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ge læran, læren wk verb: teach, instruct (forms: lærde 3rd pers sing pret indic; lære 3rd pers sing pres subj; 1st pers sing pres indic; gelæred, læred past part; gelærede past part nom pl masc; gelæredestan past part acc pl masc ("most learned"); gelærdon pl pret indic)

lærig masc? noun: edge, border

ge lædan wk verb: lead, conduct, take, bring, do (forms: læd imper sing; lædað, gelædað pl pres indic; lædde, gelædde 3rd pers sing pret indic; læddest 2nd pers sing pret indic gelæde 1st/2nd/3rd pers sing pres subj; læde, gelæde imper sing; gelæded, læded past part; læddon, gelæddon pl pret indic)

Læden, Leden adj: Latin (as noun: the Latin language) (forms: Lædene dat sing; Lædenre dat sing fem)

Lædengeðiode neut noun: the Latin language (forms: Lædengeðiode dat sing; Lædengeðiodes gen sing)

Lædenware masc pl noun: the Romans

læs adv and conj: less, lest;
þy læs, þe læs adv and conj: lest; so much the less
noht þon læs: nevertheless

læssa adj: less, smaller, fewer (forms: læssan dat pl; dat/gen sing neut)

ge læstan wk verb: perform, carry out; follow, help, serve; endure, last (forms: læstest 2nd pers sing pres indic; læst 3rd pers sing pres indic; gelæst, gelæsted past part; læste, læst imper sing; gelæste, læste 1st/3rd pers sing pres indic/subj; læstes 2nd pers sing pres/pret indic; læsten, gelæsten pl pres/pret subj; gelæsteð 3rd pers sing pres indic; gelæston pl pret indic)

lætan Class 7 str verb: let, allow; consider (forms: lætað imper pl; let, læt 3rd pers sing pret indic; læt imper sing; læte 3rd pers sing pres/pret subj; læteð 3rd pers sing pres indic; leton pl pret indic); an lætan: leave alone

lætbyrd fem noun: delayed labour (forms: lætbyrde gen sing)

læðð fem noun: injury, wrong (forms: læðða gen pl; læððum dat sing)

læwede adj: lay, non-monastic, unlearned (forms: læwede nom pl masc)

laf fem noun: remainder, remnant, what is left; legacy; (heirloom) sword (forms: lafe acc/dat sing)

lagian wk verb: prescribe by law (forms: gelagod past part)

lagu, lago masc noun: sea, ocean, waters
lagu fem noun: law (forms: laga nom/acc pl lage acc/dat sing; lagum dat pl)

gelagu neut pl noun?: expanse? surface? (but cf. masc noun "lagu")

lagucræftig adj: sea-wise, skilled at sailing

lagulad fem noun: sea route (forms: lagulade acc sing)

lagosið masc noun: sea journey (forms: lagosiða gen pl)

lagustræt fem noun: sea-road (forms: lagustræte dat sing)

laguflod masc noun: sea, ocean, waters (forms: laguflode dat sing)

lagustream masc noun: sea-current (forms: lagostreamum dat pl; lagustreamas nom/acc pl)

lahbryce masc noun: law-breaking (forms: lahbrycas acc pl)

lahlice adv: lawfully

lambyrd fem noun: "lame" (i.e. ineffectual) labour (forms: lambyrde gen sing)

Lameh, Lamech prop name: Lameh (Lamech) (forms: Lamehes, Lameches gen sing)

land, lond neut noun: land, country, dry land (forms: land nom/acc pl; landa gen pl; lande, londe dat sing; landes, londes gen sing; londum dat pl)

landbuende masc pl noun: earth-dwellers, humans (forms: landbuendum, londbuendum dat)

landfruma masc noun: (land-holding) king, prince

landgemyrce neut noun: edge of the land; shoreline (forms: landgemyrcu acc pl)

landgeweorc neut noun: national edifice

landmann masc noun: inhabitant, native (forms: landmanna gen pl)

landriht, londryht neut noun: property right, right to own land

landscipe masc noun: region, land

landsocn fem noun: search for land (forms: landsocne dat sing)

londstede masc noun: location (on land)

lang adj: long, tall (forms: langa nom sing masc; langan dat sing neut; lange, longe acc sing fem; nom pl masc/fem; langne acc sing masc; langre dat sing fem; lengra compar nom sing masc; lengran compar gen sing neut)

lange, longe adv: long, for a long time (forms: leng, lencg compar; lengest superl)

ge langian wk verb impers w. acc: long, yearn for; summon (forms: langað 3rd pers sing pres indic; langode, longade 3rd pers sing pret indic)

Langaland prop name: Langeland

langsum adj: long, enduring (forms: langsumu nom sing fem; lansumum dat sing masc)

langunghwil fem noun: time of longing (forms: langunghwila gen pl)

lar fem noun: teaching, precept, learning (forms: lara nom/acc/gen pl; lare acc/dat/gen sing; larena gen pl; larum dat pl)

larcwide masc noun: teaching, instruction (forms: larcwidum dat pl)

lareow masc noun: teacher (forms: lareowa gen pl; lareowas nom pl; lareowe dat sing; lareowes gen sing)

last masc noun: track, trace, footprint (forms: lastas acc pl; laste, læste dat sing; lastum dat pl)
sumum on last(e): in someone's track, behind someone

lastweard masc noun: follower, pursuer

lastword neut noun: track-word (i.e., subsequent reputation) (forms: lastworda gen pl)

late adv: late

lað, laþ adj: hateful, evil, unwelcome, inimical (forms: se laða nom sing masc as noun: the hateful one; laðan, laþan acc/dat/gen sing masc/neut/fem; laðe nom/acc pl masc/fem; laðere dat sing fem; laðes, laþes gen sing masc/neut; laðestan superl gen sing masc; superl dat pl masc; laðne, laþne acc sing masc; laðost superl; laðra gen pl; laðra compar nom sing masc; laðran compar nom/acc sing masc; laþre compar acc sing neut; laþum, laðum dat sing masc/neut; dat pl); lað neut noun: injury, harm (forms: laðes gen sing)

gelað adj: hostile, enemy (forms: gelaðe nom pl)

laðe adv: evilly, hatefully

laðettan wk verb: loathe, hate (forms: laðet 3rd pers sing pres indic)

laðgeteona masc noun: (hateful) enemy (forms: laðgeteonan nom pl)

laðian wk verb: invite, summon (forms: gelaðode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

laðlic adj: unpleasant, hateful

laðlice adv: nastily, hatefully, despicably (forms: laðlicost superl)

laðscipe masc noun: misfortune, harm, injury

laðtreow neut noun: hateful tree

laðwende adj: hostile (forms: laðwendne acc sing masc; laðwendo nom sing fem)

laþwendemod adj: hostile, malicious

latian wk verb: delay (forms: latige 3rd pers sing pres subj)

latteow masc noun: leader, guide

leaf neut noun: leaf (forms: leafum dat pl)
leaf fem noun: leave, permission (forms: leafe acc/dat sing)

ge leafa masc noun: belief, faith (forms: geleafan acc/dat/gen sing)

geleafful adj: believing (forms: geleaffulne acc sing masc)

leafnesword neut noun: word of permission

leahtor masc noun: sin, crime, vice (forms: leahtrum dat pl)

lean neut noun: reward, compensation, retribution (forms: leana gen pl; leane dat sing; leanes gen sing; leanum dat pl)
lean Class 6 str verb: blame, reproach (forms: logon pl pret indic; lyhð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

ge leanian wk verb: reward, repay, take vengeance for (forms: leanast 2nd pers sing pres indic)

leap masc noun: corpse

leas adj: (with gen) without, lacking; lying, false (forms: leasan acc/dat sing fem; lease fem nom/acc sing; neut nom pl; leasne acc sing masc; leasum dat pl, dat sing masc)

leaslice adv: deceitfully, falsely

leassceawere masc noun: spy (forms: leassceaweras nom pl)

leasung fem noun: lie, falsehood (forms: leasunga dat sing; acc pl; leasunge gen sing)

leccan wk verb: water, irrigate (forms: leoht past part; leohte 3rd pers sing pret indic)

lecgan wk verb: lay (forms: lecgað pl pres indic; imper pl; lecge 3rd pers sing pres subj; geled past part; legde 3rd pers sing pret indic/subj; legdon pl pret indic lege, lecge imper sing; legeð 3rd pers sing pres indic);
lecgan lastas: journey, travel

lef adj: feeble, sickly, infirm

leg, lig masc/neut noun: flame, fire (forms: lege, lige, ligge dat sing; ligas acc pl; liges gen sing)

leger neut noun: lying-place (bed, grave); (fact of) lying (forms: legere dat sing)

legerbedd neut noun: deathbed, grave (forms: legerbedde dat sing)

lehtrian wk verb: accuse, revile, blame (forms: lehtreð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

lemian wk verb: lame, disable (forms: lemedon pl pret indic)

lenge adj: belonging, related; (of time) close, imminent

lengo fem noun, sometimes indecl: length, distance (forms: lenge dat sing)

leod masc noun: man, person (forms: leoda gen pl; leode dat sing, nom pl; leodum, leodon dat pl);
leod fem noun: people, nation (forms: leoda nom/acc/gen pl; leode nom/acc pl; acc/dat/gen sing; leodum dat pl)

leodburg fem noun: (national) city (forms: leodbyrig dat sing)

leodhata masc noun: tyrant, enemy of the people (forms: leodhatan acc sing; nom pl)

leodmæg masc noun: relative, tribal member, co-national (forms: leodmagum dat pl)

leodmægen neut noun: (national) army (forms: leodmægenes, leodmægnes gen sing)

leodþeaw masc noun: custom of a people (forms: leodþeawum dat pl)

leodan Class 2 str verb: spring, grow (forms: ludon, geludon pl pret indic)

leodcyning masc noun: king (of a people)

leodfruma masc noun: patriarch, founder of a people; prince, leader of a people (forms: leodfruman dat/gen sing)

leodgeard masc noun: national territory
healdan leodgeard: rule, govern

leodgebyrgea masc noun: protector of the people (forms: leodgebyrgean acc sing)

leodsceaða masc noun: enemy, threat (to people)

leodscipe masc noun: nation, people (forms: leodscipe dat sing)

leodweard fem noun: leadership, rulership (of a people)

leodwer masc noun: man (of a people) (forms: leodweras nom pl)

leof adj: dear, beloved (forms: leofa nom sing masc (also as term of address); leofan dat sing masc; nom pl masc; leofe nom pl masc; nom sing fem; leofes gen sing masc/neut; leofesta superl nom sing masc; leofne acc sing masc; leofost superl; leofra compar nom sing masc/fem; leofre gen sing fem; leofran compar acc sing fem; leofum masc dat sing, dat pl)

leofian wk verb: live (forms: leofast 2nd pers sing pres indic)

leoflic adj: dear, delightful, precious

Leofsunu prop name: Leofsunu

leoht neut noun: light (Gen 310, 851: "life") (forms: leohte dat sing; leohtes gen sing);
leoht adj: bright, light (forms: leohtne acc sing masc; leohtra masc nom sing compar; leohtum dat pl, dat sing masc);
leohte adv: lightly, brightly, clearly

leohtfruma masc noun: creator of light? bright creator? (forms: leohtfruman acc/dat sing)

ge leogan Class 2 str verb: deceive, lie, betray (forms: geleah 3rd pers sing pret indic; leoge 3rd pers sing pres subj)

leoma masc noun: beam of light, luminary, heavenly body (forms: leoman acc pl; acc sing; leomena gen pl)

leon masc noun: lion (forms: leona gen pl)

leornere masc noun: student, scholar (forms: leorneras acc pl)

ge leornian wk verb: learn, consider (forms: leorna imper sing; geleornod, geliornod, geleornad past part; geleornode, leornade, geleornade, geliornode 3rd pers sing pret indic; leornodon, geliornodon pl pret indic)

liornung fem noun: learning, scholarship (forms: liournunga dat sing)

leoð neut noun: song, poem, poetry (forms: leoð nom/acc pl; leoðe dat sing; leoþes gen sing)

leoðcræft masc noun: poetic ability, skill in poetry

leoðcræftig adj: skilled in poetry/song

leoþsong masc noun: poetic song, poem (forms: leoþsonges gen sing; leoþsongum dat pl)

leppan wk verb: feed (a hawk) (forms: lepeþ 3rd pers sing pres indic)

Lertices pl proper noun: Lertices, the name of a wild animal in Wonders of the East (forms:)

letanie masc noun: litany (forms: letanias acc pl)

ge lettan wk verb: hinder, prevent (forms: gelette 3rd pers sing pret indic; letton pl pres/pret indic)

leuua Lat noun: league (a distance of 1.5 Roman miles)

lew fem noun: injury (forms: lewe acc sing)

lewian wk verb: injured (forms: gelewede past part nom pl masc)

libban, lybban wk verb: live, exist (forms: leofast 2nd pers sing pres indic; leofað, leofaþ 3rd pers sing pres indic; libbað pl pres indic; lifde 3rd pers sing pret indic; lifdon, lyfdon pret indic pl)

lic neut noun: body; likeness (forms: lica gen pl; lice dat sing; lices gen sing)

gelic adj: alike; like, similar to (w. dat); (forms: gelice nom pl neut; gelicost superl; gelicum dat pl)

gelica masc noun: like, equal, companion (forms: gelican nom pl)

gelice adv: as, like, similarly (forms: gelicost superl)

lichoma masc noun: body (forms: lichaman, lichoman nom/acc pl; acc/dat/gen sing)

lichomlic adj: bodily (forms: lichomlicre dat sing)

lichryre masc noun: death

Liconia in Gallia proper name: Liconia, a land in the Wonders of the East

licrest fem noun: cemetery (forms: licreste dat sing)

licwund fem noun: (bodily) wound (forms: licwunde gen sing)

licgan, licgean Class 5 str verb: lie, be situated, extend; lie dead (forms: læg, leg 3rd pers sing pret indic; læge 3rd pers sing pret subj; lagon, lægon pl pret indic; licgað pl pres indic; licge 3rd pers sing pres subj; licgende pres part; licgendre pres part dat sing fem; ligeð 3rd pers sing pres indic; ligst 2nd pers sing pres indic; lið, liþ 3rd pers sing pres indic)

ge lician impers wk verb: please, be liking to (forms: licað 3rd pers sing pres indic; licode, gelicode 3rd pers sing pret indic; licodon pl pret indic)

licsar neut noun: (bodily) wound

licsyrce fem noun: mail coat

lid neut noun: ship (forms: lide dat sing; lides gen sing)

lidmann masc noun: sailor (forms: lidmanna gen pl; lidmen nom pl)

lifan wk verb: grant, allow (forms: life 1st pers sing pres indic; lyfað imper pl; lyfdest 2nd pers sing pret indic)

geliefan, gelyfan wk verb: believe, trust, believe in (forms: gelyfde 3rd pers sing pret indic; gelyfe, geliefe 1st pers sing pres indic; gelyfe 3rd pers sing pres subj; gelyfeð 3rd pers sing pres indic; gelifst 2nd pers sing pres indic)

lif neut noun: life (forms: life, lyfe dat sing; lifes gen sing)

lifbysig adj: struggling for life

lifcearu fem noun: anxiety about life (forms: lifceare acc sing)

lifdagas pl masc noun: days of (one's) life (forms: lifdagum dat)

liffæst adj: vigorous, hearty, lively (forms: liffæstan nom pl neut)

liffrea masc noun: (living) lord, lord of life (forms: liffrean acc/dat/gen sing)

lifgedal neut noun: death

lifgend masc noun: living (person) (forms: lifgenra gen pl)

lifian, lifigan wk verb: live (forms: lifiað, lifiaþ pl pres indic; lifige, lifge 3rd pers sing pres subj; lifigende, lifgende pres part; lifgendne, lifiendne pres part acc sing masc; lifigendum, lifgendum pres part dat sing masc; lifigendra, lifgendra pres part gen pl (as noun: the living); lyfað, leofað 3rd pers sing pres indic
be him lifgendum: while he lives)

lifwraþu fem noun: life-protection (forms: lifwraþe dat sing)
to lifwraþe: to save (his) life

ligen fem noun: lie, untruth, falsehood (forms: ligenum, lygenum dat pl)

ligenword neut noun: lying word (forms: ligenwordum dat pl)

gelignian wk verb: show to be a lier (forms: gelignod past part)

lihtan wk verb: alight, dismount (forms: lihte 3rd pers sing pret indic)

lim neut noun: limb, branch (forms: leomu nom/acc pl; leomum, limum dat pl)
lim masc noun: cement, mortar, lime (forms: lime dat sing)

limnacod adj: having naked limbs

gelimplic adj: appropriate, suitable (forms: gelimplicre dat sing fem)

limwerig adj: weary-limbed (forms: limwerigne acc sing masc)

gelimp, gelymp neut noun: event, occurrence, fortune, misfortune (forms: gelimpum dat pl)

ge limpan Class 3 str impers verb: happen, occur, exist (forms: gelamp, gelomp pret indic; gelimpe 3rd pers sing pres subj; limpeð, gelimpð 3rd pers sing pres indic; gelumpen past part)

lind fem noun: (linden-wood) shield (forms: linde acc/dat/gen sing; acc pl; lindum dat pl)

lindcroda masc noun: crash of shields (kenning for "battle") (forms: lindcrodan dat sing)

Lindesig, Lindesse prop name: Lindsey, Lincolnshire (forms: Lindesige dat sing)

lindhæbbend masc noun: linden(-wood shield)-possessor (a kenning for "warrior") (forms: lindhæbbende nom pl masc)

Lindisfarnea prop name: Lindisfarne

lindwig neut noun: (linden-wood-shield-bearing-) army

lindwiggend masc noun: (linden-wood-shield-bearing-) warrior (forms: lindwiggende nom pl masc)

linnan Class 3 str verb w. dat: lose, cease from

lioðobend masc noun: bond, fetter (forms: lioðobendum dat pl)

liss fem noun: joy, peace; grace, love (forms: liðsa, lissa gen pl; lisse acc/dat/gen sing; liðsum, lissum dat pl)

list masc noun: skill, craft (forms: lista gen pl; listas acc pl; listum dat pl; listum dat pl as adv: cunningly, artfully)

lið neut noun: limb, member (forms: leoþu, liþu nom pl; liðum dat pl)

liþan Class 1 str verb: sail, travel (forms: liden past part; liðendum pres part dat sing masc))

liðend masc noun: traveller (forms: liðende nom pl)

liþnes fem noun: gentleness (forms: liþnesse dat sing fem)

liodan Class 2 str verb: grow, spring up (forms: liodende pres part acc sing neut)

liodgeard masc noun: country

liþe, liðe adj: gracious, pleasant

liðend masc noun: sailor (forms: liðende nom pl masc)

lixan wk verb: shine (forms: lixte 3rd pers sing pret indic; lixton pl pret indic)

locian wk verb: look, see, gaze (on) (forms: locað 3rd pers sing pres indic; lociað pl pres indic; locude 3rd pers sing pret indic)

Locotheo prop name: Locotheo, name of a district in Wonders of the East

lof neut noun: praise, glory, reputation (forms: lofe dat sing)

lofdæd fem noun: famous deed, praiseworthy action (forms: lofdædum dat pl)

lofian wk verb: praise

ge logian wk verb: lodge, place (forms: gelogode 3rd pers sing pret indic; gelogodon pl pret indic)
up logian: lay up, deposit

lofsum adj: glorious, praiseworthy

gelome adv: often, frequently
oft and gelome (an idiomatic set phrase): often

londbunes fem noun: settlement, district

gelong adj: belonging, present

longaþ masc noun: longing, unhappiness (forms: langoþe dat sing; longaþes gen sing)

longsum adj: overlong, wearisome, long-lasting (forms: longsumne acc sing masc)

longung fem noun: longing, sadness (forms: longunge acc sing)

losian impers wk verb: to be lost, perish; escape (forms: losað 3rd pers sing pres indic)

Loth prop name: Loth (Lot) (forms: Lothe dat; Lothes gen)

loða masc noun: cloak (forms: loðum dat pl)

lucan Class 2 str verb: lock, intertwine (forms: lucon pl pret indic)

Lucas prop name: Luke

lufian, lufigean wk verb: love, cherish (forms: lufiað pl pres indic; lufien pl pres subj; lufigend pres part; lufode 3rd pers sing pret indic; lufodon pl pret indic)

luflice adv: kindly, lovingly, in a friendly way

lufu fem noun: love; settlement, kind action (forms: lufan acc/dat/gen sing; lufe acc/dat sing; lufum dat pl)

Lundenburg prop name: the city of London (forms: Lundenbyrig dat)

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