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fæge adj: doomed; accursed (forms: fægan, fægean dat sing neut; fæge nom/acc pl masc; fæges gen sing; fægne acc sing masc; fægum dat sing masc/neut; dat pl)

ge fægen adj: glad, joyous (forms: gefægene nom pl masc)

fæger, fægir adj: fair, lovely, pleasant (forms: fægere, fægre nom/acc pl masc/fem, acc sing fem, dat sing masc; fægran dat sing fem; fægroste superl acc sing fem; fægerra, fægera gen pl)

fægere, fægre adv: pleasantly, beautifully; well, justly (forms: fægrost superl)

faegnian wk verb w. gen: be delighted, be happy (forms: fægnode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

fægrian wk verb: become beautiful (forms: fægriað pl pres indic)

fæhð, fæhðu, fæhþo fem noun: feud, hostility, enmity (forms: fæhðe acc/dat/gen sing)

fæle adj: faithful, reliable

fælsian wk verb: cleanse, purify (forms: gefælsod past part)

fæmne fem noun: woman, female; virgin, maid (forms: fæmnan, femnan acc/dat sing; nom pl; fæmnum dat pl)

fær masc noun: peril, calamity (forms: fære, fere dat sing; færes gen sing)
fær neut noun: vessel, conveyance; journey (forms: fære dat sing)

færcyle masc noun: calamitous cold (forms: færcyle dat sing)

færgripe masc noun: sudden grasping (forms: færgripum dat pl)

færgryre masc noun: sudden horror (forms: færgryrum dat pl)

færinga adv: suddenly

færlice adv: suddenly, violently

færnið masc noun: sudden violence (forms: færniða gen pl)

færsceaða masc noun: violent attacker (forms: færsceaðan dat sing)

færspell, færspel neut noun: bad news, news of a sudden calamity

færstice masc noun: sudden stabbing pain ("stitch") (forms: færstice dat sing)

fæwundor neut noun: sudden marvel, terrifying wonder (forms: færwundra gen pl)

fæsl neut? noun: offspring, progeny (forms: fæsle dat sing)

fæst adj: fast, firmly attached, solid, firm (forms: fæste dat sing masc; fæstne acc sing masc; fæstum dat pl)

fæste adv: fast, firmly, solidly, securely (forms: fæstor compar)

fæsten neut noun: stronghold, enclosure (forms: fæstenne, fæstene dat sing)

fæstenbryce masc noun: failure to fast when required (forms: fæstenbrycas acc pl)

fæstengeat neut noun: fortress gate (forms: fæstengeates gen sing)

fæsthydig adj: resolute, steadfast, faithful (forms: fæsthydigne acc sing masc)

fæstlice adv: firmly, decisively, permanently

ge fæstnian wk verb: fasten, secure, contract for, settle upon, provide assurances (that) (forms: gefæstnod past part; gefæstnodon pl pret indic)

fæstnung fem noun: stability; covenant; protection

fæstræd adj: steadfast (forms: fæstrædne acc sing masc)

fætels masc noun: jar for liquids; bag, sack (forms: fætels acc pl; fætelse dat sing)

fæðm, fæþm masc noun: embrace, grasp; body, breast (forms: fæþme, fæðme dat sing; fæðmum, fæþmum dat pl)

fætt neut noun: gold plate, gold ornament (forms: fættum dat pl)

fætt adj: ornamented, adorned with gold (forms: fætte acc pl masc)

fætedhleor adj: with decorated cheeks; bearing cheek ornaments (forms: fætedhleore acc pl masc)

fah, fag adj: hostile, criminal, guilty, outlawed (forms: fagum dat sing masc, dat pl; faum dat pl; fara gen pl);
fah, fag adj: ornamented, shining; stained, blood-stained (forms: fage acc pl masc; fagum dat pl, dat sing masc; fahne, fagne acc sing masc)

Falster prop name: Falster

fam neut noun: foam

famig adj: foamy; foam-covered (forms: famige nom pl masc)

famiheals adj: foamy-prowed

fana masc noun: banner, standard

fandian, fandigan wk verb: test, examine (forms: fandode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

fandung fem noun: investigation, discovery (forms: fandunga acc sing)

fann fem noun: winnowing fan (a large basket)

fant masc noun: baptismal font (forms: fante dat sing)

gefara masc noun: companion, follower

ge faran Class 6 str verb: go, travel; proceed; (with ge- prefix) depart, die (forms: færeð, fareð, færð 3rd pers sing pres indic; far imper sing; farað, faran pl pres indic; fare 2nd/3rd pers sing pres subj; gefaren past part; gefor, for 3rd pers sing pret indic; gefore 3rd pers sing pret subj; foren pl pret subj; geforan, foran, foron pl pret indic)

Farao, Faraon prop name: Pharao (forms: Faraone dat sing; Faraonis gen sing)

fareðlacende pres part as masc pl noun: sailor (forms: fareðlacendum dat pl)

faroð masc noun: shore, bank (forms: faroðe dat sing)

faroðlacend masc noun: swimmer, sailor (forms: faroðlacende, faraðlacende nom pl)

faru fem noun: going, way, course (forms: fare acc sing)

Fastitocalon prop name: Fastitocalon, the whale's name

fea, feawa adj and pron: few (forms: fea nom pl masc)
fea adv: little, hardly; even a little, at all

gefea masc noun: joy, happiness (forms: gefean acc/dat sing)

fealdan Class 7 str verb: fold (forms: feoldan pl pret indic)

ge feallan Class 7 str verb: fall, fall dead (forms: feallan pl pres subj?; feallende pres part; fealleþ 3rd pers sing pres indic; feol, feoll, gefeol, gefeoll 3rd pers sing pret indic; feollon pl pret indic)

fealohilte adj: having a yellow (i.e. golden) hilt

fealu adj: yellow, grey, dusky (forms: fealwe acc pl masc, acc sing fem)

fearm masc noun: cargo (forms: fearme dat sing)

feasceaft adj: indigent, poor, miserable; (w. gen) bereft

feasceaftig adj: indigent, poor

feax, fæx neut noun: hair (forms: feaxe dat sing)

fedan wk verb: feed; bear, give birth to (forms: fed imper sing; fedað pl pres indic; feddan pl pret indic; fedde 3rd pers sing pret indic; feded past part; fedeð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

feferfuige fem noun: feverfew (tanacetum parthenium)

fegan wk verb: join, attach; confine (forms: gefeg imper sing; gefeged past part; fegeð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

fela, feala, fæla pron and adv: many, much

ge felan wk verb w. gen: feel, perceive (forms: gefele 3rd pers sing pres subj; gefeleð, feleþ 3rd pers sing pres indic)

felahror adj: very strong

felaleof adj: very dear (forms: felaleofan gen sing masc)

felawlonc adj: very proud

feld masc noun: plain, field (forms: felda dat sing; feldas acc pl masc)

feldhus neut noun: tent (forms: feldhusum dat pl)

feleleas adj: insensible, without sensation

fell neut noun: skin, hide

fen, fenn neut noun: fen, moor, marsh (forms: fenne dat sing)

fenfreoðo fem noun: refuge in the fens

feng masc noun: grasp (forms: fenge dat sing)

fenhlið neut noun: fen-cliff, fen-slope (forms: fenhleoðu acc pl)

fenhop neut noun: dry land in a marsh (forms: fenhopu acc pl)

feofor masc noun: fever (forms: feofore dat sing)

feogan, feon wk verb: hate (forms: feoð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

feoh neut noun: livestock, wealth (forms: fea, feo dat sing; feos gen sing)

feohgifre adj: greedy for property

feohgift fen noun: gift of property (forms: feohgyfte gen sing; feohgiftum dat pl)

ge feohtan Class 3 str verb: fight; (with ge- prefix) get by fighting (forms: feaht, gefeaht 3rd pers sing pret indic; feohtende pres part; fuhton, gefuhton pl pret indic; gefohten past part)

ge feoht neut noun: fight, battle (forms: gefeohte, feohte dat sing; gefeohtum dat pl)

ge feohte fem noun: fight, struggle (forms: feohtan acc/dat sing; gefeohte dat sing)

feolan Class 3 str verb: penetrate, enter (forms: fulgon pl pret indic)

feolheard adj: file-hard (forms: feolhearde acc pl neut)

ge feon Class 5 str verb w. dat or gen: rejoice, exult (forms: gefægon pl pret indic; gefeah, gefeh 3rd pers sing pret indic; gefeonde pres part)

feond masc noun: enemy, adversary; fiend, devil (forms: feond acc pl; feonda gen pl; feondas nom/acc pl; feonde dat sing; feondes gen sing; feondum dat pl; fynd nom/acc pl)

feondgrap fem noun: hostile grasp, grip of an enemy (forms: feondgrapum dat pl)

feondræs masc noun: hostile attack

feondscaða, feondsceaða masc noun: hostile enemy (forms: feondsceaðan acc sing)

feondscipe masc noun: enmity, hostility

feor adv: far; from afar (forms: fyr, fyrr comp)
feor adj: distant, far (forms: feorres gen sing)

feorbuend adj: outsider, foreigner

feorgbold neut noun: spirit-house (a kenning for "body")

feorh, feorg masc/neut noun: life, spirit; living being, person (forms: feorh nom pl; fyore, feore dat sing; feores gen sing; feora gen pl; feorum dat pl)

feorhbana, feorgbona masc noun: killer, murderer (forms: feorhbanan dat sing; acc pl)

feorhbealo neut noun: murderous evil

feorhberend masc noun: living being (forms: feorhberendra gen pl)

feorhcwalu fem noun: death (forms: feorhcwale dat sing)

feorhcwealm masc noun: death, murder

feorhdæg masc noun: (in pl.) days of a life (forms: feorhdaga gen pl)

feorhgeniðla masc noun: mortal enemy (forms: feorhgeniðlan dat sing)

feorhhus neut noun: life-house, soul-house (a kenning for "body")

feorhlast masc noun: bloody track; footprint of (departing) life (forms: feorhlastas nom pl)

feorhlean neut noun: compensation for life

feorhseoc adj: mortally wounded

feorm fem noun: goods, possessions, provisions; upkeep, management, handling, care; use, benefit (forms: feorme, fiorme acc/dat sing)

feormend masc noun: provider, patron, host (forms: feormendra gen pl)

feormian wk verb: entertain, look after, polish off (forms: gefeormedon pl pret indic; gefeormod past part)

feorren, feorran adv: from afar, far off
feorran wk verb: remove, withdraw, take away

feorrian wk verb: go far off (forms: feorriað pl pres indic)

feorða adj and pron: fourth (forms: feorðan dat sing masc; feorðe nom sing fem)

feorheacen adj: animate, living (forms: feorheaceno neut acc pl)

feorran adv: far, from afar

feorweg masc noun: distant way, distant journey (forms: feorwegas acc pl; feorwegum dat pl)

feower,.iiii. numeral: four (forms: feowera gen)

feowertiene,.xiiii. numeral: fourteen (forms: feowertynum dat pl)

feowertig,.xl. numeral: forty

xli numeral: forty-one

gefera, gefæra masc noun: companion (forms: geferan, gefæran acc/dat/gen sing, nom/acc pl; geferum dat pl)

ge feran, færen wk verb: go, travel; accomplish, obtain, bring (forms: feran pl pres subj/indic; ferde, geferde, færde 3rd pers sing pret indic; ferdon, færdon pl pret indic; fere 1st pers sing pres indic; ferende pres part)

ferend neut noun: traveller (forms: ferend nom pl)

Feretia prop name: Feretia (Pherezeus, Perizzite) (forms: Feretia gen pl)

ferhtgereaht neut noun: what is just and right

ferhð, ferð, feorð masc noun: spirit, mind, soul (forms: ferhðe, ferhþe, ferðe, ferþe dat sing; ferhðes gen sing)

ferhðcearig adj: sorrowful in spirit (forms:)

ferhðcofa masc noun: breast (lit. spirit-chamber) (forms: ferhðcofan dat sing)

ferhðgleaw adj: intelligent, clever (forms: ferhðgleawe acc sing fem)

ferhðloca, ferðloca masc noun: spirit-enclosure (a kenning for "body") (forms: ferhðlocan nom pl; ferðlocan acc sing)

ferhweard fem noun: protection (forms: ferhwearde acc sing)

ferian wk verb: depart, go; carry, transport, bring (forms: gefered past part; geferede past part nom pl masc; geferede, ferede, ferode 3rd pers sing pret indic; ferigeað, fergað pl pres indic; feredon, fyredon pl pret indic)

fers neut noun: verse, line of poetry (forms: fers acc pl)

ferðgrim adj: fierce-minded

ge feterian wk verb: fetter, fasten (forms: gefeterode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

feða masc noun: foot-soldier; troop of soldiers (forms: feðan nom/acc pl)

feþan wk verb: make walk, put (back) on feet (forms: feþað pl pres indic)

feðe, feþe neut noun: power of movement, going, pace (forms: feðe, feþe dat sing)
on feðe: on foot

feðegang masc noun: walking, journey on foot (forms: feðegange dat sing)

feþegeorn adj: eager to travel by foot

feðelast masc noun: footstep, footpath (forms: feðelaste dat sing)

feðeleas adj: without feet, footless

feðer fem noun: feather, wing (forms: feðera, feþra acc pl; fiþrum dat pl)

feðerhoma, feðerhama masc noun: wings, covering of feathers (forms: feðerhaman dat pl; feðerhoman dat sing)

fetigean, fetigan, gefecgan, feccan gefæccan weak verb: fetch, bring, carry away (forms: feccende pres part; gefetige 3rd pers sing pres subj; gefætað pl pres indic; gefætte past part nom pl neut)

fetor, feter fem noun: fetter (forms: feterum dat pl)

fiat Lat imper: let it be done

fiersn fem noun: heel (forms: fiersna acc pl)

fif, V,.v. numeral: five (forms: fife nom/acc pl)

fifelcynn neut noun: the race of giants/monsters (forms: fifelcynnes gen sing)

fifta adj: fifth (forms: fiftan acc sing fem)

fiftene, fiftyno, fiftyne numeral: fifteen (forms: XVna, fiftena gen pl)

fiftig, L,.l. numeral: fifty (forms: fiftiges gen sing; fiftegum dat pl)

Filistei pl prop name: the Philistines (forms: Filistea gen pl)

findan Class 3 str verb: find (forms: findað pl pres indic; findest 2nd pers sing pres indic; findeð 3rd pers sing pres indic; fand, fond, funde 3rd pers sing pret indic; funde 3rd per sing pret subj; funden past part; fundon pl pret indic)

finger masc noun: finger (forms: fingra gen pl; fingras nom/acc pl)

Finnaland neut noun: the land of the Finns or Sami peoples

finol masc noun: fennel

firen, fyren fem noun: sin, guilt, crime; torment (forms: firena, fyrena nom/acc/gen pl; fyrene acc/gen sing; fyrnum, firnum, firenum dat pl (as adv = "extremely, violently"))

firendæd fem noun: sinful deed, sin, crime (forms: firendæda gen pl)

firgenstream masc noun: mountain current, mountain stream (forms: firgenstreamum dat pl)

firas masc pl noun: men, human beings (forms: fira gen pl; firum dat pl)

fisc masc noun: fish (forms: fisca gen pl; fiscas nom pl; fisceon dat pl)

fiscað masc noun: fishing, fishery

Fison prop noun: (the river) Phison (see Genesis 2:11 in Vulgate)

Fitela prop name: Fitela

fiþerleas adj: without wings (or without feathers)

fitt fem? noun: fighting (forms: fitte dat sing)
fitt fem noun: song, poem (forms: fitte acc sing)

flæsc neut noun: flesh, body (forms: flæsce dat sing)

flæschoma masc noun: body (lit. "covering of flesh") (forms: flæschoman acc sing)

flah adj: deceitful, treacherous, wicked

flan masc/fem noun: arrow, spear (forms: flana gen pl; flane acc/dat sing; flanes gen sing)

fleam masc noun: flight, rout (forms: fleame dat sing)

flema masc noun: exile

fleogan Class 2 str verb: fly, flee (forms: fleah, fleag 3rd pers sing pret indic; fleogende pres part; fleoh imper sing; flugon pl pret indic)

fleohnet neut noun: fly-net, thin curtain

fleon Class 2 str verb: fly from, avoid, flee (forms: fleonde pres part; fleoð pl pres indic)

fleotan Class 2 str verb: float, swim (forms: fleotende pres part)

fleotend masc noun: sailor, floater (forms: fleotendra gen pl)

fletgesteald, flettgesteald neut noun: hall goods (forms: fletgestealdum dat pl)

fletsittende masc pl noun: those sitting in a hall; courtiers, warriors (forms: fletsittendum dat pl)

flett, flet neut noun: hall (forms: flette dat sing)

flettwað masc noun: hall-wandering; wandering way to a hall (forms: flettwaðas acc pl)

fletwerod neut noun: hall-troop

geflit neut noun: dispute, contest

flitan Class 1 str verb: fight, contend (forms: flite 3rd pers sing pret subj; flitende past part nom pl masc)

flod masc/neut noun: body of water, wave, stream, current, flood (forms: flodas nom pl masc; flode dat sing; flodes gen sing)

flodweg masc noun: sea-way, sea-path (forms: flodwegas acc pl)

flodyþ fem noun: (sea) wave (forms: flodyþum dat pl)

flor masc/fem noun: floor (forms: flore acc sing)

flot neut noun: sea
on flot feran: put out to sea

flota masc noun: floater (a kenning for "sailor, ship, fish") (forms: flotan acc sing; nom pl)

geflota masc noun: floater (a kenning for "fish") (forms: geflotan dat sing)

flotmonn masc noun: sailor, shipman, viking (forms: flotmonna gen pl; flotmen nom pl)

flotweg masc noun: ship-route

flowan Class 7 str verb: flow (forms: flowende pres part; floweð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

flyht masc noun: flight (forms: flihte dat sing)
on flihte: in flight, flying

ge flyman wk verb: drive out, cast out, put to flight (forms: gefliemde 3rd pers sing pret indic; past part nom pl masc; gefliemdon pl pret indic; flymde 3rd pers sing pret indic; geflymed past part)

fodder neut noun: food, fodder (forms: fodre dat sing; fodres gen sing)

fola masc noun: foal, colt (forms: folan acc pl)

folc neut noun: people, nation, tribe (forms: folca gen pl; folce dat sing; folces gen sing; folcum dat pl)

folcbearn neut noun: child (of the people), descendant (forms: folcbearn nom pl; folcbearnum dat pl)

folccwen fem noun: queen (of a people)

folccyning masc noun: king (of a people) (forms: folccyningas nom pl; folccyninge dat sing)

folcdriht fem noun: multitude of people

folcfrea masc noun: lord (of a people) (forms: folcfrean dat sing)

folcgefeoht neut noun: great battle: engagement fought by the whole national army led by the king (forms: folcgefeoht acc pl)

folcgesið masc noun: (national-) companion (forms: folcgesiðas nom pl)

folcgestælla, folcgestealla masc noun: supporter, companion (forms: folcgesteallan dat pl; folcgestælna gen pl)

folcgetæl neut noun: number of people

folcgestreon neut noun: national wealth (forms: folcgestreonum dat pl)

folcgetrum neut noun: (national) army, host (forms: folcgetrume dat sing)

folclagu fem noun: national law (forms: folclaga nom pl)

folclond neut noun: national land (forms: folclondes gen sing)

folcmægð fem noun: people, nation (forms: folcmægþa gen pl)

folcmære adj: famous, renowned (to peoples) (forms: folcmæro acc pl neut)

folcstede masc noun: national capital, palace; battlefield (forms: folcstede, folcstyde dat sing, nom pl)

folcscaru fem noun: common (people's) land; nation (forms: folcscare, folcsceare acc/dat sing)

folctoga masc noun: chieftain, commander (forms: folctogan nom/acc pl, acc/dat/gen sing)

folcwer masc noun: man, human being (forms: folcweras nom pl)

foldbold neut noun: earthly building

foldbuend masc noun: earth-dweller (i.e., human being, man) (forms: foldbuendum dat pl)

folde fem noun: earth, ground (forms: foldan acc/dat/gen sing, nom pl)

foldweg masc noun: path, way, track (on the earth) (forms: foldwegas nom pl; foldwege dat sing)

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