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Adverbial Modifier

Читайте также:
  1. Exercise 24. Point out all the adverbial modifiers expressed by Predicative Constructions. Translate into Russian.
  2. Exercise 3.3. But (preposition, conjunction, adverbial particle)
  3. Exercise 6. Define the nature of adverbial clauses. Translate into Russian.


Exercise 1. State the types of adverbial modifiers in the following sentences. Translate into Armenian.


1. You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. 2. To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. 3. For three years now Lester had been in the companionship of Jennie. 4. In spite of all its drawbacks, it was a place of quiet, peace, and very notable personal conflict. 5. He paused, with his right hand held out before him. 6. No child, however poverty-stricken, could be made to believe this. 7. Christmas coming on Tuesday, the Monday before there was no school. 8. I simply move from place to place without any satisfaction. 9. His eyes moved quickly, following her gestures and the expression of her face. 10. He walked up and down the room once or twice. 11. Putting out all the lights except the one just behind her head, she began to read. 12. One doesn’t have to be sensitive to feel the strangeness of Dear Isle. 13. People rarely talk to one another these days. 14. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. 15. You can have twelve pounds a week. 16. The peasant stood in the house, his heart breaking because of so many unhappy things in his life. 17. He wandered off back to town and stood in front of the closed store. 18. He opened the book to see a few pages torn out. 19. But for this incident we would never have met. 20. My eyes filled with tears for no reason. 21. He was ghastly pale. 22. No man is good enough to govern another man without that other’s consent. 23. Is everybody born into the world to die for the sins of the human race? 24. If screened, this novel would make a nice film. 25. To hear him talk you would think him a great politician. 26. The club welcomes all new members regardless of age. 27. Ron is often stared at because of his unusual hair colour and style. 28. Meanwhile she exercised all her tact and all her self-control. 29. Jennie accepted the money with mingled feelings.


Exercise 2. Make up sentences using the adverbial modifiers given below.


Place: next to my room, on the horizon, as far as the railway station, behind the scenes, from under the table, at the threshold, all over the world, up and down, in the front of the car (= next to the driver), high in the sky, on board the ship, among us, beyond the river, around the table, above my head, through the gate, outside the store, at the foot of the hill, by the fire.

Time: from May through September, between nine and ten o’clock, while waiting for his turn, on the day before the wedding, on that memorable day, over the last three years, in the meanwhile, down to recent times, long before the exams, in ten years’ time, a long (short) while ago, in a little while, when still a student, having signed the paper, during the performance, in the early nineties, right from the start, in crossing the street.

Manner and comparison: as if unaware, furiously, knowingly, as carefully as possible, as if scared, as if in surprise, in the best way, tirelessly, good-naturedly, like a child, in vain, tactfully, high-handedly, not without difficulty, by means of hard work, as though concealing something, with the utmost pleasure, with a critical eye, through an interpreter.

Attending circumstances: with his hands in his pockets, with a smile on his face, without paying attention to guests, singing loudly, with the dog following him, trying not to disturb anyone, with a bag in his hands.

Condition: in case of his death, if made with love, if asked, but for his presence, in case of their divorce, but for the drought, unless spoken to.

Concession: regardless of the law (of expenses), for all his knowledge, in spite of all hardships, no matter how late, although much older, notwithstanding the disastrous situation, though broken, with all my respect to you.

Cause: to die by starvation, to be bent with age, for want of sleep, to shiver with cold, because of the fog (storm, rain, heavy snowfall), not wanting to hurt him, it being too late, through his fault, to happen from carelessness, for many reasons, by mistake, through absent-mindedness.

Purpose: to attract attention, to prevent the danger, not to make matters worse, to avoid criticism, in order to parade his knowledge, with the view of changing the situation, so as not to be caught in the rain.

Result: too thick a book to …, competent enough to …, knowledgeable enough to …, too timid to …, persuasive enough to ….

Subsequent event: never to come back, to see a little girl crying, to find her favourite cup broken, to discover her jewelry stolen, to die from a trivial disease.

Degree: to be deeply interested, to be fully investigated, to state categorically, to be entirely convinced, to be dreadfully sorry, to be very much worried, greatly relieved, totally disagree, completely forget, to be utterly amazed, to be quite determined.


Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks either with not or without.


1. She sat there and meditated, … knowing what to do. 2. A few plants add a touch of colour … costing a lot of money. 3. He seated himself at the table … removing his cap. 4. … wanting to wake her, Steve left the house silently. 5. … feeling too well, Marie left work early. 6. … expecting anyone to be in the house, I walked straight in. 7. … knowing Italian, I found the life in Sicily difficult. 8. My sister was weeping bitterly, … hoping to see me again. 9. Kitty answered their question, … knowing what they meant. 10. In a strange way he managed to make money … stirring a finger. 11. She stared back … knowing what to do. 12. Can’t we even laugh properly … having trouble? 13. Philip, … knowing what on earth this new attitude implied, went back to his work. 14. He went on … paying any attention to her interruption.


Exercise 4. State the functions of the detached members of the sentences. Translate into Armenian.


1. Philip stood silent, very white, trembling a little, with his head bent down on the book. 2. After being married for forty years, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert have grown similar in odd ways. 3. Finally, after vainly trying to force the door, they got on the roof, and dropped down on to the balcony. 4. To waste no time, Elliott had arranged to take his ladies to look at the clothes immediately after lunch. 5. Replacing the telephone, he found himself thinking again about Martha. 6. In the far corner of the square, the Negroes sat quietly in the sun. 7. She turned round and Tom, his face all smiles, caught her up. 8. Suddenly, out of the blue, an idea came to him. 9. As if in response to Christine’s words, the little man’s struggles subsided. 10. Outmanned and outgunned, they still fought on bravely. 11. With this thought in mind, I made perhaps one step per minute. 12. Though frightened of fainting, I remained upright and seemingly composed. 13. He straightened, by an effort of his will alone. 14. Despite a nationwide hunt for the kidnap gang, not a trace of them was found. 15. Netta faced him defiantly, a tiny figure shaking with outrage, her spirit as fiery as the colour of her copper curls. 16. Mrs. Hale, from her upper window, saw her come in. 17. Jennie knew, by instinct, the author of it all. 18. Ahead, Joe Patroni could see people getting out of cars and walking forward. 19. Julia, having undressed, began to take of her make up. 20. In a dream, I went to the kitchen. 21. So far, things were utterly dull. 22. Aloud, she said, “Did you ever see such crowds?” 23. For some reason, my first day at school had wrought a great change in our relationship. 24. Though crying, he keenly enjoyed the sensation he was causing 25. “How sad it is!” murmured Dorian Gray, with his eyes still fixed upon his own portrait.


Exercise 5. Translate into English, using different types of adverbials.


1. ø³ÝÇ áñ ѳ½Á ÷³ëïáñ»Ý ³Ýó»É ¿ñ, êÃÇíÁ Çñ»Ý ³éáÕç ¿ñ ½·áõÙ: 2. ºë ÝÙ³Ý ¿Ç ³é³çÇÝ ³Ý·³Ù ¹åñáó µ»ñí³Í»ñ»Ë³ÛÇ: 3. â³÷³½³Ýó ûè ѳ·Ýí³Í ÉÇÝ»Éáíª Ø³ñÃ³Ý ¹áÕáõÙ ¿ñ ó÷³ÝóáÕ ù³Ùáõó: 4. ´³ó³éÇÏ ÇÝï»É»ÏïÇ ¨ ѳ½í³·Ûáõï ³ß˳ï³ëÇñáõÃÛ³Ý ßÝáñÑÇí ݳ ³ñ³· ѳçáÕáõÃÛ³Ý Ñ³ë³í: 5. Èáé³ÛÇ Ùá¹³ÛÇÏ Ñ³·áõëïÁ ã³÷³½³Ýó í³é ·áõÛÝÇ ¿ñ ¨ ÷áùñ-ÇÝã Ý»Õ Ýñ³ ѳٳñ: 6. ºë µáÉáñáíÇÝ ¿É ã»Ù áõ½áõÙ ù»½ Ó³ÝÓñ³óݻɪ ÇÝùݳÏáã ËáñÑáõñ¹Ý»ñ ï³Éáí: 7. ²Û¹ ï³ñÇ»ë ϳÝáݳíáñ Ï»ñåáí ·ÝáõÙ ¿Ç óïñáÝ å³ñ½³å»ë ³Û¹ ¹»ñ³ë³ÝáõÑáõÝ ï»ëÝ»Éáõ ¨ Éë»Éáõ ѳٳñ: 8. ºñÏáõ û»ñ»ù ³Ý·³Ù ¸»ÉÇ³Ý ÷áñÓ»ó ÁÝÏ»ñ³µ³ñ Ëáë»É Ýñ³ Ñ»ï: 9. »¹Ç Ù³ÛñÁ ÝáõÛÝù³Ý ³Õù³ï ¿ñ, áñù³Ý ÇÝùÁ, ë³Ï³ÛÝ Ý³ ã³÷³½³Ýó Ñå³ñï ¿ñ, áñå»ë½Ç ¹ÇÙ»ñ áõñÇßÝ»ñÇ û·ÝáõÃÛ³ÝÁ: 10. Ì»ñáõÝáõ Ó»éùÁ ³Ýϻݹ³Ý ÁÝÏ³Í ¿ñ Ýñ³ ÍÝÏÝ»ñÇÝ: 11. ܳ ϳݷ ³é³íª ϳñÍ»ë ³ÏÝϳɻÉáí Ç٠黳ÏódzÝ: 12. سÛñÁ Ùdzó³í ˳ÕÇݪ ½·³Éáí Çñ»Ý ÝáõÛÝù³Ý»ñÇï³ë³ñ¹, áñù³Ý Çñ»ñ»Ë³Ý»ñÁ: 13. àõëáõóãáõÑáõ Ó³ÛÝÁ ¹áÕáõÙ ¿ñ Ñáõ½ÙáõÝùÇó: 14. ܳ Ýëï»ó ë»Õ³ÝÇ ³é稪 ³é³Ýó ·É˳ñÏÁ ѳݻÉáõ: 15. ÐdzóÙáõÝùáí ÉÇ ³ãù»ñáí»ñ»Ë³Ý»ñÁ ݳÛáõÙ ¿ÇÝ ê³Ýó ÎɳáõëÇÝ: 16. ܳ ßñçí»ó ¨ ï»ë³í, û ÇÝãå»ë Ù»ù»Ý³Ý ³ÝÑ»ï³ó³í ÙÃáõÃÛ³Ý Ù»ç: 17. ¸áõù ÇÙ Ù»ç ÑáõÛë ³ñÃݳóñÇù ÙdzÛÝ Ñ»ïá ³ÛÝ ËÉ»Éáõ ѳٳñ: 18. гßíÇ ³éÝ»Éáí öÇûñÇ Ñ³ßٳݹ³ÙáõÃÛáõÝÁ` ¹³ï³ñ³ÝÁ Ý»ñ»ó Ýñ³Ý ³Û¹ ½³Ýó³ÝùÁ: 19. ²Éµ»ñïÁ û¨ ½³Ûñ³ó³Í ¨ íÇñ³íáñí³Í, ³ÛÝáõ³Ù»Ý³ÛÝÇí ëÇñáõÙ ¿ñ Çñ ÏÝáçÁ: 20. ÆÝãå»±ë ¹áõ ϳñáÕ»ë ³Û¹ù³Ý ¹³Å³Ý ÉÇÝ»É, áñ ï³Ýç»ë ùá ÏÝáçÁª Ýñ³ Ý»ñϳÛáõÃÛ³Ùµ ëÇñ³Ñ»ï»Éáí áõñÇß ³Õçϳ: 21. ºë ã³÷³½³Ýó Í»ñ»Ù, áñå»ë½Ç ù»½ ɳí ûñÇÝ³Ï Í³é³Û»Ù:


1. Поскольку кашель фактически прошел, Стив чувствовал себя здоровым. 2. Я был похож на ребенка, впервые приведенного в школу. 3. Будучи слишом легко одетой, Марта дрожала от пронизывающего ветра. 4. Благодаря исключительному интеллекту и редкому трудолюбию, он быстро добился успеха. 5. Модная одежда Лоры была чересчур яркой и несколько тесной для нее. 6. Я вовсе не хочу вам надоесть, давая непрошенные советы. 7. В тот год я регулярно ходил в театр просто для того, чтобы увидеть и услышать эту актрису. 8. Два или три раза Делия пыталась по-дружески поговорить с ним. 9. Мать Теда была такой же бедной, как и он сам, но он был слишком горд, чтобы обратиться к другим за помощью. 10. Рука старика безжизненно лежала у него на коленях. 11. Он остановился, как бы ожидая мою реакцию. 12. Мать присоединилась к игре, почувствовав себя такой же молодой, как и ее дети. 13. Голос учительницы дрожал от волнения. 14. Он сел за стол, не снимая шляпу. 15. Глазами, полными восторга, дети смотрели на Санта Клауса. 16. Он повернулся и увидел, как машина исчезла в темноте. 17. Вы пробудили во мне надежду лишь с тем, чтобы затем отнять ее у меня. 18. Учитывая инвалидность Питера, суд простил ему его проступок. 19. Хоть и разгневанный, и оскорбленный, Майкл тем не менее любил свою жену. 20. Как ты можешь быть таким жестоким, чтобы мучить свою жену, ухаживая за другой у нее на глазах? 21. Я слишком стар, чтобы служить тебе хорошим примером.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 244 | Нарушение авторских прав

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