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Читайте также:
  1. II. Form new words with the prefix UNDER meaning „під, нижче".Translate them.
  2. II.12.1.Философия "серебряного века" русской культуры
  3. monitor the ^^-^^"ІьГЖ -iron» Assignments
  4. Quot; fa О
  5. Quot;-"• з •? к КПП
  6. quot;1С:Машиностроение 8": программно-методический комплекс класса ERP II
  7. Quot;2, Read these words. Observe the character of the voiced consonants (a) in fully voiced position, (b) in initial position, (c) in final position.

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AA see active alkali

AAS see atomic absorption spectroscopy

Abaca, cell dimensions and chemical

Composition 4

Abies alba

– average cell dimensions 52

– inorganic composition 40

– resin acid composition 36

Abies balsamea

– chemical composition of wood 23

– hemicelluloses, nonglucosic units 29

Abies grandis, resin acid composition 36

Abietic acid, structure 183

Abrasive minerals, pulp stone 1093

Absorbed sulfide ions, saturation level 242

Absorbency, beechwood sulfite dissolving

pulp 433–434

Absorption coefficient spectra, unbleached and

Bleached hardwood sulfite pulp 611

Acacia mollissima, chemical composition of

Wood 23

Acanthamoeba castellani 24

Accelerated aging 1284

Accept flow rate, screening operating

Parameters 575


– cell wall 1052–1056

– towards molecules of a solvent 1265–1267

Accessory compounds

– hardwoods 37–39

– softwoods 35–37

– woods 33

Acer pseudoplatanus, density and void volume

Acer rubrum

– chemical composition of wood 23

– hemicelluloses, nonglucosic units 29

– inorganic composition 40

– kinetic parameters for xylan water

Prehydrolysis 333

Acer saccharum

– chemical composition of wood 23

– chip storage 99


– hot caustic extract 961

– ozone decomposition, inhibitor 789

Acetic acid

– black liquor composition 968

– cellulose protecting additive 819

– content as function of H-factor 447

– polysaccharide chain cleavage 662

– spent liquor content as function of

Viscosity 457

Acetone extractives, dissolving pulp

Characterization 1061

Acetone extractives content 1032

Acetovanillone, structure 308

Acetyl, content as function of pH 474

Acetylation, cold alkali extraction 1046

acid–base equilibria, white liquor 117

Acid bisulfite pulping process, pH range 393

Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis, dissolved

Hemicellulose fragments 341

Acid degradation reactions, wood

hemicelluloses 327–329

Acid dissociation constants, white liquor 117

Acid hydrolysis

– carbohydrates reactions 416–425

– cellulose 416–418

– influence of substituents 417

Acid-insoluble ash, inorganic components

Acid sulfite cook

– aspen 468

– beech magnesium 435–437, 439

Acid sulfite cooking

– chemistry 405–427


Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 86 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Makes their use economically viable. | Leipzig, 1982. | Pulp in pressure screening | Country Year | Mechanical | Edited by Herbert Sixta | Handbook of Pulp | Composition | Glucoronic acid | Size of molecules |
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Contour length| Handbook of Pulp. Edited by Herbert Sixta

mybiblioteka.su - 2015-2025 год. (0.019 сек.)