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Exercise 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. A: Did you enjoy the party last night?
B: No, I'd rather ........................... (stay) at home.
2. A: Shall I dust the computer, Tom?
B: I'd rather you..... (not/touch) it, actually. I'll do it myself.
3. A: I've got a terrible cold.
B: You'd better ………………. (not/go) to work today, then.
4. A: It was pouring with rain and I got soaking wet.
В: Іt... (be better) if you … (not/leave) your umbrella at home.
5. A: I didn't enjoy Ben's party. I’d rather he (invite) more people
B: Oh! I enjoyed it.
6. A: You had better (study) hard this weekend for the exam on Monday.
B: I will, but I would rather............ (go out) with my friends.
7. A: My parents prefer... (spend) their holidays in the mountains.
B: Do they? I like to be by the sea.
8. A: We'd better … (not / book) a taxi to bring us home tonight.
B: You're right. We might want to stay late.
9. A: They're organizing a party for Susan's birthday.
B: I know, but it's a secret, so we'd better (not/talk) about it in case she hears.
10. A: I'd rather you (not/leave) your shoes in the kitchen every time you come home from school.
B: Sorry, I keep forgetting.
11. A: I didn't enjoy my lunch. I'd rather … (eat) something else.
B: I'll make you some sandwiches tomorrow then.
12. A: Did you enjoy the film lastnight?
B: Not really. I would rather we........ (see) a comedy instead.
13. A: Shall we stay in tonight?
B: Well, if you don't mind I would prefer …. (visit) my parents.
Exercise 2 Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence.
1. I'd rather to go swimming than sailing. 2. If I hadn’t had so much homework to do, I could have been watched the film. 3. You had better didn’t drive to work. 4. I prefer to send e-mails rather than to write letters. 5. I'd rather you would called him now. 6. I wish you would have pay more attention in class. 7. It would be better if I hadn't gone to the party. 8. If I have won the lottery, I would travel around the world. 9. I wish it would be stop raining. 10. If you hadn't been worked so hard, you wouldn't have passed your exams. 11. Unless you don’t drive slowly, you may have an accident. 12. I wish I hadn’t had more money. Then I could afford a holiday. 13. I'd rather you would talked less. 14. Would it not be OK if I borrowed your pen? 15. You'd better to hire a private detective.
Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with two to five words, including the word in bold.
1. I really regret not going to the party.
wish I ……………………….. to the party.
2. What a pity you didn't get that job.
only ……………………… that job.
3. I like playing football better than watching it on TV.
to I ……………….............................. watching it on TV.
4. My mother doesn't want me to go out with my friends.
rather My mother ………………… go out with my friends.
5. I like Italian food more than Chinese.
prefer I ………….......................………… Chinese food.
6. I don't fancy going out tonight, let's stay at home.
rather I …………………. at home than go out tonight.
7. I think you should look for another job.
were If I …………………........………… for another job.
8. I don't have the time to go to night clubs.
would If I …………………..........…….. go to night clubs.
9. My husband started his own business when he lost his job.
hadn't If my husband ………his job, he... his own business.
10. I like science fiction films more than horror films.
prefer I ………............................................. horror films.
11. He was driving too fast so he got a speeding ticket.
been If he.............. fast, he.............. got a speeding ticket.
12. It would be a good idea to sell that old bike and buy a car.
I If …….................……..sell that old bike and buy a car.
13. I couldn't drive my children to school as my car broke down.
could If my car....... down, I ……….. to school yesterday.
14. I can't afford to go away this summer.
wish I.................................….. go away this summer.
15. I've got a lot to do today. Can we meet tomorrow instead?
than I'd prefer to meet tomorrow …….................. today.
16. What a pity I didn’t go to my cousin's wedding.
wish I................................... to my cousin's wedding.
17. I like listening to rock music, not country or western.
than I'd rather.............................. country and western.
18. My boss gets upset when I leave early.
rather My boss ………............................ leave early.
Exercise 4 Translate into English.
1. Краще б тобі не питати її про особисте життя. 2. Я б не хотіла відповідати на особисті питання. 3. Їм було б краще, якби питання обговорили на минулому засіданні. 4. Звичайно, нам було б краще, якби ви зупинилися у нас. Залишайтесь тут. 5. Тобі краще поснідати вдома. 6. Було б краще, аби ти поснідав вдома. Ти б не був зараз голодним. 7. Я краще поснідаю перш ніж іти. 8. Я б краще поснідала перш ніж іти, але не було часу. 9. Звичайно, тобі було б краще, якби хтось інший все зробив за тебе. 10. Я б воліла, аби ви порадилися зі мною, перш ніж щось робити. Ви все зіпсували. 11. Шкода, що ви не порадились зі мною. 12. Порадились би ви зі мною, ви б не зіпсували все. 13. Було б краще, аби ви порадилися зі мною, перш ніж щось робити. 14. Він воліє відповідати першим. 15. Як на мене, краще нічого їй не обіцяйте. 16. Як на мене, краще б ви їй нічого не обіцяли, але вже нічого не зміниш. 17. Шкода, що ми не можемо все змінити. 13. Ти б хотіла, якби у мене не було власної думки? 14. Я б воліла, аби ти відмовився відразу, коли я запропонував тобі взяти участь у проекті. 15. Шкода, що ти не відмовився відразу. 16. Краще б ти відмовився відразу.
The Use of Subjunctive II after “It’s Time”
Look. This is a picture of my friend. It is high time he stopped playing computer games. And it is high time he gave up smoking. It is time he went for a walk.
Present Subjunctive II is used after the emphatic constructions ‘it’s (high)time’, ‘it is about time’ to express i mpatience about the things that haven’t happened yet.
It is (high) time smb did smth |
Watch out!
ü Don’t use Past Subjunctive II.
E.g.: It’s time you went to bed. It’s time you had gone to bed.
ü ‘It is time’ can be followed by the infinitive but with a difference in meaning:
It is time to do smth = the correct time has arrived
E.g.: It’s 9 o’clock. It’s time for you to go to bed.
It is time smb did smth = it is a little bit late to do smth
E.g.: It’s 12 o’clock. It’s time you went to bed.
Exercise 1 Your friend has some health problems. Make meaningful sentences to give him advice.
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1. It's time you... (cut down on) fizzy drinks.
2. It's about time you... (to stop) worrying.
3. You have some problems with your stomach.
It's high time you.. (to stop) eating fast food.
4. It time you... (eat) more vegetables and fruit.
5. It's about time you(to take) regular exercises.
6. It's time you (to stop) using sleeping pills.
It's time you… It’s about time you It's high time you |
7. If you want to be healthy and strong, it's
high time you.... (to pay) more attention to
your health.
Exercise 2 Paraphrase using the emphatic phrase ‘It’s time’.
1. The concert is in a month. It’s time for them to start rehearsing. – The concert is in three days. It’s high time........................
2. Our next exam is in five days. It’s time for us to start preparing. – Our next exam is tomorrow. It’s high time.......................
3. It’s 11 p.m. It’s time for me to have some sleep. – It’s 3 a.m.
4. This year we have to write a course paper. It’s time for us to get started. The deadline is in a month. It’s about time.............
5. My guests are coming in an hour. It’s time for me put the meat in the oven. – My guests are coming in half an hour. It’s time...
6. It’s 10 p.m. It time for her to come home. It’s 1 a.m. It’s time...
7. They have graduated from university. It’s time for them to find a job. – They graduated from university two years ago. It’s...
8. He’s 30. It’s time for him to get married. – He’s 40. It’s time...
Exercise 3 Translate the statements.
1. Ти виглядаєш дуже втомленим.Пора вже тобі відпочити. 2. У Пітера температура вже тиждень. Пора б йому проконсультуватися з лікарем. 3. У Кейт зубний біль вже кілька днів. Пора вже їй вирвати її хворий зуб. 4. У Джейн знову синяк під оком. Пора б вже їй розійтися з її хлопцем. 5. Пора б вже йому ставитися до своєї хвороби серйозніше. Я думаю, що у нього можуть бути ускладнення. 6. Пора б уже Джеймсу кинути курити. Він постійно кашляє. 7. У тебе почервонілі очі. Пора б уже тобі перестати сидіти за комп’ютером до ночі. 8. У Еліс болить у животі вже тиждень. Пора вже їй піти до лікарні, в неї може бути апендицит. 9. Роуз постійно задихається. Пора б вже їй перевірити легені. 10. Стівен давно страждає від безсоння. Пора б вже йому приймати пігулки для сну.
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