Читайте также:
compound, drawworks, cables, gear, casing, diesel
a. steel pipe placed in an oil or gas well as drilling progresses to prevent the wall of the whole from caving during drilling
b. a combination of two or more parts, substances or qualities
c. the hoisting mechanism on a drilling rig
d. the machinery in a vehicle such as a car, truck that you use to go comfortable at different speeds
e. a plastic or rubber tube containing wires that carry electronic signals, telephone messages etc.
f. a type of a heavy oil used instead of petrol in engines, especially in trucks, buses and trains.
6. Fill in the appropriate words and expressions into the extract below and translate it into Russian:
diesel engines, component, power, hydraulic power, torque converters, electric motors, steam-powered engines
Rigs are classified by the source of power. The …… to operate everything on a mechanical or power rig, comes from …… that are compounded together. The drawworks, the rotary system, mud pumps are powered directly by the engines. Belts, pulleys, sprockets, and chains connect each …… to the engines. Mechanical rig uses ……, clutches, and transmission powered by its own engines, often diesel. On electric rigs – the major items of machinery are driven by ……, usually with power generated on - site, using internal combustion engines. Hydraulic rigs primarily use …….. Pneumatic rigs are primarily powered by pressurized air. Steam rig uses …… and pumps. (They became obsolescent after middle of 20th century.)
7. Translate the sentences with the help of the text:
1. Существует два средства для передачи энергии компонентам буровой вышки: механические и электрические.
2. До последнего времени большинство буровых были механические – это значит, что энергия двигателя передавалась компонентам вышки с помощью механических средств.
3. На механически управляемой вышке, энергия от двигателей, передаётся лебёдкам, насосам и другому машинному оборудованию через агрегат, который называется соединением.
4. Соединение состоит из муфт, замков сцепления, цепных колёс, ремней, подъёмников и валов, функцией которых является передача энергии.
5. На электро-дизельных буровых, дизельные двигатели приводят в действие большие электрические генераторы.
6. Генераторы, в свою очередь, производят электричество, которое посылается через провода переключателю и контрольной передаче.
7. Отсюда электричество проходит через дополнительные провода к электрическим моторам, которые непосредственно присоединены к лебёдкам, буровым насосам и роторному столу.
8. Одним из преимуществ электро-дизельной системы над механической, является прекращение использования тяжёлого сложного соединения и цепного привода.
9. Другим преимуществом является снижение шума на буровой, потому что двигатели могут работать на отдалённом расстоянии.
10. Расположение буровой не является стандартным: первичные двигатели, лебёдки, насосы, ротор могут быть установлены в зависимости от предпочтений подрядчика.
11. Системе подъёмных механизмов, во время поднятия колонны или во время её работы, требуется наибольшее количество мощности.
12. Второй, по потреблению энергетической мощности, является циркуляционная система.
Using the sentences to help you, find the words for the crossword puzzle.
The layout of a rig is far from ______________________; the prime movers, drawworks, pumps, and rotary may be arranged in any number of ways, depending on the preference of the drilling contractor. (C13)
One of the primary advantages is the elimination of the heavy, fairly complicated compound and chain drive, thus ____________________ the need for aligning the compound with the engines and drawworks. (C6)
One of the primary advantages is the ____________________ of the heavy, fairly complicated compound and chain drive, thus eliminating the need for aligning the compound with the engines and drawworks. (C8)
One of the primary __________________ is the elimination of the heavy, fairly complicated compound and chain drive, thus eliminating the need for aligning the compound with the engines and drawworks. (D15)
Two common means are used to transmit the power from the prime movers to the rig components: mechanical and __________________. (A1)
The compound consists of clutches, ________________, sprockets, belts, pulleys, and shafts, all of which function to achieve the transfer of power. (E4)
On a mechanical-drive rig, the power is transmitted from the engines to the drawworks, pumps, and other rig machinery through an ______________ known as the compound. (F10)
On a diesel-electric rig, diesel engines, which on land rigs are usually located at ground level some distance away from the rig floor, ________ large electric generators. (K2)
______ contractor has different ideas about layout and arranges his rig accordingly. (A3)
The generators, in turn, produce ____________________ that is sent through cables to electric switch and control gear. (A1)
Two common means are used to transmit the power from the prime movers to the rig __________________: mechanical and electrical. (H1)
From here, electricity goes through additional cables to electric motors that are attached directly to the ________________ involved-drawworks, mud pumps, and the rotary. (O4)
Until __________ years, most rigs were mechanical; that is, engine power was transmitted to the components by mechanical means. (C5)
On a diesel-electric rig, diesel engines, which on ______ rigs are usually located at ground level some distance away from the rig floor, drive large electric generators. (E12)
Today, diesel-electric ______ are rapidly replacing the mechanical ones. (M1)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | |
9. Topics for discussion:
Describe how power is transmitted on the mechanical-drive rig and on the diesel-electric rig.
The Drawworks
1. Study the following vocabulary.
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