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Word Order

Читайте также:
  1. Acronyms by Inversion of Order of Letters
  2. Exercise 1. Comment on the word order and explain the cases of inversion.
  3. Part 3. Do the tasks to match and to find the correct order.
  4. Problems of rendering word order in translation
  5. Sum up how the devices were ordered.
  6. Task 3. Put the words in order to make sentences from the video.
  7. Translate the following Formal Order into Ukrainian in writing.

Exercise 1. Comment on the word order in the following sentences, distinguishing between different cases of inversion: grammatical, stylistic, fronting.


1. Below them on one side was the picnic site. 2. Never in the history of humanity have people been expected to sit passively for hours, staring at moving pictures emanating from an electronic box. 3. To the world, as to myself, you have been an ideal always. 4. We were walking through woods, Maxim and I, and he was always just a little ahead of me. I could not keep up with him. Nor could I see his face. 5. They say Max de Winter murdered his fist wife. I always did think there was something peculiar about him. 6. Somewhere to the north of London lived a man called Bakes who had never heard of us. 7. Gone was my glad excitement, vanished my happy pride. 8. Very distant now came the washing of the sea in the bay below. 9. Here was Beauty. 10. “I am glad that’s over.” – “So am I.” 11. He sees her in a new way. This she knows, and is grateful. 12. Desire not to desire, it teaches, and leave all things to take their course. 13. In rushed the children. 14. He didn’t utter a word. Nor did I. 15. From it all things spring, and to it at last all things return. 16. To all of them this world is really and truly a place of exile. 17. Often now in the evening she would come and sit with Kitty. 18. To some people puns are most annoying. 19. Not merely did he not know any writers, but he did not know anybody who had ever attempted to write. 20. He did not play at school, nor did he study. 21. Out of her own wounded feelings emerged the desire in Kitty’s mind to see whether there was left in the superior any of the weakness of humanity. 22. Here in the city was deep night. 23. Oh, the fool she had been! 24. Cruel he might be, but he was neither mean nor petty. 25. Off I went, carrying my presents. 26. How insulted was Henry! 27. It is the eternal road along which walk all beings. 28. Only once in my life have I known a mother’s feelings. 29. He did not tell me anything, neither did he seem offended. 30. Not only did he miss his train, but he also lost all his money. 31. Inside were two scrubbed and polished pennies, one on top of the other. 32. Could a man own anything prettier than this writing table? 33. Out of his property, out of all the things he had collected, his silver, his houses, his investments he got a secret and intimate feeling; out of her he got none. 34. Light as the room seemed, there was something ominous about it. 35. I do think myself a fool, I do despise myself. 36. Try as we would, we could not unlock the door.


Exercise 2. Make the sentences emphatic by using full or partial inversion.


a) 1. It occurred to me to reward his continued attention only late in the evening. 2. The chairman will give his report only after the meeting has been called to order. 3. I realized that I had left my purse in the shop only in the street. 4. It had been snowing heavily for a week. It stopped snowing only yesterday. 5. We did not only lose all our money, we also came close to losing our lives.

b) 1. Her charm was so great that he could not resist it. 2. Her friendliness, her generosity were so great that made her favourite with the girls. 3. He looked so absurd that everyone stared at him. 4. From the sitting-room came so much noise that I thought it must be a large party. 5. He was looking at me so intently that I was embarrassed.

c) 1. We had scarcely started a lunch when the doorbell rang. 2. I had hardly arrived when I had a new problem to cope with. 3. He had no sooner opened the window than a gust of wind scattered his papers on the floor. 4. I had hardly sat down when a stout gentleman flopped into the chair opposite me. 5. I had scarcely reached the door of the office when he intercepted me.

d) 1. Though the weather was frosty, they decided not to put off their excursion. 2. No matter how hard the old man pulled, he could not get the fish out of the sea. 3. Though the case seemed simple, it took the jury an hour to pass the verdict. 4. No matter how hard he would try, he could not lift the box.

e) 1. I had seldom seen such a charming creature. 2. I never thought that he would return alive. 3. I have never heard a voice so beautiful as hers. 4. It was never to happen again. 5. The world has never been so close to ecological disaster. 6. He had never seen a face so happy and radiant.

f) 1. I could not understand a single word from what he said. 2. We did not doubt the truth of his evidence even for a moment. 3. This man wouldn’t give a penny even if you were dying of hunger. 4. She did not have a wink of sleep all the night. 5. We knew little about the real situation in the country. 6. Mrs. Pethers can’t be held responsible in any way. 7. The president was not aware of what was happening at any time. 8. We can’t accept the cheque under any circumstances. 9. No one believed even for an instant that Robin was guilty of the crime. 10. The thieves stole not only the money, they stole three valuable paintings as well.

g) 1. George went out, full of indignation. 2. She went off without waiting for my answer. 3. Lady Brackwell comes in. 4. Bobby came out, his arms full of little packets. 5. A tall policeman walked round the corner.

h) 1. If a serious crisis should arrive, the government would take immediate action. 2. If it were to rain tomorrow, the match would be postponed. 3. If you should change your mind, no one would blame you. 4. If you had been more attentive in class, you would have understood the rule. 5. If he were to tell us everything, we could try to solve his problem.


Exercise 3. Translate into English.


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1. Перед нами на холме стоял роскошный дворец. 2. Сколько она ни старалась экономить, она не могла собрать необходимую сумму. 3. Для Эдварда это было громом среди ясного неба. 4. К его костюму были прикреплены ордена, которыми его наградили во время войны. 5. Если вдруг вам понадобится дополнительная информация, обратитесь к нам. 6. Только в эту минуту Эндрью понял, почему Кристин его так заворожила. 7. Хотя он очень устал, голос его звучал довольно уверенно. 8. Однажды вечером вместе с другими гостями пришла худощавая женщина неопределенного возраста. 9. Их беседа была чисто профессиональной и для меня довольно непонятной. 10. За неделю до Дня Благодарения пришла миссис Браун с просьбой заплатить за квартиру. 11. На стуле, рядом с моей кроватью лежала моя одежда, чистая и выглаженная. 12. Никогда я не видел такого фильма как этот, который произвел на меня неизгладимое впечатление. 13. Он так волновался перед выступлением, что холодные капельки пота выступили у него на лбу. 14. Стенли открыл дверь и удивленно вскрикнул. На пороге стоял его отец, которого он не видел больше десяти лет. 15. Этот обман я ему никогда не прощу. 16. Пирог был изумителен, кофе - тоже. 17. Помощь он у своего отца просил, денег ­ никогда. 18. Я действительно верю, что справедливость восторжествует. 19. Не успели парни сесть в машину, как двое полицейских подошли к ним. 20. Ни одного письма Дональд не написал своей жене с тех пор как уехал в Австралию. 21. Ни при каких обстоятельствах пассажиры не должны самостоятельно открывать дверь лифта. 22. Настолько невероятно прозвучал рассказ Шервуда, что никто ему не поверил. 23. Мало было в его жизни дней, когда он чувствовал себя дейстительно счастливым. 24. Только получив согласие родственников, хирург прооперировал больного. 25. Матери Берта ничего не сказала о своем намерении. Не сказала она об этом и сестре. 26. Ни в коем случае нельзя оставлять окно открытым, если включен кондиционер. 27. Пока он не ушел на пенсию, он не понял, насколько он любит свою работу. 28. Много дней провел Робинзон на острове, мечтая увидеть какой-нибудь корабль. 29. За модой особенно следят (fashion-conscious) молодые. 30. Как это ни смешно звучит, он даже не читал книги, о которой говорит.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 149 | Нарушение авторских прав

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