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Exercise 23. Complete the sentences using some or any. Translate the sentences

Читайте также:
  1. Change the tense form of the verb using the Present Perfect Tense. Translate sentences into Russian.
  2. Complex Sentences
  3. Conditional Sentences
  5. Exercise 1.
  6. Exercise 1.
  7. Exercise 1.

1. The baby is asleep. Please don’t make … noise. 2. There aren’t seats available. 3. I tried to borrow … English books from him, but he said he didn’t have …. 4. Please put … water in that vase; the flowers are dying. 5. They are having … trouble with the motor of their new car. 6. He never makes … mistakes in spelling. 7. There are … famous museums there but we didn’t have to visit …. 8. The doctor gave me … medicine for my cough. 9. I never have … trouble with my radio-set. 10. We need … butter for breakfast.


Exercise 24. Complete the sentences using there is/there are. Translate them

1. … someone knocking at the door. 2. … two large book-cases in his room. 3. … nobody at home at present. 4. … a letter parks in this city. 5. … twelve month in a year. 6. … an English-speaking student there. 7. … a new film on at the club tonight.

Reading material


Are skyscrapers really symbols of progress? Does a nation really become “modern” if it builds skyscrapers?

Nowadays it has become very difficult to live in big cities. It seems as if not even the Americans like living in skyscrapers. Not only are they expensive to build, they also ruin the landscape. It’s much better to live in small houses in a green countryside.

However, there are countries like Japan that need to build skyscrapers because of lack of space and dense population.

In fact, according to statistics half the world’s population will live in cities by the 21st century. More than 300 million people will live in 21 metropolises.

The biggest city with the maximum number of inhabitants will be Tokyo with the population of 28 million.

Tokyo, the city of the future. A very tall skyscraper in the form of a pyramid has been planned in Tokyo which is more than 2 kms high. It’ll be called Try 2004. Its base will be 8 square kilometrs and its flats and offices will accommodate 1 million people.

Another skyscraper called Seed 4000, will be 4 kms tall and will be designed like Mount Fuji the most famous mountain in Japan. Once again, Japan is building Millenium Tower, a skyscraper of “only” 800 metres According to the architects working on the project, the tower will look like the Champs-Elysees in Paris, vertically of course.


Notes on the text

skyscraper – хмарочос lack – нестача space – простір dense – густий metropolis – столиця inhabitant – мешканець try – спроба to inaugurate – відкривати bracket – дужка expensive – дорогий landscape – краєвид countryside – сільська місцевість to accommodate – вміщати seed – насіння millenium – тисячоліття Champs-Elysees – Єлісейські поля height – висота under construction – в процесі будівництва

Завдання до тексту:

1. Укажіть усі випадки словоскладання в абзацах 1,2,3.

2. Знайдіть усі випадки вживання закінчення S/’S в абзацах 1,2,3,4, прокоментуйте їх.

3. Складіть загальні питання та дайте відповіді на них.

4. Знайдіть усі випадки вживання прикметників в абзацах 1,2,3,4.5, перекладіть їх українською мовою.

5. З’ясуйте, до якого з абзаців тексту може бути поставлено запитання:,,How many people will live in metropolises?”.


Sounds are produced by the vibrations of matter. If sound vibrations are regular, they are pleasant to the ear and are known as musical sounds.

One can make matter vibrate in different ways. You can strike wires with hammer. You can set air in vibration with your lips, you can even make gases vibrate. When you wave your hands back and forth they are vibrating in a way. However no sound is heard because the vibrations are not fast enough.

A dog can respond to sounds that you cannot hear because its ears are sensitive to higher rates of vibration than you can receive.

A vibrating object makes the air around it vibrate. When a body vibrates, it sets up a wave motion in the surrounding air. The waves are carried in all directions from the vibrating body. They move as water waves move away from the spot where you have thrown a stone into the water. The difference between these two types of waves is that sound waves travel in all directions, while water waves travel only on surface of the water.

The loudness of a sound depends on the amount of matter that vibrates. The waves are higher in water if you drop a large stone because more water is suddenly pushed aside. In the same way, the more air an object causes to vibrate, the louder will be the sound. Loudness is due to amplitude; the amplitude is the height of the wave from the center to the top or bottom part of the wave. As the height of the wave becomes less as it moves away, so the loudness of sound decreases as you move away from the source. When sounds are made louder, as in a radio amplifier, the wave amplitude is increased. This is done by using a greater amount of energy to produce the sound vibrations.

The number of times an object vibrates per second is its frequency of vibration. The frequency of vibration determines the pitch of a sound. By pitch we mean how high or low the sound is. If you strike a tuning fork against your hand or knee, its prongs will vibrate 256 times a second. No matter how hard you hit the fork, it will still vibrate 256 times a second. The pitch of the tone will stay the same. What did you change when you hit the fork harder? How might you change the pitch of the tuning fork?

A wave length is the distance from the top of one wave to the top of the next succeeding wave. When you strike a tuning fork, the rate of vibration (frequency) and the wave length are constant. The amplitude of loudness of the sound depends on the force of the blow.

Sound waves are usually carried to our ears by the air. Have you heard the shot of a gun fired at quite a distance from you? How did the sound waves get from the gun to your ears? You probably have noticed that when you strike two stones against each other under water, you can hear the sounds produced under water.

Gases, liquids, and solids carry sound waves. Sound travels air at a speed of approximately 1,100 feet per second. When you see a flash of lightning a mile away, the speed of light is such that the flash reaches your eye almost instantly. The sound of the resulting thunder reaches your ear later. By using an accurate stop watch, you can measure the interval between flash and thunder.


Notes on the text


lips-губи; wave-махати; rate-швидкість; tuning fork-камертон; no matter-не має значення; succeeding-послідуючий; stop watch-хронометр;


Завдання до тексту:

1. Дайте відповіді:

What is a musical sound?

What is the amplitude?

What determines the pitch of a sound?

Which substance can carry sound waves?

2. Знайдіть усі особові, присвійні та заперечні займенники в абзаці 1.

3. Знайдіть випадки використання ланцюжків іменників y 1,3,4 абзацах.

4. Знайдіть слова, що утворились за допомогою суфіксів y 1-4 абзацах.

5. Знайдіть порівняльну конструкцію в абзацi 4.


Recently in Japan, programmes for use with computers have been produced for children of six to ten years old.

Computer technology for the very young is a rapidly, growing industry. And, according to the technical experts, is very educational. They say in fact, that computers help children mature and learn to reason much more quickly.

Children love the games and other computer technology and in some Japanese elementary schools, there are already lessons on using computers.

And at home? The computer is becoming a kind of’ technological grandmother’. It sings nursery rhymes, tells fairy stories and helps with homework.

For older children. A short time ago, the electronic diary was produced for older children. Many young people in Tokyo and its surroundings use it already for taking notes, doing homework, drawing and keeping telephone numbers.

There’s also some equipment which is like an “electronic teacher”. This computer answers questions on all scholastic subjects from biology to geography.

But young people’s true passion is videogames. In the United States, millions of them, from age ten to fourteen, play videogames for an average of two hours a day.

Discussion. There are also arguments about the popularity of computers. Some experts are alarmed. In their opinion, computers block the imagination and spontaneity of young people. They say that electronic games aren’t creative; that children use only their fingers and not the rest of their bodies or their imaginations. And that’s before they talk about videogames! Prolonged use of video games can damage the eyes and that’s not all. There are a lot of videogame which are violent and not educational.

Business. Products for young people have gone some way to resolving the crisis in the computer technology market. According to experts, within five years almost all toys will be electronic. And videogame sales are steadily rising.

What do you think?

* Is it right to make even small children use computers?

* Would you like an “electronic teacher”?

* Do you like videogames?

* Do you think it is true that they can harm you?


Notes on the text


recently – нещодавно rapidly – швидко educational – навчальний, освітній to mature – розвиватись to reason – міркувати nursery rhymes – дитячі віршики creative – творчий fairy story – казка diary – щоденник surroundings – околиці equipment – пристрій scholastic – шкільний passion – пристрасть   average – середній argument – суперечка, дискусія alarmed – стривожений imagination – уява, фантазія spontaneity – безпосередність,щирість creative – творчий prolonged – тривалий to damage – шкодити violent – насильницький to resolve – вирішувати steadily – постійно to harm – шкодити


Завдання до тексту:

1. Дайте відповіді:

Why do they call the computer a “technological grandmother”?

What can a young man do with the computer?

What is said here about videogames? Are they good for young children?

2. Знайдіть випадки ланцюжків іменників в абзацах 2,9.

3. Знайдіть усі прислівники в абзацах 1,2.

4. Порівняйте та поясніть вживання “S” в абзацах 6,7.

5. Знайдіть у тексті випадки вживання конструкції “There + to be”

Дата добавления: 2015-07-18; просмотров: 300 | Нарушение авторских прав

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