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swiðhicgende adj: resolute, brave, strong-minded

swiðlic, swiðlice adv: greatly, extremely

swiðmod adj: proud-minded, bold-hearted

swiðre adj: right (forms: swiðran acc sing masc; acc sing fem)

swiðrian wk verb: vanish, disappear, diminish (forms: geswiðrod past part; swiðrode, swiðrade 3rd pers sing pret indic)

swogan Class 7 str verb: roar (forms: swogende pres part)

sworcenferð adj: with darkened mind: unconscious, insensible

ge swugian wk verb w. gen: keep silent about (forms: geswugedan pl pret indic)

swustersunu masc noun: sister's son, nephew

swutelung fem noun: revelation, explanation (forms: swutelunge acc sing)

swyft, swift adj: swift, fast (forms: swiftan nom pl neut; swifte nom pl; swyftoste, swiftoste acc pl neut; acc sing neut)

swylt masc noun: death (forms: swylte dat sing)

swyltdæg masc noun: death day (forms: swyltdæge dat sing)

swyrdgeswing neut noun: sword-swinging, sword-cutting

sylfcwalu fem noun: suicide (forms: sylfcwale dat sing)

syll fem noun: floor (forms: sylle dat sing)

syllic, sellic adj: rare, marvellous (forms: sellices gen sing neut; syllicre compar acc sing neut)

symbel neut noun: feast (forms: symbla gen pl; symble, symle dat sing)

symbelwerig adj: weary from feasting (i.e. drunk)

symble, symle, simle adv: always, continually

synderlic adj: singular, special (forms: synderlicre dat sing fem)

syndolh neut noun: large wound

syndrig adj: distinct, separate, special

syndriglice adv: especially, singularly

syngian wk verb: sin (forms: syngian pl pres indic)

gesyne, gesiene, gesene adj: evident, manifest, clear

synleaw fem noun: damage from sin (forms: synleawa acc pl)

synn, synne fem noun: sin, guilt, crime (forms: synna acc/gen pl; synnan dat sing; synne acc/dat/gen sing; synnum, synnan dat pl)

synnig adj: sinful; (as noun) sinner (forms: synnigra gen pl)

synnihte neut noun: perpetual night (forms: synnihte dat sing)

synsceaþa masc noun: sinful enemy, sinful devil (forms: synscaðan acc sing; synsceaþan acc pl)

synsnæd fem noun: large piece (of food) (forms: synsnædum dat pl)

gesynto fem noun: health, welfare, salvation (forms: gesynta gen pl; gesynto gen sing)

syrce fem noun: coat of mail (forms: syrcan acc pl)

syrwan wk verb: plot, plan; equip with armor (forms: syrede 3rd pers sing pret indic; gesyrwed past part)

syx, six, vi numeral: six

syxhund numeral: six hundred

tacen, tacn neut noun: sign, token (forms: tacen acc pl; tacne dat sing)

ge tacnian wk verb: betoken, show by signs (forms: getacnod past part)

ge tæcan wk verb: teach, show, instruct; allot, assign (forms: tæcaþ, tæcan pl pres indic; getæce 1st pers sing pres indic; getæhte, tæhte 3rd pers sing pret indic; getæhton pl pret indic)

tæfl fem noun: "tables"—a board game, perhaps referring to chess (forms: tæfle gen sing)

getæl neut noun: number, series, sequence (forms: getalum dat pl)

tælan wk verb: reprove, blame, insult, deride (forms: tæleð 3rd pers sing pres indic; tælst 2nd pers sing pres indic)

tæsan wk verb: tease (wool); tear, wound (forms: tæsde 3rd pers sing pret indic)

talian wk verb: consider, claim (forms: talast 2nd pers sing pres indic; talige 1st pers sing pres indic)

tan masc noun: twig, branch (forms: tanum dat pl)

teag fem noun: cord, band, fetter (forms: teage acc sing)

tealt adj: untrustworthy, shaky (forms: tealte nom pl fem)

team masc noun: descendant, progeny (forms: teamum dat pl; teames gen sing)

tear masc noun: tear (forms: tearas nom pl)

tearighleor adj: having a tear-stained face

tela, teala, teola adv: well

geteld neut noun: tent

telg masc noun: dye, ink

telga masc noun: branch, twig (forms: telgan nom pl; telgum dat pl)

tellan wk verb: count, reckon, tell; think, consider (forms: tealde 3rd pers sing pret indic; getealdon pl pret indic; geteled, geteald past part)

teman wk verb: bring forth, engender, propagate (forms: temað imper pl)

Temese prop name: the river Thames

temian wk verb: tame (forms: temiaþ pl pres indic)

templ neut noun: temple

tene, tyne, X num: ten

tengan wk verb: go, hurry (forms: teng imper sing)

getenge prep: near, on

teoh fem noun: race, species (forms: teoche nom pl; teohha gen pl)

teohhian wk verb: appoint, assign (forms: teohhode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

teon Class 1 str verb: accuse (forms: tyhð 3rd pers sing pres indic);
teon Class 2 str verb: bring, grant, take; bring up, educate (forms: teah, geteah 3rd pers sing pret indic; geteoh, geteah imper sing; getogen past part)
forð teah: bring forth, present, perform
teon wk verb: prepare, ordain, create; arrange, adorn (forms: tiode, teode 3rd pers sing pret indic; teodan pl pret indic)

teona masc noun: injury, wrong, malice (forms: teonan acc/dat sing; nom pl; teonum dat pl)

teonhete masc noun: malicious hatred (forms: teonhete dat sing)

teonwit neut noun: contention, strife

teosu fem noun: harm, injury

teoða adj: tenth (forms: teoðan acc sing masc)

teran Class 4 str verb: tear

terre Latin noun: earth

þa, ða adv and conj: then, when; it being the case that
þa... þa...: when... then

þær, ðær, ðar, þar adv and conj: there, where; in such a case where

þær in adv: therein, in it, into it

ðær on, ðæron adv: thereon, on it; therein, in it

ðæt, þæt conj: that, so that

þætte, ðætte conj and rel pron: that, so that; which

geþafa masc noun: a consenter, supporter, helper, ally

ge ðafian, geþafian wk verb: consent, agree to (forms: geðafode, þafode, geþafade 3rd pers sing pret indic; þafodest 2nd pers sing pres indic)

ge þafung fem noun: permission, consent, agreement (forms: þafunge, geþafunge acc sing)

ge þanc, þonc, ðonc masc noun: thanks; thought (forms: þance, geðonce, geþance dat sing; þances gen sing; geþancum dat pl)

ge þancian wk verb: thank (forms: þancast 2nd pers sing pres indic; þancedon pl pret indic; geþancie 1st pers sing pres indic; þanciende, þancigende pres part; þancode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

geþancmetian wk verb: consider, think about (forms: geþancmeta imper sing)

þoncol adj: thoughtful, wise

þancolmod adj: thoughtful, wise (forms: þancolmode acc sing fem)

þanon, ðanon, ðonon, ðonan, þonan, þanan, þanonne adv: thence, from there

Þare prop name: Thare (Terah), father of Abraham (forms: Þares gen sing)

Tharsus prop name: Tarsus (forms: Tharsum dat)

þe, ðe rel particle: which, that, who

þeah, ðeah, þeh conj and adv: although, nevertheless;
þeah þe: although
swa þeah: nevertheless

geþeaht neut noun: thought, advice, scheme

geþeahtere masc noun: advisor, counsellor (forms: geþeahteras nom pl)

þeahtian wk verb: consider, ponder, deliberate (forms: þeahtode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

þearf fem noun: need (forms: þearfe, ðearfe, þærfe acc/dat sing)

þearfa adj: needy, poor; (w. gen) needing, lacking (forms: þearfum dat pl)

þearl adj: severe, violent, excessive, strong

þearle adv: severely, violently, greatly, extremely, very

þearlmod adj: severe, violent, mighty, severe

þeaw, ðeaw masc noun: custom, habit, manner; virtue (forms: þeawa gen pl; þeawas, ðeawas acc pl; þeawum, ðeawum dat pl)

þeawfæst adj: virtuous

þeccan wk verb: cover, cover over; be stretched out upon (forms: þeaht past part; þeahte 3rd pers sing pret indic; þeahte past part nom pl masc; geþeahtne past part acc sing masc; þeahton, þehton pl pret indic; þecce 1st pers sing pres indic; þecest 2nd pers sing pres indic; þehton pl pret indic)

þecen fem noun: covering, roof, thatch (forms: þecene acc sing)

þegengylde neut noun: price payable as wergild for killing a thegn

þegenlice adv: like a (good) thane or retainer; nobly

þegn, ðegn, þegen, þægn, ðægn masc noun: servant, man; officer, minister; nobleman, thane, retainer (forms: þægne, þegne, þegene dat sing; þegenes gen sing; þegna gen pl; þegnas, ðegnas, þegenas nom/acc pl; þegnum, þenan dat pl)

þegnian wk verb: serve (forms: þegnode 1st pers sing pret indic)

þegnscipe masc noun: service, servitude (forms: þegnscipe dat sing; þegnscipes gen sing)

þegnsorg fem noun: sorrow for followers (forms: þegnsorge acc sing)

þegnung, þening fem noun: service, mass; meal (forms: þegnunge acc sing; ðeninga acc pl)

þellfæsten masc noun: planked refuge; stronghold made of boards (forms: þellfæstenne acc sing)

ge þencan, ge þencean, geðencean wk verb: think, think of, imagine, consider, intend, plan (forms: geþenc, geðenc imper sing; þencað, þencaþ pl pres indic; þence 1st pers sing pres indic; þencest 2nd pers sing pres indic; þenceð 3rd pers sing pres indic; þohte 3rd pers sing pret indic; þohton pl pret indic)

þenden, ðenden conj: as long as, while
þenden adv: meanwhile, during that time

þengel masc noun: ruler, lord, king

þenian wk verb: serve, be humiliated (forms: geþenod past part; þenode 1st pers sing pret indic)

ge þeod, ðeod fem noun: people, nation, tribe, family (forms: þeoda, ðeoda, ðioda nom/acc/gen pl; þeode, ðeode acc/dat/gen sing; geðeodes gen sing; þeodum dat pl)

ge þeodan wk verb: join, enter (a monastic order) (forms: geþeodde 3rd pers sing pret indic/subj)

þeodcyning masc noun: king (of a people) (forms: þeodcyninga gen pl; þeodcyningas nom pl)

þeodguma masc noun: (national) warrior (forms: þeodguman nom pl)

þeodhere masc noun: national army (forms: þeodherga gen pl)

þeodlond neut noun: nation, national homeland, country, empire (forms: þeodlanda gen pl)

geþeodnis fem noun: joining, association, society (forms: geþeodnisse dat sing)

Þeodford prop name: Thetford, Norfolk (forms: Þeodforda dat sing)

Ðeodric prop name: Theodoric, a historical king of the Ostrogoths who ruled Italy 493 to 526 c.e.

þeodscipe masc noun: nation, people; discipline, training, teaching (forms: þeodscipum dat pl)

Þeodscylding masc noun: (national-) Scylding, Dane (forms: Þeodscyldingas nom pl)

þeodþrea fem noun: distress of a people; national disaster (forms: þeodþreaum dat pl)

þeoden, ðeoden masc noun: lord, king (forms: þeodne, ðeodne dat sing; þeodnes, ðeodnes gen sing)

þeodenhold adj: faithful (to a lord) (forms: þeodenholde nom pl masc; þeodenholdra gen pl)

þeodenmadm masc noun: royal treasure (forms: þeodenmadmas acc pl)

þeodgestreon neut noun: national treasure (forms: þeodgestreonum dat pl)

þeodscipe masc noun: nation, people

þeodwita masc noun: (national-) counsellor, scholar

þeof masc noun: thief

þeo neut noun: thigh, hip

ge þeon Class 3 str verb: thrive, prosper (forms: þeah, þah, ðah, þag, geðah 3rd pers sing pret indic; geþungen past part: successful, excellent, virtuous; geþungon pl pret indic)

þeostru fem noun: darkness, shadow (forms: þeostra gen pl; þeostrum dat pl)

þeow masc noun: servant, slave (forms: þeowa, ðiowa gen pl; þeowas nom/acc pl)

þeowa masc noun: servant, slave (forms: þeowan nom/acc pl)

ðeow-mann masc noun: male servant (forms: ðeowa-manna gen pl; ðeowum-mannum dat pl)

þeowan wk verb: serve, follow (forms: þeode, þeodde 3rd pers sing pret indic)

þeowdom masc noun: slavery, servitude; service (forms: þeowdome dat sing)

þeowe fem noun/adj: female slave (forms: þeowra gen pl)

þeowen fem noun: female servant, female slave

þeowmennen fem noun: maidservant, female slave

þeowian, ðeowian wk verb w. dat: serve; press into servitude (forms: þeowdon pl pret indic; geþeowede past part nom pl; þeowige 3rd pers sing pres indic)

þeownyd fem noun: slavery

þes demonst pron: this (in plural: these) (forms: þas nom/acc pl; þas, þisse fem acc sing; þeos fem nom sing; þes, þæs, ðæs masc nom sing; þis, ðis neut nom/acc sing; þissa, ðissa, þyssa gen pl; þisse, ðisse, þysse, ðysse, ðeosse acc/dat/gen sing fem; þisses, þysses, ðisses masc/neut gen sing; þissum, ðissum, þyssum, ðyssum, þysson, þysum, ðysum, þisum, þison, þysan, þeossum, ðisum dat pl; masc/neut dat sing; þys, ðys, þis masc/neut dat sing; þysan dat sing masc/neut/fem; þysne, þisne, ðysne masc acc sing; þyssere, þissere dat/gen sing fem)

þicce, ðicce adv: thickly, closely

ge þicgan, ðicgean, geþicgean Class 5 str verb: receive, accept; eat, drink, partake of (forms: geþah, geþeah 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; þegon, geþægon pl pret indic; þigeð 3rd pers sing pres indic; þicgeað imper pl; to þicgenne inflect infin)

þiclice adv: thickly, pressingly

ge þincan impers verb: seem, appear (forms: þince 3rd pers sing pres subj; þinceað pl pres indic; þinceð, þynceð, ðyncð 3rd pers sing pres indic; þuhte, ðuhte 3rd pers sing pret indic; þuhte past part nom sing fem; geþuhton, þuhton pl pret indic)

Þincferþ Eanwulfing prop name: Thincgferth son of Eanwulf

Þincgferþing adj: son of Thincgferth

þindan Class 3 str verb: swell

þinen fem noun: (female) servant, handmaid (forms: þinenne, þinene acc/dat sing)

þing, ðing, þincg, þingc neut noun: thing; meeting, assembly; contest; circumstance (forms: þing, ðing, þingc nom/acc pl; þinga gen pl; þinge dat sing; ðinges gen sing; þingum dat pl)

geþinge neut noun: conclusion, agreement (forms: geþinges gen sing; geþingea gen pl)

þingian wk verb: speak, ask; arrange, settle; make peace with; intend, determine; intercede for (forms: þingade, þingode 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; geþinged, geþingod past part; þingian pl pres indic/subj)

geþingþo fem noun: rank, office (forms: geþingþo nom pl)

geðiode neut noun: language (forms: geðeoda gen pl; geðiode dat sing)

ðiowotdom masc noun: service (forms: ðiowotdomas acc pl)

geþoht masc noun: thought, mind (forms: geþohtas nom/acc pl; geþohte dat sing)

þolian wk verb: endure, suffer, allow (w. gen: forgo, lose) (forms: þolað 3rd pers sing pres indic; þoliað, ðoliaþ pl pres indic; þolien pl pret subj; þoligende pres part; þoledon, þolodan pl pret indic; geþolode, þolode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

þoncwyrðe adj: thank-worthy, i.e. worth giving thanks (to God) for (forms: þoncwyrðe acc sing neut)

þonne, ðonne, þænne conj and adv: then, when; than; than that
þonne, þon conj: than

geþræc neut noun: pressure, force, violence

þræcrof adj: brave in battle (forms: þræcrofe acc pl masc)

þræcwig masc noun: (violent) battle (forms: þræcwiges gen sing)

þræl masc noun: serf, slave (forms: þræla gen pl; þræle dat sing)

þrælriht neut noun: a right belonging to slaves or serfs (forms: þrælriht nom pl)

þrag fem noun: time, period, season (forms: þrage acc/gen sing)
þrage dat sing as adv: for a time
lange þrage: for a long time
ealle þrage: all the time

geþrang neut noun: throng, crowd, press of battle

þrea masc? noun: oppression

þreagan wk verb: afflict, oppress (forms: geðread past part)

þrealic adj: oppressive, dire

ge ðrean Class 3 str verb: afflict (forms: geðreadne past part acc sing masc)

þreanyd fem noun: dire distress (forms: þreanydum dat pl)

þreaweorc neut noun: oppressive affliction

þreohund, III hund, CCC numeral: three hundred

XIII numeral: thirteen

þrindan Class 3 str verb: swell (forms: þrindende pres part)

þringan Class 3 str verb: press, throng, press forward, advance (forms: þrang 3rd pers sing pret indic; geþrungen, geðrungen past part; þrungon pl pret indic)

ðrist adj: bold, audacious, shameless (forms: ðriste, þriste nom pl masc; nom sing fem)
þriste adv: shamelessly, boldly

þritig, þrittig, XXX numeral: thirty (forms: ðrittiges, XXXtiges gen sing; þritiga gen pl)
þritiga sum: as one of thirty; with twenty-nine others

xxxi numeral: thirty-one

þriwa, III adv: three times

þrosm masc noun: smoke

þreat masc noun: troop, company (forms: þreatas nom pl; þreate dat sing; þreatum, ðreatum dat pl)

þreatian wk verb: press, menace (forms: þreatedon pl pret indic)

þreo,.iii., III num: three (forms: þreo nom/acc fem/neut; þry, ðry nom/acc masc/neut; þrim, þrym dat; þreora gen)

þreohund numeral: three hundred

þridda num: third (forms: þriddan acc/dat/gen sing masc/fem/neut)

þrowian, þrowigean, ðrowian wk verb: suffer, endure (forms: þrowade, þrowode 3rd pers sing pret indic; þrowedon pl pret indic)

þrowung fem noun: suffering (forms: þrowunge dat sing)

þryccan wk verb: afflict, oppress (forms: þrycced past part)

þrymfæst adj: mighty, powerful, glorious (forms: þrymfæste masc/fem nom pl; þrymfæstne acc sing masc)

þrymful adj: mighty, powerful

þrymlic adj: glorious, magnificent

þrymm, þrym, ðrym masc noun: glory, majesty; force, power; host, troop (forms: þrymmas nom pl; þrymmum, ðrymmum dat pl (also adverbially: "mightily"); þrymme dat sing; þrymmes gen sing)

ðrynes fem noun: trinity (forms: ðrynesse gen sing)

þryð fem noun: strength; host, company (forms: þryþe nom pl; þryðum dat pl)

ðryþærn neut noun: majestic building, hall

þryðig adj: mighty, powerful (forms: þryðge nom pl masc)

þryðlic adj: mighty, powerful

ðryðswyð, þryðswyð adj: very mighty, strong and powerful

þryðword neut noun: powerful word, brave speech

þu, ðu pers pron 2nd per sing: thou, you (forms: þe, ðe acc/dat sing; þec acc sing; þin, ðin gen; þina poss adj nom/acc pl fem; þine poss adj nom/acc pl neut/masc/fem, acc fem sing, dat sing masc/neut; þines poss adj masc gen sing; þinne, ðinne, þine poss adj acc sing masc; þinra, ðinra poss adj gen pl; þinre poss adj dat/gen sing fem; þinum poss adj dat sing masc/neut;dat pl

þuf masc noun: banner (forms: þufas nom pl)

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