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Читайте также:
  1. Complete the following, using the infinitive
  2. Ex 516. A. Read and translate the sentences. Define the function of Infinitives.
  3. Ex. 4. Translate. Mind the form of the Infinitive after "must" and "may".
  4. Ex. 6. Use the required form of the infinitive in its function of part of a compound verbal predicate.
  5. Ex. 8. Translate. Mind the functions of the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions.
  6. Exercise 11. Translate into English, using the Objective-with-the-Infinitive or the Subjective Infinitive Construction.
  7. Exercise 14. Translate into English, using the /or-fo-Infinitive Construction where possible.

Ex. 1. Mind the difference in translating the Infinitive depending on the function.


Example: 1) To complete this research is necessary.

Завершити (завершення) це (цього) дослідження необхідно(е).

2) То complete this research we have to make a number of experiments.

Для того, щоб завершити це дослідження, ми повинні...

1. То account for the apparent paradox between the processes concerned is not reasonable in this event.

2. To carry out pure research is in effect to inquire into the fundamental properties of nature.

3. To remove the compass deviation in excess of the permissible range of errors was the task at hand. (безпосередня)

4. To exemplify this fact he had to cite an alternative approach currently in use.

5. To ensure (гарантувати) that the audio frequency modulation of both transmitters was in phase it was necessary to introduce a new network.

6. To adopt this method allowance should be made for the leakage in the operation of the linear accelerator.


Example: The prime task is to establish a new science center. Головне завдання полягає в тому, щоб створити...

The Institute is to establish a new science centre. Інститут повинен створити...

1. The main problem was to find solutions that are economically acceptable.

2. The most encouraging method of detecting the new particles is to examine the products of appropriate interactions.

3. To avoid ambiguity of the results you arc to adjust the installation before the test.

4. From the equations cited above all but one of the unknown functions are to be eliminated by successive substitutions.

5. Different particles have different masses. How are these differences in masses to be explained? They are usually attributed to a hypothetical fifth interaction, sometimes called the semi-strong force.

6. The prime task is to overcome the lag in economic development. For this we are to remove all the obstacles (перешкода) standing in the way of progress.


Example: 1)The device to amplify a small light pulse is referred to as an amplifier. Прилад, який повинен (може) підсилити...

2) The small light pulse to be amplified is produced by a laser oscillator. Слабкий світловий імпульс, який потрібно (можна) підсилити... (який буде підсилено...)

1. The only force to make an electron move is that due to the field of the other electrons.

2. The effect to minimize the lattice distortion (викривлення решітки) has not been left out of consideration (не врахувати, не взяти до уваги).

3. An alternative way to improve the confinement of plasma would be to increase the strength of the magnetic field.

4. Let us confine our discussion to some ofthe experiments that would become feasible if we had more intense sources to work with.

5. There is only one process to cause the departure of the experimental curve from the predicted one.

6. Along with the advantages of the device there are some disadvantages to be eliminated.

7. The excessive heat during the operation of the device was one of the problems to be solved.

8. The temperature to be measured in the vicinity of the boundary layer is low enough so that the electrical conductivity in this region may be negligible.

9. The effects to be taken into account are the initial velocities of the electrons and the induced currents caused by the movements of the electrons through the tube.

10. The process to follow the absorption of a photon will result in the excitation of electrons in the atom.

11. The process to be followed by the separation of the liquid flow from a body can be explored experimentally.


Example: 1). An oxygen atom combines with two hydrogen atoms to form a molecule of water. Атом кисню об’єднується з двома атомами водню і утворюється молекула води (утворюючи молекулу води).

2). We use the ammeter to measure the current. Ми використовуємо амперметр для того, щоб виміряти силу струму.

1. The pressure distribution relaxes quickly to become uniform.

2. Rutherford proved that alpha particles arc the nuclei of helium atoms and that after the alpha particles are slowed down, they capture two electrons to become normal helium atoms.

3. If the velocity of a satellite exceeds escape velocity (швидкість відриву) then the satellite will leave the earth never to return.

4. The technique is extended to embrace nonlinear processes in plasma.

5. In nuclear fusion (синтез) two light nuclei combine to form a single nucleus when heated to a very high temperature.

6. The laboratory must have a staff of efficient (знаючий та енергійний) workers and up-to-date facilities to encourage and extend further research.

7. Various scales (шкала) of temperatures have been developed to assign numerical values to heat conduction of a body.

8. Several requirements were strictly observed in developing the software (програма для ЕОМ) to make it (software) as compatible with different computers as possible.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 186 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Arbitration | Ex. 1. Mind the translation of the Passive Voice. | Ex. 4. Translate. Mind the form of the Infinitive after "must" and "may". | Ex. 6. Translate. Pay attention to the Complex Subject. | Ex. 8. Translate. Mind the functions of the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions. | PARTICIPLE | Ex. 4. Translate. Mind the Verbal Forms as an attribute. | Ex. 8. Translate the following. Pay attention to Participle II. | Ex. 14. Mind the translation of the Participle and Participle Construction. | I. Choose the correct form of the verb. |
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Ex. 10. Translate. Mind Emphatic Constructions.| Ex. 3. Translate. Mind the meaning of "for".

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