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LBC 97,3FM

London’s Biggest Conversation

Wednesday, 14th August 2013 02:03

Don't Send Thieves To Prison, Says Law Expert

Thieves and fraudsters should be spared jail and punished … fines and community sentences instead, a legal expert has said.

Law professor Andrew Ashworth believes imprisonment … "pure property offences", including those who continually commit such crimes, is disproportionate.

He said the focus should be on making sure perpetrators make amends and that victims are compensated – which he argued was less likely … someone behind bars … little or no income.

"Prison, as the UK's most severe punishment, should be reserved … the most serious crimes only including those … a violent, threatening or sexual nature", he said.

His comments are … a pamphlet titled What If Imprisonment Were Abolished For Property Offences? which has been released by the Howard League for Penal Reform which plans to distribute it to every magistrates' court … England and Wales … a bid to spark a debate … sentencing issues.

Prof Ashworth, the Vinerian Professor … English Law … Oxford University, said while prison should still be considered … cases … robbery, blackmail and burglary, its use is disproportionate … crimes that do not involve violence, threats or sexual assault.

According the professor, prison sentences are only truly worth considering where a victim is targeted because … their vulnerability, although there may be some exceptions.

His pamphlet states that some 20,000 people go … prison each year … theft or handling stolen goods, 5,000 for fraud and 1,000 for criminal damage.

The effect … such a policy would reduce the number … men serving prison sentences by 8% (5,000 men) and women by 21% (700 women), saving around £230m each year, it claims.

A spokesman for Victim Support said: "Victims tell us they want more than anything else the punishment to fit the crime and … the criminal not to re-offend".

"A community sentence may be appropriate in some instances of property crime but not in others because crime type is not a reliable indicator … the impact an offence has on an individual victim".

"It would be hard … community sentences to retain public confidence if offenders knew they could keep committing certain types … crime and never be jailed".

"It is essential when passing sentence that judges and magistrates can take into account the full facts … the case – including the impact … the victim – not just the nature … the offence."

Упражнение 27. Расставьте вместо троеточий артикли, где это необходимо. Прочтите, переведите и перескажите полученный текст. Проанализируйте формы глаголов, их время и залог в каждом предложении. Выполните письменный литературный перевод материала на русский язык. В случае возникновения трудностей при переводе, воспользуйтесь «Переводчиком Google» в Интернете (http://translate.google.ru/).


LBC 97,3FM

London’s Biggest Conversation

Whipps Cross Hospital 'Unsafe, Dirty And Uncaring'

Wednesday 14th August 2013

The Care Quality Commission has found Whipps Cross Hospital to be "unsafe and dirty" and said staff had "uncaring attitudes".

Barts Health NHS Trust - which runs … hospital in Leytonstone – has been criticized by … Care Quality Commission for failing to protect patients at … hospital.

… CQC has told the Trust that it must make urgent improvements.

It follows unannounced inspections at … hospital in Leytonstone in May and June where … team found failings in cleanliness and infection control; Safety, availability and suitability of equipment and in … support given to staff.

Inspectors visited … accident and emergency, elderly and outpatients departments over two days before spending two more days in … maternity and surgery departments.

Overall, … hospital was failing to meet 10 of the 16 national standards of quality and safety.

Matthew Trainer, Regional Director of CQC in London, said they have "very serious concerns" about … care given to patients at … hospital.

"… reports we have published today show … systematic catalogue of failings across … departments we looked at during our inspections in May and June".

"We found that, in places, … hospital was unsafe and dirty, and that staff didn't always show patients … compassion that people deserve. Patients were not receiving … care and support they should have been able to expect - and in some cases, this was putting them at risk of harm. If staff have uncaring attitudes, are not supported properly to do their job, or if they are not properly supervised, … consequences for patients can be very worrying".

"Until now, there has been … failure to deal with these issues and urgent action must now be taken by the trust. Patients are entitled to be treated in services which are safe, effective, caring, well run, and responsive to their needs. The people of east London deserve better from their local hospital."

Among CQC's findings was that patients were spending too long in A&E, waiting time targets were not being met and they weren't being given adequate food and water.

In the elderly ward they found patients weren't always recieving the care they needed, sometimes they didn't even get … support they needed to eat their meals and water was left out of reach.

On … maternity department inspectors found that some women on … post-natal ward were receiving poor care and staff were seen as not being supportive, considerate or compassionate.

They also found that new-born babies and mothers were not protected from … risk of infection – with parts of … wards found to be dirty with overfilled bins and stained floors, walls and curtains.

Inspectors also expressed concerns about … care and treatment in the surgery department and were concerned about poor outcomes after surgery as … mortality rate was higher than … national average.

"Two weeks ago Sir Mike Richards, CQC's new Chief Inspector of Hospitals, identified Barts Health NHS Trust as one of … first high risk trusts to be looked at under radical changes to … way hospitals in England are inspected," Matthew Trainer continued.

"… problems we've identified today at Whipps Cross University Hospital suggest that this wider review of how the trust functions is much needed".

"In any case, our inspectors will return unannounced in the near future to check that it has made … changes required by … warning notices."

Дата добавления: 2015-08-13; просмотров: 88 | Нарушение авторских прав

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