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Ю.В. Тихонравов. phanomenologischen Antropologie

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  7. Ю.В. Тихонравов

phanomenologischen Antropologie. - Bern. - 1961.

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Binswanger L. Der Mensch in der Psychiatrie. - Pfullingen. - 1957.

Binswanger L. Schizophrenie. - Pfullingen. - 1957.

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Existence; A New Dimension in Psychiatry and Psychology / Ed. R.May, A.Angel, N.F.EIIenberger. - N.Y. -1958.

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FrankI V.E. From death-camp to existentialism. — Boston: Beacon, 1959-1962.

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FrankI V.E. Die Psychotherapie in der Praxis; eine kasuistische Einfuhrung fur Arzte. -Wien. - 1961.

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- 1943.

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