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Употребление времен

Читайте также:
  1. A) средний прирост за единицу времени
  2. A) число погибших особей, появившихся за единицу времени
  3. Blu-ray проигрыватель – воплощение современных технологий в привлекательном дизайне
  4. Figure 6. Ежедневная оценка числа сотрудников в зависимости от времени обработки запросов и количества инцидентов
  5. Galileo project: карьерные траектории и миграции ученых Раннего Нового Времени.


  Fenses Used for something which... Pattern Key Words Examples
Present simple happens every day and for facts o / - (e)s do does always seldom every day usually rarely every week often hardly ever sometimes never every year I study_ every day. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Progressive is happening at this time am is be+-ing are now at present right now this year at the moment this week today these days I am studying now. It is raining at the moment and we are waiting for the bus.
Perfect has happened and the results or effect are still with us has +-ed have yet ever recently just never lately already since I have just finished my work. We have lived in New York since February. He hasn’t smoked since that time. She has worked here for several years.
Perfect Progressive has been happening, started in the past and is still going on. has been+-ing have for so far up to now since lately all day all week She has been studying for two hours. I have been working a lot lately.
Past Simple happened at a time mentioned in the past. -ed did yesterday in 1999 last week two years ago I studied yesterday. He finished his work at 9:00 last night.
Progressive started at a certain time in the past, was in progress a definite time in the past and is over now was be+ -ing were at 7 o’ clock while then when at that time between 7 and 9 o’clock last night I was studying while my brother was watching TV. We were studying yesterday when you called  
Perfect had happened before something else happened in the past had+ -ed when by the time before after I had finished my work when you called.
Perfect Progressive has been happening before something else happened had been + ing for when before after I had been studying for two hours when you called.  
Future Simple will happen in the future shall + verb will tonight in... hours soon tomorrow in... days next week the day after tomorrow in future I will study tomorrow.
Progressive will be happening at a time mentioned in the future shall be + ing will   He will be playing tennis this time tomorrow.
Perfect is going to happen in future shall have +ed will by (a future time) I will have finished work by 6 o’clock tonight.
With going to is going to happen in the future am is going to are tonight next month tomorrow soon We are going to study tonight.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 126 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Future Progressive in the Past.| Параллелограмм В.В.Милашевича

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