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Barn House, May 6, 1999

Читайте также:
  1. Barn House, 11 December
  2. Barn House, 18th April 1997
  3. Barn House, 19th January 1998
  4. Barn House, 25 February 2000
  5. Barn House, 28th May 1997
  6. Barn House, 4th March 1999
  7. Barn House, 7 January

I would draw your attention to S&H 410:23-29 and also the statement MBE makes that “A dishonest position is far from Christianly scientific” (S&H 448:16-17). When we desire the truth more than comfort in matter, and so seek the kingdom of heaven rather than a change of earthly beliefs, then we also leave the realm of mental quackery and alternate medicine, for the realm of Truth and holiness (wholeness).

The mortal cannot rise above its own conditions and beliefs, because a fountain does not rise higher than its source. But starting from a higher standpoint, and staying there, separates you from what mortal mind is saying about its misconception of you. Then you are working in Science.

Barn House, September 6, 1998

I think that S&H 240:10-14 covers so much. Basically, you let the dog wag its tail, and you don’t try to wag the dog. In other words, man is the effortless showing forth of what God is being and conceiving. Like the lilies of the field who do not take thought for themselves, because idea is thought itself and not a thought-taker.

S&H 286:9-15; 17-25 and 287:1-4 are also important.

Barn House, November 1999

These references are worth studying in this sequence: S&H 326:6-8; 11:22-27; 20:20-23; 236:19-21; 156:30-32; 424:6-7; 496:15-19 and 107:8-10.

To reach the divine remedy for every ill we must begin at the source. We desire holiness, wholeness, and so we are prepared to drop every belief that we are not holy, whole, in the presence of the fact that holiness is the present state of being. This means that we then do not try to retrace a path from sin to holiness, because this uphill path is not the Way, the divine order of Life, Truth and Love. The human mind always tries to seek a remedy within its own terms of reference, but this is impossible since it is these terms themselves that are the lie. The availability of good is the one remedy.

But the real need is to “…leave the mortal basis of belief and unite with the one Mind…” (S&H 424:6-7), since there is no remedy from that basis and there is no truth in the terms of reference of mortal mind, which can neither deny nor confirm the divine remedy. The rule of healing (and there are many references to “rules” in the Textbook) is based on the allness of Love, and so the nothingness of anything else.

The divine remedy for every ill that flesh is heir to, and so delivers the “children of men,” includes seeing that there never were any children of men. All thought proceeds from the one Mind, and the Son of God is the consciousness of God. And this has “no earthborn taint”.

Yew Arch, January 27

The real work is to get this sense of freedom from condemnation. We do this as we understand the Christ, which was to save and not to condemn the world. How? Because Christ, the Saviour, is Immanuel, or God with us, and when God, good, is with us, evil of every sort is not with us. When the Son is with us, Adam is not with us.

How is Christ with us? As our thinking. As the ideas of God, the standpoint of God, permeates our thinking, so that we literally look with God’s eyes upon our universe, we see things as they really are, as perfect, finished and very good, and so we lose our consciousness of the duality and evil that belongs to a lower, Adam, level of thought.

Everything is thought. That is why we cannot retain a lower, Adam, standpoint and find healing within it, for Christ is that oneness with the Father that insists on the Father’s view as the only correct one.

Being is as God made it. All through Genesis it says, “And it was so,” and so often I just say to myself, “And it is so.” It is as God knows it to be, and I have no other capacity to see anything other than as God sees it. This is redemption from condemnation.

Astell Street, June 17, 1980

You might like to look at John 10:27-30. It shows us how nothing that is good can be plucked from the Father’s hand. You can’t pluck the scent of the rose from the rose. Nor can you pluck anything that is good out of God’s hand. Everything good, beautiful, useful that makes up your life is as safe in the Father’s hand as the scent and colour of the flower are in the flower.

No Date

Many thanks for your letter.

I love the verse in the 19th Psalm, “I shall be innocent of the great transgression”. You see, the little transgressions are all things that mortals do wrong, but the ‘great transgression’ is the basic mistake of Adam, which is believing one ever had a life that was separate from or less than God. “I in them, and thou in me…” (John 17:23) is the rule.

So you are innocent of all the world has ever said about you: innocent of material history and experience; innocent of human shortcomings and limitations; innocent of fear, sadness, regret; innocent of all that is unlike the Christ.

When we pray, this may sometimes take the form of bended knee, but not really, because God cannot be petitioned to give or do more than He is always doing, but rather because this is a mental attitude of receptivity and humility which lets God work. But there are many forms of prayer, and one of the most potent is the grateful affirmation of what is spiritually true even when the material senses deny it. After all, this is what Jesus did, for you will remember how often he lifted up his eyes (vision) and gave thanks, not because of the picture in front of him, but because of the spiritual truth that existed instead. We can all rejoice in our innocence of what the carnal mind is telling us.

Yew Arch

The Christ is always the remedy for Adam, and in Christ the curse is removed. There is no curse pronounced on God’s man, and this is the only man that God sees. “Son, thou art ever with me” (Luke 15:31).

As we see the purity, safety, joy, of true womanhood and motherhood, fear is removed, together with the consequences of fear.

I believe we all have to drop the false view of creation and enjoy the true view, God’s perfect view of everything. As this true view occupies our thought, so the things that belong to a false view fade out and the body is transformed by the renewing of the mind.

Astell Street, September 2, 1980

It was lovely to hear about your holiday and I am so glad that you had such fun. Thank you for your postcard, which came tonight. Now you will be going back to school. Remind yourself all the time that what you call school work is never cramming knowledge from the outside into a little human mind, but always the removal of the limitations which seem to hide the intelligence that you already truly are.

Progress is always peeling off of husks, the removing of limitations, the dropping off of shackles, even though this appears as learning lots of new things. What is really going on is the revealing of the intelligence, appreciation, joy, wisdom, etc. that already constitutes your true selfhood as God knows it.

Astell Street

You may find it helpful to look at John 7:2, 14-16; John 8:1, 2, 28-38.

Your ability to speak, write, express yourself, is as the ability of the song to be what the singer is singing. In other words, you have nothing of your own, but reflect spiritually all that belongs to God. In this relationship to your true Parent, God is the singer and man is the song. God is the expressor and man the expression. In your exams you show forth all that your intelligent Mind is being, and you do so because this Mind does the showing.

Astell Street, April 28, 1981

The Bible has many reminders of people who thought they were not adequate but realised the adequacy of their God, who was their Mind and Life. Moses (Exodus 4:10-12) was very worried about how he would do in his exams, but the assurance was that God would do his speaking for him. Solomon, when he was made King, only asked for an understanding heart, but the result of this humility was that he was given everything else as well. Jesus, with all his knowledge, said “I can of mine own self do nothing…” (John 5:30), but look what he did with the help of the Father. This is your Father and your Mind, and it is as close to you as it was to Jesus and just as powerful if you know it.

Barn House, January 15, 1998

In Job, it says “…the inspiration of the Almighty hath giveth them understanding” (S&H 32:8). The word ‘inspiration’ means “breathing in”. We take in everything from what we know of God, and never what the physical senses are telling us. A flower unfolds from within: it cannot be forced from the outside. Be happy to ‘dwell in the secret place of the Most High’ (see Ps. 91:1) which must mean that everything that makes up your life is taking place within the Most High, and is not coming to you from the outside.

Astell Street, December 18, 1979

You may like to look at lines 10-14 and 18-21 on page 506 of the Textbook, which I believe you have. Progress is simply the falling away of limitations; the dropping off of mental swaddling clothes; the disposal of misconceptions. It is always the flower opening from within, and therefore, it cannot be judged by mortal measurements. If we stay with the spiritual fact, which is that man has the Mind of God, then this fact, like the pale star which the shepherds saw, will become clearer and clearer until the whole of our experience is bathed in noontide glory.

To the shepherds it appeared as a pale star: to those who are not looking at the mortal picture and are enjoying God’s view of creation, it is never less than the day star.

Yew Arch, July 31

There are two passages you may like. The first is Habakkuk 2:1. In the original Hebrew it read: ‘I will stand upon my watch and set me upon a high place, and will watch to hear what He will say in me, and what I shall answer when I am argued with.’

This ties in with S&H 506:10-14 and 18-21.

Astell Street

It was wonderful seeing you again.

I have a feeling that we need to remind ourselves about what is really going on. Let’s go back to the sun and the sunshine. Somebody on the earth will see (certainly at this time of year) just faint gleams of sunshine. They will say, ‘Oh, it’s never going to clear up today’ or ‘when will the sunlight ever come through?’ But all the time they are saying this, the sun is just going on shining and the sunshine only depends on its source, the sun, for all that it is. It is quite untouched by all that people say about it.

Your only job is to express God or good: to be the sunshine of the sun. If you do this, then you cannot be separated from all the wisdom and intelligence and other qualities that belong to your source. What others see of you is their concept of you. If they say something helpful you can learn from it. But, if they are being plain depressing or negative, then you can rise in the fact that only what God knows of you is true. Don’t be taken in by mortal opinions, which can only make you anxious. The unfoldment of your life is from God. This is why if you get your relationship to your Father-Mother God, every other relationship will come into place. There is absolutely nothing to fear, because Jesus told us “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32).

March 14

How does a treatment work? Back to the basis of one, infinite, indivisible and spiritual universe now. It is whole, perfect and inviolate. The good we experience is the good of God, not wholly hidden by the mirage of mortal mind. This is like the morning landscape, which is the only landscape, not wholly hidden by the mist. The bad, like the distortion of the landscape, is a factor of the mist, of mortal mind or mesmerism. Man is whole and perfect now. The patient is the belief that life is less than or separate from God in some form. Just as the morning light dispels the mist, so the light of understanding causes the ‘patient’ to fall away from man.

Our patient is never a person suffering from belief, but always a belief calling itself a suffering patient. Hence, John 20:21-23. The belief comes to us at the point of consciousness and it is here, not there, that we remit or retain it. If we remit it here, it appears there as someone saying they are better. If you try to remit it over there, or retain the personal identity, you retain it! Any better? We are only dealing with our concept of everything. Healing ourselves appears as others being healed.

It is never ‘my anger’. It is always impersonal, namely locationless mortal mind, seeking to masquerade as our thinking. It cannot, because our Mind is God.

Askers House, February 23, 1995

Thank you for your letter. What a long name to give to nothing! I am not impressed by long words. Everything is thought, and health is a condition of Mind, not physique.

I totally disagree with the excerpt from my compatriot. It reeks of old-time superstition. Has he/she never heard of S&H 52:19-23? We have no business to be watching the world of appearances, for that is the mirage where there is certainly a need for Scientists to think bigger, instead of personally and parochially. This does not mean that problems are bigger. Be it a so-called personal or a world problem, it comes to us at the point of consciousness and it is here, not out there, that we refuse it permission, and so take away its pretention to power. See S&H 144:23-29 and Mis. 317:5-11.

The early days of calling a practitioner and getting a physical healing are over. That was never the point of Science, and it was not Mind healing. See S&H 150:10-17. Human betterment, however inevitable, is incidental to the falling away of a false material sense of the world and so the ills inherent in that sense. The fact is on page 536:8-9. Start and stay there.

Specifically note S&H 296:23-26. All that can be worn away by time is human personality—the so-called arena where opposites commingle until we see through this. This is the false ego that has to dissolve in the presence of your Christ. You escape from mortality by refusing to identify with a mortal ego. See S&H 316:2-17 and Mis. 261:3-4. Consciousness is your only concern. There is nothing objective to consciousness. This is full-time work.

If there is one thing wrong today it is the relapse into a belief of human betterment, and the acceptance of a world ‘out there’ that is threatening and hostile. It presents itself to us here, and salvation is an individual experience. You are required only to act and think as if you were the only Christian Scientist in the world, and this means living as Christ Science, not as a Christian Scientist.

Askers House, March 2, 1995

I feel it is important to remember that CS does not use spiritual means to bring about material results. Perfection does not animate imperfection (S&H 243:31-32). The only way that so-called human betterment appears is through the limited, human sense of things fading out before the everlasting facts. Mortal mind and its body are not two, but one, and both are mental. See Peo. 10:23-24 and S&H 416:16 only. In Truth, Mind and its body, manifestation, expression, are one, not two. In both cases we are dealing with thought only: one false and the other true. Healing is a mental experience whereby false awareness yields to spiritual knowing. This is how the Word is made flesh.

The way is well described in S&H 98:31-2. It is not intellectual, but implies the yielding of all belief in a human mind. See Mis. 360:32-2. What you are causes what you are not to give itself up in your presence. The only footsteps you take are the result of the human taking retreating footsteps in the presence of the divine. Your divinity alone is the fact about yourself.

January 25

I was so delighted to get your letter and to hear of your attitude to things. You see, there is only one operation of divine Principle in human consciousness, forcing the shadows to flee away. “Human thought never projected the least portion of true being” (S&H 126:8-9) so there is no other operation. As we interpret operation from the standpoint of Divine Principle—as all things have to be interpreted—the material sense diminishes.

You have no role as ‘a’ Christian Scientist. You live as Christ Science—as divine understanding, as God’s own divine understanding (Mis. 167:14-15). You live as the ‘marriage feast’—as the experience of all that God has joined together in His one indivisible whole of Being. You have no decisions, because you have no separate Mind.

Always remember that the “practical Christian Science…” described on page 205:3 of Miscellaneous Writings, is incidental to the truth of being shining through the clouds. This practical Christian Science is Mind. It is all Mind. Nothing else is going on, as we see on Mis. 190:4-6. There is not Mind and something else asserting itself, and this is your Mind, and what Mind is knowing constitutes your Life.

No Date

I was so glad to get your letter.

The Lesson this week seems to me to point out so clearly that, as students, we watch cause and not effect. Knowing God is being man, so to find man we always have to know God. We can read the passage on S&H 9:17-18 theologically or scientifically. The first simply asks if you are putting God first in your life, and none of us do this as well as we should. The second asks if our affection, our feeling, and our knowing is directed towards Principle, cause, or towards effect. On page 261 we are told to reverse the process of human education and look away from body, effect, into Truth and Love, or cause. Then what we are holding as cause, expands into expression and we bring the enduring good and true into effect or experience. When we watch cause, the picture is always serene and changeless. Only when we look at effect does it fluctuate. Seeing effect, we virtually do not find anything. Seeing cause we find effect, for cause is known as effect.

We just know that the accuracy and Love of the Principle we call God is all that is present. Man is the Life-practice of God, and God makes the unity of God and man appreciable as His own Life practice.

No Date

I am sure at this time it is important to see that no matter what impression mortal mind tries to make, it can only do this on a mind that is not God and so not yours. In other words, it is always mortal mind talking to itself within the dream about itself. It is extinguished in the presence of divine Principle, Love, expressing itself as all here and now. The temptation is always to try and know the truth about a false picture—a picture that your Mind never saw in the first place. Thus “…we begin with Mind” (S&H 467:30) instead of the false picture.

S&H 114:2-6. We are not in the business of trying to correct the sickness and sin of humanity, but in seeing that all that appears disguised in this way is just mortal mind, or mesmerism, for the picture is never where and what it seems. We hold the correct view and know that nothing can cast a shadow, however it may be disguised, on the clarity and light. Light does not know the shadows it dispels. This is not ignoring sin—the belief of otherness—but positively realising that there is nothing other than infinite God, good. It is not ignoring sickness, but it is refusing to accept that there is a material body on which a physical problem can be formed.

January 1, 1994

S&H 205:32-3 is so profound. You see, unless you accept that the Mind with which you are knowing this moment is the divine Mind, however much you may have to subordinate the mists of ignorance that claim to distort its vision, you have no scientific basis. Even humanly you cannot know about the mind that you are using. You know as it. So in Science, we know as Mind, as Spirit. See 140:7-8 and 331:22-24. In the same way, you cannot know about Truth or Love or Life. You know as them. The power of a thought is the knowing behind that thought, and the power of divine Mind is omnipotence. You are Mind to your experience, for “in Science, Mind is one … including … God and His thoughts” (S&H 114:10-11).

This is why at some point we have to stop objectifying God by saying ‘He’. God is the I AM. We know God as I, and what we see is THAT I AM, or man. Nothing but this scientific knowing has power. So when you understand your relation to your Principle, you stop knowing about anything and you know your own being, or man, or idea, as Mind. God and man are correlated in Science as one Mind, one consciousness, one Life, one being.

The divine fact may appear to throw up that which is not this fact. This is because the human upside down view is always seeing the greatest wrong instead of the highest right. But it is still the highest right seen wrongly. We translate error back into truth but do not fight it as error.

Never ask for a better human picture. That is asking for better limitation, which is absurd!

Barn House, March 3, 2000

I was so delighted to have your fax with the good news. And we both know enough to read it and then say, ‘but this is just the symbol of the infinite abundance that I have always been.’ It can illustrate but never constitute the substance of Myself and My universe.

Indeed it is a happy turn-around in the last year or so. When you see you live as the practice of Christ Science—as infinite Love in self-manifestation, then you live as the experience infinite good. This is the practice, and the practitioner is Mind, and keeping this in thought may well and should cause others to come to you. “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me” (John 12:32). Keep this in thought!


Barn House, 29th January 1999

I have found S&H 282 to 285:14 most helpful as a study. We first have to complete separation between the spiritual idea and the misapprehension of existence, symbolised by the straight line of mortal existence, coming from cradle and going to grave. We live as the ever-present now, the complete sphere of good with nothing outside of itself in time or space.

From this standpoint we find that matter and its effects are states of mortal mind—illusion. (S&H 283:8-11) This then contrasts with the theoretical explanation of things as structural and material. It shows the folly of identifying with “…the objective state of material sense…” (S&H 283:17) called a material man and then trying to put right what this false sense says is wrong with it. (S&H 283:16-20) To make this mistake, and to reason in any way from the standpoint of this illusion, is to lose all sense of God’s power, whereas to ‘live this Principle in daily life’ means to live as God-being, as the oneness that is Principle and idea and is all now. To identify falsely and then expect to demonstrate or prove Science within its terms of reference is hopeless, for the physical senses can obtain no proof of God, good. (S&H 284:21)

The true sense of being emanates from Mind, and is outgoing, radiating, and never taking in impressions from a so-called outside. All communication is from Mind to idea, and never from outside to Mind. The latter is the only sort of vision that goes wrong. Finally, on page 285:11-14 and margin, we see that the mortal, human (same thing) counterfeit is not man and so has nothing to do with you.

Barn House, 13th September 1998

S&H means what it says and we are told to begin with God. This means that we begin with “The great I AM, the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-loving…” (S&H 587:5-8). Is there another ‘I’? If that great I AM is the starting point, then is not everything of which I AM aware, as I, the allness, oneness, wholeness, freedom and boundless bliss of My own infinite, all-inclusive being? From the standpoint of what I AM the whole picture of mortality and finite sense, proffered by a so-called mortal mind outside the focal distance of infinity, is simply to be dismissed as that which I AM not. Then, do we wait for mortal mind/matter to confirm or deny what I AM? The Science, or understanding, of being is concerned solely with what is and not with what claims to be. Error no more enters this allness than darkness can enter light, and it is thus that darkness is dispelled. “The facts of Science should be admitted” (S&H 471:13). Then we do not admit anything else in premise or conclusion.

To admit identity as person or patient joins the conspiracy of belief in a mortal ego, and invites you to see yourself at the receiving end of good instead of as its presence. Then you have to struggle to prove that which already is, and thus you tend to build up what is not. It is impossible to bring into being that which is not already complete, for where would completeness be while you are doing this? Either allness is the measure of the infinite or it isn’t.

I do not live as person but as Principle in total self-expression now and always. My nature is the nature of allness, all abundance, completeness, joy, safety, freedom. There has never been room for otherness in allness. The good I see here and now is the good of My allness, and this does not have to be repeated at another level. (S&H 516:24-7) It is all part of consciousness here, and it is only the belief that a spiritual idea has to be repeated materially in order to be practical that hides from itself what is. There is no gap between knowing and being, either called time or space, and no medium through what I know must be expressed. (See No and Yes 16:1-2) It is not what I know of this or that situation, or even what God knows of it, but what I, as All, know of Myself in place of what parades as a situation.

Barn House, 30th November

Of course you are right to tell me anything that needs dealing with, but the standpoint from which we do this is always the present perfection of being. I return frequently to S&H 252:32-10—the last line making it clear that, as “dear reader”, all this truth refers to your present status, and so everything to the contrary is a lie about you but not an alternative to what you are.

You see, we can never start by identifying ourselves as a human anthropoid with two arms and legs, and then seek to improve this so that one day it will regain health, strength, happiness, etc. It never was your identity. “Mortals never had a perfect state of being which may subsequently be regained” (S&H 476:14-15). This is where Science departs from theology, which demands a struggle to reach perfection. Science declares that you have never left perfection and that this lie about you has no cause, life, substance, or identity. It is always some experience of mortal mind, illusion, and never your experience. You stay, without option, inseparable from Love, from the Principle that animates and governs you in every detail.

Declare, times without number, the wholeness that I AM. Science is not an alternate medicine. It is the light of Truth before which the darkness of ignorance fades out. You are the light of the world—the light to your entire experience.

MBE once said, “Look with God into the mirror and see Him reflected. This is Life and true vision.” It is not what we see but how we see that determines vision, and when we see the infinite universe of Mind, teeming with spiritual ideas, all to be within consciousness then we literally see with God’s eyes, and this then acts as the law of normality to sight. To love, MBE said, is always to see the man of God’s creating. It is, as we read, to never lose sight of loveliness but always to see the loveliness of our own being, instead of the inverted pictures that mortal mind would parade in front of us. This is a good exercise, but it is the same as the experience of Paul, whose scales fell from his eyes when he saw that his vision of the world had been incorrect. It is a habitual standpoint.

We are never digging up tares. The wheat (what you are) is separated from the tares (what you are not) through the realisation of God, good, as everpresent: that is, through seeing that the harvest is now, and that everywhere the fields are white with harvest instead of it being four months away. This applies to everything in your experience. The harvest is now, and we must not say “it doth not yet appear”. (1 John 3:2) This is the correlative Scripture, and so this phrase is just there for denial.

We must live as I, Mind. (S&H 494:2) MBE once opened the Bible to the verse “I, John, saw the holy city…” (Rev. 21: 2) and said, “Delete ‘John’.” Doris Henty told me this. You see, only God can see what God has made and see it to be very good, or God. See S&H 286:16-20. We must live as I, Mind. This is what it means to have a new Life within a new framework. We drop the sense of living as mortal for I, Mind.

St March 1983

S&H 232:22-25. I have been so much with the sense of “the sentence of God” which Jesus did not try to annul and which is pronounced on sin. As we know, sin is just the sinful misconception of life as less than God, and the sentence of Love does not permit you to have any concept of Life that is other than the divine. So whatever the human problem, we can ask the Father to show us what it is that He is insisting on revealing of our true nature. Then each experience unfolds new views of divine goodness and love.

We read, too, about Jesus’ stricture on the faithless and perverse generation. The stricture is always pronounced on anything that claims to have generated in any place but the divine Mind. We read on page 68 line 30 of the Textbook that “as human generation ceases, man is found...” As we drop the belief that anything was ever generated by the human mind, and the belief that the mortal is a generator or conceiver, so we find man intact as he always is, unhidden by the beliefs of mortal mind. Mind’s vision cannot be impaired: nor can it be improved. But as the sense of any other vision, generation, and conception recedes, so the present capacity of Mind’s vision is more appreciable. We say human vision is improving, but all that is happening is that the human misconception of vision as material is receding. The only improved belief, and that which cannot retrograde, is a melted belief.

Mind’s vision is Love never losing sight of loveliness, and this is a full-time job! “Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law” (Ps. 119:18).

No Date

Understanding shows us that no capacity to see ever resided outside Mind. God sees. Man is what is seen. Man is the loveliness that your Mind, Love, sees. There is no other vision.

Everything is consciousness. The view from the third degree window of spirituality is the accurate view of creation by the divine Mind. It has no mist of mortal mind to cloud the vision. Any other viewpoint is more or less inaccurate.

What is not practical is to see the vision through the third degree and then say I must now make it practical by looking through the second degree lens of humanity, because the lens characterises what is seen through it, and the character of the second degree view is always duality.

So we stay with the one Mind and its view of being, and know that neither another viewpoint, nor what is seen through it, has ever touched divine consciousness. Then belief melts into spiritual understanding.

St October

I get much from S&H 216:28-5 and margin. We have been educated to think that what mortal mind calls ‘you’ (599:3) is Me. In giving up the belief that man has an identity for the understanding that man is the way in which Mind identifies itself, we lose nothing but limitation and misconception.

Th May 1983

Just a line to say that I hope all goes very well with you. I shall look forward to hearing that you recognise your only and present capacity to see or be in any way aware is Mind, not idea; God, and not man.

We had a lovely Association day. They had been well taught so there were no punches barred, and there was a wonderful sense of the continuity of the teaching in Principle not person. Such a healing of sadness and such a determination to go right ahead.

Nd January

The capacity to say ‘my kingdom is not of this world’ is that of the ‘I’ that is one with the Father, and which we call the Christ. It can never be the capacity of the mortal ego, which is inadequacy itself and is mere supposition. In the one, true and spiritual kingdom, which is not of this world, its strength, wholeness, purity, abundance, completeness, and so on, are beyond and above the so-called kingdom of this world and so never subject to its laws and limitations.

Your capacity to know and enjoy this flawless kingdom is not that of a mortal trying to understand the Christ but the capacity of the Christ itself, which is always saying to the mortal and all its conditions, ‘I know you not! I never knew a mortal, called by my name or that of another. I know only My own perfect being, untouched by a single alternative.’

To accept this as our kingdom and capacity now is to allow “the kingdoms of this world to become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ” (Rev. 11:15) and so experience the peace and safety of the Christ.

There is no arena where good and evil struggle in a mortal mind. The infinite recognises no disease and no struggle. It knows no law but the law of Mind’s intelligent activity and Love’s wholeness.

Th November 2002

MBE said that when error speaks nothing has been said. It is because it has nothing to say that it has to scream loudly to make itself heard. Remember, however, it is always “an inarticulate sound” and is never you or your experience, but is always mortal mind shouting about itself. (See S&H 97:21-25 and 210:25-28)

There is an interesting sentence on page 263:28-31 of S&H. The belief that any capacity to sense is material is itself dense blindness. There is no other blindness, since the only senses are spiritual, belonging to and emanating from the divine Mind. A sensual thought is any information coming through the five senses. Never think that you are actually dealing with a condition of your body called blindness or anything else, since the only blindness is that which never had any capacity in it to discern. There is only one body and the all-seeing Mind is your Mind now, and has never known a material repetition of itself.

The fear that presents itself is not your fear, but is mortal mind’s fear on meeting the only thing that can destroy it, which is your Christ. You let it give itself up in your presence, knowing that this no more depletes you than steam rising from a kettle. Never personalise any experience, good or bad. To do the latter would give identity to evil and the former would merely limit good. Good and evil, health and sickness, etc., do not meet and mingle in a third something called person.

Th October

I shall be very happy to help. You are not a person turning to Christian Science in order to solve a physical problem. This would identify with the problem and so the conspiracy against yourself. “Even Christ cannot reconcile Truth to error.” (S&H 19:5) We cannot bring Truth down to error. “Jesus’ appeal was to his Principle and to himself as Principle’s idea.” (S&H 50:12-14) He knew that the only help he needed, or could have, lay in his identity with the I AM, or divine Principle and idea. In this I AM there has never been a human mind, a human need, a personal identity, or a material situation. There is no human mind to have to realise Truth and so no human, personal body to respond to Truth. It is always Truth’s knowledge, awareness, of itself that constitutes the only consciousness and body there have ever been, and in the presence of this divine acknowledgement the mist of mortal mind melts. As for Paul, the scales fell from his eyes as he ceased to persecute others—that is, to hold them or himself in the grasp of matter. (S&H 28:6-8)

There is no mortal identity to put right. What appears as the picture is only a misstatement, a misconception, of that which is already totally divine. A misconception is a false view of something true but is nothing in its own right. It never refers to you, but to mortal mind’s false sense of you (S&H 416:16). We have to drop the habit of thinking that the picture of oneself as a mortal that we carry round with us has anything to do with what we are. It is a form of human belief only. It is not your belief, and the less we try to relate our work to mortal mind’s picture the more effective it has to be. (S&H 211:21-23)

The clarity of Truth is seen by Truth. Mrs. Eddy once said, “Look with God into the mirror and see Him reflected. This is Life and true vision.” There is no veil or covering cast over all people. True vision is not exercised within or through the veil but as your present Mind’s capacity to see the loveliness of its own being instead of the veil. Mind’s faculties are not vulnerable and there is no other capacity to see, hear, etc. (S&H 485:4-5)

You cannot treat a misconception any more than you can tinker with 2+2=5. It does not exist. It has no mind, so no I or Ego, and so, no AM or body. It never was other than a case of self-deception. Please ponder daily the definition of God on page 587:5. Read it as ‘I’. God’s law is I AM ALL, not God is All.

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