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The Complex Sentence. Exercise 1. Point out subject subordinate clauses, commenting on their position in the sentences

Читайте также:
  1. B) Suggest the methods of translation into Ukrainian of the names of English and foreign companies in the sentences below.
  2. B. Now put the Gerunds in the sentences
  3. C) Sentence elements
  4. Change the sentences according to the model.
  5. Choose the correct sentence.
  6. Choose the most suitable verb form in each sentence.
  7. Complete each sentence with a word or compound word formed from the word given.


Exercise 1. Point out subject subordinate clauses, commenting on their position in the sentences. Translate into Armenian.


1. What both left unsaid was that Alex Vandervoort had been viewed until today, as Ben Rosselli’s chosen heir. 2. It seemed dreadful that he must be handed over to strangers. 3. What impressed me most was Cyprus Avenue. 4. It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues. (A. Lincoln). 5. What people say behind your back is standing in the community. 6. Whatever she may tell you is a lie. 7. It is doubtful whether he will ever realize his guilt. 8. Which side you should be on is for you to decide. 9. When Tom may turn up is unpredictable. 10. Is it possible that he should have said it? 11. It is necessary to the happiness of a man that he be mentally faithful to himself. (Thomas Paine). 12. It is incredible that any should have such a memory? 13. It is a good thing that you should happen to be here.


Exercise 2. Complete the sentences adding subject clauses.


1. … is out of the question. 2. Isn’t it a shame … 3. … was a surprise to me. 4. It is beyond my comprehension … 5. It will turn out after all … 6. Hasn’t it ever occurred to you … 7. It can’t be true … 8. … is a mystery. 9. It was of no importance … 10. It is well known … 11.... is doubtful. 12…. can’t be predicted. 13. It seemed right … 14. It annoyed him … 15. … is most in decent.


Exercise 3. Translate into English.


1. » ÇÝãåÇëÇ Ù³ñ¹ ¿ ݳ, ³ÝѳÛï ¿: 2. ä»ïù ¿ ÝϳïÇ áõݻݳÉ, áñ Ù»ñ ųٳݳÏÁ ë³Ñٳݳ÷³Ï ¿: 3. ²ÛÝ, áñ ÇÙ ïÕ³Ý ³ÙµáÕç ûñÁ Ýëï³Í ¿ ѳٳϳñ·ãÇ ³éç¨, ÇÝÓ ß³ï ¿ ³Ýѳݷëï³óÝáõÙ: 4. ØDZû ï³ñûñÇÝ³Ï ã¿, áñ ݳ ÁÝÏ»ñÝ»ñ ãáõÝÇ: 5. ¸³ ×DZßï ¿, áñ Çñ å³ïÙí³ÍùÝ»ñÇó ß³ï»ñÁ ú. лÝñÇÝ ·ñ»É ¿ µ³ÝïáõÙ: 6. ¼³ñٳݳÉÇ ¿, áñ ݳ»ñµ»ù Çñ ϳñÍÇùÁ ãÇ ³ñï³Ñ³ÛïáõÙ áã ÙÇ Ñ³ñóÇ í»ñ³µ»ñÛ³É: 7. » ÇÝãáõ, ãÝ³Û³Í µáÉáñ ѳÝó³Ýß³ÝÝ»ñÇÝ, ³Ûë ѳÝó³·áñÍáõÃÛáõÝÁ µ³ó³Ñ³Ûïí³Í ã¿, ÙÝáõÙ ¿ ·³ÕïÝÇù: 8. γëϳͻÉÇ ¿, áñ ¶ñ»·Á ϳٳíáñ û·ÝÇ áñ¨Çó» Ù»ÏÇÝ: 9. àñÝ ¿ ³Û¹ ÁݹѳñÙ³Ý ¹ñ¹³å³ï׳éÁ` ÙÝáõÙ ¿ ³ÝѳÛï: 10. ²÷ëáë, áñ ³Û¹ ³é³ç³ñÏáõÃÛáõÝÁ ѳßíÇ ã¿ÇÝ ³é»É: 11. Þ³ï Ñݳñ³íáñ ¿, áñ Ùáï ³å³·³ÛáõÙ ÝÙ³Ý աÕ»ïÝ»ñÁ Ñݳñ³íáñ ÏÉÇÝÇ Ï³ÝË»É: 12. ²ÛÝ, ÇÝã å³ïÙ»ó Éñ³·ñáÕÁ, µ³ó³ñÓ³Ï ×ßÙ³ñïáõÃÛáõÝ ¿: 13.²÷ëáë, áñ Ù³ñ¹áõ ͳé³ÛáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ ¨ ѳñëïáõÃÛáõÝÁ Ñ³×³Ë ÷á˳¹³ñÓ Ï³åÇ Ù»ç ã»Ý ·ïÝíáõÙ: 14. §²ÛÝ, áñ ٻͳٳëÝáõÃÛ³Ý Ï³ÙùÁ å»ïù ¿ ·»ñÇßËáÕ ÉÇÝÇ, ÇÙ ëϽµáõÝùÝ ¿¦, - ³ë»É ¿ ÂáÙ³ë æ»ý»ñëáÝÁ: 15. ²Ýѳí³Ý³Ï³Ý ¿, áñ ¹³ï³í×ÇéÁ ËÇëï ÉÇÝÇ: ´³Ûó ³ñ¹Ûáù ù»½ ÏÝ»ñÇ ùá ѳÛñÁ` ¹³ áõñÇß Ñ³ñó ¿: 16. ²åß»óáõóÇã ¿, û áñù³Ý ß³ï µ³Ý ϳñáÕ ¿ Ù³ñ¹Á ³Ý»É ³Ý»É³Ý»ÉÇ Ãí³óáÕ Çñ³¹ñáõÃÛ³Ý Ù»ç: 17. » ÇÝãå»ë ³Û¹ ëñÇϳÛÇÝ Ñ³çáÕí»ó ˳µ»É ³Û¹åÇëÇ Ë»É³óÇ Ù³ñ¹áõÝ, Ç٠ѳëϳóáÕáõÃÛáõÝÇó ¹áõñë ¿: 18. ØDZû ÑdzݳÉÇ ã¿, áñ ųٳݳϳÏÇó»ñÇï³ë³ñ¹áõÃÛáõÝÁ ³í»ÉÇ ß³ï Å³Ù³Ý³Ï ¿ ѳïϳóÝáõÙ ûï³ñ É»½áõÝ»ñÇ áõëáõÙݳëÇñáõÃÛ³ÝÁ:


1. Какой он человек – неизвестно. 2. Нужно учесть, что наше время ограничено. 3. То, что мой сын весь день сидит перед компьютером, меня очень беспокоит. 4. Не странно ли, что у него нет друзей? 5. Правда ли, что многие свои рассказы О. Генри написал в тюрьме? 6. Удивительно, что он никогда не выражает своего мнения ни по одному вопросу. 7. Почему, несмотря на все улики, это преступление не раскрыто, остается загадкой. 8. Сомнительно, чтобы Грег добровольно помог кому - либо. 9. Что было причиной этого конфликта, остается неизвестным. 10. Жаль, что это предложение не было учтено. 11. Вполне вероятно, что в ближайшем будущем такие катастрофы можно будет предотвратить. 12. То, что рассказал журналист, - абсолютная правда. 13. Жаль, что заслуги человека и богатство часто не взаимосвязаны. 14. “То, что воля большинства должна преобладать, - мой принцип”, - говорил Томас Джефферсон. 15. Вряд ли приговор будет суровым. Но простит ли тебя твой отец – это другой вопрос. 16. Поразительно, как много может сделать человек в казалось бы безвыходной ситуации. 17. Kаким образом этому мошеннику удалось обмануть такого умного человека, вне моего понимания. 18. Разве не замечательно, что современная молодежь больше времени уделяет изучению иностранных языков?



Exercise 4. Point out predicative subordinate clauses. Translate into Armenian.


1. The windows looked as though they would never open, never be thrown wide. 2. The result was that he gave me the mechanic’s job. 3. The fact is we were both exhausted. 4. It was as though we had known one another for a long time, and had met again after a lapse of years. 5. What made it worse was that there seemed no end to his wretchedness. 6. Well, all I have to say is that you didn’t try very hard. 7. What concerns me here is not what actually happened to the Frank family. 8. The truth was he was feeling half-lost without Cissie. 9. The effect was as if all the industry of the town had been crammed into one spot. 10. What appealed to me most about her was that she was conventionally pretty. 11. The point is that a man in my position can’t get to know a man in your position. 12. That isn’t what I wanted to ask you about. 13. He felt as if a hand of ice had been laid upon his heart. 14. They walked together, and it looked as if the young man was being scolded. 15. His only reason for allowing Paul to usher was that he thought a boy ought to be earning a little. 16. The worst of all was when she showed us how to examine our conscience.



Exercise 5. Complete the sentences adding predicative clauses.


1. The result was that …. 2. The problem was how (who, what, which) …. 3. His proposal was that …. 4. The consequence of the conflict was that …. 5. It looked as if ….6. Her voice sounded as if …. 7. The child looked as if …. 8. It was as if …. 9. The decision was that …. 10. Our fear was that (lest) …. 11. The people’s desire is that ….

Exercise 6. Translate into English.


1. ¶áճݳÉ. ¹³ ³ÛÝ ¿, ÇÝã ü»çÇÝÁ áõ½áõÙ ¿ñ ëáíáñ»óÝ»É úÉÇí»ñÇÝ: 2. Ðá’· ï³ñ»ù ÙÇÙÛ³Ýó Ù³ëÇÝ. ³Ñ³ û ÇÝã ¿ÇÝ ³ëáõÙ ÇÝÓ ÇÙ»ñ³½Ý»ñÁ: 3. ¸³ ϳñÍ»ë Ù»Í ÁݹáõÝ»ÉáõÃÛáõÝ ÉÇÝ»ñ, ¨ ¸áÝ³É¹Ý ¿ñ ï³Ý ï»ñÁ: 4. ²Ñ³ û ÇÝãáõ ¿ñ ݳ óùóÝáõÙ ×ßÙ³ñïáõÃÛáõÝÁ: 5. ²Û¹ ÏÇÝÁ ³ÛÝåÇëÇ ï»ëù áõÝ»ñ, ϳñÍ»ë»ñϳñ ï³ñÇÝ»ñ ÍË»É ¿ñ: 6. ÆÙ ³Ù»Ý³í³Õ ÑÇßáÕáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇó Ù»ÏÝ ³ÛÝ ¿, û ÇÝãå»ë ¿ñ ï³ïÇÏë ï³ÝáõÙ ÇÝÓ ·»ï³÷: 7. ÆÝãÝ ÇÝÓ ß³ï ¿ ÝÛ³ñ¹³ÛݳóÝáõÙ ³ÛÝ ¿, áñ ÈÇݹ³Ý ÙÇßï µáÉáñÇÝ ÁݹѳïáõÙ ¿: 8. ´³ÝÝ ³ÛÝ ¿, áñ Ù»Ýù ·ï³Ýù ïÕ³ÛÇÝ áõß³·Ý³ó íÇ׳ÏáõÙ: 9. Üñ³ ïáÝÝ ³ÛÝåÇëÇÝ ¿ñ, ϳñÍ»ë ݳ ÇÝã-áñ µ³ÝÇó íÇñ³íáñí³Í ¿ñ: 10. ´ÅßÏÇ ËáñÑáõñ¹Ý ³ÛÝ ¿ñ, áñ ÑÇí³Ý¹Á ³Ù»Ý ûñ ùÝ»Éáõó ³é³ç ½µáëÝÇ ³Û·áõÙ: 11. ºë ÇÝÓ ³ÛÝå»ë»Ù ½·áõÙ, ϳñÍ»ë ÇÝÓ ½ñå³ñï»É»Ý: 12. Ø»ñ Ùï³í³ËáõÃÛáõÝÝ ³ÛÝ ¿, áñ ÑÇí³Ý¹Ç ëÇñïÁ ϳñáÕ ¿ ã¹ÇÙ³Ý³É ³Û¹ íÇñ³Ñ³ïáõÃÛ³ÝÁ: 13. Üñ³ Ó³ÛÝÁ ³ÛÝå»ë ¿ñ ÑÝãáõÙ, ϳñÍ»ë ݳ ½³Ý·³Ñ³ñáõÙ ¿ñ ß³ï Ñ»éíÇó: 14. ÊݹÇñÝ ³ÛÝ ¿, áñ ³Ù»Ý ÙÇ ³Ýå³ïÇŠѳÝó³·áñÍáõÃÛáõÝ ÍÝáõÙ ¿ ÝáñÁ:


1. Красть – это то, чему Феджин хотел научить Оливера. 2. Заботитесь друг о друге – вот что говорили мне мои сны. 3. Выглядело так, как будто это большой прием, а Дональд был хозяином. 4. Вот почему она скрывала правду. 5. Эта женщина выглядела так, как будто она курила много лет. 6. Одно из моих самых ранних воспоминаний это то, как бабушка брала меня на берег реки. 7. Что меня очень раздражает, так это то, что Линда всегда всех прерывает. 8. Дело в том, что мы нашли мальчика в бессознательном состоянии. 9. У нее был такой тон, как будто она была обижена на что-то. 10. Рекомендация врача заключалась в том, чтобы больной каждый день гулял в саду полчаса перед сном. 11. Я чувствуя себя так, как будто меня оклеветали. 12. Наше опасение заключается в том, что сердце больного может не выдержать этой операции. 13. Его голос звучал так, как будто он звонил издалека. 14. Проблема в том, что каждое безнаказанное преступление порождает новое.


Exercise 7. Point out object subordinate clauses. Translate into Armenian.


1. I remember thinking bitterly that she didn’t know half of what I had to tell. 2. She glanced round the room to make certain that nothing was disarranged or out of place. 3. She knew I would do as she suggested. 4. I’ve got to find out what goes on here, who this is, and what this is about. 5. I didn’t know why she must speak with such an undercurrent of resentment. 6. How impressed I was, I remember well. 7. Whether the fogs produce the serious people or whether the serious people produce fogs, I don’t know. 8. All the time she was wondering how the situation would work out. 9. He wished she had thanked him for his offer. 10. They would stop laughing for a moment and then remember how funny it had been, and then they would start laughing again, only louder. 11. There is no telling what he might have done. 12. Now I realize that teenage drinking is dangerous. 13. A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. 14. What he actually did he told me himself many years later. 15. People don’t know exactly what scientists do and fantasize a lot about their work.


Exercise 8. Make up sentences with object clauses.


1. Parents always wish that …. 2. Don’t you sometimes wish that …. 3. We arranged that ….4. The major commanded …. 5. The children were terrified lest …. 6. The students fear that …. 7. The doctor recommended that …. 8. He didn’t dare to request that …. 9. I am afraid lest (that) …. 10. Everybody demanded that …. 11. The UN insists that …. 12. The headmaster ordered that …. 13. My brother was anxious that ….


Exercise 9. Translate the sentences into English using – that clauses introduced by the formal it.


1. ºë ³Ý³ñ¹³ñ³óǻ٠ѳٳñáõÙ, áñ Ýñ³Ý Ñ»é³óñ»É»Ý ³ß˳ï³ÝùÇó: 2. ´ÅÇßÏÁ ϳñÍáõÙ ¿, áñ ³ÝÑñ³Å»ßï ¿, áñ ÑÇí³Ý¹Ý»ñÁ ³éáÕç³ñ³ÝáõÙ ³Ù»Ý ³é³íáï Ù³ñ½³Ýù ³Ý»Ý: 3. ܳ ³ÝÁݹáõÝ»ÉÇ ¿ ѳٳñáõÙ, áñ ûñûñÁ ÝÙ³Ý ÝÛáõûñ»Ý ïåáõÙ: 4. ÊݹñáõÙ»Ù` ѻ層ù, áñ»ñ»Ë³Ý»ñÁ áãÝãÇ Ó»éù ãï³Ý óݷ³ñ³ÝáõÙ: 5. ºë ϳñÍáõÙ»Ù, áñ ³Ýѳí³Ý³Ï³Ý ¿, áñ áñ¨Çó» Ù»ÏÁ ϻݹ³ÝÇ Ùݳó³Í ÉÇÝÇ ³Û¹åÇëÇ íóñÇó Ñ»ïá: 6. ¸³ï³íáñÁ ϳëϳͻÉÇ ¿ ѳٳñáõÙ, áñ Ýñ³ ÝÙ³Ý íÏ³Ý ×ßÙ³ñÇï íϳÛáõÃÛáõÝ ï³: 7. îÝûñ»ÝÁ ϳñ¨áñ ¿ ѳٳñáõÙ, áñ µáÉáñ ïíÛ³ÉÝ»ñÁ Ù³Ýñ³ÏñÏÇï ëïáõ·í»Ý: 8. ºë ϳñÍáõÙ»Ù, áñ ùÇã ѳí³Ý³Ï³Ý ¿, áñ ݳ ÇÝã-áñ µ³Ý ï»ë³Í ÉÇÝÇ ³Û¹åÇëÇ ÙÃáõÃÛ³Ý Ù»ç: 9. ¸áõù ³ñ¹³ñ³óDZ»ù ѳٳñáõÙ, áñ Ù³ñ¹áõ ³ÙµáÕç ³å³·³Ý ÏáñͳÝíÇ»ñÇï³ë³ñ¹ ï³ñÇÝ»ñÇÝ ÃáõÛÉ ïí³Í ë˳ÉÇ å³ï׳éáí: 10. ²Éµ»ñïÇÝ ï³ñûñÇÝ³Ï Ãí³ó, áñ Éë³÷áÕÁ í»ñóñ»ó ïÕ³Ù³ñ¹:


1. Я считаю несправедливым, что его уволили с работы. 2. Доктор считает, что необходимо, чтобы больные в санатории каждое утро делали зарядку. 3. Он считает недопустимым, чтобы газеты печатали такие материалы. 4. Просим проследить, чтобы дети ничего не трогали в музее. 5. Думаю, что невероятно, чтобы кто-нибудь остался бы жив после такой аварии. 6. Судья считает сомнительным, чтобы такой свидетель как он дал бы правдивые показания. 7. Директор считает важным, чтобы все данные были бы тщательно проверены. 8. Думаю, что маловероятно, чтобы он что-нибудь увидел в такой темноте. 9. Вы считаете справедливым, чтобы все будущее человека разрушилось бы из-за одной ошибки, допущенной в молодости? 10. Альберту показалось странным, что трубку взял мужчина.


Exercise 10. Translate into English using object subordinate clauses.


1. ÆÝÓ ß³ï ¿ Ùï³Ñá·áõÙ, áñ ³ÛÅÙ»ñÇï³ë³ñ¹Ý»ñÁ ùÇã»Ý ϳñ¹áõÙ: 2. ¸áõù ÑÇßáõ±Ù»ù, û ÇÝã ³å³óáõÛóÝ»ñ µ»ñ»ó ¹³ï³Ë³½Á Çñ»ÉáõÛÃáõÙ: 3. àã áù ãÇ Ï³ñáÕ ³ë»É, û ÇÝãÇ ¿ ÁݹáõÝ³Ï ³ÙµáËÁ: 4. ØDZû ¹áõù ã¿Çù åݹáõÙ, áñ ³Ûë ѳñóÇ ùÝݳñÏáõÙÁ å»ïù ¿ Ñ»ï³Ó·íÇ: 5. ºñ»Ë³Ý í³Ë»ÝáõÙ ¿ñ, áñ Ù³ÛñÁ ß³ï ϵ³ñϳݳ Çñ íñ³` ï»ëÝ»Éáí Ïáïñ³Í ͳÕϳٳÝÁ: 6. Ù»Ýù ã¿ÇÝù ϳñáÕ ã½·³É, áñ Ù»½ Ñ»ï¨áõÙ»Ý: 7. Æëå³Ý³óÇÝ»ñÝ ³ëáõÙ»Ý. §ºÃ» ã»Ýù ϳñáÕ áõÝ»Ý³É ³ÛÝ, ÇÝã ëÇñáõÙ»Ýù,»Ï»ù ëÇñ»Ýù ³ÛÝ, ÇÝã áõÝ»Ýù¦: 8. гí³ï³ʹ, áñ ÏÛ³ÝùÝ ³ñÅÇ ³åñ»É: 9. ¶áÝ»»ë ÇٳݳÛÇ, û ÇÝãå»ë ݳ ϳñáÕ ¿ ³å³óáõó»É Çñ ³ÝÙ»ÕáõÃÛáõÝÁ: 10. àñ ¹³ ѳßí»ÝÏ³ï ³ÙáõëÝáõÃÛáõÝ ¿ñ, áã áù ã¿ñ ϳëϳÍáõÙ: 11. ¸áõ ÙÇßï ³ëáõÙ»ë ³ÛÝ, ÇÝã ãå»ïù ¿ ³ë»ë: 12. ´ÇÉÉÁ ѳÙá½í³Í ¿ñ, áñ ׳ϳﳷÇñÁ ã¿ñ ïí»É Çñ»Ý ³ÛÝ, ÇÝãÇÝ ÇÝùÝ ³ñųÝÇ ¿ñ: 13. γñÇù ãϳ ³å³óáõó»Éáõ, û áñù³Ý Ù»Í ¿ ɳí áõëáõóãÇ ¹»ñÁ Ù³ñ¹áõ ÏÛ³ÝùáõÙ: 14. ¸áõ·É³ëÁ áõ½áõÙ ¿ñ ѳÙá½í»É, áñ ³Ù»Ý ÇÝã ³ñí³Í ¿ ³Û¹ ׳ݳå³ñÑáñ¹áõÃÛ³Ý ³Ýíï³Ý·áõÃÛáõÝÝ ³å³Ñáí»Éáõ ѳٳñ: 15. È³í ·Çï³Ïó»Éáí, áñ ÏÛ³ÝùÁ ÝÙ³Ý Ñݳñ³íáñáõÃÛáõÝ ³Ûɨë ãÇ ï³ Çñ»Ý` ¸»íǹÁ áñáß»ó ·áñÍ»É: 16. ºë ã»Ù ÑÇßáõÙ, û»ñµ»Ù ï»ë»É ³Û¹ ÏÇÝáÝϳñÁ, µ³ó ÑÇßáõÙ»Ù, û ÇÝãåÇëÇ Ù»Í ïå³íáñáõÃÛáõÝ ÃáÕ»ó ³ÛÝ ÇÝÓ íñ³: 17. سñïÇÝÁ Ù»ù»Ý³Û³µ³ñ Ó»éùÁ ï³ñ³í ·ñå³ÝÁ` ÝáõÛÝÇëÏ ã·Çï³Ïó»Éáí, áñ Çñ ·ñå³ÝÝ»ñÁ í³Õáõó ¹³ï³ñÏ»Ý: 18. ܳ ѳëϳóñ»ó, áñ ß³ï É³í ·ÇïÇ, û áí ¿ Çñ»Ý ¹³í³×³Ý»É:


1. Меня очень беспокоит, что молодежь теперь мало читает. 2. Вы помните, какие доказательства привел прокурор в своей речи? 3. Никто не может сказать, на что способна толпа. 4. Разве вы не утверждали, что обсуждение этого вопроса следует отложить? 5. Ребенок боялся, что мать очень рассердится на него, увидев разбитую вазу. 6. Мы не могли не почувствовать, что за нами следят. 7. Испанцы говорят: “Если мы не можем иметь то, что любим, давайте любить то, что имеем.” 8. Поверь, что жизнь стоит прожить. 9. Хоть бы я знал, как он может доказать свою невиновность! 10. B том, что это был брак по расчету, никто не сомневался. 11. Ты всегда говоришь то, что не должен говорить. 12. Билл был уверен, что судьба не дала ему того, что он заслуживал. 13. Не нужно доказывать, насколько велика роль хорошего учителя в жизни человека. 14. Дуглас хотел убедиться в том, что сделано все для обеспечения безопасности этого путешествия. 15. Хорошо сознавая, что жизнь не предоставит ему больше такого случая, Дэвид решил действовать. 16. Не помню, когда я видел этот фильм, но помню, какое большое впечатление он произвел на меня. 17. Мартин механически сунул руку в карман, даже не сознавая, что карманы его уже давно пусты. 18. Он дал понять, что хорошо знает, кто его предал.


Exercise 11. Define the types of attributive clauses in the following sentences. Translate into Armenian.


1. He that does good for good’s sake seeks neither paradise nor reward. 2. Julie Hayden, who had become his wife, telephoned now and then to let me know the situation. 3. I had the feeling that hostility was his natural condition. 4. That is the reason they are so pleased to find out other people’s secrets. 5. She remained unconscious for a time that seemed incredibly long for those that watched her. 6. It might snow this weekend, in which case we won’t go to the Wales. 7. She opened the jewel case, which she had kept on the seat beside her, and brought out an elegant silver flask. 8. Conscience is the mirror of our souls, which represents the errors of our lives in their full shape. 9. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable (J. Kennedy). 10. In fact we had a good lunch which included a bottle of burgundy, for which I insisted upon paying. 11. There are good reasons why the video store is losing so many customers. 12. I don’t agree with the view that there is no advantage in being patient. 13. I tended to worship the girl I wanted to love, and this made trouble for me. 14. The only decent salary, out of which I might save something, was the one I was offered by Tommy Beamish. 15. He let himself be seen reading a small black book, which aroused curiosity. 16. The tall man, who had moved to the other side of the statue, was coming back. 17. There are moments when one has to choose between living one’s own life, fully, entirely, completely, or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence. 18. The next day came the news that the murder had been overlooked, that the guilt of Hyde was patent to the world, and that the victim was a man high in public estimation. 19. We were traveling third class, which all the same I considered luxury of the highest order. 20. There are some people you can’t hate, some you can’t love, some you can’t love or hate, but go from one to the other for an instant or two, loving and not loving, hating and not hating, and finally there are some people you can’t remember. 21. Only the poet or the saint can water an asphalt pavement in the confident anticipation that lilies will reward his labour.


Exercise 12. Make up sentences with attributive clauses.


1. I have a feeling that …. 2. Noone liked the idea that …. 3. In the dark we noticed something that …. 4. My father gave his children all …. 5. I still remember the day when …. 6. The guide took the tourists to the museum where …. 7. While talking to us he used such words as …. 8. We didn’t doubt that we would get the same answer as …. 9. We can ask him any question …. 10. His plan was the best that …. 11. That is the only place in the city where …. 12. They debated the question how …. 13. There is very little hope that …. 14. We were not aware of the fact that ….


Exercise 13. Form complex sentences with attributive subordinate clauses out of the following pairs of sentences.


Model: My brother will go to France. He has always cherished the idea. My brother has always cherished the idea that he will go to France.

1. My mother sent me a photograph of herself. She is seventy years old. 2. Dorian had uttered a mad wish. The wish was that he himself might remain young and the portrait grow old. 3. She avoided looking me in the face. And that was a bit odd. 4. Mr. Carey had withdrawn the notice he had given. The letter ended with the information. 5. We were using every argument. We knew every argument. 6. The scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize. The scientist’s works were highly appreciated. 7. The storm has been raging all night. It is unusual at this time of the year. 8. They are making the same suggestion. They put forward the suggestion at the previous meeting. 9. The island’s two million inhabitants have been badly affected by the drought. Most of the island’s inhabitants are peasant farmers. 10. My friend Miriam has gone to live in Jakarta. Her mother is Indonesian. 11. The airline has recently begun to fly between Paris and Lima. The head office of the airline is situated in France. 12. She has two older brothers. Neither of her brothers went to university. 13. A pretty girl acted as a guide. I don’t remember the girl’s name. 14. James Lee is one of the wealthiest men in the state. He owns this bank and five others. 15. He spent hours caring for the Indian guides. They were sick with malaria. 16. He never makes mistakes. He does nothing. 17. There was a lot in the letter. I could not agree with a lot in the letter. 18. Our newest boat has sprung a leak. Our boat is painted red and white.


Exercise 14. Translate into English.


1. Èáõë³ÝϳñÁ ÑÇß»óñ»ó гññÇÇÝ ³ÛÝ ³Õçϳ Ù³ëÇÝ, áñÇÝ Ý³ ѳݹÇå»É ¿ñ ¸»Ýí»ñáõÙ: 2. γñ ųٳݳÏ,»ñµ гñëïíáõ¹Á ÁÝÏ»ñáõÃÛáõÝ ¿ñ ³ÝáõÙ ß³ï ѳÛïÝÇ Ù³ñ¹Ï³Ýó Ñ»ï: 3. ¾ñíÇÝÁ ³Ýû·Ý³Ï³Ý ¿ñ ³éûñÛ³ ÏÛ³ÝùáõÙ, ÇÝãÁ ѳïáõÏ ¿ ß³ï ï³Õ³Ý¹³íáñ Ù³ñ¹Ï³Ýó: 4. §ä»ïù ¿ í³Ë»Ý³É áã û ³ÛÝ Ù³ñ¹Ï³ÝóÇó, áñáÝù ѳٳӳÛÝ ã»Ý ù»½ Ñ»ï, ³ÛÉ Ýñ³ÝóÇó, áñáÝù ѳٳӳÛÝ ã»Ý ù»½ Ñ»ï, µ³Ûó ã³÷³½³Ýó í³ËÏáï»Ý, áñå»ë½Ç ù»½ ³ë»Ý ³Û¹ Ù³ëÇݦ: /ܳåáÉ»áÝ/ 5. ¾ÙÇÉÁ Ñdzëó÷í»É ¿ñ ³ÛÝ µ³ÝÇó, áñ»ë ã»Ù ËáëáõÙ ýñ³Ýë»ñ»Ý, áñÁ ݳ ·»ñ³¹³ëáõÙ ¿ñ ³Ý·Éñ»ñ»ÝÇó: 6. ´³ÝÏÁ Ã³É³Ý»É ¿ñ»ñÇï³ë³ñ¹Ý»ñÇ ÙÇ ËáõÙµ, áñáÝóÇó ãáñëÁ Ó»ñµ³Ï³Éí»É»Ý: 7. г۳ëï³ÝÁ ÙÇ»ñÏÇñ ¿, áñÇ å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝÁ ·ÝáõÙ ¿ ¹³ñ»ñÇ ËáñùÁ: 8. ÎÇÝáÝϳñÁ Ýϳñ³Ñ³Ýí»É ¿ ´áÃëí³Ý³ÛáõÙ, áñÇ ³ñ·»É³ÝáóÁ ³í»ÉÇ Ù»Í ¿, ù³Ý ø»ÝdzÛÇÝÁ: 9. î³Ý ïÇñáõÑÇÝ` ÙÇëÇë üáñ»ëï»ñÁ, ÙÇ ÏÇÝ ¿ñ, áñÁ ëÇñáõÙ ¿ñ Çñ ÑÛáõñ»ñÇ Ñ»ï Ëáë»É ³ñí»ëïÇ ¨ ·ñ³Ï³ÝáõÃÛ³Ý Ù³ëÇÝ: 10. ºÕµ³Ûñë ÷³ÛÉáõÝ ÑÇßáÕáõÃÛáõÝ áõÝÇ, ÇÝãÁ ß³ï ¿ û·ÝáõÙ Ýñ³Ý áõëÙ³Ý Ù»ç: 11. ¸áñ³ÛÇÝ Ñ³Ù³Ï»ó í³ËÁ, áñ µ»ÙÇ íñ³ ÇÝùÁ ϳñáÕ ¿ Ùáé³Ý³É Çñ ¹»ñÇ µ³é»ñÁ: 12. ܳ ϳñ¹³ó»É ¿ñ ø³ñÝ»·ÇÇÝ, áñÇ ·ñù»ñÇó ٻ絻ñáõÙÝ»ñ ¿ñ ³ñ»É Çñ Ñá¹í³ÍáõÙ: 13. ܳ, áí ÏáñóÝáõÙ ¿ ³éáÕçáõÃÛáõÝÁ, ÏáñóÝáõÙ ¿ ³Ù»Ý ÇÝã: 14. ²ÛÝ ÷³ëïÁ, áñ ݳ û·ÝáõÙ ¿ ³Ýûè³Ý»ñ»Ë³Ý»ñÇÝ, íϳÛáõÙ ¿ Ýñ³ µ³ñáõÃÛ³Ý Ù³ëÇÝ: 15. ²ÝÝ³Ý ã¿ñ ϳñáÕ³ÝáõÙ ³½³ïí»É ³ÛÝ ÙïùÇó, áñ Çñ ïÕ³Ý ÇÝã-áñ µ³Ý ¿ óùóÝáõÙ Çñ»ÝÇó: 16. ²É»ùëÇ ÁÝÏ»ñÝ»ñÁ, áñáÝóÇó ß³ï»ñÇÝ»ë ׳ݳãáõÙ ¿Ç Ù³ÝÏáõÃÛáõÝÇó, Ù»½ û·ÝáõÃÛ³Ý»Ï³Ý ¹Åµ³ËïáõÃÛ³Ý ûñ»ñÇÝ: 17. â³ñÅÇ íëï³Ñ»É ³ÛÝ Ù³ñ¹áõÝ, áñÁ ÙÇßï å³ñÍ»ÝáõÙ ¿ Çñ ³½ÝíáõÃÛ³Ùµ:


1. Фотография напомнила Гарри о девушке, которую он встретил в Денвере. 2. Было время, когда Герствуд дружил с очень известными людьми. 3. Эрвин был беспомощен в повседневной жизни, что свойственно очень талантливым людям. 4. “Нужно бояться не тех людей, кто с тобой не согласен, а тех, кто с тобой не согласен, но слишком труслив, чтобы сказать тебе об этом.” (Наполеон) 5. Эмиль был разочарован тем, что я не говорю по-французски, который он предпочитал английскому. 6. Банк ограбила группа молодых людей, четверо из которых арестованы. 7. Армения – это страна, история которой уходит вглубь веков. 8. Фильм был снят в Ботсване, где заповедник больше, чем в Кении. 9. Хозяйка дома, миссис Форестер, была женщиной, которая любила говорить со своими гостями об искусстве и литературе. 10. У моего брата блестящая память, что очень помогает ему в учебе. 11. Дору охватил страх, что на сцене она может забыть слова своей pоли. 12. Он читал Карнеги, из книг которого он привел цитаты в своей статье. 13. Тот, кто теряет здоровье, теряет все. 14. Тот факт, что он помогает бездомным детям, свидетельствует о его доброте. 15. Анна не могла избавиться от мысли, что сын что-то скрывает от нее. 16. Друзья Алекса, многих из которых я знала с детства, пришли нам на помощь в дни несчастья. 17. Не стоит доверять человеку, который всегда хвастается своей честностью.


Exercise 15. Distinguish between subject, predicative, object and attributive subordinate clauses.


1. The result of the discussion was that Isabel agreed to have the matter out with Larry once and for all. 2. I was forced to the conclusion that he had asked me to lunch with him merely to enjoy my company. 3. You can’t imagine what a thrill it is to read the Odyssey in the original. You feel as if you had only to get on a tiptoe and stretch out your hands to touch the stars. 4. It was clear to a man as clear-sighted as Elliott that America was entering upon a period of prosperity such as it had never known. 5. Elliott was too clever not to see that many of the persons who accepted his invitations did so only to get a free meal and that of these some were stupid and worthless. 6. It was inevitable that Elliott should be attracted by a man who, though of humble origin, was a welcome guest in the most exclusive houses. 7. She had read somewhere that there were more suicides on holidays than at any other time. 8. He is a raging beast and there have been times when I was sure he was going to kill me. 9. It was important to them that I should spare them the necessity of being ruthless. 10. The trouble with people nowadays is they don’t know how to do nothing. 11. I was deeply affected by the way in which her words echoed my thought. 12. The fact was, I didn’t know at all how deeply he loved me. 13. It occurred to me how little, after all, I knew George. 14. On the evening when I last saw you Antonia suddenly announced that she wished to leave me and to get married to Palmer Anderson. 15. I want to make up my mind whether God is or God is not. I want to find out why evil exists. 16. At that moment I heard a sound which made my heart violent with fear. 17. I won’t tell you the details now, but it looks as if this is what is going to happen. Nor can I tell you exactly what my feelings are. 18. You will understand that there is nothing more I can say just now. 19. What we really needed for the moment was a rest from each other. 20. That was how he found out the truth. 21. Antonia, who had taken more than usual pains with her appearance, was wearing a dark green dress of light Italian wool which I had bought her in Rome once. 22. She looked as if she had been up all night. 23. I did not suggest and she did not demand that I should remain with her. 24. It occurred to me as scandalous that Palmer and Antonia, after the scene in which I had taken part in the drawing-room, should have gone out to the opera. 25. What had happened was just what I had wanted not to happen. 26. She said it good-naturedly enough, but with a decision that suggested to me that she was a woman of character. 27. He had the feeling I have noticed in some Americans who have lived many years abroad that America is a difficult and even a dangerous place in which the European cannot safely be left to find his way about by himself. 28. That I could love such a person was a revelation to me. 29. All the people she knew in New York were Willie’s friends. 30. He spent half the week in Cambridge, where he lodged with his sister.


Exercise 16. Distinguish between adverbial clauses of time, place and cause. Translate into Armenian.


1. I’d like to leave as soon as possible and join my children wherever they are. 2. I wondered how many people there were in the world who suffered and continued to suffer, because they could not break out from their own web of shyness. 3. Whenever anything wasn’t as usual with him, he naturally wondered. 4. After you pass two buildings, you’ll see my house on the left. 5. An only child can have trouble making friends, since he or she isn’t used to being around other children. 6. As I laid her down, I covered her ice-cold hand with mine. 7. They didn’t like being where they were, and that dislike deprived them of ease. 8. Even when small children are playing nearby, they let their bad-tempered dogs run loose. 9. Because our father had died when Henry was twenty and all the other children much younger, and Henry had taken on the responsibility of the male head of the family without fuss, I had learned to respect him. 10. After the long drink of water, he sat down where the parsley itself was growing and he pulled a handful of it out and slowly ate it. 11. I began to visit his shop long before I became a published writer. 12. It gave him a little thrill as she looked at him. 13. Since it is always the unusual which alarms, Soames was alarmed. 14. Whenever anything wasn’t as usual with him, he naturally wondered. 15. As it was a fine warm Saturday, the lunch-room upstairs was almost empty. 16. Where we cannot invent, we may at least improve. 17. When prosperity comes, do not use all of it. 18. She wants to get married and have kids before she is thirty. 19. A dog eats where it can. 20. Since I retired from my job, I’ve had to cope with the physical, mental, and emotional stress of being “old.” 21. Perhaps because I was much younger, a mere soft boy in her eyes, she was rather easier and friendlier with me. 22. The fog was where I wanted to be. 23. There is no greater grief than to remember days of joy when misery is at hand. 24. While he was shaving, Mr. Baker began to think of the day ahead. 25. Whenever you are sincerely pleased you are nourished. 26. The great man thrilled as he looked at her pretty innocence. 27. He kept telling them his stories long after people had stopped listening.


Exercise 17. Translate into English, using subordinate clauses of time, place and cause.


1. лÝó áñ ݳ Ýëï»ó Ù»ù»Ý³Ý, ëÏë»ó Ùï³Í»É ³é³çÇϳ ·áñÍ»ñÇ Ù³ëÇÝ: 2. ²ÕçÇÏÁ ·Ý³ó ³ÛÝï»Õ, áñï»Õ í³éíáõÙ ¿ñ ÉáõÛëÁ: 3. ø³ÝÇ áñ ³Ùë³·ñÇ ËÙµ³·ñáõÃÛáõÝÁ ã¿ñ áõÕ³ñÏáõ٠سñïÇÝÇÝ Çñ ÑáÝáñ³ñÁ, ݳ áñáß»ó ÇÝùÝáõñáõÛÝ ËÉ»É Ýñ³ÝóÇó ³Û¹ ÷áÕÁ: 4. ê»ñÁ ãÇ Ï³ñáÕ ·áÛáõÃÛáõÝ áõÝ»Ý³É ³ÛÝï»Õ, áñï»Õ ãϳ íëï³ÑáõÃÛáõÝÁ: 5. ¼»ÏáõóáÕÁ ëå³ë»ó, ÙÇÝ㨠µáÉáñÁ Éé»óÇÝ, ¨ Ñ»ïá ëÏë»ó Ëáë»É: 6. ²ÛÝ ûñí³ÝÇó,»ñµ Ýñ³ ³ÙáõëÇÝÁ ¹³ñÓ»É ¿ñ ·áñͳñ³ÝÇ ïÝûñ»Ý, سñÃ³Ý ã¿ñ ï»ë»É Ýñ³Ý ï³ÝÁ ųÙÁ áõÃÇó ßáõï: 7. ²Ù»Ý ¹»åùáõÙ»ë Ϸݳ٠³ÛÝï»Õ, áñï»Õ ·ïÝíáõÙ ¿ ³ÙáõëÇÝë: 8. ºë ã¿Ç ѳëϳÝáõÙ Çñ³íÇ׳ÏÇ ³ÙµáÕç ÝñµáõÃÛáõÝÁ, ÙÇÝ㨠ѳÛñë ãµ³ó³ïñ»ó ÇÝÓ ³ÛÝ: 9. ø³ÝÇ áñ»ñ»Ë³Ý»ñÁ ³ÙµáÕç ûñÁ áãÇÝã ã¿ÇÝ Ï»ñ»É, Ýñ³Ýù ³·³ÑáõÃÛ³Ùµ Ï»ñ³Ý ³ÛÝ ³Ù»ÝÁ, ÇÝã ϳñ ë»Õ³ÝÇ íñ³: 10. Ø»ñÇÝ ã¿ñ ѳëóñ»É ïáõÝ ÙïÝ»É,»ñµ Ñ»é³ËáëÁ ½³Ý·»ó: 11. Üñ³Ýù ѳݹÇå»óÇÝ ³ÛÝï»Õ, áñï»Õ µ³Å³Ýí»É ¿ÇÝ Ù»Ï ï³ñÇ ³é³ç: 12. îÕ³Ý Ñ»ï¨áõÙ ¿ñ å³ïáõѳÝÇ Ñ»ï¨áõÙ åïïíáÕ ÓÛ³Ý ÷³ÃÇÉÝ»ñÇÝ, ÙÇÝ㨠áñ Ýñ³ ùáõÝÁ ï³ñ³í: 13. ²ÙµáÕç ß³µ³Ã»ë ¹áõñë ã¿Ç»Ï»É ïÝÇó, ù³ÝÇ áñ áïùë ó³íáõÙ ¿ñ: 14. ÆñíÇÝÇÝ Ñ³Ý¹Çå»Éáõó ³é³ç»ë ϳñ¹³óÇ Ýñ³ µáÉáñ ·ñù»ñÁ: 15. ø³ÝÇ áñ ¸»ÝÝÇÝ ÙÇ ù³ÝÇ ï³ñÇ å»ïù ¿ ³åñ»ñ Ȼѳëï³ÝáõÙ, ݳ Ùï³Í»ó, áñ å»ïù ¿ áñáß ·ñù»ñ ϳñ¹³ ³Û¹»ñÏñÇ Ù³ëÇÝ: 16. гçáñ¹ ûñÁ,»ñµ ø»ññÇÝ ³ÝóÝáõÙ ¿ñ áëÏ»ñã³Ï³Ý ˳ÝáõÃÇ Ùáïáí, ݳ áñáß»ó Ý»ñë ÙïÝ»É ¨ ųٳóáõÛó ·Ý»É Çñ ѳٳñ: 17. лÝó áñ»ë ßÝã»óÇ Ã³ñÙ É»éݳÛÇÝ û¹Á, ûè ·É˳åïáõÛï ½·³óÇ: 18. ØÇ° ÃáõÛÉ ïáõñ ÂáÙÇÝ Ñ»éáõëï³óáõÛó ݳۻÉ, ÙÇÝ㨠ݳ ã³ÝÇ Çñ ¹³ë»ñÁ:


1. Как только он сел в машину, он стал думать о предстоящих делах. 2. Девочка пошла туда, где горел огонек. 3. Поскольку редакция журнала не высылала Мартину его гонорар, он решил сам отобрать у них эти деньги. 4, Любовь не может существовать там, где нет доверия. 5, Докладчик подождал, пока все замолчали, а потом начал говорить. 6, С того дня, как ее муж стал директором завода, Марта не видела его дома раньше восьми часов. 7, В любом случае я поеду туда, где находится мой муж. 8. Я не понимал всю щепетильность ситуации, пока отец не обЬяснил мне это. 9. Поскольку дети весь день ничегo не ели, они с жадностью сьели все, что было на столе. 10. Не успела Мэри зайти в дом, как зазвонил телефон. 11. Они встретились там, где расстались год назад. 12. Мальчик следил за снежинками, кружащимися за окном, пока ему не захотелось спать. 13. Всю неделю я не выходил из дому, поскольку у меня болела нога. 14. Прежде чем я встретился с Ирвином, я прочел все его книги. 15. Поскольку Денни несколько лет должен был жить в Польше, он подумал, что должен прочесть кое-какие книги об этой стране. 16. На следующий день, когда Керри проходила мимо ювелирного магазина, она решила зайти и купить себе часы. 17. Как только я вдохнула свежий горный воздух, у меня слегка закружилась голова. 18. Не позволяй Тому смотреть телевизор, пока он не сделает уроки.


Exercise 18. Distinguish between adverbial clauses of purpose, condition and result (consequence). Translate into Armenian.


1. He had got his teeth in the pillow so that his sobbing should be inaudible. 2. She had such simplicity and beauty of mind that I forgot the circumstances and thought of her as a rare and delightful companion. 3. If that woman crosses my threshold, I shall strike her across the face. 4. Provided that no objection is raised, we shall hold the meeting here. 5. There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it hardly becomes any one of us to talk about the rest of us. 6. He was terribly afraid of rats, so he did not try to sleep, but sat looking distrustfully at the dark, still terrified lest he might have awakened his father. 7. I wouldn’t marry you if you were the last man left on the earth. 8. She was so amazed her thoughts ran round and round. 9. Even if there had been no financial necessity, he would have dismissed her. 10. So that I might not be conspicuous I adopted the comfortable Indian dress and I got so sunburnt that unless your attraction was drawn to me you might have taken me for a native. 11. Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months. (O. Wilde) 12. I turned away so that Frith should not see my face. 13. If poverty is the mother of crimes, want of sense is the father. 14. Unless each man produces more than he receives, increases his output, there will be less for him than all the others. 15. Sometimes she was seized with such a frenzy that she wished she had let Walter divorce her. 16. She leaned over him so that she might hear his words. 17. If God had not cured him, it was because he did not really believe. 18. Had I met Leon Trotsky I would have been able to figure out why the lowbrow Georgian had outwitted the highbrow German Jew. 19. Kitty sometimes was so frightened that her heart sank within her and she would tremble in every limb. 20. Unfortunately so much was printed that it quickly became worthless. 21. If one despairs of human love, God’s love alone is left.


Exercise 19. Translate into English, using subordinate clauses of purpose, result (consequence), and condition.


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