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botlgestreon neut noun: household treasure (forms: botlgestreona gen pl; botlgestreonum dat pl)

botlwela masc noun: prosperous dwelling

botm masc noun: bottom (forms: botme dat sing)

brad adj: broad, wide, extensive (forms: brad nom pl neut; brade nom/acc pl masc; acc sing fem; bradan acc pl masc; gen pl; bradnæ acc sing masc; bradre acc sing fem);
brade adv: broadly, widely

bradswyrd, bradswurd neut noun: broadsword (forms: bradswyrd acc pl)

gebræc neut noun: breaking, clashing

brædan wk verb: spread out

brand, brond masc noun: fire, flame; burning piece of wood, glowing coal; sword (forms: brondas nom pl)

breahtm masc noun: noise, revelry (forms: breahtma gen pl)

Breca prop name: Breca (forms: Brecan acc/dat sing)

ge brecan Class 4 str verb: break, burst, destroy; break, transgress (a commandment) (forms: gebræc, bræc 3rd pers sing pres indic; bræcon, bræcan pl pret indic/subj; brecað pl pres indic; brocen past part)

brecð fem noun: grief (forms: brecða nom pl)

gebregd neut noun: movement, manipulation

ge bregdan Class 3 str verb: move, swing, draw (a sword), weave, knit (the rings of a mail coat); feign, pretend (forms: brægd, bræd, gebræd 3rd pers sing pret indic; bregde 3rd pers sing pres subj; broden past part; brugdon, brudon pl pret indic)

brego masc noun: ruler, lord

bregorice neut noun: kingdom (forms: bregorices gen sing)

bregoweard masc noun: ruler, king (forms: bregowearda gen pl; bregoweardas gen sing)

breme adj: glorious, noble, honoured (forms: brema nom sing masc; breman dat sing masc)

brember masc noun: bramble, blackberry bush, briar (forms: brembrum dat pl)

brengan wk verb: bring (forms: brenge 3rd pers sing pres subj)

breost neut noun: breast, chest (frequently plural with singular meaning) (forms: breosta gen pl; breostum dat pl)

breostcearu fem noun: (breast-) care, misery (forms: breostceare acc sing)

breostcofa masc noun: the chest, the breast considered as a container (forms: breostcofan dat sing)

breostgehygd fem noun: inner thought (forms: breostgehygdum dat pl)

breosthord neut noun: breast-hoard (a kenning for "mind, thought")

breostnet neut noun: breast-net (a kenning for "coat of mail")

breowan Class 2 str verb: brew (forms: gebrowen past part)

brer fem noun: bramble, brier (forms: brerum dat pl)

brerd masc noun: edge, border, brim

bresne adj: strong

Bretwalas pl prop name: the British, Britons (forms: Bretwalum dat pl)

bricg fem noun: bridge; natural causeway (forms: bricge acc sing)

bricgweard masc noun: bridge-keeper, bridge-guard (forms: bricgweardas acc pl)

brim neut noun: sea, water (forms: brimes gen sing; brimu, brymu nom/acc pl)

brimclif neut noun: sea-cliff (forms: brimclifu acc pl)

brimfugol masc noun: seabird (forms: brimfuglas nom pl)

brimhlæst fem noun: the sea-burden (kenning: what the sea bears, i.e. fish)
brimhlæste gen sing

brimlad fem noun: sea journey (forms: brimlade acc/dat sing)

brimliðend masc noun: sailor (forms: brimliðende dat sing; brimliþendra gen pl)

brimmann masc noun: sailor, seaman (forms: brimmanna gen pl; brimmen nom pl)

ge bringan Class 3 str verb: bring (forms: bringað pl pres indic; gebringe 3rd pers sing pres subj; bringeð, gebringeð 3rd pers sing pres indic; broht, gebroht past part; brohte, gebrohte 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; gebrohten pl pret subj; brohton, gebrohton, brohtan pl pret indic; brungen past part)

brittian wk verb: divide, dispense (forms: brittade 3rd pers sing pret indic)

Brixonte proper name: Brixonte, name of a river (and island?) in Wonders of the East

broc masc noun: brook (forms: broce dat sing)
broc neut noun: affliction, sickness, disease (forms: broce dat sing)

brocian wk verb: afflict (forms: gebrocod past part)

broga masc noun: dread, terror (forms: brogan acc/dat/gen sing, nom pl)

brohþrea masc noun: dreadful calamity

Brondingas prop name: Brondings, a Swedish tribe (forms: Brondinga gen pl)

bront adj: steep, high (forms: brontne acc sing masc)

brosnung fem noun: decay, corruption (forms: brosnunge dat sing)

broðor, broþor, broður, broþur masc noun: brother; monk (forms: broðer gen sing; broðor dat/gen sing; nom/acc pl; broþra gen sing; broðru, gebroðru,, gebroþru, gebroðra nom pl; broðrum dat pl)

gebroðor masc noun, usually pl.: brother; fellow Christian, fellow monk (forms: gebroðra nom/acc pl)

broðorcwealm masc noun: murder of a brother, act of fratricide (forms: broðorcwealmes gen sing)

broðorgyld neut noun: recompense for loss of a brother

brucan Class 2 str verb (w. gen): enjoy, use, benefit from
(forms: breac 3rd pers sing pret indic; brucað imper pl; pl pres indic; bruce 2nd pers sing pres subj; bruceð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

brun adj: bright, lustrous; brown, dark (forms: brune acc pl masc; brunne acc sing masc)

brunecg adj: bright-edged

bryce masc noun: breach, violation, transgression (forms: bryce dat sing)

bryd fem noun: bride, wife (forms: bryda acc/gen pl; bryde acc/dat/gen sing)

brydbur masc noun: marital bedroom (forms: brydbure dat sing)

bryhtm: (forms:)

bryne masc noun: burning, fire (forms: bryne dat sing)

brynegield masc noun: burnt offering (forms: brynegielde dat sing)

brytencyning masc noun: great king, powerful king (forms: brytencyninges gen sing)

brytta masc noun: giver, dispenser, lord (forms: bryttan acc sing, nom pl)

Bryttas masc pl noun: Britons (forms: Brytta gen pl; Bryttan dat pl)

Bryttisc adj: British (i.e. Celtic, not Anglo-Saxon) (forms: Bryttiscum dat sing masc)

bryttian, bryttigin wk verb: share, divide, distribute; make use of, enjoy (forms: bryttade 3rd pers sing pret indic; bryttedon pl pret indic)

bu pron and adj: both (forms: ba nom pl fem; bam dat pl; begen masc nom/acc; begra, bega, begea gen; bu neut nom/acc)

bufan prep: above, over, on, on top of

bune fem noun: cup, beaker (forms: bunan acc pl)

bur masc/neut noun: bedroom, women's apartment, cottage (forms: bure dat sing; burum dat pl)

burg, burh fem noun: dwelling, fort, castle, town, (forms: burga gen sing; burgum dat pl; byrig acc/dat/gen sing; nom/acc pl)

Burgendaland prop name: Bornholm (forms: Burgendalande dat)

burgeteld neut noun: sleeping tent (forms: burgetelde dat sing; burgeteldes gen sing)

Burgræd prop name: Burgred

burgtun masc noun: city precinct or walled/enclosed area? town? (forms: burgtunas nom pl)

burhfæsten neut noun: castle, fortress, fort

burhgeat neut noun: city gate (forms: burhgeate dat sing)

burhleod masc noun: citizen, city-dweller (forms: burgleoda gen pl; burhleodum dat pl)

burhloca masc noun: fortress, walled town (forms: burhlocan acc/dat sing)

burhsittende masc pl noun: city-dwellers (forms: burgsittendra gen pl; burhsittendum dat pl)

burhstede masc noun: city, fort, castle

burhwaras, burhwara masc pl noun: citizens, city-dwellers (forms: burhwara, burgwara gen pl; burhwarena gen pl)

burþen masc noun: chamberlain, steward (forms: burþene dat sing)

butere fem noun: butter (forms: buteran dat sing)

buton conj: but, except, unless
buton, butan prep: except, except for, without

butu, bu tu pron: both (forms: ba twa nom neut)

buan, bugan Class 7 str verb (defective): dwell, live, settle (forms: buað pl pret indic; bun pl pres subj; gebun past part)

buend masc noun: dweller, inhabitant (forms: buendra gen pl)

ge bugan Class 2 str verb: bow, stoop; submit; lie down, sit down; turn away (forms: gebeah 3rd pers sing pret indic; gebogenan past part dat sing neut; bugað pl pres indic; bugeð 3rd pers sing pres indic; bugon pl pret indic)

butan, buton prep, conj, adv: but, unless, except; without, outside

ge bycgan wk verb: buy, get (forms: bicgað pl pres indic; gebohte 3rd pers sing pret indic; pl pret subj [Ex 151])

bydel masc noun: messenger, herald (forms: bydela gen pl)

ge bygan wk verb: lower, debase, pull down

byht neut? noun: dwelling

ge byldan wk verb: to embolden, encourage (forms: bylde 3rd pers sing pret indic; 3rd pers sing pres subj; gebylde past part nom pl masc)

byme fem noun: trumpet (forms: bemum dat pl; byman nom/acc pl)

gebyrdo, gebyrd fem noun: birth, origin, race (forms: gebyrdum dat pl)

byre masc noun: child, son (forms: byras nom pl)
byre masc noun: time, opportunity

byrele masc noun: beer-server (forms: byreles gen sing)

byrgan, byrgean wk verb w. gen or acc: taste, eat (forms: byrige imper sing; gebyrge 3rd pers sing pres subj; gebyrgde, byrgde, byrigde 3rd pers sing pret indic/subj)
byrgan wk verb: bury

ge byrgen fem noun: grave (forms: birgenne, byrgenne, gebyrgenne acc/dat/gen sing)

Byrhthelm prop name: Byrhthelm (forms: Byrhtelmes gen sing)

Byrhtnoð prop name: Byrhtnoth (forms: Byrhtnoðes gen)

Byrhtwold prop name: Byrhtwold

ge byrian wk verb: pertain to (forms: gebyriað pl pres indic)

byrnan Class 3 str verb: burn (forms: burnon pl pret indic; byrnende pres part)

byrne fem noun: chainmail shirt; corselet (forms: byrnan nom/acc pl; acc sing; byrnum dat pl)

byrnhom masc noun: chainmail shirt; corselet (forms: byrnhomas acc pl)

byrnwiga masc noun: (mail-shirted-) warrior (forms: byrnwigena gen pl)

byrnwiggend masc noun: (mail-shirted-) warrior (forms: byrnwiggende nom pl)

byrst masc noun: disaster, calamity (forms: byrsta gen pl)

bysen neut/fem noun: command, rule, model (forms: bysene acc/dat sing; bysna gen pl)

bysig adj: busy (forms: bysige nom pl masc)

bysmerian, gebysmrian wk verb: mock, revile, degrade, dishonour (forms: bysmeredon pl pret indic)

bismorlic adj: degrading, shameful (forms: bismorlicum dat sing neut)

bysmerlice adv: contemptuously

bysmor neut noun: shame, insult, disgrace (forms: bysmara gen pl; bysmore dat sing)
to bysmore: shamefully, scandalously

bysmorful adj: shameful (forms: bysmorfullum dat sing masc)

ge bysnian wk verb: set an example, instruct by example (forms: gebysnode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

bytlian wk verb: build

caf adj: bold, vigorous, quick (forms: cafne acc sing)

caflice adv: boldly, vigorously

Cain prop noun: Cain (forms: Caines gen sing)

Cainan proper name: Cainan

cald, ceald adj: cold (forms: caldum dat pl; caldast, cealdost superl)
cald, ceald neut noun: cold (forms: calde, cealde dat sing)

Caldea prop name:Caldea (Chaldea) (forms: Caldea gen pl)

camp masc noun: battle (forms: campe dat sing)

Cananea prop name: Cananea (Caanan) (forms: Cananea gen pl)

Cananeis pl prop name: Caananites (forms: Cananeis gen)

canon masc noun: the Canon, that is, the biblical books accepted by the authority of the Church (forms: canones gen sing)

Cantwaraburh, Cantwara burg prop name: Canterbury (forms: Cantuaraberi dat)

Capi prop name: Capi, name of a river in Wonders of the East

carfulnys fem noun: care, carefulness (forms: carfulnysse dat sing)

carleas adj: careless, without pity (forms: carleasan nom pl neut)

Carran prop name: Carran (Haran) (forms: Carran acc/dat sing)

casere masc noun: emperor, caesar (forms: caseras nom pl)

Ceadwalla prop name: Ceadwalla (forms: Ceadwallan acc sing)

ceafl masc noun: jaw, mouth (forms: ceaflum dat pl)

ceallian wk verb: call, shout

ceap masc noun: cattle, goods, property, purchase (forms: ceapas acc pl masc; ceape dat sing)

cearian wk verb: be sorrowful, worry, be anxious; take trouble (to do something) (forms: ceara imper sing)

cearseld neut noun: miserable residence, house of care (forms: cearselda gen pl)

cearsorg fem noun: misery (forms: cearsorge acc/dat sing)

cearu, cearo fem noun: care, sorrow (forms: ceare nom/acc pl; acc/dat/gen sing; cearum dat pl)

cearwylm masc noun: surge, current or flame of sorrow (forms: cearwylmas nom pl)

ceaster fem noun: town, fort, castle (forms: ceastre acc/dat sing; ceastra acc pl; ceastrum dat pl)

ceasterbuend masc noun: castle-dweller, city-dweller (forms: ceasterbuendum dat pl)

Cedmon prop name: Caedmon

Cefi prop name: Cefi

cellod adj: [meaning unknown: some quality of a shield or type of shield]

cempa masc noun: champion, fighter (forms: cempan acc pl)

cene adj: brave, fierce (forms: cenoste superl nom/acc pl masc; cenra gen pl; cenre compar nom sing fem)
cene adv: bravely

cennan, kennan wk verb: bear, give birth to; (of names) give (forms: cende, kende 3rd pers sing pret indic; past part nom pl masc; cennað pl pres indic cenned past part)

ceol masc noun: ship (forms: ceolas nom pl; ceole dat sing)

Ceola prop name: Ceola (forms: Ceolan gen sing)

Ceolnoþ prop name: Ceolnoth

Ceolwulf prop name: Ceolwulf (forms: Ceolwulfe dat sing)

ceolþel neut noun: ship-board (forms: ceolþele dat sing)

ceorl masc noun: man; lowest class of free man (forms: ceorlas nom pl; ceorle dat sing; ceorles gen sing)

ceorfan Class 3 str verb: carve, cut out (forms: curfon pl pret indic)

ge ceosan Class 2 str verb: choose, select, accept, seek out; decide, test (forms: geceas 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; geceos imper sing; geceosað pl pres indic; gecoren past part; gecorenan past part acc pl; gecorene past part dat sing masc; gecorone past part nom/acc pl masc; cure 3rd pers sing pret subj; curon pl pret indic)

cepan wk verb: seek after, receive

cepemann masc noun: merchant (forms: cepemannum dat pl)

Cerdic prop name: Cerdic (forms: Cerdice dat)

Cham, Cam prop name: Cham (Ham) (forms: Chames, Cames gen sing)

Chanan prop name: Chanaan (Canaan)

Chus prop name: Chus (Cush) (forms: Chuses gen sing)

cigan, cigean wk verb: call, summon (forms: gecig imper sing; cigeð 3rd pers sing pres indic; cigde 3rd pers sing pret indic)

cild neut noun: child (forms: cilde dat sing; cildes gen sing)

cildisc adj: child-like

cinberg fem noun: chin-protector (forms: cinberge acc sing)

Cippanham prop name: Chippenham, Wiltshire (forms: Cippanhame dat sing)

cirice fem noun: church (forms: circean, ciricean, cyrican, cyrcan acc/dat/gen sing; nom/acc pl)

cirman wk verb: cry out, call, make a noise

clæne adj: clean, pure, innocent
clæne adv: entirely, clean

clænnys fem noun: purity, innocence, virginity (forms: clænnysse acc sing)

clænsian wk verb: cleanse, purify

clað masc noun: cloth (forms: claþe dat sing)

Claudia prop name: Claudia (forms: Claudian dat)

cleofan Class 2 str verb: cleave, split (forms: clufon pl pret indic)

clif neut noun: cliff (forms: clifum dat pl)

cleofian wk verb: be attached, adhere (forms: cleofiað pl pres indic)

cleopian, clypian wk verb: call, cry out, speak (forms: cleopað 3rd pers sing pres indic; clypode 3rd pers sing pret indic; cliopodon pl pret indic))

clomm masc noun: grasp, grip; bond, fetter (forms: clommas nom pl; clomme dat sing; clommum, clammum dat pl)

clumian wk verb: mumble, mutter (forms: clumedan pl pret indic)

clyppan wk verb: embrace, clasp, surround (forms: clyppað pl pres indic; clyppe 3rd pers sing pres subj; clypte 3rd pers sing pret indic)

clustor neut noun: barrier, enclosure (forms: clustro acc pl)

ge cnawan Class 7 str verb: perceive, find out, know, understand (forms: gecnaweð 3rd pers sing pres indic; gecnawað imper pl; gecnawe 3rd pers sing pres subj)

Cnebba Iceling prop name: Cnebba son of Icel

cnedan Class 5 str verb: kneed (forms: gecned imper sing)

cneo, cneow neut noun: knee (forms: cneowu acc pl)

cneomæg masc noun: male kinsman, descendent (forms: cneomagum dat pl)

cneorim neut noun: number of descendants

cneoriss, cneoris, cneorisn fem noun: posterity, family (forms: cneorissa gen pl; cneorisse dat/gen sing, nom pl; cneorissum dat pl)

cneowmæg masc noun: male descendant, relation, ancestor (forms: cneowmægas, cneowmagas nom/acc pl)

cneowrim, cneorim neut noun: number of progeny, population (forms: cneowrim nom pl)

gecnerdnes fem noun: study; field of study (forms: gecnerdnessan nom pl)

cniht masc noun: boy, youth, servant; (Mald 9) soldier, knight (forms: cnihtas nom/acc pl; cnihtum dat pl)

cnihtwesende pres part adj: "being a boy"; when he (I, etc.) was a boy

cnosl neut noun: family, kin (forms: cnosle dat sing)

cnossian wk verb: crash, dash, toss (forms: cnossað 3rd pers sing pret indic)

cnyssan wk verb: crash against, dash against, toss (forms: cnyssað pl pres indic)

cnyttan wk verb: fasten, bind (forms: cnyt 3rd pers sing pres indic)

cofa masc noun: room, chamber, closet, cave (forms: cofan dat sing)

cohhetan wk verb: cough? clear one's throat?

col adj: cool, cold, not painful (forms: colran compar nom pl masc)

colian wk verb: cool, become cold (forms: colode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

collenferþ, collenferð adj: proud, brave (forms: collenferþe, collenferhðe nom pl masc/fem)

Commodus prop name: Commodus

gecamp masc noun: battle (forms: gecampe dat sing)

compwig neut noun: war, battle (forms: compwige dat sing)

Conopoenas masc pl proper name: name of the half-dogs in Wonders of the East

Constantinus prop name: Constantinus

corn neut noun: corn, grain, seed, wheat (forms: corna gen pl)

Corsias pl masc prop name: Corsias, name of a kind of snake in Wonders of the East

corðor neut noun: troop, multitude (forms: corðre dat sing; corðrum dat pl)

ge cost adj: proven, excellent (forms: gecoste nom pl neut)

costigan wk verb w. gen: try, tempt

coðu fem noun: disease, sickness, ailment (forms: coþum dat pl)

cradolcild neut noun: infant (forms: cradolcild nom pl)

cræft masc noun: strength, skill (forms: cræfta gen pl; cræftas acc pl; cræfte dat sing; cræftum dat pl)

cræftig adj: strong, skillful

Creacas pl masc noun: Greeks

Creoda Cynewalding prop name: Creoda son of Cynewald

crescite Latin verb: grow, increase (imper)

cringan, crincgan Class 3 str verb: fall (in battle) (forms: gecranc, gecrong 3rd pers sing pret indic; cruncon pl pret indic; crunge 3rd pers sing pret subj)

crismlising fem noun: chrism-loosing: ceremonial removal of the chrism-cloth applied at baptism

Crist masc noun: Christ (forms: Criste dat sing; Cristes gen sing)

Cristen adj: Christian (forms: Cristene, Cristne nom pl masc; Cristenes gen sing neut; Cristenra, Cristna gen pl; Cristenan nom/acc/dat pl)

Cristendom masc noun: Christianity; Christian territory (forms: Cristendome dat sing)

crux Latin noun: cross

cu fem noun: cow (forms: cu gen sing)

culufre fem noun: dove (forms: culufran acc sing)

cuma masc noun: new arrival, guest, stranger (forms: cuman nom pl; dat sing)

cuman Class 4 strong verb: come, arrive (forms: com, cwom, cuom 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; come, cwome 3rd pers sing pret subj; cwomon, cwoman, comon, coman pl pret indic; cumað pl pres indic; cume 1st pers sing pres indic; cume 3rd pers sing pres subj; cumen, cuman past part; cumen, cuman pl pres subj; cumene past part nom pl masc; cumenra past part gen pl; cymþ, cymð, cymeð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

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