, suffer from stress, etc.) - Study the office layouts of the companies and work out recommendations in conformity with the requirements of ergonomics. Present them in class. - Plan your campaign and present it in class. 6.2. Sports Center: plan a promo competition at a new sports centre (time: December) - Design and carry out a questionnaire among the companies’ members to find out the most popular sports, preferences and attitude to sport, etc. - Make a presentation of the sports (games) unusual to Belarusian audience. - Plan a promo competition and present it in class. 6.3. Travel Agency: plan a tour over Belarus (time: March) - Design and carry out a questionnaire among the companies’ members to find out the favourite places in Belarus, the places of interest in their native towns, traditions, etc. - Organise a tender for the “best place in Belarus”. - Plan a tour over Belarus and present it in class. 6.4. City Service Center: plan an entertainment programme for the group of foreign businessmen (time: April) - Design and carry out a questionnaire among the companies’ members to find out the leisure preferences among the companies members, their attitude to theatre, cinema, museums, etc. - Make a presentation of Belarusian theatres, cinemas, museums, etc. - Plan an entertainment programme and present it in class.     Healthy & Happy // Achievement   Fit & Well // Achievement   The Picture of the World // Achievement     Hustle & Bustle of City Life // Achievement  
Step 3 – Promoting a Company
7. Write a promotional letter to describe your company’s product or service. Design your company’s Web site. To the Outbox // A Good Start-1
8. Place an order with another company over the phone. Telephoning Techniques // A Good Start-1
9. Publicly present your company to the market. Guidelines to Effective Presentation // A Good Start-1
10. Evaluate other companies’ presentations and business activities. Guidelines to Effective Presentation // A Good Start-1


Portfolio Preparation

The standard to which you need to produce the portfolio shall be as follows:

ü a suitable typeface to make the design eye-catching

ü business (standard) presentation folder

ü and incorporating their company’s logo on all items

The Project Part of Portfolio shall include:

ü company’s description – company report;

ü company structure: organisation chart & description of each position requirements and responsibilities;

ü team description – team members’ CVs;

ü recruitment process details (company job ads, letters of application, interview questions, interview results);

ü company office layout;

ü questionnaires and other resources;

ü presentation scenarios & plans (to Project Step 2 Assignments – Developing a Compan y);

ü company’s marketing material: a promotional letter;

ü company website description (hard copy of pages);

ü comments and feedback to previous presentations;

ü final presentation scenario;

ü examples of advertising, brochures, photographs, etc.;

ü evaluation list (to be given by the teacher after the final presentation);

ü self-evaluation list (to be filled in by the team after the final presentation).


Project Assignment 1 Company Business. You have just received this memo. Follow the instructions.

GOODY Startman & Co Date: 1.09.05 To: A. Reader C.c.: From: Goody Startman Subject: Company Start-up You have a unique opportunity to start your business up right in class. Find business partners (two or three people) and fill in the following form (NB! Place the form in your company’s file. If you haven’t got one yet – get it!).   encl.: the form  


Team Members: 1. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________ 4. ______________________________________   Company Name: ______________________________________________________ Company Location:____________________________________________________ Field of Activities:_____________________________________________________ Products or Services: ___________________________________________________ Motto: ______________________________________________________________

Supplement 1

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 159 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Make up sentences from the following words. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. | MAN AND BIOSPHERE | METALS IN PERSPECTIVE | V O C A B U L A R Y |
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