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Man and biosphere

Читайте также:
  1. Topic: Global Ecology — the ecology of biosphere


Interrelations between man and the biosphere are of a fairly complex nature. Man, like every other living organism, depends for his life on what the biosphere provides: water, oxygen, food and shelter. On the other hand, the biosphere is strongly affected by all sorts of human activity.

About 200 years ago man lived in greater harmony with his environment because industry was not developed. Prehistoric man withdrew from atmosphere only the oxygen he required for respiration. Today the situation is quite different. Modern man consumes a far greater amount of oxygen to support fires, power plants and chemical processes. The carbon dioxide produced by technological processes has greatly changed the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. The technology has introduced into the biosphere man-made radio-isotopes and a wide variety of synthetic materials such as plastics, insecticides, herbicides and numerous industrial materials. These substances and materials alter the biosphere.

The problem of the environmental crisis has recently assumed global proportions. Scientists say, that unless some radical steps are taken, life on our planet may be irrevocably damaged, if not destroyed altogether.

The Earth provides people with mineral resources, rivers and forests. The resources demand rational use. But very often a man can not cope with this task. As a result nature and people suffer. Such vital sources of life as air, water, minerals, fauna and flora are being wasted and destroyed. Some animal species and plants have become extinct. When this happens the Red Fish die in the lakes, rivers and seas, while trees die in the forests.

The Earth is our home. We must take care of our home. The protection of nature has become one of the real problems of the 20th century. More and more people in all countries are raising their voices in defence of nature.

Concern about the preservation of the environment and its protection from pollution as well as concern about our limited natural resources has given rise to a powerful movement throughout the world. This movement is called environmentalism from the English word environment. Everybody knows that the Baikal is being saved, not only by the Russian people but also by foreigners and by an international organisation Greenpeace.


2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:


взаємодія, живий організм, залежати від, біосфера, діяльність людини, впливати, брати з атмосфери, кисень, дихання, концентрація в атмосфері, засоби від комах, гербіциди, раціональне використання, зникнути, захист природи, міжнародна організація.


Write the numerals in brackets in words.

1. About (200) years ago man lived in great harmony with his environment.

2. The protection of nature has become one of the real problems of the (20th) century.

3. The (1st) task for people in our country is to defend the nature.

4. The Baikal was awfully polluted (30) years ago.

5. The technology has introduced into the biosphere man-made radio-isotopes during the last (20) years.

4. Spell the following numerals:

1948th, 1st, 175, 0, 1/5, 0,25, 78,6256.


Make up word combinations from the following words, translate them into Ukrainian.

1. to become a. organization
2. living b. waste
3. synthetic c. biosphere
4. human d. man
5. industrial e. extinct
6. prehistoric f. activity
7. irrevocably g. use
8. international h. organism
9. to alter i. material
10. rational j. damaged


6. Answer the following questions:

1. What does our life in biosphere depend on?

2. Why have modern people changed the biosphere?

3. How the development of industry influence the environment?

4. Why have some animals and plants become extinct?

5. What is the real problem of the 20th century?

6. What is it environmentalism?


Section 2


1. Read and translate the following text:



April, 26th is a special day for the people living in Ukraine and regions situated not far from it. The horrible accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear station on that day in 1986. There was a nuclear reactor explosion which had far reaching consequences.

Contamination by various radioactive isotopes, such as caesium-137, iodine-131, strontium-90, plutonium-239, and plutonium-240, from the Chernobyl nuclear accident have affected the air, land, and water of Ukraine and vast areas beyond it. Recorded but unreported radiation levels in Kyiv a few days after the accident exceeded the maximum allowable levels by a hundredfold.

Press reports claim that significant numbers of deaths by radiation sickness, elevated levels of stillbirth and birth defects and highly elevated rates of childhood leukaemia have occurred in the affected areas. Those claims and other concerns are being researched by a host of scientists and medical professionals from Ukraine and other countries.

Significant areas of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia will remain unsafe for human beings for thousands years. It is a tragedy that thousands of people have returned to live in these contaminated regions.

A number of foreign countries offered specialized medical equipment and drugs for biological elimination of isotopes of different chemical elements from human body.

The Ukrainian people are very grateful to all those who helped and continue to help them.


2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

наслідок, реактор, цезій, йод, стронцій, плутоній, лейкемія, множина, включення, жахливий випадок.


Make up sentences from the following words. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Accident, at, on, day, that, 1986, nuclear, horrible, a, occurred, Chornobyl, the, station, in.

2. Consequences, there, nuclear, reactor, was, a, explosion, reaching, which, far, hard.

3. For, years, thousands, areas, off, and, Russia, Ukraine, beings, for, unsafe, human, Belarus, significant, will, remain.

4. Tragedy, thousands, that, it is, a, people, off, have, live, returned, to, regions, in, contaminated, these.

5. People, the Ukrainian, grateful, are, very, those, to, all, and, who, helped, to help, continue, them.


4. Write pronouns instead of the words in brackets:


1. The (accident) occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear station in 1986.

2. (Areas) remain unsafe for human beings for thousand years.

3. Foreigners offered specialized medical equipment and (drugs).

4. Chernobyl nuclear accident have affected the (air of Ukraine).

5. People are very grateful to all those who helped and continue to help (other people).

6. The (claim) was researched by a host of scientists.


5. Answer the following questions:

1. What happened on April, 26th of 1986?

2. What were recorded radiation levels few days after the accident?

3. What deceases have increased in the affected areas?

4. Why is it a tragedy that thousands of people have returned to live in the highly contaminated regions?

5. What did a number of foreign countries offer suffered people?


Section 3


1. Read and translate the following text:




Western Europe has the same basic environmental problems, but they take different forms in each country. If you catch a fish in the Seine near Paris it may be blind and without scales, a victim of pollution. In the Rhine you will catch no fish at all. The Mediterranean is actually dying from pollution.

It is fair to say, that a considerable effort has been made in Britain with regard to Thames. By 1949 it was being described as a stinking black mess with no fish and almost no oxygen. There was an outcry and something had to be done. Legislation stopped the flow of industrial waste into the river, and nearly all the sewage is treated before it gets to water. Fish have come back and one salmon has been caught.

One of Britain's environmental successes has been the control of air pollution especially in London. Thirty years ago hundreds of people died every year from the dreadful London smog. Since then London and many other cities have become smokeless zones, areas where no coal fires are allowed. But now the increase in traffic is threatening serious air pollution problems in cities once again.

The most common form of air pollution comes from cigarette smoke which pollutes many public places like cinemas, pubs, and restaurants. Traffic and aircraft can cause serious noise pollution. Friends of the Earth suggest that the bicycle is the best way to travel because it's cheap, quiet and a good form of exercise.


2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

забруднення, жертва, туман з димом, промислові відходи, стічні води, загроза, змінювати біосферу, законодавство, шум, загрозливий.


Make up sentences from the following sets of words. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Pollution, is, dying, from, the Mediterranean, actually.

2. The river, stopped, legislation, industrial, of the flow, waste, into.

3. Pollution, traffic, and, noise, aircraft, serious, cause, can.

4. The most common, from, comes, smoke, form, cigarette, of air pollution.

5. The Earth, off, suggest, the best way, is, to travel, that, the bicycle, friends, of.


4. Insert the article a/the where it is necessary.

1. If you catch _____ fish in Seine near Paris, it may be without scales.

2. _____ friends of _____ Earth suggest that _____ bicycle is _____ best way to travel.

3. _____ traffic and aircraft can cause serious noise pollution.

4. _____ Mediterranean is actually dying from pollution.

5. _____ main river of _____ Great Britain is ____ Thames.

6. _____ London and many other cities have become smokeless zones.


5. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the most polluted places in Western Europe?

2. What did English legislation do to stop the flow of industrial waste into the river?

3. What do friends of the Earth suggest to be the best way to travel?


Section 1


1. Read and translate the following text:




“Within the 20-year period the comprehensive automation of production will be effected on a large scale, with more and more shops and plants being fully automated. The introduction of highly efficient automatic control systems will be accelerated. Computers, and control systems must be introduced on a large scale in industry, research, designing, planning, accounting, statistics and management.”

Specialists in cybernetics are working on the development of self-learning machines capable of solving problems set by man. These self-learning cybernetic systems can collect various data, analyse them and perform certain operations as a result of the analysis. What is more, they are able to produce qualitatively new information.

A good number of these machines are already working in our industry, such as a cybernetic system for the iron and steel industry, an electronic system for geological prospecting, a cybernetic designer which designs gas pipelines and.

Automation in our country has reached the stage of developing fully automated industries. Electronic computing techniques find wide application in and serve as a basis for the development of modern programme-controlled machine tools, the controlling of space ship flights, weather forecasts and planning work.


2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

покращена автоматизація, промисловість, великий обсяг, повністю автоматизований, кібернетика, вирішення проблем, збирати інформацію, обчислювальна техніка, сталеливарне виробництво, чорна металургія.


3. Give the plural form to the following nouns:

datum, system, man, work, tool, industry, analysis,

information, designer, gas, technique, flight, space


4. Put the verbs in brackets in Future Simple.


1. A good number of these machines (work) in a few days.

2. Automation in our country (reach) the stage of fully automated industry.

3. Electronic computing technique (find) wide application in our enterprises.


5. Make up word combinations from the following words, translate them into Ukrainian:

1. to collect a. problem
2. to solve b. application
3. fully c. flights
4. comprehensive d. tools
5. to perform e. data
6. wide f. techniques
7. machine g. automated
8. computing h. automation
9. weather i. operation
10. space j. forecast


6. Change the following sentences into the future tense:

1. Specialists in cybernetics work on the development of self learning machines.

2. Computers and control systems must be introduced on a large scale in industry.

3. The introduction of highly efficient automatic control systems was accelerated.

4. These self-learning cybernetic systems can collect various data.

5. Cybernetic systems able to produce qualitatively new information.


7. Answer the following questions:

1. When will the comprehensive automation be affected on a large scale?

2. What are specialists in cybernetics working on?

3. What are cybernetic systems able to produce?

4. Where do electronic computing techniques find the application?

5. How do electronic computing techniques serve?


Section 2


1. Read and translate the following text:



The future plant may well be situated tight in the centre of the residential district. The walls will be of metal and glass; there will be no smoke, soot or dust. In a huge, light and busy plant machines produce a slight humming. No workers moving about among machines, only in a small control room two men are on duty. But in the main the factory runs itself.

The factory is fashioning machine tools from raw steel ingots. Huge rollers set to exact thickness flatten the ingots into sheets. Three-dimensional sensing devices “read” patterns from parts, then, transducers convert this information into electrical energy. Amplifiers build up that energy so that it can run machines to shape, drill, and fasten together the parts. Thousands of different individual machining operations are all done mechanically, and supervised by machines. While amplifiers can sense and correct tiny changes in speed or voltage which could cause errors, photo tubes can convert light into signals which count, sort, check defect and judge quality. All operations man did in the past machines do now automatically.

You may say, this has been done for a long time on assembly lines in many factories and most of the individual steps are familiar. That is true, but the new thing is the size and completeness of the system. Not a single stage or a sequence of operations, but a whole plant is completely automated. These systems are described by the term "a closed loop", where a completely automatic controlling device replaces the operator, and the whole process is carried out without human intervention. The computers keep track of supplies on hand, use of parts, tell how much to produce and check the output. The final information closes the loop of automation, and the kind of control is called feed-back.

But still much research work is to be done to perfect the system. It is essential to improve the quality of automation equipment as well as the programs of the computers. A major problem is to better automate inspection, quality control, information system. For solid parts and automatic three-dimensional recognition system (size, shape and colour) the problem still remains of greatest concern. With the increase of automation the scientist must solve the problem of complex interaction groups of sensors tied together by a single system of computer network. The development of new flexible technologies and sociological problems involved need, of course, a new approach too.

So in the ultimate automated factory there will be few, if any, operators or quality control inspectors. Instead, sensors attached to the machines, materials handling systems and package equipment will consider the conditions within their range and send data to programmable controllers, computers or self-contained microprocessors. These units will process the data and send commands back through the system — all without human intervention.


2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

cталевий зливок, перетворювати, електрична енергія, посилювач, перевіряти дефекти, оцінювати якість, напруга, замкнута система, зворотній зв’язок, тверді частини, взаємодіючі групи, втручання людини.

3. Make up word combinations from these words, translate them into Ukrainian:

flexible, steel, technologies, ingot, recognition, sequence of, system, operations.


4. Write out the Future Continuous Tense form (affirmative, negative) of the following words:


Model: to write – will be writing (affirmative) – won’t be writing (negative)


to convert, to produce, to describe, to improve, to interact, to attach, to move, to solve, to involve, to process.


5. Transform the following sentences from 1st person (I, we) to the 3rd person (he, she, it, they).

1. I shall be correcting tiny changes in speed.

2. We shall be describing these systems by the term “a closed loop”

3. I shan’t be involving new flexible technologies.

4. We shall be converting this information into the set of instructions.

5. We shall be improving the equality of automation.


6. Answer the following questions:

1. What will the structure of a future plant be?

2. What is “a closed loop”?

3. Why is it essential to improve the quality of automation equipment?

4. What are the main parts of the automatic three-dimensional recognition systems?

5. What will the functions of the sensors attached to the machines be?

Section 3


1. Read and translate the following text:



Acceleration of scientific and technical progress is closely linked with raising the technical level and quality of the machines produced (tractors, cars, machine-tools, TV-sets, refrigerators, etc.), the production of which requires numerous units, components, reliability and durability of the final product.

Some four thousand items of new machines, equipment, instruments, and automation units are annually introduced into the economy in the country; some 160,000 units of equipment are modernized. By technological standards (output, reliability, metal consumption, power intensity, and other indices) these machines are as good as the best foreign makes or even better.

With the demand of constant improvement of the technical level and quality of production, standards have become one of the most important state tasks. Improvement of standards has assumed a special importance. Therefore, parameters must be determined that would dictate the need for the whole of industry to produce only high-quality commodities. It is obviously necessary to single out five or six leading standards for the principal machines and mechanisms, for the final product, which, reaching the highest technical level, would enable us at the same time to raise the quality of other products too.

Now, what standards are the leading ones? In the first place, those are which reflect the output of a certain type of mechanisms. In the second, material consumption is. The third group of standards points to the limits of energy consumption. The fourth group has to do with reliability. Finally, the fifth group of standards is oriented, on the whole, towards attaining the specified economic efficiency of the product.

In connection with standards it should be stressed the machines must be designed according to the standards which will be characteristic of the future, not only the present, development of the given industry.

The chief task of the industry is to ensure production of machines, equipment, tools and materials conforming to the highest world standards, and substantially boost labour productivity in all branches of the national economy. To solve this task, it is necessary to work out fundamentally new kinds of mechanisms and technology, to retool production continually and on a broad scale, to implement its all-round mechanisation and automation, to raise the level and effectiveness of research and standards.


2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

прискорення, науково-технічний прогрес, верстаки, зносостійкість, термін слугування, щорічно, витрати металу, надійність, пропускна здатність, високоякісні товари, ефективність, світові стандарти, піднімати продуктивність праці, переобладнання виробництва, впроваджувати, рентабельність, національна економіка.


3. Read and translate the following groups of words:

to rely – reliable – reliability; specific – specified – specification; to produce – product – production – productive – productivity; mechanic – mechanics – mechanical – mechanism – mechanization.


4. Put the verbs in brackets into proper tense form (Present Perfect Tense or Past Simple Tense as required).


1. Some items of new machines equipment just (to be) introduced in the country.

2. The production of machines (to require) numerous units, components, reliability of the final product two years ago.

3. International standards (to become) the most important state tasks.

4. Improvement of standards just (to assume) a special importance.

5. Some standards (to point) to the limits of energy consumption two years ago.

6. The chief task of the industry (to be) to ensure production of machines several years ago.

7. Several standards already (to reflect) the output of a certain type of mechanisms.

8. It (to be) necessary to implement all-round mechanization several years ago.

9. Acceleration of scientific and technical progress just (to be) linked with raising the technical level and quality of machines.

10. Technological standards already (to show) the requirements that should be realized.


5. Make up word combinations from the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian.

1. power a. consumption
2. to retool b. automation
3. final c. effectiveness
4. to rise d. efficiency
5. energy e. production
6. economic f. intensity
7. world g. product
8. implement h. commodities
9. high-quality i. consumption
10. material j. standard


6. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the production of machines require?

2. What are the technological standards of the machines?

3. What are the leading standards in producing machines? Describe them.

4. What is the main task of industry?



Section 1


1. Read and translate the following text:




Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, its administrative, political, economic and cultural centre, is one of the most beautiful and ancient cities of the world. Its population is above 3,000 000 inhabitants.

The history of Kyiv dates back to the end of the 5th century. A legend relates that the city was founded by 3 brothers – princes Kiy, Shchek and Choriv, and their sister Lybed. It was named after the eldest brother, Kiy. During a long period of time Kyiv was “the Mother of Russian cities”, the capital of the first Old Rus State - Kyivan Rus. In 1982 Kiev marked its 1500th anniversary.

Kyiv is situated on the Dnieper, the longest river in Ukraine. The city is well known for the picturesque green hills and wonderful beaches of the Dnieper, for the shady parks, splendid lawns and flower gardens, for its Kreshchatik – the main thoroughfare of the city, one of the most beautiful streets in our country.

During the war the German invaders ruined the city but it was completely restored and now is more beautiful than ever before.

Kyiv is well known not only for its beauty but also for its highly developed industry, which had been created during the years of Soviet power. Present day Kyiv is a large industrial centre. Airliners, sea and river ships, extra speed computers, excavators, automatic lathes, photo cameras, chemical fibres and many other goods are produced in Kyiv. Industrial products with Kyiv trademark are known in 60 countries of the world.

Kyiv is an outstanding scientific, educational and cultural centre. The Academy of Sciences and many research institutes, universities and institutes, a lot of technical and vocational schools are located in the city.

Kyiv has 10 theatres, 26 museums, 72 cinemas, 1,300 libraries, 20 stadiums, a planetarium, etc. The famous T. Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre and Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre have won wide popularity.

The museums of Kyiv contain rich collections of exhibits. The most famous are: The Ukrainian House, the Museum of Great Patriotic war, the T. Shevchenko State Museum, the Museum of Ukrainian Fine Arts and others.

Plenty of people visit the open-air Museum of Folk Architecture and Everyday life, which is located in the vicinity of the city.

There are many monuments in Kyiv. Among them the monuments to T.Shevchenko, B. Khmelnitsky, Prince Vladimir, Lesya Ukrainka, А. Pushkin, the monument to the Civil War hero Shchors and to Army General N. Vatutin, the Glory Obelisk on the grave of the Unknown Soldier and many others.

Kyiv is rich on architectural monuments. Among those of the past the most famous are: St. Sophia’s Cathedral, the Golden Gate, the Kyivo Pecherska Lavra, the St. Cyril Church, the St. Andrew Church, the Marininsky Palace, etc. We also admire the structures of our time: the building of the Supreme Soviet, the “Ukraine” Palace of Culture, the Palace of Sports and others.

Kyiv is a Hero-City. This title was conferred on it for the heroic defence of the city in 1941. In 1965 it was honoured the “Gold Star” medal.


2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

населення, стародавнє місто, бути заснованим, ювілей, живописний, токарні станки, штучні волокна, квітучі сади, німецькі загарбники, торгова марка, товари, Золоті ворота, Собор Св. Софії.


Make up word combinations from the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian.

centre, city, administrative, city, ancient, vicinity, anniversary, to restore, to mark, to be located in the.


Rewrite the following pairs of sentences so that one sentence is in the Past Perfect Tense. Add any words that are necessary

Model: a) Kiev became the capital of Ukraine.

b) German invaders ruined the city.

Kiev had become the capital of Ukraine before German invaders ruined the city.

1. a) Princes Kiy, Shcheck, Choriv and their sister Lybid came to Ukraine.

b) The city was founded by them.

2. a) Kiev marked its 1500th anniversary in 1982.

b) It became one of the most ancient cities of the world.

3 a) He got to know about rich collection of exhibits in Kyiv.

b) He visited the museum of Ukrainian fine arts.

4 a) He visited all the sightseeing.

b) He made a large album of photos with picturesque views of the city.

5 a) Kyiv became a Hero-City.

b) It was honoured the gold star medal in 1965.


5. Answer the following questions:


1. When was Kyiv founded?

2. Who founded Kyiv?

3. What is Kyiv famous for?

4. What are the most famous theatres located in Kyiv? Name them?

5. Why is Kyiv a Hero-City?


Section 2


1. Read and translate the following text:




Ukraine is a self-contained, sovereign state. The Declaration of Ukrainian independence was proclaimed on August 24, 1991 by the Ukrainian Parliament. On December I the Referendum confirmed the Act of the independence of our state.

Ukraine has its own territory, higher and local bodies of state power (the Supreme Council and local Councils), government, national emblem, state flag and anthem.

Ukraine is a member of the United Nations Organization. Kiev, the capital of the Ukraine, its political, economic and cultural centre, is one of the most beautiful and ancient cities of the world. The Ukrainian capital maintains friendly contacts with the cities of Tampere in Finland, Kyoto in Japan, Florence in Italy, Toulouse in Prance and others.

Ukraine is located in the South East of Europe. It is one of the largest European countries. Its total area is 603,700 square kilometres.

Ukraine borders on the Russian Federation, Byelorussia, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Our country is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and it has very important ports.

The population of Ukraine is about 52 million inhabitants; among them are Ukrainians (73.6%), Russians (21.1%), Jews (1.3%), Byelorussians (0.8%). There are 24 administrative regions and the Crimean autonomous republic. 42 towns in the Ukraine have population of 100,000 and nine are with a population more than 500,000.

The territory of our country has an astonishing variety of landscapes. We have high mountains, vast steppes, endless forests, beautiful rivers and lakes. The largest lake of Ukraine is Swytyaz, its total area is 24.2 square kilometres and the depth is 58.5 metres. Ukraine has 131 rivers, among them are the Dnieper with its tributaries such as the Desna, the Prypyat, the Dniester, the Bug, the Donets. The Dnieper is the main river in Ukraine which divides the country into Right-bank and Left-bank territories.

The flora and fauna of our country are extremely rich. Almost all kinds of European animals and birds can be found on the territory of our vast land. Ukraine has inexhaustible natural wealth. It possesses enormous tracts of woodland, vast tracts of fertile arable lands and fine pastures.

Ukraine is developed industrial and agricultural country. Its achievements in science and culture are known all over the world. Ukraine is a big metallurgic, machine-building and power region, a producer of chemicals and agricultural raw materials. Ukraine is rich in different ores and other natural resources. The basis of industrial development is metal. Ukrainian scientists have discovered a way of manufacturing artificial diamonds and have developed the methods of electric welding. Ukraine produces planes and ocean liners, tractors and combines, electronic microscopes and TV-sets, computers. The country exports manufactured goods to more than 70 foreign countries. Our country has many industrial raw materials; it has rich deposits of iron, metals, coal, oil, gas, different ores, marble and other natural resources. Ukraine has metallurgical and heavy industries.

The fertile black soil and the favourable climate have long facilitated the growth of agriculture in Ukraine.

Ukraine has an ancient history. The State of Kyiv Rus situated on the territory of the present Ukraine was set up in the 9th century. It was a powerful feudal state with highly developed culture and various crafts widely known throughout Europe.

From the 13th century onwards Ukraine was continuously struggling against invasions by the Mongols, the Turks, the Crimean Tatars, Lithuanian and Polish rulers. The long struggle of the Ukrainian people for independence continued victoriously under the leadership of B. Khmelnytsky.

Ukraine has its own original culture and art. Ukraine has many professional theatres and Philarmonic societies. The National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, the Gryhory Veryovka Ukrainian People's Choir, the Dance Company of Ukraine are known not only in the country but all over the world.

Over the last years people of Ukraine display a keen interest in the Ukrainian history and artistic heritage. There is a new approach to the development of culture, arts and languages. Ukraine pursues a policy of peace. Now Ukraine establishes new relations with countries throughout the world. It sets direct contacts with them signing agreements and treaties. The international activities of Ukraine are aimed at strengthening peace and security in the world. Ukraine has been and is being recognized by a vast number of countries.


2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

бути проголошеним, гімн, порт, незвичайна різноманітність ландшафтів, сільськогосподарський, сировина, чорнозем, експорт, промислові товари, ремесла, вугілля, невичерпний, культурна спадщина, угода, проводити політику, безпека.


3. Find in the text synonyms to the following words:


to show, astonishing, age-old, to have, products, extensively, pact.


4. Find in the text antonyms to the following words:


dependence, unknown, white, old, few, small, poor, indirect.


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