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gombe fem noun: tribute (forms: gomban, gombon acc sing)

gomenwaþ fem noun: pleasure trip, happy journey (forms: gomenwaþe dat sing)

Gomorra prop name: Gomorra (forms: Gomorran acc sing)

Gomorre masc pl noun: inhabitants of Gomorra (forms: Gomorra gen)

Gorgoneus prop name: Gorgoneus, name of a country in Wonders of the East

Gota prop name: Goth (i.e. member of the Germanic people called the Goths) (forms: Gotena gen pl)

Gotland prop name: Gotland

grædig adj: greedy, ravenous; fierce (forms: grædige acc sing fem)

græf neut noun: grave

græg adj: grey (forms: grægan dat sing neut; græge acc pl fem)

græs neut noun: grass

græshoppa masc noun: locust, grashopper (forms: græshoppan nom pl)

Grantebrycg prop name: Cambridge (forms: Grantebrycge dat)

Grecisc adj: Greek (as noun: the Greek language) (forms: Greciscre dat sing fem)

Grendel prop name: Grendel (forms: Grendle dat sing; Grendles gen sing)

grene adj: green (forms: grenan acc sing masc; grene acc sing neut; acc pl; grenes gen sing neut; grenne acc sing masc; grenre gen sing fem)

greot neut noun: sand, gravel (forms: greote dat sing)

greotan Class 2 str verb: cry (forms: greotende pres part)

gram adj: angry, hostile (as noun: "the evil one, the devil"; angry one (i.e. warrior)) (forms: graman nom pl masc; gramena gen pl; grames gen sing; gramum dat sing masc; gramum dat pl; grome, grame nom pl masc; gromra gen pl)

grama masc noun: anger, rage (forms: graman dat sing)

grap fem noun: grasp, handgrip (forms: grape dat/gen sing; nom pl; grapum dat pl)

grapian wk verb: grasp, seize, touch (forms: grapode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

great adj: great, large, huge (forms: greate nom pl masc)

ge gremian wk verb: enrage, anger (forms: gegræmedan pl pret indic; gegremed, gegremod past part; gegremede, gegremode past part nom pl masc)

ge gretan wk verb: greet, address, speak to; touch, injure; attack (forms: greteð, gegreteð 3rd pers sing pres indic; grette, gegrette 3rd pers sing pret indic; gretton pl pret indic)

grima masc noun: face-protector, metal mask forming part of a helmet (forms: grimmon dat pl)

Grimbold prop name: Grimbold (forms: Grimbolde dat sing)

grimhelm masc noun: helmet with a metal face-protector (forms: grimhelmas acc pl)

grimlic adj: grim, fierce, savage, severe, bitter

grim adj: fierce, savage; dire, severe, bitter (forms: grimma nom sing masc; grimman acc pl; acc fem sing; grimme neut nom sing; masc nom/acc pl; dat sing masc; grimre dat/gen sing fem)
grimme, grymme adv: fiercely, severely

grimman Class 3 str verb: rage, be fierce (forms: grimmeð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

gegrind neut noun: clash, impact

grindan Class 3 str verb: grind, sharpen (forms: gegrundene past part nom/acc pl masc)

grindel masc noun: bar, bolt (forms: grindlas nom pl)

ge gripan Class 1 str verb: grasp, seize, take (forms: grap, gegrap 3rd pers sing pret indic; gripe 2nd pers sing pret indic; gripeð 3rd pers sing pres indic; gripon, gegripon pl pret indic)

gristbitian wk verb: gnash one's teeth

grið neut noun: truce, peace (forms: griðe dat sing)

griðian wk verb: keep from harm, protect

griðleas adj: defenceless, unprotected (forms: griðlease nom pl fem)

growan Class 7 str verb: grow, flourish (forms: growende pres part; growendra pres part gen pl)

grund masc noun: ground, earth, sea bottom (forms: grundas acc pl; grunde dat sing; grundes gen sing)

grundbuend masc noun: earth-dweller (forms: grundbuendra gen pl)

grundleas adj: bottomless (forms: grundlease neut nom sing; nom pl; grundleasne acc sing masc);
grundlease adv: without end, bottomlessly

grundwela masc noun: joy of the earth; terrestrial wealth (forms: grundwelan acc sing)

gryre masc noun: horror, terror, violence (forms: gryra gen pl; gryre dat sing; gryrum dat pl)

gryregeatwe fem pl noun: terrifying armour (forms: gryregeatwum dat pl)

gryreleoð neut noun: song of terror (forms: gryreleoða gen pl)

guma masc noun: man, person (forms: guman nom/acc/gen pl; acc/dat/gen sing; gumena gen pl; gumum dat pl)

gumcynn neut noun: the human race (forms: gumcynne dat sing; gumcynnes gen sing; gumcynnum dat pl)

gumcyst fem noun: excellence, virtue (forms: gumcystum dat pl)

gummann masc noun: man (forms: gummanna gen pl)

gumrinc masc noun: man (forms: gumrincum dat pl)

gumþeod fem noun: people, nation (forms: gumþeoda gen pl)

guþ, guð fem noun: war, combat (forms: guþe, guðe acc/dat/gen sing)

guðbeorn masc noun: warrior (forms: guðbeorna gen pl)

guðbill neut noun: battle-bill (a kenning for sword) (forms: guðbilla gen pl)

guðbord neut noun: war-board (a kenning for "shield") (forms: guðbordes gen sing)

guðbyrne fem noun: mail coat

guðcræft masc noun: skill in war, battle strength

guðfana masc noun: war-banner (forms: guðfanum dat pl)

guðflan masc noun: (war) arrow, spear (forms: guðflana gen pl)

guðfreca masc noun: warrior (forms: guðfrecan nom pl)

guðfremmend masc noun: warrior (forms: guðfremmendra gen pl)

guðgemot neut noun: battle, comnbat

guðgetawe fem noun: armour, battle gear (forms: guðgeatawum dat pl)

guðgewæde neut noun: armour (forms: guðgewædo acc pl neut)

guþgeweorc neut noun: action in battle (forms: guþgeweorca, guðgeweorca gen pl)

guðcyning masc noun: (war-) king

guðhere masc noun: army (forms: guðhergum dat pl)

guðhreð masc noun: victory in battle

guþmod adj: warlike

guðplega masc noun: martial sport, war-play

guðreouw adj: fierce in battle

guðrinc masc noun: warrior

guðrof adj: brave in battle, renowned in battle

guðsearo neut noun: armour, weapons, war-trappings

guðsceorp neut noun: martial equipment, armor and weapons

guðsele masc noun: (battle-) hall (forms: guðsele dat sing)

guðspell neut noun: the account of the battle

guðþracu fem noun: (warlike) attack, violence (forms: guðþræce dat sing)

guðþreat masc noun: war-troop

guðweard masc noun: warlord

giedd, gydd, gied neut noun: song, poem (forms: gidda gen pl; giedde dat sing; gyddum dat pl)

gyddian wk verb: speak, make a speech (forms: gyddode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

gydene fem noun: goddess (forms: gydenan acc sing)

gyldan, gieldan Class 2 str verb: repay, pay back (forms: geald 3rd pers sing pret indic; golden past part; guldon pl pret indic; gyld imper sing; gyldað pl pres indic; gylde 3rd pers sing pres subj)

gylden adj: golden, gilt, gilded (forms: geldenne, gyldenne masc acc sing)

gylian wk verb: yell, shout (forms: gylede 3rd pers sing pret indic)

gylpan Class 3 str verb: boast (forms: gylpe 1st pers sing pres indic)

gylpplega masc noun: boasting sport (i.e. contention on the battlefield preceded by boasting) (forms: gylpplegan acc sing)

gylpspræc fem noun: boasting speech (forms: gylpspræce dat sing)

gylpword neut noun: boastful speech (forms: gylpworda gen pl; gylpwordum dat pl)

gylt masc noun: guilt, sin, crime (forms: gyltum dat pl)

gymcynn neut noun: kind of gem (forms: gymcynn acc pl)

gyrdan wk verb: gird (forms: gyrde 3rd pers sing pret subj)

grynn neut? noun: injury (forms: grynna gen pl)

gyrla masc noun: dress, apparel (forms: gyrlan acc pl)

gyrnan, girnan wk verb: desire, yearn for (forms: girnð 3rd pers sing pres indic; gyrnde 3rd pers sing pret indic)

gysel, gisl masc noun: hostage (forms: gislas acc pl; gisle dat sing)

gyst masc noun: guest, stranger (forms: gistas, gystas nom/acc pl; gystum, gistum, giestum, gastum dat pl)

gystern neut noun: guest room; guest house (forms: gysterne dat sing)

gistmægen neut noun: visiting troop, group of visitors

ge gyrwan, girwan, gegærwan wk verb: prepare, adorn, dress, equip (forms: gegired, gegyrwed, gegyred past part; gegyrede past part acc pl masc; gyrede, gyrde, gierede 3rd pers sing pret indic; gyredon pl pret indic; gyrwað, gyrwaþ, gierwaþ pl pres indic; to gyrwanne inflected infin)

gytesæl masc noun: happiness at drinking (lit. at pouring out drink) (forms: gytesalum dat pl)

habban anom verb: have (forms: habban pl pres subj; habbað, habbaþ, hæbbað pl pres indic; hafa 1st pers sing pres indic; imper sing; hæbbe, habbe 1st pers sing pres indic; 3rd pers sing pres subj; hæbben pl pres subj; hæfde 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; hæfð, hafað 3rd pers sing pres indic; hæfst, hafast 2nd pers sing pres indic; hæfdon, hæfdun pl pret indic; to habbanne inflected infin;
forms combined with negative particle ne: næbbe (= ne hæbbe) 1st/3rd pers sing pres indic; næfde (= ne hæfde) 3rd pers sing pret indic; næfð (= ne hæfð) 3rd pers sing pres indic neg; næfdon (= ne hæfdon) pl pret indic

had masc noun: office, position; family; gender; (monastic, priestly, etc.) estate, condition (forms: hada gen pl; hadas nom pl masc; hade dat sing; hades gen sing)

hadbryce masc noun: injury done to someone in holy orders (forms: hadbrycas acc pl)

hadian wk verb: ordain, consecrate (forms: gehadode past part nom pl masc)

hador neut noun: brightness
hador adj: clear, bright

hæf neut noun: sea, ocean (forms: hafu acc pl)

hæft adj and masc noun: captive, slave (forms: hæfton acc sing masc)
hæft neut noun: haft, hilt (forms: hæfte dat sing)

hæftan wk verb: bind, fetter (forms: gehæfte past part nom pl fem; gehæfted past part)

hægsteald, hagosteald masc noun: young man, young warrior (forms: hægstealdra gen pl; hagostealdes gen sing)

hægstealdmann masc noun: young warrior (forms: hægstealdmen nom pl)

hægtesse fem noun: witch, (forms: hægtessan gen sing)

hæle masc noun: man, hero

hælend masc noun: the Saviour (forms: hælende dat sing; hælendes gen sing)

hælu, hælo fem noun: salvation; health, healing, cure (forms: hæle acc/dat sing)

hæncgest masc noun: steed, horse

hær neut noun: hair (forms: herum dat pl)

hærfæst masc noun: autumn, fall, harvest-time (forms: hærfæste dat sing)

hærgtraf neut noun: heathen temple (forms: hærgtrafum dat pl)

hæðen adj and masc noun: heathen, pagan (forms: hæþena nom sing masc; hæðenan, hæþnan nom pl, acc/gen sing masc; hæþene, hæðene, hæðne acc sing fem; nom/acc pl masc/fem; hæðenes, hæþenes gen sing masc; hæðenra gen pl; hæðnum, hæþenum, hæðenum dat pl)

hæðencynn neut noun: pagan people, heathen nation

hæðenscype masc noun: paganism (forms: hæðenscype dat sing)

hæðstapa masc noun: heath-walker

Hæðum, æt prop name: Hedeby (forms: Hæðum dat pl)

hafala masc noun: head (forms: hafalan, hafelan acc/dat sing)

hafenian wk verb: raise, brandish (forms: hafenode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

hægel, hægl masc noun: hail (forms: hægles gen sing; hagle dat sing)

hæglfaru fem noun: hail-storm (forms: hæglfare acc sing)

ge hælan wk verb: heal, comfort, make whole (forms: hældon pl pret indic; gehæled past part; gehælede past part nom pl masc)

hæle masc noun: man, hero

hæleþ, hæleð masc noun: man, warrior, hero (forms: hæleð, hæleþ, hælæð nom/acc pl; hæleða, hæleþa gen pl; hæleþas nom pl; hæleðum, hæleþum dat pl)

hæleðhelm masc noun: heroic helmet (probably either an error for or a spelling of heoloðhelm, helmet of invisibility, in Gen 444)

hæman wk verb: have sex with

hæmed neut noun: sexual intercourse, fornication (forms: hæmede dat sing masc)

hæs fem noun: bidding, command (forms: hæse acc/dat sing)

hæst fem noun: violence (forms: hæste dat sing)
hæste adv: violently

hæto fem noun: heat

hæl, hal adj: safe, sound, healthy, whole (forms: hale nom pl masc)

halettan wk verb: hail, greet (forms: halette 3rd pers sing pret indic)

Halga prop name: Halga

halgian wk verb: bless, consecrate, dedicate, worship (forms: gehalgade past part nom pl masc; gehalgod past part; gehalgode past part acc sing fem, 3rd pers sing pret indic; halgodon pl pret indic; gehalgodum past part dat sing masc)

halig adj: holy, consecrated; (as noun) holy one, saint (forms: halegu nom sing fem; halga masc nom sing; halgan, haligan, halgen masc/fem/neut acc/dat/gen sing; acc pl; halgena gen pl; halige nom/acc pl masc/fem/neut; neut nom/acc/dat sing; nom/acc/dat sing fem; nom pl masc; haliges gen sing masc/neut; halgum dat pl; haligre gen sing fem)

halignes fem noun: holiness; sanctuary; holy thing, relic; religion (forms: halignessa nom pl; halignesse gen sing)

haligwæter neut noun: holy water (forms: haligwætere dat sing)

halsfæst adv?: intimately? earnestly?

halwende pres part adj: sanctifying, blessing

ham masc noun: home, dwelling, estate (forms: ham, hame dat sing; hames gen sing)
ham adv: home

hama masc noun: covering, garment (forms: haman acc sing)

hamsittende adj: living at home (forms: hamsittendra gen pl; hamsittendum dat pl)

Hamtunscir prop name: Hampshire (forms: Hamtunscire dat)

hand, hond fem noun: hand; side (forms: handa, honda gen pl, nom/acc pl; handa, honda acc/dat sing; handæ, hand dat sing; handum, handon, hondum dat pl)

handbona masc noun: (hand-) killer (forms: handbonan dat sing)

handgesceaft fem noun: handiwork, creation

handrof adj: brave in action, renowned for action (forms: handrofra gen pl)

handgeweorc, handweorc neut noun: creation, handiwork

handmægen neut noun: (bodily) might

handplega masc noun: hand-play, (martial) sports (a kenning for "fighting") (forms: handplegan acc sing)

handspor neut noun: claw (forms: handsporu acc pl)

hangella masc noun: hanging thing

hangian wk verb: hang (forms: hongað 3rd pers sing pres indic)

har adj: grey, hoary (forms: hara nom sing masc; hare nom pl masc; acc pl fem; harne acc sing masc)

Hareld prop name: Harold

Hascellentia prop name: Hascellentia

hasu adj: grey (forms: haswe acc sing fem; nom pl fem)

hat adj: hot; fervent, intense; exciting, enticing (forms: hate nom pl masc; nom sing neut; hatne masc acc sing; hatan, haton acc/dat/gen sing fem; hatran compar nom pl);
hate, hat adv: hot, hotly

ge hat neut noun: promise (forms: gehat nom/acc pl; gehate dat sing; gehata gen pl)

gehatland neut noun: the Promised Land (forms: gehatlandes gen sing)

ge hatan Class 7 str verb: command; call, name; be named; promise (forms: hæt 3rd pers sing pres indic; hat imper sing; hatað pl pres indic; 3rd pers sing pres indic; hattan pl pres indic; hate, gehate, hat, hatte 1st/3rd pers sing pres indic; haten, gehaten past part; hatene past part nom pl; hateð 3rd pers sing pres indic; heht, het, gehet 3rd pers sing pret indic; hete 3rd pers sing pret subj; heton, geheton pl pret indic)

hatheort, gehatheort adj: hot-hearted, i.e. impetuous, rash, headstrong

he, heo (hio), hit pers pron: he, she, it (forms: him, heom, hym dat masc/neut sing, dat pl; hine, hyne, hiene acc sing masc; his, hys gen sing masc/neut; hit, hyt nom/acc sing neut: it; hie, heo, hi, hy, hig, hige (Ex 307) nom/acc pl; hie, hi, hig fem acc sing; hire, hyre, hiere fem dat/gen sing; acc sing/pl neut; heora, hyra, hiera, hiora gen pl)

heaf masc noun: wailing, lamentation

heafoc, hafoc masc noun: hawk

heafod neut noun: head; top; chief, leader (forms: heafda, heafdo nom/acc/gen pl; heafde dat sing; heafdum dat pl)

heafodbeorg fem noun: head protection (forms: heafodbeorge acc sing)

heafodgerim neut noun: head-count (forms: heafodgerimes gen sing)

heafodmæg masc noun: chief (i.e. closest) male relation (forms: heafodmaga gen pl; heafodmægum dat pl)

heafodsien fem noun: vision, eyesight, eye (forms: heafodsiene, heafodsyne acc sing)

heafodswima masc noun: swimming head, intoxication

heafodweard masc noun: chief leader (forms: heafodweardas nom pl)

heafodwisa masc noun: originator, chief master

heah, hea adj: high, exalted (forms: heagum dat pl; hean masc/neut dat/gen sing; fem acc sing, acc pl masc; heanne, heahne acc sing masc; heanum dat pl; dat sing masc; heare gen sing fem; hearra, herra, heorra compar masc nom sing (as noun: a superior); hearran, heahran, hearan, herran, hierran compar masc acc/dat/gen sing (also as noun: a superior); hehra gen pl; hehsta, hyhsta superl masc nom sing (also as a noun: "the Most High"); hehstan superl masc/neut acc/dat/gen sing; hehste superl fem acc sing; hehstne superl masc acc sing)

heahcining, heahcyning masc noun: high king (forms: heahcininges, heahcyninges gen sing)

heahfæder masc noun: high father, God the Father (forms: heahfædere)

heahflod masc noun: deep water, flood

heahfyr neut noun: big fire

heahgerefa masc noun: chief overseer (forms: heahgerefan, heahgeræfan dat sing)

heahgesceaft fem noun: noble creation (forms: heahgesceafta gen pl)

heahgetimbro neut pl noun: high buildings

Heahmund prop name: Heahmund

heahreced neut noun: high building, citadel, temple

heahrodor masc noun: the high heaven (forms: heahrodore dat sing)

heahsele masc noun: high hall

heahsetl neut noun: high seat, throne

heahsteap adj: tall, towering

heahstede masc noun: high place (forms: heahstede dat sing)

heahstefn adj: high-stemmed

heahþrea masc noun: tremendous calamity

heahðungen adj: high-ranking (forms: heahðungene nom pl masc)

healærn neut noun: hall (-building) (forms: healærna gen pl)

ge healdan Class 7 str verb: hold, keep, rule (forms: geheald, heald imper sing; healdað, healdaþ pl pres indic; gehealde, healde 3rd pers sing pres subj; healdest 2nd pers sing pres indic; healdeð, gehealdeþ 3rd pers sing pres indic; heold, geheold 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; heolde 3rd pers sing pret subj; heoldon, heoldan, hioldon, gehioldon pl pret indic; to haldanne inflect infin)

healdend masc noun: owner, ruler

healf fem noun: side, half (forms: healfe acc/dat sing; acc pl; healfa acc/gen pl)
him be healfe: by his side
healf adj: half (forms: healfne acc sing masc)

Healfdene, Halfdene prop name: Healfdene (forms: Healfdenes gen)

healfhunding masc noun: half dog (forms: healfhundingas nom pl)

healic adj: proud, haughty, noble

heall fem noun: hall (forms: healle dat sing)

healreced neut noun: hall (-building)

heals, hals masc noun: neck (forms: healse, halse dat sing)

healsgebedda masc? noun: (intimate) bed-fellow

healsmægeð fem noun: beloved woman (forms: healsmægeð acc pl)

healðegn masc noun: (hall-) warrior, retainer (forms: healðegnas acc pl; healðegnes gen sing)

hean adj: lowly, miserable, humiliated (forms: heane nom pl masc; heanne acc sing masc)

heanlic adj: humiliating, shameful

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