Читайте также:
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1. Present Simple from “had”
2. a type of a heavy oil used instead of petrol in engines, especially trucks, buses etc.
3. when something turns with a circular movement around a central point
4. a smooth soft rock which breaks easily into thin flat pieces
5. a machine that produces electricity
6. opposite to “under”
7. countable –many, uncountable - …
8. the amount of space a container, room etc. has to hold things or people
9. the power that is carried by wires, cables etc. and is used to provide light or hit, to make machines work
10. the same as N5, but singular
11. the process of making the air cool
12. a large structure that is used for getting oil from the ground
13. a kind of electricity
14. as many or as much as is needed or wanted
15. the part of a machine that makes it move or work, by changing power
16. preposition
17. the part of a vehicle that produces power to make it move
18. one of the numbered parts into which a textbook is divided
19. lifting heavy objects with ropes
4. Translate the sentences with the help of the text.
Современные буровые оборудованы генераторами переменного тока, которые обычно являются дизельными. Большинство из этих генераторов имеют мощность от 50 до 100 киловатт, хотя иногда обладают большим объёмом. Генераторы имеют достаточно мощности, чтобы выдержать силовую нагрузку буровой исключая талевую систему, насосы и вращательное оборудование. Второй двигатель и генератор находятся в запасе и всегда готовы к включению. Переменный ток используется для освещения буровой, приведения в движение вибрационного сита, мешалок для бурового раствора, центробежных насосов, охлаждения вентиляторов и кондиционирования воздуха в бараках на очень больших буровых.
Air Compressors
1. Study the following vocabulary.
mount | устанавливать |
To furnish | обеспечивать |
Read and translate the text.
On mechanical rigs, a small compressor is usually mounted on the engine compound to supply air for the pneumatic controls and clutches. The compressor has a volume tank to allow reserve storage of compressed air. Diesel-electric rigs usually have an electrically powered compressor to furnish high-pressure air to pneumatic controls and for other purposes, including starting the main engines and operating the air-powered hoists, air slips, air pumps on the BOP-operating equipment, water wells, air-operated tools, and the like.
Please mark the correct boundaries of the words.
Translate the sentences with the help of the text.
1. На буровых установках с приводом от двигателя внутреннего сгорания, компрессор обычно устанавливается вместе с двигателем для подачи воздуха для пневматического управления и на муфтовые соединения.
2. Компрессор имеет резервуар, в котором находится сжатый воздух.
3. Дизель-электрическая буровая установка обычно оснащена электрическим компрессором, который под высоким давлением снабжает воздухом пневматическое управление.
4. Дизель-электрическая буровая установка также применяется для других целей, включая такие процессы как включение основного двигателя, подъемы с пневмоприводном, воздушные насосы на противовыбросовом оборудовании, на водозаборных скважинах, пневматическом оборудовании и других.
Mud Storage Facility
1. Study the following vocabulary.
Settling tanks | отстойный резервуар для буровогораствора |
Suction tanks | расходный, приёмный резервуар |
Waste pit | грязеотстойник |
Storage bins | складской бункер |
Severe weather Pit clutches | суровая (неблагоприятная погода) котлован,шурф муфты |
Read and translate the text.
A complete mud system for a heavy-duty drilling rig usually includes not only settling tanks, or pits, but suction tanks, or pits, to which the pump is connected. It also frequently includes a reserve or waste pit where surplus mud and cuttings are accumulated as drilling progresses.
Some form of storage for the dry and liquid mud materials that are to be added as the drilling progresses is found on most rigs. Dry mud storage bins, an oil tank, and centrifugal pumps for mud mixing are necessary for the circulating system. If a rig is in a remote location, adequate storage for the dry components of the drilling mud is especially desirable so that the mud may be treated readily without waiting for a mud company to deliver a supply from its warehouse. Sacked mud materials and chemicals are usually stored under cover for protection from severe weather.
3. There are at least 24 hidden words. Find them!
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | |
H | W | A | S | T | E | I | P | R | O | T | E | C | T | I | O | N | B | P | F | |
R | E | O | V | E | W | H | X | D | M | K | U | S | I | S | U | S | E | Y | O | |
R | A | T | Y | C | O | M | P | O | N | E | N | T | S | Q | C | O | V | E | R | |
A | T | X | P | B | E | K | R | H | P | E | T | M | W | W | W | J | L | X | M | |
G | H | E | U | M | D | Q | F | D | X | R | H | W | A | I | T | I | N | G | M | |
I | E | Q | M | A | T | E | R | I | A | L | S | O | J | T | J | F | L | P | H | |
L | R | C | P | H | K | Y | O | L | S | K | W | R | L | H | X | H | U | E | D | |
D | R | Q | C | C | W | F | M | A | E | E | K | X | W | O | Q | E | Q | H | X | |
E | D | P | E | I | Q | E | E | W | A | C | C | U | M | U | L | A | T | E | D | |
S | M | R | R | R | E | Y | C | A | K | G | V | L | V | T | S | V | R | B | S | |
I | C | O | N | C | X | N | E | E | M | C | Q | E | T | A | T | Y | U | K | F | |
R | C | G | L | U | T | E | N | V | P | H | L | S | L | N | B | - | P | Q | R | |
A | B | R | B | L | B | P | T | R | Y | E | A | P | K | G | I | D | T | I | E | |
B | O | E | E | A | B | W | R | A | D | M | L | E | Z | S | V | U | Y | T | Q | |
L | L | S | M | T | G | K | I | B | I | I | C | C | O | U | H | T | C | B | U | |
E | J | S | F | I | Y | Y | F | T | L | C | T | I | P | C | H | Y | L | O | E | |
Z | E | E | D | N | C | F | U | F | Q | A | K | A | O | T | O | K | S | G | N | |
W | N | S | M | G | J | M | G | O | O | L | J | L | A | I | O | M | O | S | T | |
W | Z | K | L | D | G | N | A | I | T | S | G | L | G | O | C | C | M | E | L | |
N | W | U | S | U | A | L | L | Y | R | M | R | Y | T | N | D | W | E | R | Y |
Read and translate the sentences with the help of the text.
1. В циркуляционную систему для бурового раствора, на буровых тяжёлой
конструкции, входит не только бак-отстойник или котлован, но и приемные чаны или шурфы, к которым присоединяется насос.
2. Также в систему входят: пустой котлован или котлован для отходов, где остатки бурового раствора и буровой шлам собираются в процессе бурения.
3. Некоторые виды складов и резервуаров для хранения глинопорошка и промывочной жидкости, которые используются во время бурения, есть почти на всех буровых.
4. Бункер для хранения сухой глины (глинопорошка), нефтяной резервуар, центробежный насос для приготовления бурового раствора необходимы для циркуляционной системы.
5. Если буровая находится на периферии, то соответственно сухие составляющие бурового раствора желательно хранить на складе.
6. Это удобно для быстрого приготовления раствора, без ожидания фирмы, поставляющей подрядчикам реагенты для его приготовления.
7. Сыпучие материалы для бурового раствора и химикаты, для защиты от суровых погодных условий, обычно хранятся под чехлом.
Drilling Instruments
1. Study the following vocabulary.
weight indicator | указатель веса (дриллометр) |
mud level recorder | прибор, записывающий уровень бурового раствора |
mud density recorder | прибор, записывающий плотность бурового раствора |
torque indicators and recorders | измеритель крутящего момента |
logging devices | кaротажное устройство |
to keep track | отслеживать |
instrumentation system | измерительная система |
key part of almost all rigs | ключевая часть установки |
rig | буровая установка |
mud | буровой раствор |
Read and translate the text.
An instrumentation system is a key part of almost all rigs today. It may be no more than one simple weight indicator, or it may include a great variety of things such as a mud level recorder, a mud density recorder, torque indicators and recorders, and logging devices to keep a continuous graphic record of work being done on the rig, particularly the depth being drilled. A mud logging unit, generally supplied by a contracting service company, may be used to keep track of any indications of oil and gas brought up in the circulating fluid.
Combine two corresponding sentence parts.
1) An instrumentation system is a 2) It may be no more than one simple weight indicator, or it may include a great variety of things such as a mud level recorder, 3) A mud logging unit, generally supplied by a contracting service company, | A) may be used to keep track of any indications of oil and gas brought up in the circulating fluid. B) key part of almost all rigs today. C) a mud density recorder, torque indicators and recorders, and logging devices to keep a continuous graphic record of work being done on the rig, particularly the depth being drilled. |
Correct combination
1 -__ 2 -__ 3 -__
Other Facilities
1. Study the following vocabulary.
drilling rigs | буровая платформа |
generally | как правило |
change house | будка-раздевалка для рабочей смены на буровой |
doghouse | бытовка |
storage place | хранилище |
tool house | инструментальная кладовая |
bunkhouse | вагончик, где живут рабочие |
tool pusher | буровой мастер |
trailer | прицеп |
auxiliaries | ассистент, помощник |
quarter | жилище |
off shore rig | морская буровая установка |
dry mud | сухая глина |
housekeeping | организация |
temporary storage | временное хранение |
provisions | оборудование, оснащение |
maintenance | техническое обслуживание |
Read and translate the text.
Drilling rigs also generally include such facilities as fuel storage installations; a change house (a place for rig workers to change from their work clothes to street clothes); a doghouse (a small structure on the rig floor that serves as an office for the driller and as a storage place for small tools); a toolhouse (a place to store spare parts for the pumps and other equipment); and other facilities. Rigs located in remote areas frequently have a bunkhouse where the rig crews live while on duty. Sometimes, the toolpusher is provided with a trailer that serves as an office with a telephone and radio for communication with the head office and as his living quarters while on duty.
The number and type of auxiliaries to be found on a drilling rig are influenced greatly by the service for which the rig is to be used. Such variables as terrain, climate, remoteness from supply centers, and transportation requirements have to be considered.
Offshore rigs are provided with sleeping quarters, mess facilities, electric power, water supply, and sewage facilities, as well as storage for enough dry mud, chemicals, cement, oil, and other supplies to operate the rig for many days. Most large rigs are equipped to continuously transmit operation data by radio to the company headquarters.
Good rig housekeeping requires that there be a place for everything while drilling is underway. Pipe racks and caning racks are standard items used for temporary storage. Provisions are made for moving and storing hand tools used in rig maintenance.
3. Answer the following questions:
1. What facilities does a drilling rig include?
2. What is a change house?
3. What is a dog house?
4. What is a toolhouse?
5. What are offshore rigs provided with?
6. What are requirements of a good rig?
7. Where do the rig’s crew live in remote areas?
8. What for are pipe racks and caning racks used for?
Translate the following sentences with the help of the text.
1. На буровой установке, как правило, находятся такие постройки, как топливное хранилище, будка для рабочей смены (место, предназначенное для того, чтобы работники буровой переоделись из рабочей одежды в повседневную), будка бурильщика (маленькое здание на буровой площадке, оборудованное как офис для бурильщика и как хранилище для небольших инструментов), инструментальная кладовая (место хранения запчастей для насосов и другого оборудования) и другие здания. 2.Буровые установки, расположенные в отдельных районах часто имеют вагончик, где буровая бригада проживает во время нахождения на работе. 3.Иногда буровой мастер имеет прицеп, оборудованный как офис, с телефоном и радиосвязью для общения с головным офисом и собственным жилым помещением на время работы. 4. Количество помощников разной квалификации, находящихся на буровой, значительно зависит от видов работ, для которых, используется буровая установка. 5. Такие условия, как территория, климат, удаленность от центров снабжения, и требования к перевозке - должны быть учтены. 6. Морская установка снабжена спальными помещениями, столовой, электроэнергией, водоснабжением, канализацией, а также как и хранилищем для глинопорошка, химикатов, цемента, масла и другими устройствами для многодневного обслуживания буровой установки. 7. Наиболее крупные буровые установки оборудованы для постоянной передачи оперативных данных с помощью радиосвязи в головной офис.8. Для хорошей организации работ на буровой установке необходимо наличие мест для всего оборудования во время бурения. 9. Стеллажи для труб и обсадных труб являются стандартными сооружениями для временного хранения. 10.Также создаются условия для передвижения и хранения ручных инструментов, используемых для технического обслуживания.
Using the sentences to help you, find the words for the crossword puzzle.
Most large rigs are equipped to ______________________ transmit operation data by radio to the company headquarters. (C3)
Most large rigs are equipped to continuously transmit operation data by radio to the company ______________________. (A6)
Such variables as terrain, climate, remoteness from supply centers, and transportation ______________________ have to be considered. (C15)
__________________ are made for moving and storing hand tools used in rig maintenance. (D11)
Such variables as terrain, climate, __________________ from supply centers, and transportation requirements have to be considered. (C8)
Drilling rigs also generally include such facilities as fuel storage installations; a change house (a place for rig workers to change from their work clothes to street clothes); a ______________ (a small structure on the rig floor that serves as an office for the driller and as a storage place for small tools); a toolhouse (a place to store spare parts for the pumps and other equipment); and other facilities. (H13)
Offshore rigs are provided with sleeping quarters, mess facilities, electric power, water supply, and sewage facilities, as well as ____________ for enough dry mud, chemicals, cement, oil, and other supplies to operate the rig for many days. (B1)
The __________ and type of auxiliaries to be found on a drilling rig are influenced greatly by the service for which the rig is to be used. (A13)
Drilling rigs also generally include such facilities as fuel storage installations; a change house (a place for rig workers to change from their work clothes to street clothes); a doghouse (a small structure on the rig floor that serves as an office for the driller and as a storage place for small tools); a toolhouse (a place to store spare parts for the ________ and other equipment); and other facilities. (K1)
Good rig ______________________ requires that there be a place for everything while drilling is underway. (J2)
Provisions are made for moving and ____________ hand tools used in rig maintenance. (O5)
Drilling rigs also generally include such facilities as fuel storage installations; a change house (a place for rig workers to change from their work ____________ to street clothes); a doghouse (a small structure on the rig floor that serves as an office for the driller and as a storage place for small tools); a toolhouse (a place to store spare parts for the pumps and other equipment); and other facilities. (A2)
Drilling rigs also generally include such facilities as fuel storage installations; a __________ house (a place for rig workers to change from their work clothes to street clothes); a doghouse (a small structure on the rig floor that serves as an office for the driller and as a storage place for small tools); a toolhouse (a place to store spare parts for the pumps and other equipment); and other facilities. (A10)
Drilling rigs also generally include such facilities as fuel storage installations; a change house (a place for rig workers to change from their work clothes to street clothes); a doghouse (a small structure on the rig floor that serves as an office for the driller and as a storage place for small tools); a toolhouse (a place to store spare ________ for the pumps and other equipment); and other facilities. (G5)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | |
![]() | UNIT 9 THE CREW |
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