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XI. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

Читайте также:
  1. A chapter-by-chapter commentary on the major difficulties of the text and the cultural and historical facts that may be unknown to Russian-speaking readers.
  2. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  3. A Read the text again quickly and complete sentences 1-6.
  4. A Russian / Soviet / Ukrainian and a British / UK / Welsh war hero.
  5. A Russian Fairy Tale
  6. A) Answer the following questions about yourself.
  7. A) Order the words to make sentences.


1. Гражданский процесс есть установленный нормами граждан- ского процессуального права порядок разбирательства и разрешения судом гражданских дел, исполнения решений и постановлений судов.

2. Суд общей юрисдикции может рассматривать судебные дела любой категории.

3. Суд специальной юрисдикции может рассматривать судебные дела только одной категории, например, только дела о банкротстве, дела семейных отношений – развод, усыновление, удочерение и др.

4. Нападение на человека, избиение его означает нарушение прав личности.

5. Воровство и ограбление со взломом помещения означает нару- шение права владения собственностью.


Grammar revision




I. Analyze the following sentences paying attention to the use of the modal verbs and their equivalents. Explain their meaning. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. Judges must set timetables to bring cases on for trial as quickly as possible; they must control and try to simplify the issues that have to be decided; and they must put strict limits on the evidence which may be called at the trial.

2. Family cases may involve the court giving orders which relate to the circumstances in which family members are to live.

3. In civil cases the applicant does not have to make the court sure about the case.

4. It must always be easier to make someone else believe that something is probably so than to make them sure of it.

5. The court has to decide if either party has acted “in breach of contract”, and if so, what the compensation should be.

6. For a contract to be enforceable six conditions must be met.

7. Anyone who takes your belongings without permission may be prosecuted in the criminal courts for theft.

8. If a police officer arrests you without lawful cause, a claim can be brought against him.

9. Sometimes a judge may decide that both sides have been to blame to some extent; then the court will have to apportion blame accordingly.

10. Because almost any question involving the welfare of a child can be referred to the Family Division, the judges of this court can be asked to make important and difficult decisions about the medical treatment of children.






I. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why.


1. The court may give а summary judgment for or against the claimant.

2. In civil cases the claimant is to make the court sure about the case.

3. The consideration is one of the main rules for а contract to be enforceable. As regards contribution negligence the court is to apportion damages.

4. All unpleasant or unkind things written or spoken can be made the subject of а claim for defamation.

5. А person can be sent to prison both by а criminal or civil courts.


II. Answer the question about the text.


1. What are the subjects of civil cases? What do civil proceedings concern?

2. How have the civil procedure rules changed since April 1999? How are they tried now?

3. What are overriding objectives of civil cases?

4. What options does the claim activate for the defendant?

5. Which ‘tracks’ are civil cases allocated to? What is typical of each of them?

6. What are the peculiarities of family cases?

7. What are weak points of trials in defamation cases?

8. What is the basic rule of contract law? What does this rule involve?

9. What are the best-known torts?

10. What is а trespass? How is it prosecuted?

11. What are the consequences of negligence? How are cases decided in court?

12. How are cases of negligence or nuisance tried in court? Give an example.

13. What are the complexities of claims for defamation?

14. What does the work of the Chancery Division cover?

15. When are trusts created? What is meant by the term “the administration of trusts”?

16. What is the family Division concerned with?

17. When can the test of reasonableness be applied? Give an example.

18. What does it mean to be somebody’s litigant friend?

19. What are the ways of enforcing court orders in civil cases?


III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarize it.


IV. Working in pairs find the information on the following themes:


1. The Civil Procedure Rules in Britain nowadays.

2. The best-known torts and the way they are dealt with in civil courts.

3. The Family Division of the High Court; the way private and public law disputes are settled.


V. Discuss the following issues.


1. What is your approach to trying defamation cases? Comment on jury trials in Defamation Cases in Britain.

2. Speak on cases of public and private nuisances. What penalties are most reasonable for them?

3. Think of possible contempt of court cases, of possible decisions of the court.

4. Speak on the legal rights of minors in the civil courts of Russia and





Discrimination and the Law


Vocabulary list


1. dealings – деловые отношения, сделки, торговые связи/дела

2. incite (smb to do smth) – подстрекать

3. prejudice – предубеждение, предвзятое мнение, вред, ущерб

racial prejudice=racial

discrimination – расовая дискриминация, расистские предрассудки

4. observation – замечание; соблюдение законов

5. disability – нетрудоспособность, инвалидность;

ограничение в правах, поражение в правах; недееспособность

6. harassment – приставание, назойливое ухаживание, домогательство

7. claim (syn.: assertion) – юридическое требование, претензия, иск;

утверждение, заявление

8. haven – убежище, прибежище, приют, пристанище

9. minority – меньшинство

say for a minority – выступать от имени меньшинства, выражать мнение меньшинства

10. assertion – утверждение

11. influx – наплыв

12. abridge – ограничивать, урезать (права, привилегии)

13 defy the law – игнорировать закон, открыто не повиноваться

14. forerunner – предвестник

15. public authority – орган государственной власти

16. emerge – появляться, выясняться; вставать, возникать (о вопросе, проблеме)

17. inquiry (into) – наведение справок, расследование;


public enquiry – официальное расследование

conduct a public enquiry – проводить официальное расследование

18. rive (rived, riven) – раскалывать (общество)

19. come to light – обнаруживаться

20. caution – предупреждение арестованному при его задержании; залог, поручительство; осторожность

21. aggravate – отягчать (вину, преступление);

усиливать (наказание)

aggravated assault – нападение при отягчающих обстоятельствах

aggravated damages – увеличенное возмещение убытков aggravating

circumstances |factors – отягчающие обстоятельства

22. mitigate

(penalty, punishment) – смягчать, уменьшать

23. haunt – часто посещаемое место

24. residuum – остаток

25. tribunal – орган правосудия, судебное или арбитражное учреждение,

суд специальной юрисдикции employment tribunal – суд по трудовым делам

land tribunal – земельный суд

26. licensee – лицо, имеющее разрешение, патент;


27. public house=pub – паб (пивная)

28. disparity – неравенство, несоответствие

29. invoke (a sentence,

a punishment) – ссылаться на что-л., требовать применения чего-л.

30. bully (smb into

doing smth) – запугивать, стращать

31. intimidate – пугать, запугивать, угрожать, устрашать

32. make allowances

for smth – принимать что-л. во внимание, в расчет;

делать скидку

33. breakthrough – прорыв

34. commitment – обязательство, обязанность

35. litigant – сторона в судебном деле, сторона в гражданском процессе

36. bring to justice – предать правосудию

Vocabulary Notes:


1. KC=King’s Counsel or QC=Queen’s Counsel – королевский адвокат – a senior British lawyer appointed to the rank by the Lord Chancellor. Note: there is no plural for counsel which is always used in the singular whether it refers to one barrister or several, and it is never used with the article “the” or “a” e.g. The claimant appeared in court with his solicitor and two counsel. On the other hand, the abbreviation QC can have a plural: e.g. Two QCs represented the defendant.

2. Metropolitan Police Commissioner – head of the Metropolitan Police in London – комиссар столичной полиции.

3. Statute Book – all the laws passed by Parliament – действующее законодательство.

4. Community order – punishment where a criminal is sentenced to do unpaid work in the local community – общественные работы.

5. The Domesday Book – букв.: Книга Страшного суда / Книга Суд- ного дня – ист. кадастровая книга, земельная опись Англии, произве- денная Вильгельмом Завоевателем в 1085–1086; считалась основным документом при разборе тяжб о недвижимости.

6. Chief Constable – начальник полиции (в городе, графстве).

7. Sikh – сикх (член индийской религиозной секты).


Reading Comprehension




I. Scanning.


1. What types of discrimination does the law provide for?

2. Does prejudice still exist in the head and heart of many people?

3. Why do some historians claim that Britain has always been a haven from oppression for ethnic and religious minorities?


II. Skimming.


Choose the correct answer


1. Judges a. must never b. don’t have to allow any witness to be bullied or intimidated.

2. Discrimination at its worst can lead to

a. harassment

b. injustice

c. disability

3. The rights of immigrants must be protected

a. by the law

b. by police

4. Courts must be aware of defendant’s

a. mental and physical state

b. marital status Vocabulary Work Exercises

I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.


1. mute appeal; 2. be riven with racism; 3. impair; 4. incite hatred;

5. invoke an act; 6. abridge privileges and immunities; 7. breach of the law;

8. outlaw slavery; 9. be entitled to damages; 10. refuse admittance; 11. gain acceptance;12. advance the cause of racial equality; 13. ethnic imbalance and disparities; 14. employment tribunal; 15. accommodate problems.


II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.


1. нападение при отягчающих обстоятельствах; 2. приставание, преследование, домогательствo; 3. закон; 4. смягчить взыскание;

5. бежать от преследования, гонений; 6. предвестник; 7. утверждение;

8. орган государственной власти; 9. запугивать свидетеля; 10. обя- зательство, обязанность; 11. лицо, имеющее разрешение, патент;

12. прорыв; 13. часто посещаемое место; 14. отягчающие обстоятель- ства; 15. предать правосудию.


III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).




1. impairment of speech a. бежать от преследования, гонений

2. make allowances b. отказаться от попытки, прекратить по- пытки

3. uphold the law c. иметь право на что-то, сделать что-л.

4. flee persecution d. дефект речи

5. abandon an attempt e. защищать закон, оказывать мораль- ную поддержку

6. be entitled (to do smth) f. принимать во внимание, учитывать обстоятельства

7. incitement to racial hatred g. расовое предубеждение, дискримина- ция по расовому признаку

8. aggravated assault h. недееспособность, инвалидность

9. mitigating circumstances / i. подстрекательство к расовой ненависти factors

10. disability j. соблюдение (закона), наблюдение

11 employment tribunal l. нападение при отягчающиx обстоя- тельствах

12 racial prejudice=racial discrimination

m. смягчающие обстоятельства

13 observation n. наведение справок, расспрашивание, осведомление

14 inquiry (into smth) o. суд, занимающийся вопросами трудо- вого законодательства


IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions:


1. call or bring into use (a right or a law)

2. a place which a particular person visits frequently

3. lessen the seriousness of (evil, harm, pain)

4. a person who is involved in a disagreement that is examined in a court of law

5. annoying behaviour towards someone that takes place regularly, for example threats, offensive remarks, or physical attacks


V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word-combinations in which these words can be used.


1. to advance; 2. to deny smb smth; 3. assertion; 4. defy; 5. caution


VI. Match the words on the left (A) with the definitions on the right (B)

And give their Russian equivalents.



1. intimidate a. make smth less good or effective, esp

by causing damage that affects the way smth works

2. litigant b. deliberately make someone feel fright- ened esp. so that they will do what you want

3. impair c. the business activities or the general relationship that you have with another person or organization

4. accommodate problems d. someone who is involved in a disagree- ment that is being examined in a court of law

5. invoke an act e. a discovery or achievement that comes after a lot of hard work

6. disparity f. consider and include something when you are deciding what to do

7. licensee g. someone who has a license to do something

8. breakthrough h. a difference between things

9. public authority i. use a law in order to achieve something

10. dealings j. a state governing institution



VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian:


1. The Court of Appeal agreed to make the order, saying that if the statistics “show racial or ethnic imbalance or disparities, then they may indicate areas of racial discrimination”.

2. Judges must never allow any witness to be bullied or intimidated.

3. We have a commitment to providing equal services and opportunities for all.

4. Some disabilities are so serious that they may make it impossible for the disabled person to attend court at all.

5. The Act introduced four main offences to deal with the problem of racially aggravated violence and harassment.


VIII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


abridge; invoked, caution; to uphold; mute appeal; fleeing persecution;

accommodated; to outlaw; employment; refused admittance


1. Problems of disabled people must be sympathetically.

2 The police give a formal more frequently to a white offender (who is not prosecuted) than to a black offender(who is).

3. These laws against discrimination were extended to, housing, and insurance.

4. This law only became an Act after the Parliament Act 1911 was


5. It is the aim of the courts always the laws passed by

Parliament against sexual or racial discrimination.

6. This act was designed racial discrimination.

7. The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution decrees that “no State shall make or enforce any law which shall the privileges or immunities of citizens”.

8. An outstanding cricketer was to stay in the hotel.

9. Protestant refugees, in countries in Western Europe, found safety in Britain.

10. The defendant turned to the lawyer in as he didn’t know how to answer the judge’s question.


IX. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box if necessary.


of (9); by; with (2); from; for (3); in (3); at; against; to (4); on (3); into (0); – (4)


1. It has been the claim some historians that Britain has,

comparison many other countries, been a haven oppression

ethnic and religious minorities; and there are some outstanding examples tolerance.

2. the USA this time, a number dramatic and highly publicised cases advanced the cause racial equality.

3. This was the forerunner a succession statutes designed to outlaw racial discrimination, each carrying the protection discrimination a stage further.

4. The Race Relations Act 1976 made it unlawful to discriminate

racial grounds relation employment, training and education; and

the provision goods and services.

5. 17 June 1998, the course the Inquiry, assistant

Commissioner Johnston, behalf Metropolitan Police apologised

the Lawrence family failing to bring Stephen’s Killers


6. It is unlawful to discriminate anyone because his or her sex.

7. All disabled people must have an equal access justice.

8. Courts now have a duty to comply the Disability Discrimination

Act 1995.

9. They tried to intimidate him doing what they wanted.

10. The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which she had treated her child.


X. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary:


1. Оказалось, что это был важный период в развитии законов, на- правленных против дискриминации.

2. Парламент постоянно принимает новые и более жёсткие законы для того, чтобы защитить людей от дискриминации.

3. Было бы глупо считать, что проблем дискриминации больше не существует.

4. Судьи никогда не должны допускать, чтобы свидетелей, будь это свидетель обвинения или свидетель защиты, запугивали.

5. Осознание того, как много вреда может быть причинено меж- расовым (racial) отношениям и делу справедливости предвзятостью (предубеждением) и как много нужно сделать, чтобы устранить этот вред, возникло в ходе расследования по делу Стефана Лоренса.

6. Заместитель комиссара полиции от имени столичной полиции извинился перед семьей Лоренсов за то, что они не смогли предать пра- восудию убийц Стефана.






Дата добавления: 2015-10-28; просмотров: 168 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. | VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. | VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. | VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. | X. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary. | Parliament (Qualification of Women) Act 1918 | VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. | VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. | JUDICIAL DECISIONS AS AUTHORITIES | Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the Passive Voice construction. |
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IX. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Comment on the case.| VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

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