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Ukrainians in space engineering

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  1. A) Identify each of the electronic components below and draw their circuit symbol in the space provided.
  2. An astronaut in space
  3. Branches of Engineering
  4. Chemical engineering
  5. Chemical Engineering
  6. Chemical Engineering degree
  7. Choose the right engineering abilities below for each category in the Table. The number of abilities is in brackets.

Speaking about Ukrainians’ contribution into creation of rocket and space technology we should remember about scientific basis they used. This basis was created, in part, as early as in the 19th century by our compatriots. They were Olexander Zasyadko (1779-1834), Kostyantyn Kostyantynov (born in 1817 or 1818), Mykola Kybalchych, who died at the age of 28, Kostyantyn Tsiolkovsky, who came from the glorious Cossacs family of Nalyvaiko, Yury Kondratyuk, who made calculations for the manned flight to the Moon. Americans used these calculations in 1969 when they sent their astronauts to the satellite.

Speaking about the development of rocket and space engineering in the former USSR, the world usually connects this with the name of Academician Serhiy Korolyov, an outstanding creator of the practical space engineering. Many people regard him as a representative of the Russian people. However, Serhiy Korolyov is a Ukrainian.

Mykhailo Yangel created a new direction and his own school in developing rocket and space equipment. He worked in Dnipropetrovsk at “Pivdenmash”.

Valentyn Hlushko was a general designer of rockets. Volodymyr Chelomey headed the creation of the carrier rockets.

9. Answer the following questions:

· What Ukrainian space engineers do you know?

· What Ukrainian scientist died at the age of 28?

· What can you say about Tsiolkovsky’s family?

· Where did Americans send their astronauts in 1969?

· Whose calculations did they use then?

· What Ukrainian Academician do you know?

· What nationality Serhiy Korolyov was?

· What was Yangel famous for?

10. Complete the sentences below with appropriate words:

· In 1969 Americans sent their astronauts to the __________

· Tsiolkovsky was born in the glorious _________ family of Nalyvaiko.

· Volodymyr Chelomey was a designer of the_________ rockets.

· Kostyantyn Kostyantynov was born in _________ or _________.

· _________ was a great Ukrainian Academician.

· _________ died in 1834.

11. Match the words from the column A with the column B:

  A Volodymyr Chelomey 4 3 space equipment   B
Valentyn Hlushko 4 3 space engineering
Mykhailo Yangel 4 3 rockets
Serhiy Korolyov 4 3 carrier rockets
Yury Kondratyuk 4 3 space calculations

12. Make the sentences true:

o Valentyn Hlushko is Ukrainian Academician.

o Mykhailo Yangel worked in Donetsk at “Pivdenmash”.

o Kostyantyn Tsiolkovsky came from the glorious Cossacs family of Khmelnysky.

o Many people regard Volodymyr Chelomey as a representative of the Russian people, however, he is a Ukrainian.

o Yury Kondratyuk made calculations for the manned flight to the Venus.

13. Choose the right answer:

1. …………..is an outstanding creator of the practical space engineering.

Valentyn Hlushko b) Yury Kondratyuk c) Serhiy Korolyov

2. ………… created a new school in space engineering.

a)Valentyn Hlushko b) Mykhailo Yangel c) Serhiy Korolyov

3. ……………..was one of a line of Cossacs ancestry.

a) Kostyantyn Tsiolkovsky b) Mykhailo Yangel c) Serhiy Korolyov

4. …………….. was one of the youngest scientists in space engineering

a) Volodymyr Chelomey b) Olexander Zasyadko c) Mykola Kybalchych

5. ……………. worked in Dnipropetrovsk region.

a)Valentyn Hlushko b) Mykhailo Yangel c) Serhiy Korolyov

6. The carrier rocket is the creation of …………...

a) Volodymyr Chelomey b) Olexander Zasyadko c) Mykola Kybalchych

7. The name of ……….... was well-known in USSR and in the world.

a) Kostyantyn Tsiolkovsky b) Mykhailo Yangel c) Serhiy Korolyov


Заняття 3.3 Видатні вчені України


1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

humanity людство
to produce a great impact on справляти великий вплив на
solution of geochemical problems розв’язання геохімічний проблем
biosphere біосфера
to contribute робити внесок
to take pride in гордитися
ambassador посол
to apply застосовувати, вживати
electro-welding електрозварювання
pathophysiologist патолог-фізіолог
tissue тканина
scholar філолог


2. Read and translate the following text:

In the history of humanity there have always been people whose actions and ideas produced a great impact on the lives of other people. They have made a great contribution to our country. For this reason they are called outstanding. There are a lot of outstanding people famous for their contribution to our science. They are scientists, experienced and skilled workers of medicine and education.

Volodymyr Vernadsky, for instance, was the first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. He was born in 1863. Volodymyr Vernadsky was the first in our country to introduce the spectral method for the solution of geochemical problems. He was the founder of the modern doctrine on the biosphere. His findings greatly contributed to the world science.

Evhen Paton was another great scientist whom we take pride in. He was born in 1870 in the family of a Russian ambassador and received his education abroad. In 1904 Paton moved to Kyiv to work and teach at the Kyiv Politechnical Institute. He was a professor and a head of the chair for nearly thirty years at the Institute. Yevhen Paton was the first to apply electro-welding in bridge-construction. A welded bridge was built across the Dnieper in Kyiv. It is now known as the Paton Bridge. In 1930 Paton organized the Research Institute of Electro-welding at the Academy of Sciences.

Oleksandr Bohomolets, born 24 May 1881 in Kyiv, died 19 July 1946 in Kyiv. Prominent pathophysiologist and scientific administrator, full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Bohomolets was the founder of a large school of pathophysiologists. He discovered an effective method of changing the condition of connective tissue by means of a stimulant discovered by him which gained him worldwide fame. Bohomolets wrote many works in biology, physiology, and pathology.

Oleksandr Potebnia, born 22 September 1835 on his family’s khutir near Havrylivka, Poltava gubernia, died 11 December 1891 in Kharkiv. Linguist, folklorist, and literary scholar. Potebnia was far ahead of his contemporaries. In 1945 Institute of Linguistics of Academy of Science was named after Potebnia.

Yuri Kotermak was a prominent philosopher, astronomer and doctor. He studied at a Universities of Krakiv and Bologna. From 1481 to 1484 he was the rector of the Bologna University and in 1488 he worked as a professor of the Medical Department at the Krakiv University.


3. Match the names of the scientists in A with branches of science in B:

  A Yuri Kotermak 4 3 biology   B
Oleksandr Bohomolets 4 3 geochemistry
Volodymyr Vernadsky 4 3 astronomy
Oleksandr Potebnia 4 3 welding technology
Yevhen Paton 4 3 linguistics


4. Which of the following statements are true and which are false? Correct the false sentences.

  Volodymyr Vernadsky produced a great impact on the lives of other people.
  Yevhen Paton was interested in biosphere.
  Paton’s father was a Russian ambassador.
  The first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences was Y.Kotermak.
  Potebnia was born in a rich family.
  Bohomolets wrote many works in biology, physiology, and geochemistry.

5. Answer the following questions:


Paton Bridge 1,5km
Whom do we call outstanding people?

2) What are outstanding people famous for?

3) Which Ukrainian scientists do you know?

4) Who was the first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences?

5) What discoveries of Volodymyr Vernadskiy do you know?

6) What research did he conduct?

7) Who was the first to apply electro-welding in bridge construction?

8) When did Yevhen Paton organize the Research Institute of Electro-welding at the Academy of Sciences?

9) Where was a welded bridge build?

10) What famous linguist do you know?


6. Find and circle the word that doesn’t go with the others:

1)Krakiv 2) Administrator 3) Philosophy
Havrylivka Physiology Medical Department
Scholar tissue biosphere
September Linguistics Bologna


7. Read the following information:

8. Make up sentences using the following words:

1) people, Outstanding, are, of, Ukraine, scientists, scholars, doctors.

2) Yevhen, was, Paton, in bridge-construction, the first, to apply, electro-welding.

3) Potebnia, prominent, a, was, Oleksandr, linguist.

4) wrote, Kotermak, in, Yury, works, many, philosophy.


9. How are the following items related to Ukrainian scientists?

Ø Bologna University Ø Politechnic University
Ø Institute of Linguistics Ø Ukrainian Academy of Science


10. Do you know different kinds of science? Match science with its definition.

Biology Zoology Botany Anatomy Physiology Anthropology Psychology Psychiatry Criminology Penology - the study and treatment of diseases of mind; - scientific study of animals; - scientific study of nature of living bodies; - scientific study of living things; - scientific study of nature of man: - scientific study how the bodies of living things work; - scientific study of plants; - scientific study of crime and criminals; - scientific study of mind and the way it works; - the scientific study of punishment and prison.



Заняття 3.4 Внесок українців у розвиток медицини

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 274 | Нарушение авторских прав

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