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Vocabulary In Use

Читайте также:
  1. A. Vocabulary
  2. Active vocabulary
  4. Active vocabulary
  5. Active vocabulary
  6. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active Vocabulary

1. Find the Ukrainian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following:

1) associate professor 2) dean’s office 3) head of department 4) lecturer 5) crib 6) record book 7)students’ membership card 8) tutor a) залікова книжка b) деканат c) доцент d) куратор e) студентський квиток f) викладач g) шпаргалка h) завідувач кафедри


2. Match the terms with their definitions. Use a dictionary to help you if necessary:

1) rector 2) dean 3) university 4) faculty 5) campus 6) curriculum 7) vacation


a) the subjects that are included in the course of study

b) a department or group of related departments in a university

c) a person who is in charge of a university

d) a period of time when university is closed

e) the buildings of a university and the land around them

f) an institution at the highest level of education where one can study for a degree or do research

g) a person in a university who is in charge of a faculty


3. Match the words with similar meanings:

hall of residence holidays department semester freshman scholarship student thesis undergraduate chair hostel first-year student dissertation term grant vacation


Complete the sentences with the proper words from the list.

grants dean faculties universities vacation the 1st of September examinations rector


1) There are many _____ in Ukraine.

2) The head of a university is _____.

3) Usually there are several _____ in a university.

4) Each faculty is headed by _____.

5) The academic year in this country’s higher schools begins on _____.

6) Students take _____ at the end of each term.

7) If the results of the examinations are good, students get _____.

8) Twice a year students have _____ - two weeks in winter and two months in summer.

Fill in the correct word.

1) I could get a job as a secondary school _____ now, but I want to continue studying to become a university _____. (teacher / lecturer)

2) Biology is my favourite _____, but today’s _____ wasn’t very interesting. (lesson / subject)

3) My brother’s school has only 500 _____ but there are over 3,000 _____ at my university. (pupils / students)

4) Frank got good _____ in all of his entrance exams, so he was admitted to the university to do a _____. (grades / degree)

5) There will be no lectures during the last _____ of my history _____ as we are expected to study for exams then. (course / term)

6) I got an extra _____ for the report, so my final _____ for the term was 90 out of 100! (point / mark)


6. Remember the following phrases and use them in your own sentences:

to get on well (in/at smth) – добре встигати;

to keep pace with - триматися на рівні з, не відставати;

to lag behind – відставати;

to graduate from a university – закінчити університет;

to have a goof command of smth – добре володіти чимось;

to read up for exams – готуватися до іспитів;

to pass an examination – скласти іспит;

to fail an examination in smth – провалитися на іспиті з;

to devote much time to smth – присвячувати багато часу чомусь;

to combine studies with work – поєднувати навчання з роботою.


READING AND speaking

Read and translate the following text.

Sumy National Agrarian University

Sumy National Agrarian University is an institution of higher education that trains specialists for national economy. The story of the university goes back to 1977 when Sumy branch of Kharkiv Agricultural Institute was established. Originally it consisted of two faculties: agronomical and economic. With just 35-year history behind it the university has turned into recognized educational and scientific centre. Now it consists of 3 educational and research institutes (the institute of economics and management, the institute of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, the engineer-technological institute) that include 9 faculties. It also unites 6 technical colleges of Sumy region.

SNAU is home to some 19 thousand students offering Bachelor, Specialist and Master Degrees in many specialties. Among them are: Enterprise Economy; Accounting and Audit; Management; Agronomy; Forestry and Landscape; Veterinary Medicine; Technology of Animal Products Production and Processing; Processes, Machines and Equipment; Industrial and Civil Engineering; Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management; Milk and Meat Processing Technologies; Technology of Nutrition; Law and other.

Highly-qualified teaching staff consists of about 500 lecturers including 69 Doctors of Science, professors, 269 Candidates of Science, associate professors, 7 Academicians of the Academy of Science.

The university campus is located on the outskirts of Sumy and includes 5 academic and laboratory buildings, 4 hostels, a stadium, a vivarium, a students’ canteen, a greenhouse, an automobile park. There is also a church on its territory. The library with a large collection of scientific and methodological editions, local computer network with the access to the Internet are at students’ disposal. The university has a students’ club and societies, offering a variety of non-academic activities for students to take part in.

The academic year is divided into two terms. Students take exams and credit tests at the end of each term. University teaching combines lectures, practical classes and seminars. The main goal is to equip the students with profound knowledge and provide them with necessary professional skills. A very good tradition of the university is that theory is accompanied by practical training at different enterprises not only in Ukraine but also in Denmark, the USA, Germany, Poland, Finland and other countries.

Answer the questions.

1) When was Sumy National Agrarian University founded?

2) How many faculties were there at first?

3) What is the structure of the university at present?

4) What specialists does this higher educational establishment train?

5) How qualified is the teaching staff?

6) What can be seen on the university campus?

7) In what way is the teaching process organized?

8) Where do the students take their practical training?

Complete the sentences.


1) I am a student of......

2) The university trains......

3) It was founded in......

4) The university consists of......

5) The specialties taught at the university are......

6) The teaching staff includes......

7) We can find......

8) The academic year is divided......

9) The students attend......

10) They take practical training......

Translate into English.

Сумський національний аграрний університет був заснований у 1977 році. Спочатку це був філіал Харківського сільськогосподарського інституту. У 1990 він стає самостійним вищим навчальним закладом, а у 1997 – університетом. Університет готує спеціалістів з економіки, менеджменту, права, агрономії, захисту рослин, промислового та цивільного будівництва, харчових технологій, ветеринарної медицини, технології виробництва продукції тваринництва та інших. До структури університету входять 3 навчально-наукові інститути, які об’єднують 9 факультетів, та 6 коледжів. Близько 19 000 студентів отримують тут свою освіту. Студенти відвідують лекції та семінари. В кінці кожного семестру вони складають заліки та іспити, пишуть курсові роботи. Наприкінці навчання студенти проходять практику в господарствах області та за кордоном.

Read what a first-year student wrote about his first days at the university.

My First Days of Student Life

No doubt, the time spent at the university is fantastic and unforgettable. Only a few months ago I was an ordinary school-leaver, then an applicant, but now I am a student of the university. I did it! I entered! The new life for me has started. I don’t live with my parents any more, but I share a room with my two group mates in one of the halls on university campus. We get along quite well.

Many things here are called in a different way. I attend lectures, seminars and practical classes which are much longer than lessons at school. The rector, vice-rectors, deans, heads of the departments, lecturers … Some of them are professors, others – associate professors, but, of course, all of them have high academic degrees.

I’ve got a students’ membership card, a student record book and a library card and they make me feel like a real student.

So many classes, so many new subjects are on the timetable! The curriculum seems to be developed especially for geniuses. I understand very well that if I won’t cope with the workload I immediately start lagging behind. It is easier to keep pace with the programme than to catch up with it later. That’s why I devote much time to studies. First tests. The first successes and first failures. My student life is just beginning.

12. Here is a list of some problems students may face during their studying at the university. Which problems have you already faced? What problems are more natural for the first-year students?

Lack of money A lot of exams
Lack of time Lack of books for studying
Too difficult subjects Inconvenient room at a hostel
Too strict professors Illness
Hard time during sessions Problems with course papers


13. What are your impressions after the first weeks of study? Share them with your friend. Write a letter to him (her).


14. You’ve met your friend who is a school-leaver and wants to enter your university. Tell him about your educational establishment.


Much / many / little / few

15. Complete the sentences with much/many.

1) Have you got _____ work to do today? — Quite _____.

2) How _____ sisters or brothers have you got?

3) There isn't _____ useful information in this article.

4) I don't know _____ people here. Do you?

5) This town is too small. There aren't _____ tourists here.

6) Usually I don't have breakfast before my studies but I drink _____ coffee.

7) How _____ money do you spend a month?

8) It takes me _____ time to get to the university.

9) I've got _____ problems at this moment.

10) Do you have _____ trouble with English?

16. Put in little/a little/few/a few.

1) When did you see Nick? - _____ days ago.

2) He is unknown to me. I know _____ about him.

3) Wait a bit, I need _____ minutes to get ready.

4) They are going away for _____ days.

5) Please give me _____ water. I'm thirsty.

6) They are not rich. They've got _____ money.

7) Let's go for a walk. I need _____ fresh air.

8) Not _____ people understand his ideas.

9) Do you drink much coffee? — No, just _____.

10) I don't know what to do. Could you give _____ help?


17. Complete the sentences using much, many, too much, too many or enough.

1) I don’t have very _____ free time during the week.

2) I know that I eat _____ chocolate and _____ cakes.

3) I don’t usually do _____ exercise – unless I have to run for the bus.

4) I feel really tired because I didn’t have _____ sleep last night.

5) I don’t know _____ people who speak English well.

6) I don’t have _____ money to go on holiday this year so I’ll have to stay at home.

7) I’ve got _____ things to do today: I won’t be able to do them all.

8) I don’t like coffee which has _____ sugar in it.


Choose the right word from the brackets.

1) Have you got (any/some) free time on Friday evening?

2) There was (some/any) strange noise outside.

3) Is there (any/some) juice left in the fridge?

4) He can do this without (any/some) help.

5) Have you got (some/any) sisters or brothers?

6) Helga can’t work abroad because she doesn’t speak (some/any) foreign languages.

7) We found their house without (some/any) difficulty.

8) Could I have (some/any) coffee?

9) Do you know (some/any) funny jokes?

10) There are (some/any) letters for you over there, on the table.

11) There isn't (some/any) coffee left, we must buy (some/ any).

12) Do you want (any/some) apples? Here are (some/any).

13) Can you give me (any/some) more information?

14) Have you got (any/some) more books?

15) Take (some/any) jam, please. It's very tasty.

19. Look at these sentences and decide if some, any or no should go in the spaces.

1) Are there _____ cinemas in your town?

2) Can I have _____ sugar in my coffee, please?

3) He doesn't have _____ brothers or sisters in his family.

4) There are _____ food shops open in the village on Sunday, so you’ll have to eat in a restaurant.

5) There was nobody on the beach this morning. Only _____ seagulls and an old dog.

6) Do you want _____ help with your homework?

7) Would you like _____ wine with your dinner?

8) Can you get me _____ bread if you go to the shops?

9) I’m afraid there is _____ ice cream in the fridge.

10) If there are _____ more questions, we can finish now.

20. Fill in the correct word:

A) someone or anyone

1. I know _____ who is 100 years old. 2. Did _____ call? 3. There wasn't _____ at home. 4. I won't tell _____ about your secret. 5. I didn't know the way, so I had to ask _____. 6. Has _____ seen my keys? 7. I would not give my bike to _____. 8. This jacket does not belong to _____ of us.

B) something or anything

1. Is there _____ I could do for you? 2. He said _____ stupid. 3. Did you buy _____? 4. Do you know _____ about Ireland? 5. I couldn't see _____ in the dark. 6. Bob asked her about _____. 7. I haven't heard _____ of Sue for ages. 8. Has _____ happened while I was away?

C) somewhere or anywhere

1. Have you seen my necklace _____? 2. The restaurant must be _____ around here. 3. My friend lives _____ in Spain. 4. I cannot find my glasses _____. 5. Did you travel _____ last weekend? 6. We have been _____ near London.

21. Use some/any + body/thing/where.

1) It's rather nasty outside, I'm not going _____ tonight.

2) She refuses to have _____ to do with him now.

3) I am not going to tell you _____ about this.

4) Does _____ understand this?

5) I haven't told this to _____ else.

6) Would you like _____ to eat? — Thanks, I am not hungry.

7) Excuse me, you've dropped _____. Yes, look, it's your purse.

8) Does _____ agree with me?

9) Is there _____ new?

10) Has _____ called me?

11) Let me know if _____ happens.

12) _____ called you but he didn't say his name.

13) Don't go _____ today. We'll have to meet.

14) We haven't told _____ about it.

15) Where can I see _____ who can give some information on this question?


22. Complete the following sentences by choosing no/every + body/ thing/where.

1) _____ wanted to help me and I was thankful to them.

2) I could find this book _____ and was very disappointed.

3) There was _____ strange in his behaviour.

4) The weather was nice and there were many people _____.

5) _____ could do this for you.

6) _____ looks so nice under the shining moon and stars.

7) I was looking for him _____, but all was in vain.

8) _____ except Ann enjoyed the party.

9) _____ tells me anything.

10) _____ was tired and went to bed early.


Unit 5 Agricultural Professions
  Vocabulary in Use Agricultural Professions The Gardener Language Focus There+to be. Impersonal Sentences

Vocabulary In Use

1. Match the English names of some professions with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1) lawyer a) бухгалтер
2) economist в) юрист
3) accountant c) інженер-будівельник
4) agronomist d) інженер-механік
5) veterinarian е) маркетолог
6) livestock expert f) технолог харчового виробництва
7) civil engineer g) агроном
8) marketing analyst h) зоотехнік
9) mechanical engineer i) ветеринар
10) food technologist j) економіст

Fill in the correct word.

Profession, job, career, occupation


1) Her...... as a lawyer was very successful.

2) My father has been unable to find a...... for the past two years.

3) You must write your name, age, and...... on the application form.

4) John is a veterinarian by......, and has his own clinic.

3. Match the words with similar meamnings:

agriculture occupation accountant marketing mechanic livestock skill sphere bookkeeper farm animals profession operator field commerce farming mastery

Define which part of speech each word in the row is. Give its Ukrainian equivalent and use the sentence of your own.


Specialize, special, specialization, specialty, specialist.

5. What profession is each word-group connected with?

civil engineer food technologist economist agronomist veterinarian livestock expert mechanical engineer


1) food, nutrients, processing, packaging, distribution;

2) crops, soil, fertilizers, tillage, crop rotation;

3) animals, care, disease, treatment, injection;

4) finance, profits, sales, marketing, money;

5) machinery, equipment, manuals, implements;

6) farm animals, poultry, breeding, reproduction, feeding;

7) design, construction, project, building.

READING AND speaking

Read and translate the following text.

Agricultural Professions

Agriculture is the mainstay of our economy. It is more than just farming. Agriculture is one of the world’s biggest businesses. It is everywhere. Many other industries are connected with it. Agriculture does not just deal with food. Other agricultural products and by-products give people cotton, wool, leather, tobacco, bio fuel and what not.

There are a lot of different career areas available in this industry. There is also presently a very high demand for trained, educated and well motivated young people to enter this sector of economy.

To prepare such specialists is the main task of different educational establishments: vocational schools, technical colleges, universities. They offer a choice of several specializations, such as managers, economists, accountants, marketing analysts, lawyers, agronomists, veterinarians, livestock experts, food technologists, landscape architects, civil engineers, surveyors and other. They all need deep knowledge and professional skills.

Agricultural economists develop skills that help them find success in sales, marketing and finance careers.

Agricultural managers usually do not plant, harvest or perform other production activities, instead, they hire and supervise farm and livestock workers. Their duties vary widely, but are concentrated on the business aspects of running a farm.

The laws and regulations relating to agriculture are some of the most extensive and complex of those of any other industry. That’s why the task of lawyers is to provide agriculture with law support.

Agronomists study and research the interactions among plants, soils and the environment. They deal with field crops and soil management.

Keeping machines in good working order is the primary responsibility of machinery mechanics. They must be able to discover the cause of a problem to repair it.

Veterinarians must be ready to diagnose, treat and help prevent diseases and disabilities in animals.

Livestock experts work to develop better, more efficient ways of producing and processing meat, eggs, and milk. Most of their work concerns livestock, such as pigs, cows, chickens, and horses. They cover all aspects of animals from their diets to physiology to consumption.

Food technologists usually work in the food processing industry. They use their knowledge of chemistry, physics, microbiology, biotechnology and other sciences to develop new or better ways of preserving, processing, packaging, storing and delivering foods.

As it can be seen agriculture is an industry with a great number of jobs. It incorporates many different skills and employs people with a wide variety of interests, which shows that there is a job for everyone in agriculture.

Answer the questions.

1) What place does agriculture occupy in modern economy?

2) What does it deal with?

3) What specialists does this sector demand?

4) What specializations do our agricultural institutions offer?

5) What do different professions deal with?

Match professions with the descriptions of work they do.

1) Economist 2) Manager 3) Lawyer 4) Livestock expert 5) Veterinarian 6) Agronomist 7) Landscape architect 8) Civil engineer 9) Mechanical engineer 10) Surveyor 11) Food technologist a) determines the best methods to breed and raise farm animals. b) provides medical and surgical care for sick animals. c) converts grain, livestock, fruit and vegetables into food products. d) conducts financial analysis, develops marketing plans and sets up optimal production schedules. e) designs and plans landscapes so they are not only functional but also beautiful and harmonious with the natural environment. f) analyses soil structure, develops new varieties of crops, that grow more efficiently and are more productive. g) deals with agricultural machinery and other technical aspects of farming. h) manages the day-to-day activities of the farm. i) plans, designs, constructs facilities essential to modern life. j) measures land, air, space and water areas, describes where a certain area of land is and what it looks like. k) gives legal advice and assistance to clients and represents them in court or other legal matters.

Read and translate the text.

The Gardener

Hugo Grantchester, 26, has been a gardener and a tree surgeon for four years. He went to Oxford University to study archaeology, but he dropped out after just one term. His father, Hector, is a surveyor and his mother, Geraldina, is an interior designer. Hugo and his mother talk about his choice of career.


When I was 11, we moved to a large Tudor house in East Anglia which had three acres of garden. We had a gardener who lived in a little cottage at the end of our drive. I used to spend hours watching him work and talking to him. I think I picked up a lot about gardening without realising it, because one summer, when I was still at school, I took a job at a garden centre and I knew all the names of the plants, and I could give people advice. Then I went to university and it was a disaster. After a term I told my parents that I was going to give it up and go back to work in the garden centre. They were furious, we had a terrible row, and they didn’t speak to me for months. But I knew it was waste of time to carry on studying archaeology, and the moment I started gardening again, I knew I’d made the right decision. I’ve enjoyed every moment of the last four years and my parents have learnt to accept what I do, not only because they can see how happy I am, but also because a lot of my university friends have found it difficult to find good job or have been made redundant.

Sometimes people are quite taken aback when they find out that their gardener went to university, but I think it makes them respect my opinion more when I’m helping them plan their gardens.

Hugo’s mother

His father and I were so delighted when he went to Oxford, but when he gave it up so soon we were very, very angry. We thought manual labour was not the career for our only son. We fell out for months, Hector refused to allow Hugo into the house, and we all felt thoroughly miserable. But our daughter told us not to worry because Hugo would be millionaire by the time he was forty. Anyway, we’ve made it up now we can see how happy he is, even though he hasn’t become a millionaire yet!

Times have changed and all kinds people do all kinds of work, and I think the world’s a better place for it!

Answer the questions.

1) What is Hugo and what are his parents?

2) Where did Hugo pick up much about gardening?

3) How did it help him in his work at the garden centre?

4) What did he study at Oxford University?

5) How long did he study there?

6) Why did Hugo give it up?

7) How did Hugo’s parents feel about his decision?

8) Is Hugo happy with his job?

Match the phrases in English and Ukrainian, find and read out the sentences with them in the text.

1) to drop out 2) to pick up 3) to give up 4) to carry on 5) to find out 6) to fall out 7) to make up 8) to take aback a) продовжувати b) уладнувати c) здобувати знання d) приголомшувати, вражати e) сваритися f) покинути g) “відсіяти” h) дізнаватися

12. Say how you understand the words of Hugo’s mother “Times have changed and all kinds of people do all kinds of work, and I think the world’s a better place for it!”


A) Read and translate the dialogue.

- Welcome to our farm. Let me introduce myself. I`m Igor Klymenko.

- How do you do, Igor. My name is John Smith.

- How do you do, John. I`m an agronomist of this farm.

- What are you busy with?

- Well, an agronomist should know when and how to plow the soil, what to fertilize the fields with and how to cultivate the crops.

- What grain crops do you grow? On my way here I saw wheat and barley, maize and sunflower, buckwheat and oats.

- You are absolutely right. We grow practically everything. The soil is fertile here. To increase the yields we use fertilizers.

- Do you employ farm machinery on a wide scale? You see I’m a mechanical engineer and I’m very interested in this.

- Sure, tractors, combine-harvesters, potato-planters, hay-making machines are used in our fields. Oh, it`s high time to have lunch. I think we`ll continue our talk in the canteen. This way, please.

B) Make up a dialogue between John Smith and the livestock expert (veterinarian, mechanical engineer, manager) of this farm.


Speak about agricultural professions which are taught at your University.


There + to be

Write questions and negations as in the example.

1) There are some pens in the bag.

Are there any pens in the bag?

There aren’t any pens in the bag.

There are no pens in the bag.

2) There is a theater in our town.

3) There are different vegetables in my garden.

4) There is some meat in the fridge.

5) There is something in his pocket.

6) There are only two mistakes in my dictation.

7) There is somebody in the garden.

8) There is an experimental farm on the territory of our university.


16. Look at the table. What is there at the Paradise Hotel? In pairs, ask and answer as in the example.

SA: Is there a swimming pool at the hotel?

SB: Yes, there is.

swimming pool tennis courts disco restaurant café bar shops cinema children’s playground ü х ü ü ü ü х х ü

17. Make up sentences with there are.

seven nine fifteen twenty-six thirty fifty   letters players planets days days states   the English alphabet a week the solar system September a rugby team the USA


1) There are seven days in a week.


18. Complete the sentences using the necessary form of there is/ there are.

1) ______ a train to Manchester?

2) ______ no water on the oon.

3) How many students ______ in your group?

4) ______ no disco near the college.

5) ______ a very good beach near our hotel.

6) I'm afraid ______ no time to see Granny.

7) How many hospitals ______ in the town?

8) ______ no snow on the hill in summer.

9) ______ many children in the pool?

10) I’m sorry but ______ any shops open at this time.

19. Fill in there is/are, it is or they are.

1) There is a letter on your desk. It is from your uncle.

2) ______ some people in the office.

3) “Where’s my football?” - “______ in the garden”.

4) Look! ______ a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

5) ______ two parks in this town. _____ quite big.

6) ______ a dictionary on the desk. _____ Laura’s.

7) ”_____ a restaurant in this hotel?” “No, I’m afraid not.”

8) ”What’s that building?” - “____ a school.”

Impersonal Sentences

Translate the following sentences and make them interrogative and negative.

1. It is windy now. 2. It’s autumn now. 3. It often drizzles. 4. It always rains in August in our city. 5. It usually gets warmer in March. 6. It’s frosty today. 7. It’s early morning. 8. It is five o’clock. 9. It is noon. 10. It is one kilometre from our house to the river.

21. Fill in it is (it’s) or is it. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1) What time is it?

2) We must go now. ______ very late.

3) ______ true that Bill can fly a helicopter?

4) ”What day _____ today? Tuesday?” “No, ______ Wednesday.”

5) ______ ten kilometres from the airport to the city centre.

6) ______ possible to phone you at your office?

7) ”Do you want to walk to the restaurant?” “I don’t know. How far ______?”

8) ______ Linda’s birthday today. She is twenty-seven.

9) I don’t believe it! _____ impossible.

10) _____ too early to discuss this question now.

Complete the sentences. Choose from the boxes.

It’s easy difficult impossible dangerous nice interesting to work in this office visit different places see you again get up early go out alone make friends


1) If you go to bed late, it’s difficult to get up early in the morning.

2) Hello, Jill. ________. How are you?

3) _______. There is too much noise.

4) Everybody is very nice at work. _______.

5) I like travelling. ______.

6) A lot of cities are not safe. ______ at night.

Translate into English.

1) Зараз восьма година ранку.

2) Зима. Досить холодно. Часто йде сніг.

3) Взимку важко вставати рано, тому що вранці ще темно.

4) Борис знає німецьку та французьку мови, тому йому легко вивчати англійську мову.

5) Як часто тут ідуть дощі?

6) На вулиці вітряно?

7) Від мого дому не далеко до університету.


Unit 6 English – the International Language
  Vocabulary in Use Learning English at the University Interview with a Young Man about Learning English Language Focus Adjectives. Degrees of Comparison

Vocabulary In Use

1. Find the Ukrainian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following:

1) language 2) advertising 3) abroad 4) satellite broadcasting 5) vocabulary 6) communication 7) cooperation a) за кордоном b) спілкування c) супутникове телебачення (радіомовлення) d) співпраця e) мова f) реклама g) словниковий запас


2. Make up word combinations with the word ‘language’, give their Ukrainian equivalents and use in the sentences of your own.


a/an native language

3. Match the English words and phrases with their definitions.

1) mother tongue 2) lingua franca 3) lyrics 4) pronunciation 5) drill 6) Received Pronunciation a) the words of a popular song b) the act or manner of pronouncing sounds c) the language first learned by a child d) the accent of standard Southern British English e) a language used for communication among people of different mother tongues f) strict and often repetitious training or exercises used as a method of teaching


4. Countries and languages.

a) Do the following words describe a country or a language? Write the words into the correct column:

Country Language

India, Slovenian, Sweden, Finnish, American, Japanese, Colombia, Arabic, Georgia, Switzerland.

B) Complete the table.

Country Language

READING AND speaking

Read and translate the following text.

Learning English at the University

Today it is quite evident that everyone should know at least one foreign language. Knowing one or more foreign languages makes it possible to get acquainted with different ways of thinking, to understand a new civilisation. Learning a foreign language stimulates mental abilities and gives you a chance to appreciate a new literature, a different culture and to broaden your outlook. The knowledge of other languages is very useful, especially if you have to work abroad or read foreign literature in the original. If you know the language of a foreign country, you can talk to its people and understand what they are speaking about without anybody's help.

At the beginning of the 21st century, it is beyond question that the English language has become the lingua franca, the language used for communication between people living in different countries in the world.

English has an official or special status in more than 70 countries with a total population of over two billion. In numbers of speakers it is second only to Chinese. Today, English is considered to be the universal language for business, international communications, entertainment, tourism, trade and technology. It has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language. Three quarters of the world’s mail and its telexes and telegrams are in English. The majority of all resources on the Internet are also in this language. It is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations. English is the language of sports: the official language of the Olympics. It is also the language of the great literature. It is the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens. English is the main language of popular music, advertising, satellite broadcasting and video games.

So, there are many reasons to study English. As for me, I started learning English at school. Now I am a student of Sumy National Agrarian University and I have a good opportunity to master my English here. We have three practical classes a week. There we study to speak English. We have grammar and vocabulary drills, read texts, make up dialogues, and write compositions. We read books by English and American writers in the original. At the end of the winter term we have a credit in English. At the end of the spring term we have to pass examination. Of course, my command of the language is still rather far from being perfect. But I’m trying to do my best in order to improve my English. I spend much time brushing up my grammar and vocabulary. I listen to BBC news, communicate with native speakers, watch video films. I dream to go to Britain or the USA. At our University international cooperation is a new direction. Every year many students have practical training in Great Britain and the USA. I hope to be one of them as it is a good chance to use English in practice.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 195 | Нарушение авторских прав

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