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Task 2. Work in pairs by putting questions to each other.

Читайте также:
  1. Go through the texts and match each student with the Faculty he studies at. Then read the text about your Faculty to discuss the questions that follow it.
  2. III. Questions on the chapter.
  3. III. Questions on the chapter.
  4. Questions and polls your government and news agencies have disallowed
  5. Task 1. Read the following article and discuss the questions with the partner.
  6. Task 1. Think of tree questions you would like to ask about London. Read the textand see if you can answer them.



I would like to tell you some words about my family. My family is neither large nor small. There are 4 of us. They are my mother, my father, my sister and me. But I can say that it is large, because it also consists of 2 pets – a cat and a dog. They are members of our family as well. We like them very much. And now some words about each of them. My mother is Elena Vladimirovna Vlasenko. She is a housewife. She has a lot of work about the house. We all like her and care about her. My father is Alexander Nikolayevich Vlasenko. He is 45. He is a driver. My younger sister Vera is a schoolgirl. I am very fond of her. I try to help her every time she needs it. Our family is very friendly. We like to gather in the evening and watch TV-set or discuss day problems.


Task 1. Answer the questions:

Is you family large?

What does it consist of?

Is your father older than your mother?

Do you have a sister or a brother?

Are you fond of your sister?

What is your father?

Are you great friends?


Task 2. Work in pairs. Put questions to each other about your families.



Прикметник. Прислівник. Ступені порівняння конструкції типа “the … the”.


Reading Material


American Cities.

The Animals

Living in a Dream

That Sport

Electronic Computers

George and Robert Stephensons

Michael Faraday


Topic – My Biography.




Прикметник Прислівник

Ступені порівняння:

І спосіб:

er ® -est


односкладові big, high   Двоскладові, з наголосом на 2 складі polite


двоскладові,які закінчуються на -er, -ow, -y, -le easy, clever


II спосіб:


more – the most

¯для багатоскладових та інших прикметників

Звичайний ступінь Порівняльний ступінь Найвищий ступінь
big bigger the biggest
high higher the highest
polite politer the politest
easy easier the easiest


clever cleverer the cleverest
wonderful more wonderful the most wonderful
tired more tired the most tired
soon sooner the soonest
hardly more hardly the most hardly



good – better – the best

bad – worse – the worst

little – less – the least

many (much) – more – the most

far – farther – the farthest

further – the furthest

old – older – the oldest

elder – the eldest


Утворення прикметників


іменник + суфікс


-al form al   -ful use ful   -ous danger ous   -y rain y   -less use less з запереченим відтінком


дієслово + суфікс


-able change able   -ant, -ent differ ent   -ive attract ive


Утворення прислівників


Іменник + -ly Week ly Прикметник+-ly high ly Числівник+ -ly first ly


Порівняльні конструкції

1) the … the – чим … тим


The more the better.

Чим більше, тим краще.


2) as … as – такий же … як


It is as cold today as it was yesterday.

Сьогодні так само холодно, як і вчора.


3) not so … as – не такий … як


It is not so cold today as it was yesterday.

Сьогодні не так холодно, як учора.


4) than – ніж


He did more than she did.

Він зробив більше, ніж вона. (Він зробив більше від (за) неї).



Утворення числівників

* teen – 13 – 19 (thir teen …)

* ty – 20 – 90 (twen ty …)

* th – порядкові числівники

Виняток: 1 – the first

2 – the second

3 – the third

тризначні – 356 – three hundred and fifty-six.

Роки читаються так:

1989 – nineteen eighty-nine

2003 – two thousand and three

(twenty hundred and three)

Дати: 14 січня – the fourteenth of January

14-го січня – on the fourteenth of January


Exercises to be done in Writing

Дата добавления: 2015-07-18; просмотров: 120 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Література | Методичні вказівки | Ознайомлення дітей дошкільного віку з правилами пожежної безпеки | Література додаткова | Допоміжна література | Exercise 7. Put the following sentences in plural and translate them | Exercise 8. Put the sentences in plural | Exercise 12. Express the same statements in the other way using the possessive case of nouns | Exercise 35. Put sentences into the negative form, translate the sentences | Translate the texts |
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