Читайте также:
1. Вживання наркотиків може привести до звикання.
2. Кокаїн викликає знервованість та роздратованість.
3. Кофеїн також відноситься до стимуляторів.
4. Будь-який стимулятор, навіть кофеїн, в помірних дозах, може викликати звичку.
5. Наркотики надають сили і допомагають відчути себе непереможним.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | v form that is smoked v crystals v pills v powder |
Match the stimulant and its form.
Look at the bar graph below. Then, answer the questions.
1. Which group had the greatest decrease in drug use between 1997 and 2002?
a. 8th-graders
b. 10th-graders
c. 12th-graders
2. Which group had the smallest decrease in drug use between 1997 and 2002?
a. 8th-graders
b. 10th-graders
c. 12th-graders
3. In 1997, what was the difference between illicit drug use among 8th-graders and 10th-graders?
a. 18.6 percent
b. 8.4 percent
c. 13.4 percent
4. In 2002, what was the difference between illicit drug use among 10th-graders and 12th-graders?
a. 2.4 percent
b. 3.2 percent
c. 4.6 percent
5. What percentage of 8th-graders did not use illicit drugs in 2002?
a. 10.4 percent
b. 89.6 percent
c. 96.4 percent
6. If the trend were to continue, what percentage of 12th-graders would report using drugs in 2007?
a. 23.2 percent
b. 27 percent
c. 24.6 percent
Read and remember the following information.
Here are a few warning signs that someone may have a substance abuse problem:
☹ relying on drugs or alcohol to have fun, forget problems, or relax
☹ having blackouts
☹ drinking or using drugs while alone
☹ withdrawing or keeping secrets from friends or family
☹ losing interest in activities that used to be important
☹ performing differently in school
☹ building an increased tolerance to alcohol or drugs — gradually needing more and more of the substance to get the same feeling
☹ lying, stealing, or selling stuff to get money for drugs or alcohol
Заняття 3.14 Правда про тютюнопаління
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Cocaine is made from | | | Read and learn the following words and word-combinations. |