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Say what he does every night of the week.

Читайте также:
  1. A A/anand some103 Everyone, something, etc
  2. A dream in the hands of the right person is a winner every time
  3. A golden key opens every door
  5. And put your foot right in it that night of the party, and now you have got to
  6. Andy Rooney is a television commentator who usually talks about the pleasures and problems of everyday life. Here he tells us about a teacher that he liked very much.
  7. Appearances are deceptive. It is a common truth; practically everyone has met at least someone whosecharacter and appearance differ radically.


Tuesday night

Monday night

Saturday night

Friday night

Gr-3. Speak about Steve's regime (routine). Ask your group-mate to inform you about Steve's routine.

to wake up (to get up); to do morning exercises; to wash; to dress; to have breakfast; to go to school; to study; to have dinner; to do homework; to watch TV; to read; to go to bed

Gr-4. How is your daily routine different from Steve's? How is it similar? Gr-5. Tell the group about Alice.

Example: She gets up at 6. (rarely) She rarely gets up at 6.

She rarely gets up

1. She has a shower, (sometimes) 2. She does her morning exer­cises, (usually) 3. She goes to the Institute on foot, (never) 4. She has lunch at the refectory, (often) 5. She goes to the reading-room after classes, (always)

Gr-6. Make the following sentences negative.

1. I do my homework every day. 2. She usually does the shopping on Monday. 3. We go to the lab three times a week. 4. The Clarks often work in the garden. 5. We live in the centre of the city. 6. He always comes to the Institute in time.

Gr-7. Put disjunctive questions to the following statements.

1. It doesn't take me long to get to the Institute. 2. They never talk at the lesson. 3. We often write dictations. 4. John and Tom are twins. 5. He sometimes makes spelling mistakes. 6. I don't teach En­glish. 7. He seldom reads newspapers.

Gr-8. Answer the questions beginning with "How often" or work with your partner. Use the expressions below in your answers.

Example: How often do you go to the theatre?

I go to the theatre about once a month.

to telephone your friend (your family); to eat in a cafe; to watcl TV; to write letters; to go to the dentist; to cook meals; to arrive lat(for class; to read a book; to listen to music

once a week; twice a month; every day; once in a while; severs times a year; every other day; every morning

2. The Present Continuous Tense

Gr-9. Ask questions about the people in the pictures below. Use the following vocabulary.

to listen to the radio, to music; to watch television; to play the guitar; to play volley-ball, chess; to ride a horse, a bicycle; to ski; to skate; to fix a bike; to cook; to draw

Example: What's Mark doing?



He is doing his homework.













Gr-10. Look at the illustration again. Answer true or false to the following state­ments.

Example: Laura is riding a horse.

Laura is not riding a horse. She is reading a book.

1. John is fixing his bike. 2. Dan and James are playing chess. 3. The schoolboys are playing tennis. 4. Mary is singing. 5. Andrew is skating. 6. Lucy is riding a horse. 7. Edward is listening to music. 8. Jack is talking on the phone. 9. Basil is reading a book. 10. Ted is playing (he guitar. 11. Frieda is cooking dinner. 12. Charles is skiing. 13. Peter is having dinner.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 166 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Подготовьте чтение следующих пар слов. Различайте долгие и краткие звуки, монофтонги и дифтонги. | Правила-инструкции к самостоятельной работе | Вставьте there is или it is. | Б) во фразах. | Правила чтения | Четыре типа чтения английских гласных букв в ударных слогах | Unit 1 Family Life and Ways. Traces of Appearance | D) Intonation | LISTENING PRACTICE | О-16. Answer the following questions. |
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ORAL PRACTICE| Gr-ll. Read the following telephone conversation.

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