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speddropa masc noun: successful drop. effective drop (forms: speddropum dat pl)

spedig adj: successful (forms: spedge nom pl masc)

spell neut noun: message, speech, story (forms: spellum dat pl)

ge spowan Class 7 impers strong verb: succeed, prosper, thrive (forms: speow, gespeow 3rd pers sing pret indic)

spræc, gesprec fem noun: speech, conversation (forms: spræca gen pl; spræcan gen sing; spræce acc/dat/gen sing);
to þinre spræce: for speech with you, to speak to you

spreca masc noun: councillor

ge sprecan Class 5 str verb: speak, speak to, say (forms: spræc, gespræc 3rd pers sing pret indic; spræcon, gespræcon, gespræconn, spræcan pl pret indic; sprecað, spræcaþ pl pres indic; sprece 1st pers sing pres indic; gesprece 2nd pers sing pret subj; sprecende pres part; spræce, gespræce 2nd/3rd pers sing pret indic; sprecen past part; spriceð 3rd pers sing pres indic; sprycst 2nd pers sing pres indic)

sprengan wk verb: break, split (forms: sprengde 3rd pers sing pret indic)

ge springan Class 3 str verb: spread, grow; spring, leap (forms: sprang, gesprong 3rd pers sing pret indic)

sprytan wk verb: sprout

spyrian, syrigean wk verb: make a track, travel, go; investigate, ask (forms: spyrede 3rd pers sing pret indic)

staca masc noun: pin, spike, stake (forms: stacan dat sing)

stadium Latin noun: stadium (Roman measure of distance of about 185 metres) (forms: stadia pl)

stæf masc noun: staff; (in pl) writing, text (forms: stafum dat pl)

steda masc noun: stud-horse, stallion (uncastrated male horse) (forms: stedan acc sing; acc pl)

stedefæst adj: steadfast, unyielding (forms: stedefæste nom pl masc)

stædefæste adv: steadfastly, unyieldingly

stæl neut noun: place
on stæl: instead of, in place of

ge stælan wk verb: confess, admit; carry on (a conflict)
synne gestælan w. dat: accuse of, charge with

stælgiest masc noun: thieving intruder, burglar

stænen adj: stone, made of stone (forms: stænnene, stænenne acc sing masc)

stæppan, steppan Class 6 str verb: step (forms: stæppe 3rd pers sing pres subj; 1st pers sing pres indic; stop 3rd pers sing pret indic; stopon pl pret indic)

stær neut noun: narrative, history (forms: stæres gen sing)

stæð neut noun: shore, beach, river-bank (forms: staþe, staðe, stæðe dat sing; staþu acc pl)

stæðweall masc noun: retaining bank, shoreline (as barrier)8 (forms: stæðweallas acc pl)

stalu fem noun: theft, thievery (forms: stala acc pl)

stan masc noun: stone (forms: stane dat sing)

stanburg fem noun: stone city, stone fort (forms: stanbyrig acc pl)

stanclif neut noun: stone cliff (forms: stanclifu acc pl)

stanhlið neut noun: stone slope or cliff (forms: stanhleoþu acc pl; stanhliþe dat sing)

ge standan, stondan Class 6 str verb: stand, remain, extend; exist, be (forms: stande, stonde 3rd pers sing pres subj; 1st pers sing pres indic; stod, gestod 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; stodan, stodon, gestodon pl pret indic; standeð, stondeð 3rd pers sing pres indic; stondað, stondaþ, standað pl pres indic; stynt 3rd pers sing pres indic)

stanfah adj: decorated (paved) with stones

stantorr masc noun: stone tower

stapol masc noun: front step (forms: stapole dat sing)

starian wk verb: gaze, stare (forms: starað 3rd pers sing pret indic)

staþel, staðol, staþol masc noun: foundation; location; support, security; stance, position, state (forms: staðolas nom pl; staðole dat sing; staþelum dat pl)

ge staþelian, staðelian wk verb: establish, found; confirm, restore (forms: gestaþelað 3rd pers sing pres indic; gestaðelige 1st pers sing pres indic; gestaþelode, gestaþelade 3rd pers sing pret indic)

staðolwang masc noun: piece of real estate, location for settlement (forms: staðolwangas acc pl)

gesteal neut noun: foundation

stealc adj: steep

steallian wk verb: happen

steam masc noun: steam, moisture (forms: steame dat sing)

steap adj: steep, high, deep (forms: steape nom/acc pl masc; nom/acc sing fem; steapes gen sing neut; steapne acc sing masc)
steape adv: high, above

steapheah adj: erect, towering

stearn masc noun: tern

stede masc noun: place, position

stedeheard adj: very hard (forms: stedehearde nom pl masc)

stefn, stemn fem noun: voice (forms: stemne, stefne, stæmne, stæfne acc/dat sing);
stefn masc noun: time, turn
niwan stefne: another time, anew
stefn masc noun: prow or stern of a ship; (by synecdoche) a ship; stump or root of a tree (forms: stefne dat sing)

stefna masc noun: prow or stern of a ship (forms: stefnan dat sing)

ge stefnan wk verb: appoint, ordain, arrange (forms: gestefnde past part neut pl)

stemnettan wk verb: stand firm (forms: stemnetton pl pret indic)

stenc masc noun: smell, odour, fragrance, stench

steor fem noun: guidance, correction, punishment (forms: steore acc sing)

steorbord neut noun: starboard

steorfa masc noun: death, famine

steorra masc noun: star (forms: steorrum dat pl)

stepan wk verb: raise, erect, elevate (forms: stepe 1st pers sing pres indic; gestepte past part nom pl masc; stepton pl pret indic)

stercedferhð adj: harsh-spirited (forms: stercedferhðe nom pl masc)

stician wk verb: stick, prick, stab (forms: sticaþ 3rd pers sing pres indic; sticode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

stiep masc noun: deprivation? (Gen 60--c.f. astypan, astypednes) (forms: stiepe dat sing)

stig fem noun: road

ge stigan Class 1 str verb: arise, mount, get onto, climb (forms: gestah, stah 3rd pers sing pret indic; stige 3rd pers sing pret subj; gestigest 2nd pers sing pres indic; stigon pl pret indic)

stigwita masc noun: (household) counsellor, leader (forms: stigwitum dat pl)

stihtan wk verb: command, order (forms: stihte 3rd pers sing pret indic)

ge stillan wk verb: to still (cause to be still) (forms: gestilled, gestylled past part)

stille adv and adj: still, quiet, motionless

stilnes fem noun: stillness, peace, quiet (forms: stilnesse acc/dat sing)

stingan Class 3 str verb: stab (forms: stang 3rd pers sing pret indic)

stið, stiþ adj: strong, hard (forms: stiðe, stiþe acc sing fem; acc pl masc; stiðra gen pl; stiðum dat pl)

stiðe adv: very much, well

stiðferhð adj: stern, resolute (forms: stiþfrihþ masc nom sing)

stiðhicgende adj: resolute, brave (forms: stiðhicgende nom pl masc)

stiðhydig adj: resolute, stern

stiðlic adj: strong

stiðlice adv: firmly, boldly

stiðmod adj: strong, brave, resolute (forms: stiðmoda nom sing masc)

stodhors neut noun: stud-horse, stallion (uncastrated male horse)

stol masc noun: seat, throne; establishment, castle (forms: stole dat sing)

stor masc noun: incense

storm masc noun: storm (forms: stormas nom pl; storme dat sing)

stow fem noun: place (forms: stowa nom/acc pl; stowe acc/dat/gen sing; stowum dat pl)

Stræcled Walas prop name: the Strathclyde Welsh

stræl masc noun: arrow (forms: strælas nom pl; strælum dat pl)

stræt fem noun: street, road (forms: stræte acc/dat sing)

strand neut noun: seashore, strand (forms: strande dat sing)

strang adj: strong, powerful (forms: strengum compar dat sing masc; stranga nom sing masc; strangan gen sing masc; strange nom pl masc; strangne acc sing masc; strangran compar acc pl; strangre, strange dat sing fem; strangum, strongum dat pl; dat sing masc/neut; strengest superl)

stream masc noun: current, river (forms: streamas nom/acc pl; streame dat sing; streames gen sing; streamum dat pl)

streamstað neut noun: shore, (river) bank (forms: streamstaðe dat sing)

streamweall masc noun: current-wall (a kenning for the ship's side or gunwale)

stregan wk verb: scatter, strew

streng masc noun: rope, cord (forms: strengum dat pl)

strenglic adj: strong (forms: strenglicran compar acc sing masc)

strengðo fem noun:, strength, force, vigor

strengo, strengeo fem noun: strength

gestreon neut noun: property, treasure (forms: gestreon nom pl; gestreona acc/gen pl)

stric neut? noun: pestilence

strið masc noun: fight, battle, contest, struggle (forms: striðe dat sing)

stronglic adj: strong (forms: stronglican acc sing masc)

strudan Class 2 str verb: plunder, carry off (forms: strudende pres part; strudon pl pret indic)

strudung fem noun: plundering, thievery, robbery (forms: strudunga acc pl)

ge strynan wk verb: get, acquire; (w. gen) beget (forms: gestrynde, strynde 3rd pers sing pret indic; stryndon pl pret indic)

stund fem noun: space of time
æfre embe stunde: every once in a while
stundum dat pl as adv: from time to time

Sturmere prop name: Sturmere (Sturmer in Essex)

styde masc noun: place, situation, location

style neut noun: steel (forms: style dat sing)

styran, stieran wk verb: guide, restrain (forms: styrde, gestyrde 3rd pers sing pret indic)

styrian wk verb: stir up; mention, tell about (forms: styrge 1st pers sing pres indic)

styrman wk verb: storm, rage (forms: styrmde 3rd pers sing pret indic; styrmdon pl pret indic; styrme 3rd pers sing pres subj)

styrne adj: stern, grave, hard

styrnmode adv: sternly, with determination

gestyran wk verb w. dat: guide, direct, rule

suht fem noun: illness (only instance is at Gen 472)

suhtria, suhtriga, suhterga masc noun: nephew (forms: suhtrian gen sing; suhtrigan dat sing)

sulh masc noun: plow (forms: sules gen sing)

sulhgeteogo neut pl noun: ploughing implements

sulhgeweorc neut noun: plow-making (forms: sulhgeweorces gen sing)

sum adj and pron: some, a certain; a certain one (forms: sume nom/acc pl masc/fem; acc sing fem; dat sing masc; sumes gen sing masc; sumne acc sing masc; sumre dat sing; sumu acc pl neut; sumum, suman, sumon dat sing masc/neut; dat pl masc);
sum pron: some, a certain amount
feowera sum with three others, as one of four

sumor masc noun: summer (forms: sumera inst sing; sumeres gen sing)
þy sumera: that summer

sumorlang adj: summer-long (forms: sumorlangne acc sing masc)

sumorlida masc noun: summer naval force

Sumorsæte, Sumursæte pl prop noun: people of Somerset (forms: Sumursætna gen)

sund neut noun: sea; swimming, sailing; the sea, water (forms: sunde dat sing; sundes gen sing)

gesund adj: sound, whole, healthy (forms: gesunde nom/acc pl masc/neut; gesundne acc sing masc; gesundran compar nom pl)

sundhelm masc noun: protection of water (forms: sundhelme dat sing)

sundhwat adj: quick-swimming (forms: sundhwate nom pl masc)

sundor adv: separately, apart

sundornytt fem noun: special assignment, special duty (forms: sundornytte acc sing)

sundorspræc fem noun: private conversation (forms: sundorspræce dat sing);
niman on sundorspræce: take (someone) aside, speak to (someone) privately

sundoryrfe neut noun: inherited private property (forms: sundoryrfes gen sing)

sundreced neut noun: sea-building

ge sundrian wk verb: sunder, separate (forms: gesundrod past part; gesundrode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

sundwudu masc noun: sea-wood (a kenning for "ship")

sunganges adv: clockwise (lit. following the direction of the sun's path)

sunnbeam masc noun: sunbeam, sunshine

sunne fem noun: sun (forms: sunnan acc/dat/gen sing)

sunu masc noun: son (forms: suna nom/acc/gen pl; suno nom/acc pl; sunu dat sing, acc/gen pl; sunum dat pl)

ge supan Class 2 str verb: sip (forms: gesupe 3rd pers sing pres subj)

susl neut noun: misery, torment (forms: susle dat sing)

suð adv and adj: south

suðan, suþan, suðon, suðan adv: from the south
be suþan, be suðan prep: to the south of

Suðdene masc pl noun: (South-) Danes (forms: Suðdena gen pl)

suþern adj: southern (forms: suþerne acc sing masc)

suðfolc neut noun: southern people, southern nation (forms: suðfolcum dat pl)

suðhealf fem noun: southern half, southern part (forms: suðhealfe acc sing)

suðmonn mascn noun: southern man (forms: suðmonna gen pl)

suðweg masc noun: way from the south, southern direction (forms: suðwegum dat pl)

suðwind masc noun: south wind

swa, swæ adv: so, thus, also, as; when;
swa, swæ conj: likewise; as;
swa some: likewise, also;
swa hwa swa: whoever;
swa hwæt swa: whatever
swa þætte: so that
swa þeah: nevertheless
swa swa, swæ swæ conj: just as, like
swa leng swa wyrse: the longer (i.e. later) the worse

swæ same adv: likewise, in the same way

swær adj: sluggish, weak (forms: swæran gen sing fem)

swærtbyrd fem noun: "black" labour, i.e. labour resulting in a cyanotic birth (forms: swærtbyrde gen sing)

ge swæs adj: dear, own, beloved, sweet (forms: swæse, swase, geswæse nom pl masc/fem, acc sing fem, acc pl fem; swæsne acc sing masc; swæsra gen pl; swæsum dat pl)

swæsendu neut pl noun: dinner, meal, feasting (forms: swæsendum dat)

swætan weak verb: sweat, bleed (forms: swætað pl pres indic)

swæð neut noun: track, footprint

swan masc noun: swineherd, herdsman

Swanawic prop name: Swanage, Dorset

swancor adj: thin, trim, lithe, weak (forms: swoncre acc pl fem)

swanrad fem noun: swan-road (kenning for "sea") (forms: swanrade dat sing)

swar adj: oppressive, heavy (forms: sware fem nom sing)

swat neut/fem noun: sweat; blood (forms: swate acc/dat sing; swates gen sing)

swaðu fem noun: path, track, footstep (forms: swaðe dat sing)

swaðrian wk verb: become calm, subside (forms: swaþredon pl pret indic)

swatig adj: sweaty, bloody (forms: swatigne acc sing masc)

swaþul masc? noun: heat? flame? (forms: swaþule dat sing)

sweart adj: black, dark (forms: sweartan acc/dat/gen sing masc/fem/neut; acc pl; swearte nom/acc pl masc; sweartes gen sing; sweartne acc sing masc; sweartost superl acc sing neut; sweartum, swærtum dat pl; dat sing masc)

sweartlast adj: leaving black tracks

sweartnys fem noun: blackness (forms: sweartnysse dat sing)

swebban wk verb: put to sleep, kill (forms: swefeð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

swefan Class 5 str verb: sleep (forms: swæf 3rd pers sing pret indic; swæfon pl pret indic; swefeþ 3rd pers sing pres indic)

swefn neut noun: sleep; dream (forms: swefna gen pl; swefne, swæfne dat sing)
þurh swefn: in a dream

swefyl, swefl masc noun: sulphur

sweg masc noun: sound, music

swegan wk verb: make noise, crash, roar, rush (forms: swægende pres part)

swegcræft masc noun: musicianship, musicality (forms: swegcræfte dat sing)

swegl neut noun: the sky, the heavens, Heaven (forms: swegle dat sing; swegles gen sing)

sweglbosmas masc pl noun: the heavens

sweglcyning masc noun: the King of Heaven

swegltorht adj: heaven-bright (forms: swegltorhtan acc sing neut, acc pl)

sweglwered adj: covered in brightness

swelgan Class 3 str verb w. dat: swallow (forms: swealg, swealh 3rd pers sing pret indic; swelgað pl pres indic; swulge 3rd pers sing pres subj)

sweltan Class 3 str verb: die (forms: swealt, sweolt, swylt 3rd pers sing pret indic)

swencan wk verb: afflict (forms: geswenced past part)

sweng masc noun: stroke (forms: swenges gen sing)

Sweon pl prop name: Swedes

sweora masc noun: neck (forms: sweoran acc/dat sing)

gesweorc neut noun: darkness, mist

sweorcan Class 3 str verb: darken, grow dark; become gloomy (forms: gesweorce 3rd pers sing pres subj; sweorceð 3rd pers sing pres indic)

sweorcendferhð adj: gloomy (forms: sweorcendferhðe nom pl masc)

sweord, swurd neut noun: sword (forms: sweorda gen sing; sweorde, swurde dat sing; sweordes gen sing; sweordum, swyrdum dat pl; swurd, swyrd acc pl)

sweordberend masc noun: sword-wearer, warrior, man (forms: sweordberende nom pl)

sweordwigend masc noun: (sword-) warrior (forms: sweordwigendra gen pl)

sweostor, sweostar, gesweostor fem noun: sister (forms: gesweostor nom/acc pl; swyster acc sing)

sweot neut noun: host, troop (forms: sweotum dat pl)

sweotol, swutol adj: clear, manifest (forms: sweotolan dat sing neut)

sweotole, sweotule adv: clearly, openly

ge sweotolian wk verb: make clear, make manifest, reveal (forms: geswutelod past part; geswutelode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

sweotollice adv: clearly

swer masc noun: pillar, column (forms: sweras nom pl)

swerian Class 6 str verb: swear (forms: swerige 1st pers sing pres indic; swor 3rd pers sing pret indic; sworon pl pret indic)

swete adj: sweet (forms: sweta nom sing masc; sweteste superl acc sing neut; swetne acc sing masc)

swetnis fem noun: sweetness (forms: swetnisse, swetnesse dat sing)

sweðrian wk verb: cease (forms: sweðrode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

ge swican Class 1 str verb: depart, abandon, deceive, betray (forms: geswicað imper pl; swice 3rd pers sing pres subj; swicon pl pret indic)

swicdom masc noun: deception, trickery (forms: swicdomas acc pl)

swice adj: deceitful (forms: swice nom pl neut)
swice masc noun: escape

swician wk verb: deceive, betray (forms: swicode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

swicol adj: deceitful, untrustworthy (forms: swicole nom pl fem)

swifan Class 1 str verb: sweep, swipe, stroke (forms: swifeð)

swige adj: quiet, silent (forms: swigra compar nom sing masc)
swige fem noun: quiet, silence

swigian wk verb: remain silent (forms: swigende pres part; swigode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

swilc, swelc, swylc adj and pron: such; such as; such a thing (forms: swelce acc sing neut; swilces, swulces gen sing masc/neut; swylcne acc sing masc; swylcra gen pl; swilcum dat pl; swylcum, swilcan dat sing masc; dat pl)
swylc swa conj: just as if

swilce, swylce, swelce adv and conj: likewise, also; as, such as; as if
swylce, swylc conj: such as; just as;
swylc(e) swa conj: just as

swima masc noun: head-spinning drunkenness; episode of fainting or unconsciousness (forms: swiman dat sing)

swimman Class 3 str verb: swim, sail, fly (forms: swimmað pl pres indic)

geswinc neut noun: labour, effort; hardship

geswincdæg masc noun: day of hardship (forms: geswincdagum dat pl)

swincan Class 3 str verb: labour, struggle (forms: swuncon pl pret indic)

geswing neut noun: surge, clash

swingan Class 3 str verb: strike, whip; fly (forms: swang 3rd pers sing pret indic)

swinsian wk verb: make music, be musical, sing (forms: swinsigende pres part; swynsode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

swinsung fem noun: melody, music (forms: swinsunge dat sing)

swið, swyð adj: strong, mighty; swiðra etc. (compar): right (hand) (forms: swiðne masc acc sing; swiðran acc/dat sing fem; swiþre compar nom sing fem)

swiðan wk verb: strengthen, support

swiðe, swiþe, swyðe, swyþe, sweoðe adv: very, exceedingly, severely (forms: swiðor, swiþor, swyðor compar; swiðost, swyþost superl);
ealra swiðost: most of all

swiðfeorm adj: (very) sustaining

swiðferhð, swyðferhð adj: bold, brave (forms: swiðferhþe nom pl masc; swiðferhþes gen sing; swiðferhðum dat pl)

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