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Самостоятельная работа. Задание № 1. Перепишите следующие предложе­ния, добавляя слова

Читайте также:
  1. g. Если работает на табачном проекте, в первую очередь спрашиваем, курит ли человек
  2. I. Историческая работа сообразно её материалам
  3. II. Групповая работа
  4. II. Историческая работа сообразно её формам 1 страница
  5. II. Историческая работа сообразно её формам 2 страница
  6. II. Историческая работа сообразно её формам 3 страница
  7. II. Историческая работа сообразно её формам 4 страница


Задание № 1. Перепишите следующие предложе­ния, добавляя слова, данные в скобках. Замени­те модальный глагол can (could) выражением to be able to, где это необходимо.

1. I can give you my book for a couple of days (after I have read it). 2. He can ski (for ten years). 3. We knew that she could swim (since a child). 4. You cannot take part in this serious sport compe­tition (until you have mastered good skills). 5. I could not solve the problem (before he explained it to me). 6. They can (never) appreciate your kind­ness. 7. I was sure you could translate that article (after you had translated so many texts on phys­ics). 8. You can go to the country (when you have passed your last examination). 9. We can pass to the next exercise (when we have done this one).

Задание № 2. Вставьте модальный глагол may (might) или выражение to be allowed to. Встав­ляйте to be allowed to только в тех случаях, где may (might) употребить нельзя.

1.... I bring my sister to the party? 2. He asked if he... bring his sister to the party. 3. After they had finished their homework, the children... watch TV. 4. He... join the sports section as soon as he is through with his medical examination. 5. Becky's mother said that everybody... take part in the picnic. 6. He... go homo if ho likes. 7. As sооn as the boy... leave the room, ho smiled a happy smile and ran out to join his friends outside. 8. The doctor says I am much better. I... get up for a few hours every day.

Задание № 3. Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can.

1. I... finish the work tomorrow if no one both­ers me any more. 2.... we come and see you next Sunday at three o'clock in the afternoon? 3. What time is it? – It... be about six o'clock, but I am not sure. 4. Only a person who knows the language very well... answer such a question. 5.... I come in? 6. Let me look at your exercises. I... be able to help you. 7. I... not swim, because until this year the doctor did not allow me to be more than two minutes in the water. But this year he says I... stay in for fifteen minutes if I like, so I am going to learn to swim. 8. Libraries are quite free, and any one who likes... get books there. 9. I... come and see you tomorrow if I have time. 10. Take your raincoat with you: it... rain today. 11. Do you think you... do that?


Задание № 4. Перепишите каждое из следующих предложений дважды: в прошедшем и в будущем времени. Заменяйте модальные глаголы must и сап эквивалентами, где необходимо.

1. You must listen to the tape-recording of this text several times. 2. You must take your exami­nation in English. 3. She can translate this article without a dictionary. 4. We can't meet them at the station. 5. The doctor must examine the child. 6. He must work systematically if he wants to know French well. 7. This child must spend more time out in the open air. 8. I can't recite this poem. 9. You must take part in this work. 10. He can't join the party because he is busy.


Задание № 5. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальный глагол must или его эк­вивалент to have to.

1. Я должна пойти в магазин сегодня, сварить обед сделать уроки пойти в школу написать письмо брату

2. Мне придется пойти в магазин завтра, сварить обед сделать уроки пойти в школу написать письмо брату

3. Мне пришлось пойти в магазин вчера сварить обед сделать уроки пойти в школу написать письмо брату

Задание № 6. Переведите на английский язык сле­дующие вопросы и ответьте на них.

1. Что вы должны сделать сегодня?

2. Что вам придется сделать завтра?

3. Что вам пришлось сделать вчера?


Задание № 7. Вставьте модальные глаголы t о have to или to be to.

1. Where... the lecture to take place? – I sup­pose in the assembly hall. 2. So, our plan is as follows: I... to go to the library and bring the books. You... to look through all the material here. Later we... to work together. 3. "You... to do it alone, without anybody's help," she said sternly. 4. I... to help my friends with this work now, so I cannot go with you. 5. It was raining hard and we... to wait until it stopped raining. 6. 1... to ask him about it tomorrow, as today he has already gone. 7. Why didn't you tell me that I... to buy the books? 8. According to the order of the school­mistress all the pupils... to return the library books before the twenty third of May. 9. As we had agreed before, we... to meet at two o'clock to go to the stadium together. But Mike did not come. I waited for another half-hour, but then I... to leave as I was afraid to be late. 10. The meeting... to begin at five o'clock. Don't be late.


Задание № 8. Вставьте модальные глаголы may, must или need.

1.... we hand in our compositions tomorrow? – No, you... not, you... hand them in after Sunday. 2.... John really do this today? – No, he... not, he... do it tomorrow if he likes. 3. You... not let this cup fall: it... break. 4.... I help you with your coat on? 5.... I take this book for a little while? – I am sorry, but I... return it to the library at once. 6. Alec... practise this sound spe­cially, but the other pupils... not: they all pro­nounce it properly. 7. They... come at any time they like between ten and twelve in the morning, but they... not come if they don't want to. 8.... I go there right now? – Yes, you....

Задание № 9. Произнесите вслух все возможные предложения, используя приведенные подстано­вочные таблицы. (Упражнение на выработку автоматизма речи). Переведите каждое предложение на русский язык.

Не   must may might can't   know your sister be busy be ill be tired be hungry      
Не   must may might can't   be   sleeping working hard watching TV having dinner playing football  


He must have forgotten your address
  may   lost your book
  might   missed the train
  can't   caught cold
      fallen ill
      left the country
      sold his piano
      bought a car

Задание № 10. Перепишите сначала все предложения, в которых модальный глагол may (might) выражает разрешение, а затем предложения в которых он выражает предположение. Переве­дите предложения на русский язык.

1. Children may borrow books from the school li­brary. 2. I may show him your reports later. I don't know. 3. Your hair is getting rather thin, sir, may I advise to change your parting1? 4. Mother, may I have a glass of light beer? 5. I may have wrecked my own life, but I will not let you wreck yours. 6. Jus­tice may be slow, mother, but it comes in the end. 7. He may have written the letter, but the signature is certainly not his. 8. It might have been worse. 9. May I come and see you some day? 10. We asked the teacher if we might use dictionaries.

Задание № 11. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя модальный глагол may.

E.g. Possibly you left your book behind. You may have left your book behind.

1. Perhaps you left your umbrella in the bus. 2. Perhaps he went to the cafe to wait for us. 3. Perhaps it was Helen who rang you up. 4. Per­haps they came by plane. 5. Perhaps she had a very good English teacher. 6. Perhaps it was too cold for the children to go out. 7. It is possible that he took his children to the zoo. 8. Possibly they did not see us in the crowd. 9. Perhaps Rob­ert used a dictionary. 10. Possibly Mary misun­derstood you. 11. Perhaps Henry waited for us there. 12. Possibly Ann returned very late last night. 13. Possibly they have seen the new play. 14. Perhaps Nick has left his exercise-book at home.


Задание № 12. Вставьте модальный глагол may или might. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующу­юся форму инфинитива.

1.... I (to ask) you to take off your hat? 2. She asked me if she... (to turn) on the light. 3. I am afraid it... (not to stop) raining by the morning. 4. Don't scold her: the task... (to be) too difficult for her, that's why she made rather many mis­takes. 5. If they'don't miss the train, they... (to arrive) in time. 6. Why isn't he here yet? What has happened? – Oh, he... (to miss) the train. 7. He... (to do) very hard work. That's why he looks so tired now.

Задание № 13. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальный глагол may.

1. Может быть, мы поедем на Волгу. 2. Может быть, она придет завтра. 3. Может быть, я куп­лю эту книгу в Москве. 4. Возможно, она при­шлет нам телеграмму. 5. Возможно, они забудут принести газету. 6. Возможно, мой брат забыл позвонить вам. 7. Возможно, она уже купила билеты. 8. Может быть, он уже сделал уроки. 9. Может быть, моя сестра уже поговорила с ними. 10. Возможно, они уехали за границу. 11. Может быть, бабушка спит. 12. Может быть, дети играют у реки. 13. Возможно, они сейчас как раз обсуждают этот вопрос. 14. Возможно, они как раз сейчас обедают. 15. Может быть, он сейчас лежит на траве и смотрит на облака.

Задание № 14. Перепишите сначала все предложения, в которых модальный глагол must выражает долженствование, а затем предложения, в которых он выражает предположение. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. You must be a fool to think so. 2. The work I must have been carried out in secret for quite a long time. 3. The question must be solved before we begin doing anything. 4. Mind, you mustn't spend all the money. 5. You must take a taxi if you want to catch that train. 6. You must tell your mother about it. 7. But she must have seen him! 8. Oh, John, think how she must be suffering! 9.Is she waiting? She must have been waiting for an hour. 10. "Oh, Auntie," he answered, "you mustn't talk like that." 11. And remember, you must come and see the baby as soon as you can. 12. You must go home now, Georgie.

Задание № 15. Перефразируйте следующие пред­ложения, употребляя модальный глагол must.

1. You have been absent very long. I am sun you feel hungry. 2. Where are the children? – They are at the river with Nick. I am sure they are having a very good time. 3. He has probably worked very hard to finish his book. 4. She is a very experienced doctor. I am sure she has been working at this hospital for at least fifteen years. 5. Look! Helen's windows are open. I feel sure she is at home. 6. The Smiths have always been great foot­ball fans. I am sure they are at the stadium watch­ing the football match. 7. Probably they have changed the school programme. My granddaughter knows a great deal more than I did when I was her age. 8. It is probably a very difficult rule. 9. I am sure it is pleasant to spend summer in such a picturesque place. 10. You have probably read books of this author before. 11. I feel sure they are pre­paring a surprise for us. 12. These old legends were probably composed about a thousand years ago. 13. It is probably nine o'clock now. 14. He is very old. I think he is nearly eighty. 15. It is probably time to go now.

Задание № 16. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя модальный глагол must.

1.I think it is time for the bell to ring. 2. I am almost sure they have this book in the library. 3. Probably he recognized you by your photo in he papers. 4. He is sure to be in at this time. 5. Of course she is trying to help you. 6. She is certain to be waiting for you at home. 7. Probably he was already ill. 8. There is little doubt that the first experiment failed. 9. No doubt, she knew what she wasgoing to do. 10. I am sure she is fond of the child. 11. They are sure to have taken the wrong turning. 12. Probably he was taken there by car.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 259 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Задание № 3. Раскройте скобки, поставив Present Perfect в придаточных предложениях времени и условия. | Употребление. | Упражнения | Задание № 2. Закончите предложения используя Past Continuous. | Упражнения | Упражнение 4. Переведите используя Past Simple и the Past Perfect. | Самостоятельная работа | Упражнение 4. Переведите на русский язык. | Упражнение 17. Вставьте модальные глаголы to have to или to be to. |
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