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Заняття 3.9 Здорове харчування

Читайте также:
  1. VІІ. Методика проведення заняття і його організаційна структура
  2. VІІ. Методика проведення заняття і організаційна структура заняття
  3. VІІ. Методика проведення заняття та організаційна структура заняття
  4. X. Гігієнічні вимоги до організації харчування
  5. XI. Санітарно-гігієнічні вимоги до постачання, умов зберігання і реалізації продуктів харчування, технології приготування страв
  6. ДРУГЕ заняття4
  7. Задача 1 практичного заняття

1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

o junk food – нездорова їжа o weight – вага o support – підтримувати o suggest– пропонувати, тут. вважати o affect – впливати o nutrient – поживна речовина o fat– жир o villain – шкідники o compare– порівнювати o fibre – клітковина o increase – зростати o ready-to-eat foods – готова їжа (їжа швидкого приготування) o cereals – злаки o grains – зерна o steaming – приготування на пару o dairy – молочні продукти


Read and translate the text.

Healthy eating

It seems like everyone is always talking about food, and what you should and shouldn't eat. 'Junk' food and 'healthy' food – what does it all mean? Is it really important?

Yes!! Healthy eating can make you look different and feel different.

Benefits of healthy eating

There are some effects of healthy eating that you will notice pretty quickly. For example, a healthy diet can:

♨ Help you keep a healthy body weight.

♨ Give you more energy to enjoy all kinds of physical activity, like surfing, football or dancing.

♨ Support your body while you are growing and developing so that you reach your full physical potential.

Some studies suggest that what you eat affects your mood. A good balanced diet will make sure you have all the essential nutrients needed for your brain to function well.

Why is it called 'junk' food?

The foods that are more likely to lead to health problems are often called 'junk food'. Food that contains lots of fat, salt and sugar are the villains! Also, foods that do not have enough fibre are a problem as they are not very filling, compared to other everyday foods, and it is easy to overeat them.

Here's why:

Diets high in fat have been linked to increased risk of heart disease - like heart attacks.

Salt plays a very important and complicated role in the body. But diets that are high in salt can put you at risk of high blood pressure, which in turn can affect your brain… your eyes… your heart…

Foods that contain a lot of fat and sugar are high in kilojoules. That is, they provide the body with LOTS of energy. If you are not using energy – i.e. not exercising much - then you are likely to put on weight.

Modern life is fast! There is a lot to do and not much time. So many people rely on ready-to-eat foods and 'fast foods'.

Because fat and salt and sugar make foods taste good, 'fast foods' tend to have high levels of all of these, to make people buy more. That is OK for once in a while, but not for every day.

Healthy food – what to buy

We have talked about junk food. So what’s left?

Cereals - bread, pasta, rice and other foods from grains all provide carbohydrates, which are important sources of energy.

Meat and fish – chicken, red meat, fish and seafood all provide protein which is very important. It’s better if the food is cooked using a low-fat method, such as grilling or steaming.

Fruit and vegetables – contain LOTS of different nutrients, like vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables every day are recommended.

Dairy – milk, cheese, yoghurt and other dairy products all contain calcium, which is important for the development and health of bones, teeth and nerves.

Sugars – avoid sweets in general, especially those with lots of fats.

Water – everyone forgets about water but it is important and the best drink for you. Try to drink several glasses a day. A small glass of fruit juice is fine too.


3. Answer the questions:

♨ How can healthy diet help?

♨ What do some studies suggest?

♨ What do we call ‘junk’ food?

♨ What does ‘junk’ food contain?

♨ What kind of disease can fat lead to?

♨ What does salt affect?

♨ What do foods that contain a lot of fat and sugar provide?

♨ What should you eat to be healthy?


Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 128 | Нарушение авторских прав

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