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The plural of nouns.

TEXTS FOR READING AND DISCUSSION | COMMUNICATION | Structure of the business letter | Letters of Reply to Inquiry | Letter of Accommodation | SKILLS OF NEGOTIATING | COMMUNICATION | Terms of contract | UNIT 6. ADVERTISING | COMMUNICATION |

Читайте также:
  1. A countable noun has a singular and a plural form.
  2. A Singular and plural forms of nouns
  3. Besondere Pluralformen
  4. Beyond plurality
  5. C Here are some useful nouns.
  6. Change to the plural.
  7. Classification of nouns.
Однина Множина
a desk (стіл) one office (один офіс) the letter (один лист) some desks(столи) two offices (два офіси) the letters (два листи)
bus (автобус) dress (сукня) wish (бажання) ranch (ферма) box (коробка) hero (герой) buses dresses wishes ranches boxes heroes
half (половина) wife (дружина) knife (ніж) life (життя) halves wives knives lives
family (сім’я) city (місто) country (країна) families cities countries
man (чоловік) woman (жінка) child (дитина) person (людина) foot (ступня) tooth (зуб) mouse (миша) sheep (вівця) deer (олень) fish (риба) men women children people feet teeth mice sheep deer fish
Тільки однина Тільки множина
advice (порада / поради) news (новина/новини) knowledge (знання) progress (успіх) money (гроші) information (інформація/відомість) hair (волосся) economics (економіка) means (засіб) glasses (окуляри) trousers (штани) shorts (шорти) scissors (ножиці)

№12. Put the following nouns into the plural.

1. flower…….. 8. woman…. 15. umbrella…

2. man………. 9. address…. 16. person…

3. boat………. 10. sheep…. 17. family…

4. language….. 11. tooth… 18. holiday…

5. watch…….. 12. leaf…. 19. sandwich…

6. country…… 13. child… 20. city….

7. knife……… 14. foot… 21. mouse…

№13.Divide the following nouns into two groups: a)those used only in singular; b) only in plural..

Money, hair, knowledge, contents, opera-glasses, wages, pity, news, margin, clothes, fruit, fighting.

№14.Choose the right form of the verb paying attention to the number of the related nouns.

1.Mathematics was/were my favourite subject at school.

2.The police suspect/suspects him of robbery.

3.The government want/wants to reduce taxes.

4.Did you see my scissors? – No, but mine is/are on the table.

5.England is/are playing with France in a football match next week.

6.The staff is not/are not happy with salaries.

7.Money is not/are not the most important thing in life.

8.My hair is/are quite greasy. It needs/They need washing.

9.The news is/are depressing.

10.The trousers does not/do not fit me.


№1. Read and translate.



JSC “Sumy Meat Processing Plant” was founded on October 5, 1995.

The enterprise produces high quality meat and delicatessen of wide assortment, confectionery products.

According to the indices of last years’ work JSC “Sumy Meat Processing Plant” is included in the number of the best branch representatives in Ukraine.

The sources of raw materials are agricultural enterprises of meat specialisation, private enterprises located in ecologically clean areas of Ukraine.

The company cooperates with the suppliers of tasty flavourings. Both raw materials and finished products are tested at the laboratory.

The enterprise employs 694 people. It has modern equipment, provides advanced technologies. Highlyqualified specialists in the field of veterinary medicine, processing technologies, managing and marketing work here.

JSC “Sumy Meat Processing Plant” is improving the quality of its produce by reconstruction, automation and mechanisation of manufacturing processes.

In the difficult economic conditions the enterprise is expanding and increasing its total production.



The milk factory in Shostka was founded 20 years ago. Now being a joint-stock company it processes more than 250-300 tonnes of milk daily, produces more than 450 tonnes of cheese per month. All in all 87 items of dairy products (including ice cream, sour cream, yoghurt and cheese) are in the list of produce suggested to the customers.

Nowadays the trademark “Bili Berehy” is well-known not only in Ukraine but also in Russia, Germany and Baltic countries. The company sees its further development in increasing productive capacities, introducing new high-tech lines, improving the system of management. The technology of milk processing introduced at the enterprise provides waste-free production.

Much attention is paid to improve the design of packing materials. The company cooperates with the leader in packing system production – Danish firm “Kriovak”. Thanks to it the produce of the factory has become more attractive for the customers. We look for new partners, as we would like to expand marketing outlets.

Shostka Milk Factory is a recognised leader in the development of a great variety of new products. The quality of dairy produce has been highly evaluated. Seven high rewards (5 gold and 2 silver medals) were obtained at the fourth International Exhibition “Ukrmyasomolprom” 2001. “Rosiysky” cheese is registered in “The National List of the Best Products of Ukraine”.

№2.Read the following words and word combinations and learn them.

a company компанія, об’єднання

a joint-stock company акціонерне товариство

production facilities база, матеріальне оснащення

productive capacity виробнича потужність

equipment обладнання

to provide advanced technologies запроваджувати передові технології

raw materials сировина

supplier постачальник

marketing outlets ринки збуту

waste-free production безвідходне виробництво

№3.You’ve had a practical training at food processing plant. Inform your group-mate about this plant (its production facilities, productive capacity, produce). Use the following as a plan.

I had my production practical training at …

It is situated in …

It was founded …

The enterprise specialises in …

The total annual output of the enterprise is …

It employs …

The factory provides …

It cooperates with …

It uses raw materials from …

It is (not) well-equipped with …

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 103 | Нарушение авторских прав

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