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Читайте также:
  1. Agreement of the Predicate with the Subject
  2. Changing the subject completely
  3. D. Ways Of Conveying the Meanings of Subjective Modality
  4. Ex. 6. Translate. Pay attention to the Complex Subject.
  5. Exercise 1. Point out the subject in the following sentences and state what it is expressed by. Translate into Russian.
  6. Exercise 11. Translate into English, using the Objective-with-the-Infinitive or the Subjective Infinitive Construction.
  7. Exercise 2. Define the kinds of subordinate clauses (subject, object and predicative clauses). Translate into Russian.

Exercise 1. Point out the subject in the following sentences and state what it is expressed by. Translate into Armenian.


1. This made me look at him twice. 2. Blues is the most interesting form of American music. 3. Who is this Alfonso, please? 4. It took her a long time to get home. 5. The absent are always in the wrong. 6. Explaining grammar to Bobby is like flogging a dead horse. 7. Nobody made the world laugh louder than Charlie Chaplin. 8. A friend of mine had interviewed her for a movie magazine. 9. The crying made me believe that centuries of human anguish had been born into this one little soul. 10. Good will triumph over evil, I am sure. 11. The relief of it was enormous. 11. Some of the folks here in town are taking up for me and some turned against me. 12. It is better to deserve honours and not to have them than to have them and not deserve them. (Mark Twain) 13. Learning to write effectively is largely a matter of practice. 14. To start like that is to find a career waiting for one. 15. Ah, I forgot, your husband is an exception. Mine is the general rule. 16. “My God!” was all she said. 17. What on earth does Maxim see in her? 18. The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds. 19. There is the thick snoring of a car turning in the driveway. 20. Whatever could have possessed her to think him this and that? 21. Being awake in a house where everyone else was sleeping made him lonely. 22. To think that I’ll never go there again is a great relief. 23. I’ve always found that intuitions are rarely wrong. Mine work very well. 24. That’s the door-bell. It’ll be Fred. 25. There is no flying from fate.


Exercise 2. Define the types of the sentences (definite personal, indefinite personal and impersonal) according to the character of the subject.


1. My part-time job limits my study time. 2. To do so would be unwise. 3. It was bitterly cold. The wind cut like a knife. 4. His clothes were a trifle outgrown. 5. There came a laugh, high, gay, sweet. 6. It is in vain for a boy to attempt to do it. 7. Take this medicine. It will do you a lot of good. 8. It was a dark night, with no moon. 9. If you wish to reach the highest, begin at the lowest. 10. He laughs best who laughs last. 11. We grow small trying to be great. 12. Language is the dress of thought. 13. We never had clothes enough to wear, nor enough food to eat. 14. You are only what you are when no one is looking. 15. It’s your cousin, Ralph Sommers. 16. He who establishes his argument by noise and command shows that his reason is weak. 17. We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. 18. It’s been a dreadful day for me. 19. We never know the love of the parent till we become parents ourselves. 20. It sounded as if you were praying. 21. Gordon made for the hotel. It was a painted wooden structure. 22. Some don’t like classical music, others do. 23. One must be poor to know the luxury of giving. 24. It is only through labour and painful effort that we move on to better things. 25. He who praises everybody praises nobody. 26. It was like walking on the bottom of the sea.


Exercise 3. Use the construction with the emphatic it to answer the following questions.


Model: Who met him at the station, you or Harold? – It was me that met him at the station.


1. Collies are easy dogs to train, aren’t they? Or are fox-terriers? 2. I think your parents live in California. Or do they live in Arizona? 3. Did James hurt his leg in the accident? Or was it his arm? 4. Cyril earned one thousand dollars while working in a café during her holidays. Or was it even more? 5. When Robert entered the room, Mr. Ray looked at him with suspicion. Or was it curiosity? 6. Old Ford was unwilling to answer our questions. Or was it because of his lack of education? 7. Did all your neighbours witness the accident? Or was it only Mrs. Robinson? 8. Were the last winter Olympic Games held in 2005? Or was it later? 9. Is she growing azaleas or roses in her garden? 10. I think you’ve arranged to meet Becky on Saturday morning. Or is it on Sunday?


Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with it or there.


1. … was a fairly warm day in April. 2. … was the kind of a day to inspire an adventure. 3. I have never been able to understand why … is no traffic-light on this corner. 4. Certainly, … is no reason for our becoming panicky, on the other hand, … is no reason for our failing to take due precautions. 5. … made me think of an air-raid. 6. … used to be alligators in that lake. I remember seeing them when I was a boy. 7. The painter asked us to be careful about touching the walls. Since … would take all night for the paint to harden. 8. … may come a time when people will live without wars. 9. … is a long way still to go. 10. … takes a lot of effort to play the violin well. 11. … being no objections to the proposal, we moved on to the next agenda item. 12. … is no longer necessary to have a visa to visit the country. 13. … is a distant risk that violence on television leads people to act violently. 14. … is no secret that the President wants to have a second term of office. 15. The grass was like a carpet. … covered the whole lawn. 16. … are only a few turtles now left on the island. 17. … made him furious to hear about it. 18. … is easy to lose one’s way in Venice. 19. When anyone wants to start a garden, … is best to begin in the early part of the spring. 20. … is no denying that he is a very good footballer.



Exercise 5. Translate into English.


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1. Поскольку не было альтернативы, он решил подать в отставку. 2. Было большой удачей, что мы поймали автобус в столь поздний час. 3. Странно, что мой велосипед внезапно исчез. 4. Легко сказать, что такое несчастье, но трудно определить, что такое счастье. 5. Нет никакого смысла ждать их дольше. 6. Курить – здоровью вредить. 7. Именно этот документ нужно подписать. 8. Любить значит видеть свое счастье в счастьи другого. 9. В жизни нас ожидает много сюрпризов. 10. Легко сыграть шутку с человеком, который любит спорить, – согласитесь с ним. 11. Его единственной целью было найти работу. 12. Когда-нибудь найдут средство для лечения рака? 13. Снова гремит гром. Дождь может начаться в любой момент. 14. Есть множество мнений по этому вопросу. 15. Только в новом издании этой книги можно прочитать биографию автора. Моя – старая. 16. Плавание в море – это то, от чего она получает самое большое удовольствие. 17. Невероятно! Неужели он знает наизусть все сонеты Шекспира? 18. “Да” в его голосе прозвучало как “нет”.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 130 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Agreement | Attribute | Adverbial Modifier | Independent Elements | Word Order | The Compond Sentence | The Complex Sentence | Emphatic Complex Sentences | General Revision | Punctuation |
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