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befon Class 7 str verb: clasp, lay hold of, ensnare, seize (forms: befangen, befongen, bifongen past part)

beforan, biforan prep: before, in front of, in the presence of

befyllan wk verb: cause to fall; deprive of by killing (forms: befælled, befylled past part)

began anom verb: surround; engage in, perform; worship (idols) (forms: beeode 3rd pers sing pret indic; beeodon, beeodan, bieodan pl pret indic)

begang, begong, bigong masc noun: expanse, extent; practice, service, worship (forms: bigange dat sing; bigonges gen sing)

begeotan Class 2 str verb: drench, drip over, cover (forms: begoten past part)

begietan, begytan Class 5 str verb: get, acquire, take (forms: begeat, bigeat 3rd pers sing pret indic; begeaton pl pret indic)

beginnan Class 3 str verb: begin (forms: begann, began 3rd pers sing pret indic)

begiondan, begeondan prep: beyond, on the other side of

begrindan Class 3 str verb: deprive, strip (oneself of something); grind away (forms: begrindeð 3rd pers sing pret indic; begrunden past part))

begrornian wk verb: mourn about (forms: to begrornianne inflected infin)

bigyllan Class 3 str verb: yell about (forms: bigeal 3rd pers sing pret indic)

behabban wk verb: detain, have (forms: behæfdon pl pret subj)

behatan Class 7 str verb: promise, vow (forms: behet 1st pers sing pret indic; behetan pl pret indic)

behinon, behionan prep: on this side of

behon Class 7 str verb: hang (something) about (w. dat for what hangs) (forms: bihongen past part)

beheafdian wk verb: behead (forms: beheafdod past part)

behealdan Class 7 str verb: behold, gaze on; possess, have (forms: beheold 3rd pers sing pret indic; beheoldon pl pret indic)

behelan Class 4 str verb: cover, hide (forms: beholen past part)

beheowan Class 7 str verb: cut off, cut off from, deprive of (forms: beheowe 3rd pers sing pres subj)

behreosan Class 2 str verb: fall upon, cover (forms: bihrorene past part nom pl masc)

behriman sk verb: frost over, cover in rime or hoarfrost (forms: behrimed past part)

behð fem noun: sign, evidence (forms: behðe dat sing)

beirnan Class 3 str verb: occur (forms: bearn 3rd pers sing pret indic)

beladian wk verb: exculpate, vindicate

belean Class 6 str verb: dissuade from

belecgan wk verb: cover (forms: belegde, bilegde 3rd pers sing pret indic; bilecgað pl pres indic)

beleosan Class 2 str verb: be deprived of, lose (with dat) (forms: beleas 1st pers sing pret indic; belorene past part masc nom pl)

belicgan Class 5 str verb: lie about, surround (forms: beligeð, belið 3rd pers sing pres indic)

belimpan Class 3 str verb: belong (to) (forms: belimpeð 3rd pers sing pres indic; belumpen pl pret subj; belumpon pl pret indic)

belisnod past part adj as noun: castrated, eunuch (forms: belisnode nom pl)

beliðan Class 1 str verb: deprive of (forms: belidenne past part acc sing masc)

belucan Class 2 str verb: lock up, enclose (forms: beleac 3rd pers sing pret indic; belocen, belucen past part)

bemurnan Class 3 str verb: lament, mourn about (forms: bemearn 3rd pers sing pret indic; bimurneð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

ben fem noun: petition, request (forms: bene dat/gen sing)

bena beon idiomatic expression: to petition, request, ask (forms: bena eart 2nd pers sing pres indic; benan synt pl pres indic; bena wæs 1st pers sing pret indic)

benæman wk verb: deprive of, take away

benc fem noun: bench (forms: bence dat sing; bencum dat pl)

bencsittende masc pl noun: bench-sitters, i.e. courtiers, warriors (forms: bencsittendum dat pl)

bencþel neut noun: bench-plank (forms: bencþelu nom pl)

bend masc noun: bond, fetter, band (forms: bendum dat pl)

beneah pret pres verb: enjoy, possess (forms: beneah 3rd pers sing pres indic)

benedicite Latin verb: bless (imper)

benemnan wk verb: name, declare, say

beneotan Class 2 str verb: deprive of (forms: beneote 3rd pers sing pres subj; beneoteð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

beniman Class 4 str verb: deprive, take, assume (forms: benam, binom 3rd pers sing pret indic; benimð 3rd pers sing pres indic; benumen past part)

benn fem noun: wound (forms: benne dat sing; nom pl; bennum dat pl)

ge beodan Class 2 str verb: announce, proclaim, make known; offer, give, grant (forms: bead, gebad, gebead 3rd pers sing pret indic; beodaþ pl pres indic; beodeð 3rd pers sing pres indic; geboden past part; bude 2nd pers sing pret indic; budon pl pret indic)

beodgeneat masc noun: table companion (forms: beodgeneatas nom pl)

beodgereordu neut pl noun: meals, food

beon anom verb: to be (forms: eart 2nd pers sing pres indic; eom 1st pers sing pres ind; is, ys 3rd pers sing pres ind; beo imper sing; 1st pers sing pres indic; 2nd pers sing pres subj; beon pl pres indic; imper pl; beoð, beoþ, bioð pl pres indic; bist 2rd pers sing pres indic; bið, byð, biþ, beoð 3rd pers sing pres ind; seo 1st/3rd pers sing pres subj; sie, sy, si 2nd/3rd pers sing pres subj; sien, syn pl pres subj; synd, sind, synt, sint, syn, syndon, sindon, syndan, siendon pl pres indic; wære 3rd pers sing pret subj; wæren, wæran pl pret subj; wæron, waron, wæran, wærun pl pret indic; wæs, was 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; wes, wæs imper sing; westu (= wes þu) imper sing;
forms collapsed with negative particle " ne ": næs (= ne wæs) 3rd pers sing pret indic; imper sing; nære (= ne wære) 3rd pers sing pret subj; næren (= ne wæren) pl pret subj; næron (= ne wæron) pl pret indic; nearon (= ne earon) pl pres indic; nis, nys (= ne is) 3rd pers sing pres indic)

beor neut noun: beer (forms: beore dat sing)

gebeor masc noun: beer-drinking buddy, beer-drinker (forms: gebeoras nom/acc pl; gebeorum dat pl)

beorg masc noun: mountain, hill (forms: beorgas nom/acc pl; beorge dat sing; beorgum dat pl)

gebeorg neut noun: protection (forms: gebeorge dat sing)

ge beorgan Class 3 str verb w. dat: save, preserve; avoid, defend against (forms: bearh, gebearh 3rd pers sing pret indic; beorge 3rd pers sing pres subj; geborgen past part; burgon pl pret indic)

beorhhlið neut noun: mountain slope (forms: beorhhleoþum dat pl)

beorht adj: bright, light, clear, pure (forms: beorta nom sing masc; beorhtan acc/dat/gen sing masc/fem/neut; beorhte fem nom/acc sing, acc pl masc/fem, nom sing neut; beorhtost superl; beorhtra gen pl; beorhtre fem dat/gen sing; beorhtum dat pl)
beorhte adv: brightly

beorhtblowan Class 7 str verb: blossom brightly (forms: beorhtblowende pres part)

Beorhtdene masc pl noun: (Bright-) Danes (forms: Beorhtdena gen pl)

beorma masc noun: yeast foam (from beer), sourdough starter, barm (forms: beorman acc sing)

beorn masc noun: man (forms: beorna gen pl; beornas nom/acc pl; beorne dat sing; beornes gen sing; beornum dat pl)

Beornræd prop name: Beornraed

ge beorscipe masc noun: feast with alcohol, beer party (forms: gebeorscipe dat sing; gebeorscipes, beorscipes gen sing)

beorsele masc noun: beer-hall (forms: beorsele dat sing)

beorþegu fem noun: beer-drinking (forms: beorþege dat sing)

ge beot neut noun: boast, vow

ge beotian wk verb: boast, vow (forms: gebeotedon, beotedan pl pret indic; beotode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

Beowulf prop name: Beowulf (forms: Beowulfe dat sing; Beowulfes gen sing)

bepæcan wk verb: seduce, deceive (forms: bepæceð pl pres indic)

berædan wk verb: to determine by discussion
hyra mægen beræddon: arrayed their forces

ge beran Class 4 str verb: bear, carry; give birth to (forms: bær, gebær 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; bæron pl pret indic; bere 1st pers sing pres indic/subj; imper sing; bereð, bireð, byreð, byrð 3rd pers sing pres indic; berað imper pl; beron pl pres indic; boren, geboren past part (also "born"); geborenum past part dat sing masc (Sea 98 as noun: sibling); byreð 3rd pers sing pres indic; to berenne inflected infinitive)

*bereafan Class 2 str verb: deprive (forms: berofan pl pret indic)

bereafian wk verb: deprive, bereave, rob (forms: bereafod, bireafod past part w. dat: deprived of; without)

berenian wk verb: commit, carry out (forms: berenedon)

berewæstm masc noun: barley crop (forms: berewæstma gen pl)

beridan Class 1 str verb: catch up to by riding (forms: berad 3rd pers sing pret indic)

Bersabeas prop name: inhabitants of Beersheba (forms: Bersabea gen pl)

berstan Class 3 str verb: burst, break (forms: bærst 3rd pers sing pret indic; burston pl pret indic)

berypan wk verb: despoil (forms: berypte past part acc sing neut; past part nom pl neut)

besceawian wk verb: look about, consider, care about (forms: bisceawað 3rd pers sing pres indic)

bescierian wk verb w. gen or dat: deprive of, separate from (forms: biscyred past part; bescyrede past part pl adj)

bescufan Class 2 str verb: shove, throw, thrust

besellan wk verb: surround, cover (forms: beseald past part)

besencan wk verb: sink, submerge, drown (forms: besenceð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

beseon Class 5 str verb: see, look at; look around (forms: beseo 3rd pers sing pres subj; beseah 3rd pers sing pret indic)

besincan Class 3 str verb: sink (forms: besuncen past part)

beslean Class 6 str verb: strike, smite, deprive by striking, cut off, take away (forms: beslægene past part nom pl fem; besloh 3rd pers sing pret indic)

besmitan Class 1 str verb: pollute, defile (forms: besmiten past part)

besmiþian wk verb: construct, make by craftsmanship (forms: besmiþod past part)

besnyðian wk verb: rob, deprive of (forms: besnyþede 3rd pers sing pret indic)

besorgian wk verb: mourn, be sad about (forms: besorgað 3rd pers sing pres indic)

bestandan Class 6 str verb: stand about, stand on either side of (forms: bestodon pl pret indic)

bestelan Class 4 str verb: move stealthily, steal away (often reflex) (forms: bestæl 3rd pers sing pret indic; bestælon pl pret indic)

bestrudan Class 7 str verb: plunder, rob (forms: bestrudon pl pret indic)

bestrypan wk verb: strip, despoil (forms: bestrypte past part nom pl neut)

bestyman, besteman wk verb: wet, moisten (forms: bestymed, bestemed past part)

beswican Class 1 str verb: deceive, betray (forms: beswac 3rd pers sing pret indic; beswicað pl pres indic; beswice 3rd pers sing pres subj; beswicen pl pres subj; beswicen past part; beswicene past part nom/acc pl masc)

beswylian wk verb: drench, flood (forms: beswyled past part)

besyrwan wk verb: ensnare, entrap (forms: besyrwde past part nom pl)

bet adv: better

betæcan wk verb: entrust, commmend (forms: betæht past part; betæhte 3rd pers sing pret indic)

ge betan wk verb: amend, restore; increase; compensate; pay for (forms: betan pl pres indic; bete 1st pers sing pres indic; bettan pl pret indic; gebette 3rd pers sing pret indic)

beþeccan wk verb: cover, conceal, surround (forms: beþeahte past part nom pl masc; biþeaht past part; beþeahton pl pret indic)

beþencan wk verb: think of, call to mind; consider (forms: beþencan pl pres indic/subj)

beþenian wk verb: stretch over, cover (forms: beþenede 3rd pers sing pret indic)

Bethlem prop name: Bethlem (Bethel?, Bethlehem?)

Bethulia prop name: Bethulia (forms: Bethuliam acc/dat/gen sing)

betlic adj: excellent

betweonan, betwyn prep: between

be... tweonum seperable prep: between
be sæm tweonum: between the seas

betweox, betwyh, betuh prep: between, betwixt, among

betynan wk verb: conclude, end (forms: betynde 3rd pers sing pret indic)

beutan prep: outside

bewarigan wk verb: protect

bewawan Class 7 str verb: (of wind) to blow around (forms: biwaune past part nom pl masc)

beweaxan Class 7 str verb: grow around, grow over (forms: beweaxne past part nom pl masc)

bewegan Class 5 str verb: cover (forms: bewegen past part)

bewendan wk verb: turn (forms: bewænde 3rd pers sing pret indic)

beweorpan Class 3 str verb: cast, throw; surround (forms: beworpen, biworpen past part)

bewerian, biwergan wk verb: protect (forms: beweredon pl pret indic)

bewindan Class 3 str verb: surround, enwreathe; revolve, consider (forms: bewand 3rd pers sing pret indic; bewindað pl pres indic; bewunden, biwunden past part)

bewlitan Class 1 str verb: look about (forms: bewlat 3rd pers sing pret indic)

bewreon Class 1 str verb: cover, hide, wrap up, enclose, protect (forms: bewrigen past part; bewrigene past part acc sing fem/neut; bewrigenum past part dat pl; biwrah 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic);
in bewrigenum: being hidden

ge bidan Class 1 str verb: stay, wait, continue, live; (with gen) await, expect; endure (forms: bad, gebad 3rd pers sing pret indic; bideð 3rd pers sing pres indic; bidon, beodan (Ex 166) pl pret indic)

gebidan Class 1 str verb: experience, live to enjoy (forms: gebad 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; gebide 3rd pers sing pres subj; gebiden past part; gebidenne past part acc sing masc; gebidenra past part gen pl; gebideð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

ge biddan Class 5 str verb: ask, pray (forms: bæd, gebæd 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; bæde 3rd pers sing pret subj; bædon pl pret indic; gebiddað pl pres indic; bidde 1st pers sing pres indic; pl pres subj)

befæstan, bifæstan wk verb: fasten, imprison; apply, establish (forms: befæste 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; 1st/2nd/3rd pers sing pres subj; bifæsteð 3rd pers sing pres indic)
befæstan to lare: to set to learning

bifian wk verb: shake, quake, shiver (forms: bifiende pres part; bifode 1st pers sing pret indic)

bigeng fem noun: worship, observance, practice (forms: bigengum dat pl)

bigstandan Class 6 str verb: stand by, support (forms: bigstandað pl pres indic)

bihlemman wk verb: crash together (forms: bihlemmeð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

bilwit adj: gracious, merciful (forms: bilwitre dat sing fem)

bill neut noun: sword (forms: billa gen pl; bille dat sing; billum dat pl)

gebind neut noun: binding

ge bindan Class 3 str verb: bind (forms: band, geband, bond 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; binde 1st/3rd pers sing pres indic/subj; bindað, gebindað pl pres indic; bindeð 3rd pers sing pres indic; gebunden past part; gebundene past part nom/acc pl masc; bundenne past part acc sing masc)

binnan prep: within

biscepdom masc noun: episcopal see, office of a biscop (forms: biscepdome dat sing)

biscop, bisceop, biscep masc noun: bishop (forms: biscepas nom pl; bisceope, biscope, biscepe dat sing; biscopa gen pl)

bisceprice neut noun: bishopric, episcopal see

biscepstol masc noun: bishopric (forms: biscepstole dat sing)

bisen fem noun: form, pattern, example, rule, command (forms: bisne acc sing)

ge bisgian wk verb: occupy; trouble (forms: bisgodon pl pret indic; gebysgad past part; bysgað 3rd pers sing pres indic)

bisigu fem noun: affliction, trouble, care, busy-ness (forms: bisgo acc sing; bisgum dat pl)

bitan Class 1 str verb w. gen: bite (forms: bat 3rd pers sing pret indic; bit imper sing)

biter, bitter adj: bitter, harsh (forms: biteran acc pl; bitere acc pl masc; bitre acc sing fem; nom pl masc; bitres, biteres gen sing; bitresta superl nom sing masc);
biter masc noun: bitterness (forms: bitre dat sing; bitres gen sing)
bitre adv: bitterly

blac adj: white, pale, pallid, ashy (forms: blacne acc sing masc; blæces gen sing neut)

blacern neut noun: lantern, candle (forms: blacern nom pl)

blachleor adj: pale-faced

blacian wk verb: become pale (forms: blacað 3rd pers sing pres indic)

blæc, blac adj: black, dark (forms: blace dat sing fem; blacum dat pl)

blæd masc noun: glory, splendour (forms: blæde dat sing; blædes gen sing; bledum dat pl);
blæd fem/neut pl noun: fruit (plural often has singular meaning); branch, sprig (forms: blæda acc/gen pl; blædæ acc sing; blædu, blado nom pl)

blædagande pres part: glorious, victorious (forms: blædagande nom pl)

blæddæg masc noun: glorious day
(forms: blæddaga gen pl)

ge blædfæst: glorious

blæst masc noun: blowing, breeze, wind

blanca masc noun: (white) horse (forms: blancum dat pl)

bland neut noun: blending, mixture, confusion

blatan wk verb: be pale? be livid? darken? (see DOE s.v. blatan, blat) (forms: blatende pres part)

bleo neut noun: colour (forms: bleos gen sing; bleom dat pl)

Blecingaeg prop name: Blekinge

bleobord neut noun: coloured board (for gaming): chessboard or tables-board (forms: bleobordes gen sing)

ge bletsian wk verb: bless (forms: gebletsad, gebletsod past part; gebletsode, gebletsade 3rd pers sing pret indic)

bletsung fem noun: blessing, grace (forms: bletsunga gen pl; bletsunge acc/dat sing)

blican Class 1 str verb: gleam, shine, sparkle (forms: blicð 3rd pers sing pres indic; blicon pl pret indic)

blind adj: blind, lightless (forms: blindum dat sing neut)

bliss, blis fem noun: bliss, joy (forms: blisse, blysse acc/dat/gen sing)

blissian wk verb: make happy, delight; become happy, have fun, get drunk (forms: blissigende pres part; geblissod, geblissad past part; blissode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

blið, bliðe adj: joyous, pleasant, well-disposed (forms: bliðe acc/inst sing neut; nom sing fem, nom/acc pl masc; bliðne acc sing masc; bliðra, bliþra compar nom sing masc)
þe bliþra: so much the happier
bliðe dat sing as adv: happily, joyously

bliðemod adj: joyous-minded; well-disposed (forms: bliðemode nom pl masc)

bliðheort adj: glad-hearted

blod neut noun: blood (forms: blode dat sing)

blodgyte masc noun: bloodshed

blodig adj: bloody (forms: blodge acc sing fem; blodige nom pl neut; blodigne acc sing masc)

geblonden past part adj: corrupted, infected

blondenfeax adj: having hair of different colours; going grey

blostm masc noun: blossom (forms: blostmum dat pl)

blotan Class 7 str verb: offer in sacrifice

boc, booc fem noun: book (forms: boca gen pl; bec nom/acc pl; dat sing)

bocere masc noun: scholar, writer, scribe (forms: boceras nom/acc pl)

boda masc noun: messenger, herald (forms: bodan acc/dat/gen sing; nom/acc pl)

gebod neut noun: command, precept

bodian wk verb: tell, proclaim; preach; foretell (forms: bodad past part; bodode, bodade 3rd pers sing pret indic; bodedon pl pret indic)

bodig neut noun: body

ge bodscipe masc noun: commandment; message

bog masc noun: bough; arm, shoulder (forms: bogum dat pl)

boga masc noun: bow (i.e. for shooting arrows) (forms: bogan nom pl)

bolca masc noun: gangplank (forms: bolcan dat sing)

bold, botl neut noun: building, house, residence (forms: botle dat sing)

gebolgen past part adj: angry, enraged (from belgan)

bolgenmod adj: angry, enraged

bolla masc noun: drinking cup, bowl (forms: bollan nom pl)

bolster masc noun: bolster, pillow (forms: bolstre dat sing)

bord neut noun: board, shield, deck (of a ship), side (of a ship), hold (of a ship) (forms: bord acc pl; borda gen pl; bordes gen sing; bordum dat pl)

bordhreoða masc noun: a row of shields (?) (forms: bordhreoðan nom pl; dat sing)

bordweall masc noun: shield-wall (defensive formation of side-by-side shields)

borian wk verb: bore, drill a hole (forms: borige 3rd pers sing pres subj)

bosm masc noun: bosom, breast; hold (of a ship) (forms: bosme dat sing)

bot fem noun: remedy, compensation (forms: bote acc/dat/gen sing)

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