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I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.

Читайте также:
  1. A. Look more closely through the first part and decide which of the following statements renders the main idea of the given part.
  2. British and Russian Cuisine
  3. Complete the sentences using can or (be) able to. Use can if possible; otherwise use (be) able to.
  4. Complete this memo with the words given below. Translate it into Russian.
  5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the text.
  6. Define the type of the business letters. Translate them into Russian.
  7. I. Read the text once again and find in the text the English equivalents of the following Russian words. Make up your own sentences with these words.

1. legislate; 2. debate matters of urgent public importance; 3. succeed to the title; 4. oversee political balance; 5. endow Parliament with legislative powers; 6. invoke “privacy laws”; 7. owe allegiance to the Crown; 8. succeed to the title of a peer; 9. block and delay a new law; 10. appear on one’s own behalf during the conduct of the case; 11. disclaim one’s peerage for the sake of an MP status; 12. raise / lower the rate of income tax; 13. bring down the government directing an anti-social policy; 14. stand for election to Parliament; 15. obey the rules.



II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.

1. продолжать реформы в области образования; 2. подстрекать этнические меньшинства к религиозной ненависти; 3. за депутата не проголосовали на выборах в Парламент; 4. наследственные пэры; 5. Парламент наделен полномочиями принимать, изменять и отменять законы 6. занять должность Спикера; 7. проводить политику в жизнь; 8. затягивать принятие нового закона; 9. Комиссия по назначениям судей; 10. занять должность; быть в должности; уйти с должности (подать в отставку); 11. корпус депутатов; 12. снять предложение; 13. облекать властью; 14. вести дело; 15. сокращать полномочия.



III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B)

A   B  
1. constituency a. занять должность
2. the conduct of the case b. выдвигать свою кандидатуру на выборы
3. local councilor c. усиление власти
4. the law of the land d. передача центральными правительственными органами части своих полномочий местным органам власти
5. stand for election e. ведение дела
6. devolution f. продвигать реформы
7. accretion in power g. избирательный округ
8. further reforms h. член местного совета
9. succeed to a title i. осуществлять
10. carry policy into effect j. право, действующее на территории всей страны
11. by-elections k. министры правительства
12. backbench MPs l. рядовые члены парламента
13. implement m. реализовывать политику
14. take office n. дополнительные выборы
15. front-bench government Ministers o. унаследовать титул

IV. Guess the concepts of the following definitions:

1. Make a law.

2. Members of the House of Lords who are not bishops.

3. One of the stages in the discussion of a Bill, where each clause is examined in detail.

4. Cancel or to remove (a law, a rule).

5. Violent dislike of someone because of his religion.

V. Give definitions of these words.

1. legislate; 2. preside over; 3. independents; 4. by-election; 5. contribution (towards).

Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 293 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Vocabulary Notes | Reading Comprehension | II. Skimming | Speaking | Vocabulary List | Vocabulary List | A. Look more closely through the first part and decide which of the following statements renders the main idea of the given part. | VIII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. | I. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why. | V. Find the information in the Internet on the following themes and make presentations in class. |
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Vocabulary List| II. Answer the questions about the text.

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